Originally, it’s nothing to laugh at centipede. If it’s bad, it’s a huge snow slope in front of me. I was lucky when I first entered the game at the top of the mountain. After Xuefeng made me a super famous name, it was me who did this stupid thing again. The snow line at the top of the mountain was loosened for a while, and then a lot of cracks appeared, and then large pieces of snow began to slide down the slope, and soon the snow pieces gathered more and more, and the speed was getting faster and faster. At the side of the mountain, it had become a snow wall several meters high, with a thunderous noise wrapped around the huge rocks and debris on the mountain and rushed down together. Before the centipede and I could react, they were completely rushed out by the shock wave-like snow line. The cliff behind was already the peripheral zone, and there was no place to take advantage of it. Together, we rushed along with several millions of tons of snow. The cliff fell to the forest below, but the accident did not end there.

"Ouch..." I plopped and fell to the ground, but then I found that I was not in the forest, but lying on a flat ground, all around the smoke, which was clearly Supreme Taoist's pill room. "How did I come out?"

"If you win, you will naturally come out." When I heard the voice, I realized that Supreme Taoist was standing behind me with a smile.

"I won?"

"Yes, the centipede flew out of the runway when falling off the cliff, so you won."

"That's the case?"

"Why don't you count?"

I was blocked by Supreme Taoist's sentence, so I will look back at that one. incense burner, it's just a fucking toy. I thought I needed to fight the enemy after entering, who knew it was a super tricky weapon, but...this thing is really fucking useful! Just now, I have discovered that my speed attribute has increased by a few hundred points. Obviously, it is due to the contribution of centipede. How can such an obvious improvement be said to be useless?

"Old gentleman, is the way this thing gets the reward attribute related to the content of the competition?"

Supreme Taoist explained as a student that can be taught: "Yes . What you just compared with that centipede is speed, so after victory, speed is what you get. If you encounter another competition next time, you will naturally get other benefits."

"Then can I control What about the content of the game?” Although adding any attributes is a good thing, if you can control it, you can increase your efficiency. Although unsatisfied is not a commendation, you can’t be human without such a mind.

"haha, this thing is a cultivation thing with entertainment functions. If you can control it at will, it is not a plaything but a sacred relic!"

"This is also reasonable By the way, how long have I been in just now?" Supreme Taoist stretched out three fingers, I was a little surprised. "It's 30 minutes? How come I don't feel that long?" In fact, it's not that I don't feel that long, but that it's really not that long. Unlike humans, I’m affected by the environment. I’m Dragon Clan. I have a precise timer in my body. But it’s because of that thing that makes me more confused, because my timer clearly shows that I entered the incense burner for only three seconds. .

Sure enough, Supreme Taoist corrected: "You only went in for three seconds. This Gu clock has a feature that it will speed up the Time Flow Speed ​​inside. As long as you can adapt, it will keep going. Accelerate, so your cultivation time may not be proportional to the outside."

Supreme Taoist's so-called acceleration time is actually just a special function of a game helmet. According to Longyuan’s biological research, the thinking reaction speed of the human brain is actually much faster than the human body’s activity limit. That is to say, our body consciousness limits the speed of thinking, but this limitation does not obliterate the high-speed operation ability of the brain. Just let the brain gradually get used to the speed of the body and slow down. The game helmet of "Zero" will cut off the consciousness connection between the body and the brain after it is connected to the human consciousness. At this time, the brain is no longer restricted by the body, but the problem is that once the habit cannot be changed, so I just entered the game. At that time, everyone is still doing things at the speed in reality. This is the so-called habit becomes natural. Originally, as the game time increases, everyone’s consciousness speed will gradually increase, but the problem is that the online time of "Zero" players is not the same, and personal acceptance and physiological differences also determine how everyone adapts to the high-speed mode. In addition, after the game starts, people in reality will not all become players at the same time. You have to consider that some people will continue to join the game after the game has been operated for a period of time. If the game speed is too fast, these newcomers will definitely not be able to adapt. Therefore, in order to ensure everyone's normal game state, we can only use the actual speed to run the game, so that everyone can accept it, and no one will feel any discomfort. But now this Magical Artifact called Gu Zhong is different. This thing is a single-player training device, which is only targeted at one person at a time. There is no need to lower the standard. It can be speeded up according to the adaptability of the access person. I’m Dragon Clan, and my brain runs much faster than humans. As a result, that thing simulates all the things I experienced just now at an extremely terrifying speed in three seconds.

"I really didn't think you could adapt to such a speed of Time Flow Speed, no wonder you can have today's achievements." At this point, Supreme Taoist suddenly said as if thinking of something: "Oops, forget the major event Now, just stay here for a while, I'll go back." I didn't wait for me to answer and disappeared.

Supreme Taoist disappeared, and it’s not good for me to leave now. After thinking about it, I decided to enter the Gu clock again for training. The speed attribute just now really made me feel greedy. This thing Adding attributes is so crazy, and it doesn't waste much time, it's a waste of not using it too much. But...what exactly is there to use as a sparring partner here? Looking around here, it seems that there are no creatures available, after thinking about it, I decided to go out and find something to train opponents.

According to Supreme Taoist’s vague explanation and the attributes I read about this thing, it’s roughly determined that the training effect of this thing has nothing to do with the opponent you put in, which means that it doesn’t matter whether you put a dragon in or put it in. If the ants go in, your chances of winning and the possible rewards are the same, so there is no need to demand any special opponents. Since this thing didn’t pick an opponent at all, I didn’t have to look for it deliberately. I went directly to the Four Great Heavenly Kings stationed at South Heaven Gate for help. When they heard that I only needed some common animals, they immediately threw out their magic weapon and gave it to me in an instant. I brought back a bunch of messy creatures. This Gu clock will only show one enemy at a time, and the creatures placed in the plural at a time will only be stored and appear in the order of placement in each challenge. Anyway, I don’t care what the enemy is. Went in. After solving the opponent's problem, I was afraid that Supreme Taoist would not be able to find me, so I ran back to the pill room and started playing the Gu clock again.

This time I jumped in and I have more experience than last time. I stood still and waited to read the rules.

It’s different from the last time I came in. This time I appeared on a huge piece of ice. The surrounding area was even more chilly. The frozen human nose was numb, and it was on the ground not far from me. On the top stood a huge colorful spider the size of a beetle car, but it didn't seem to be a devil beast from the look of this guy. I remember that Supreme Taoist said before that this place will automatically strengthen or weaken my opponents so that their overall strength is on the same level as mine, so I think this may be an ordinary spider, which was later strengthened to be like this. After all, the Four Great Heavenly Kings didn't use too much effort to collect those creatures before. They would definitely not be able to collect too strong creatures. Besides, if such a big spider were among those creatures, I would definitely have an impression.

I was staring at the spider in a daze. Suddenly I heard a click. Two cracks suddenly appeared on our feet. The cracks quickly extended along the ice, and soon I couldn’t see the striker. , And then there was another loud noise. The ice surface was broken as a whole. Except for the part located between the two cracks, the other parts turned into broken ice slag, but the remaining part looked like a meander. The winding road. Just at this time the prompt sounded suddenly again. "The first person to reach the end of the ice track wins, the person who falls into the water loses the judgment. Flying is forbidden while moving. You can use auxiliary tools and you can attack each other. The game starts now."

The prompt is very simple, but the one beside me The spiders did not react slowly, but this guy was not as explosive as the previous centipede. Just kidding, how many legs does the centipede have? Although there are many spider legs, they are not of the same level after all. After the ascension was over, the big spider began to rush, looking like a huge siege tank, but I didn't worry much about it. What can't you fly? My dragon armor is equipped with ice skates. Could it be that you still can't run through your eight legs? The toes slammed on the ground, and the back blade behind the calf immediately flipped to the bottom of the foot and connected to the protruding support to form an ice skate, stomping hard to the ground, and the ice skate immediately cut into the ice surface. After threw away the ice skate on the other foot, I immediately started it. Although Big Spider was a little late, the speed was faster than it. I don’t know how much. The best short-track speed skater can create the speed of a car. My physical strength is much stronger than that of the athlete. Even if the technique is not as good as others, at least I have enough strength. After a few steps, the speed is getting faster and faster. Finally, it is simply fast as lightning. When the spider noticed, I flashed past it, and in a blink of an eye I threw it away.

I won this game without any suspense, and finally I got some speed bonus rewards. I entered the Gu clock again with excitement, but this time I was dumbfounded. What appeared in front of me was a giant octopus the size of a three-unit sixth layer residential building with a bare head, and I just learned that this competition turned out to be hand-to-hand combat. "Oh my God? Don't bring people like this!"

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