"Okay!" In the end, the Jade Emperor had no choice but to compromise. Celestial Court cares more about Buddhism than it might make me out of control. After all, they can't do it now. It is said that it is completely in control of me, even if it is out of control, there is nothing at worst. On the contrary, Buddhism poses a fundamental threat to the existence of Celestial Court. It is still clear which one is more important than the Jade Emperor. "Taibai Jinxing."


"You go get the Spirit Bead and give it to President Purple Moon."

"Yes, Jade Emperor "

"Purple Moon!" After the Jade Emperor gave instructions to Taibai Jinxing, he said to me: "Celestial Court knows that it is dangerous for you to face Buddhism directly in the mortal world, so I specially prepared for you. Some life-saving things."

"Life-saving things?"

Jade Emperor gestured to Supreme Taoist nodded, Supreme Taoist immediately took out a bottle gourd and walked to mine. before. "Put out your hand." I stretched out a hand, and Supreme Taoist immediately poured two black coal-like objects from the bottle gourd into my hand.

"What is this?"

"Anti-Soul Pill."

"What is it for?"

"Each pill can To offset one death. There are two grains here, that is, two opportunities."

"Then how do I use it? Will it automatically take effect after each death?"

"You are now You can eat both of them, and it will automatically take effect the next time you die, helping you to offset the two death penalty."

"Then many thanks." Asked not to take the free, not to take.

I have finished the Immortal Pill here and Taibai Jinxing has brought back the Spirit Bead. I will press the Spirit Bead directly on the chest of the armor, and the Spirit Bead will be automatically inserted into it immediately. In the armor. This thing has an advantage over ordinary equipment, that is, it automatically adsorbs with other equipment, so it doesn't take up space on the body.

After installing the Spirit Bead, the expressions of the surrounding Divine Immortal all changed. I quickly set the startup mode to be controlled by me. If I keep this thing turned on, after the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court Seeing me will definitely walk around. After all, for Divine Immortal, standing next to me is like being sealed by more than half of his power. Who has a brain disease and likes to make himself weak every day?

As soon as I turned off the Spirit Bead, the expressions of the Divine Immortal on the other side returned to normal, and then the Jade Emperor explained some precautions to me and sent me out. After leaving the Lingxiao Hall, I did not leave Celestial Court immediately, but intercepted Erlang Shen.

"Purple Moon President Purple Moon has something to do with me?" Erlang Shen felt a little strange seeing me waiting for him outside.

I smiled and leaned forward and said: "This...to tell you, I am here to borrow something from you."

"Look at me to borrow something? You want to borrow something. What is it?" Erlang Shen's face turned green when he heard that I was going to borrow something. I was at Celestial Court, but I was notoriously borrowing something and not returning it.

"You don’t want to react so much, okay?" I comforted Erlang Shen first, and then said: "Actually, it’s not a very important thing, and I will definitely pay it back, because I think You can’t take it by force!"

"What on earth do you want to borrow?"

"I want to borrow your Howling Celestial Dog."

"What? You want to borrow Howling Celestial Dog?" Erlang Shen heard that I want to borrow Howling Celestial Dog and Lima jumped up. Howling Celestial Dog is his treasure, how can it be so easy to borrow?

I said with a smile while rubbing my hands, "You know! I want the lower realm to find the buddhism lair! But you also know that the lower realm is not as big as the upper realm. , That’s the Three Famous Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains boundless! Now I have no clues at all, I don’t need your Howling Celestial Dog to start and I don’t know how to check it down!"

"This ......!" Although it was difficult for Erlangshen to lend out Howling Celestial Dog, he felt that it was a business after hearing what I said, and it was not easy to reject it. After thinking about it for a long time, Erlangshen unexpectedly said something. After waiting, I waited at the gate of Lingxiao Temple for two hours. Two hours later, Erlangshen finally rushed back energetic and bustling. He was still holding something in his hands. It seemed that he was not too small.

"You asked me to wait here for more than two hours just to get this thing?"

Erlang put the thing on the ground with a clattering sound, and then very Excitedly said to me: "If you know what's installed here, you won't be so angry. I promise you know the purpose of this thing. You will never mind waiting two more hours."

"Oh? Isn't this a baby?" After hearing what Erlangshen said so exaggerated, I immediately became energetic. If this thing is really as powerful as Erlangshen said, then I will make a lot of money.

After seeing me getting serious, Erlang Shen said triumphantly: "The Evil Spirit spirit contained in it is the most violent Spiritual Qi at the beginning of the formation of Heaven and Earth."

"Huh? Spiritual Qi?" After hearing Erlangshen's explanation, Lima jumped up. "Hell, you have tossed for a long time and brought me a balloon?" The round and round container held by Erlang looked like a big copper ball, and since it was filled with Spiritual Qi, it was considered a kind of gas. So I said that this thing is a balloon. It’s not wrong.

"Hehe, don’t underestimate this thing. My Howling Celestial Dog was originally a relatively ordinary domestic dog. Later, after I became a god, it followed me as a god dog, but at that time The Howling Celestial Dog is actually not very strong. A Divine Beast can defeat him, but then Howling Celestial Dog accidentally discovered this ruthless aura, and then it evolved into the way it is now. You Do you think this thing is very useful?"

"What? Howling Celestial Dog's current strength is based on this thing?"

"Of course, am I like a liar?" "

"But why don't you take this thing out and strengthen it with others?"

Erlangshen wilted as soon as he heard this. "It’s not that I don’t want to, but I don’t dare. The reason why Tian Evil Spirit Qi is called Tian Evil Spirit Qi is because the fiendish qi is too heavy. Even if it is contaminated with a little bit, it can stimulate the creatures to become stronger, but the consequences are very unstable and die. The probability is relatively high, and even if it succeeds, it is uncertain whether the final thing will become a monster that is irrational and only knows to destroy, so I have never dared to use it to strengthen others."

"Damn, you dare to use it for others? Do you think I am a little white mouse?"

"Are you different from us! You will be fine with it."< /p>

"Why do you have trouble and I am fine? If you don't make it clear, I don't dare to use it indiscriminately."

"This is very simple, because we are all righteous gods, and we have morality and rank. Strength, Evil Spirit Qi is also a powerful force, but it carries too many negative emotions, so when we use it, it seems like pouring water into the fire, not only can’t help us improve our strength, it will hurt us. Your own foundation. You are different. Most of the power in you is resentment and murderous aura, which itself is a changed hostility, so this thing can’t be better for you."

< p>"so that's how it is." I nodded, and then asked: "How to use this thing?"

"It's very simple, just use any part of the body to touch it, and this The power belonging to the destruction system is different from the power of our righteous gods. This power has an immediate effect, and the results can be seen immediately after contact."

"So good? That's it. I'll try it now." After thinking about it, I still feel that although the effect of using it for myself will be more obvious, but the danger is also higher, so I should first do an experiment on the unimportant summon creature. After thinking about it, I gave summon two of my Tree Demons. These two Tree Demon belong to my large Purple Moon and small Silver Moon respectively. The Tree Demon of Purple Moon is Tree of Life. Its function is to absorb all the surrounding sunlight and other energy sources to provide magic power and life value for itself. It is equivalent to a long-term recovery accelerator. The Rainbow Tree function of Silver Moon is quite terrifying. This thing can produce a wide range of hypnotic effects, and it can directly produce lethality in the form of toxin attack. It is also a very powerful creature.

Because these two trees are guild guardians rather than my own summon creatures, I can actually replace them at any time, so it’s safest to use them for time, in case something goes wrong at Worst change one, don’t worry about any loss at all. With the help of Erlangshen, I guided a trace of black heavenly Evil Spirit energy to the two trees. According to Erlangshen, the Evil Spirit Qi itself only plays a catalytic role, so the key lies in whether it is exposed or not, and the amount of exposure actually has little effect on the final result. When the two traces of black air drifted into the canopies of the two trees, they were immediately absorbed, but after waiting for more than 30 seconds, there was no change at all.

"Hey, you are not a lie, right?"

Erlangshen himself is a question mark, and can only argue that he is not a lie, but we During the arguing, I suddenly found that Tree of Life suddenly reacted. Probably the response of the plant itself is relatively slow, so Tree of Life took the lead to change after more than forty seconds. The original lush and green Tree of Life suddenly lost all its leaves, and a nice big tree instantly turned into a bare trunk. This scene confuses both me and Erlangshen. .

"Damn, are you Spiritual Qi or a herbicide? Why are the leaves all gone?"

Erlangshen himself also somewhat guilty said: "I also don't Quite clear, after all, apart from Howling Celestial Dog, this is the second time I have seen creatures contacting the Evil Spirit, so I’m not sure what the situation is!"

"You guy, Something I didn’t know actually used me as an experiment. I strangled you and me..." I said, rushing towards Erlangshen, pinching his neck and swaying desperately, Erlangshen wanted to resist. , But it was hard to find that I had actually opened the Spirit Bead on my chest. His power had been limited to the level of an ordinary person, and he couldn't move me.

"cough cough...don't pinch...you'll kill you if you pinch...hey...wait...hurry up...look at it...there's another change!"

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