"Are there any mistakes, why do I have to make trouble every time I go offline? Are the Japanese optimistic about my absence, so I deliberately made trouble?"

"Boss, it's not the Japanese who made trouble this time, but the situation in the country!"

"Domestic? What can happen in the country?"

"It's Buddhism in China Power!"

"Buddhism? Didn’t they be driven out of China by us?"

"The problem is that they are rooted in India! We have eliminated that There are still a large group on the side!"

"Are they fighting back again?"

"Not only did they fight back, but they also brought back a stronghold city in the back where our guild had just tried their best. Get rid of it!"

"What? A stronghold city?"

"It's the kind of city that hoards supplies." The member who spoke said, "You don't usually care about the guild. It’s normal if we don’t know about it. Our guild can often get some very important materials, all of which are inconvenient to pile up in Isinger, so we set up some warehouses specifically for hoarding materials. A city, such a city is a stronghold city. The recently completed city has just been transported in a piece of stardust sand and refined magic powder the day before yesterday, worth hundreds of millions of crystal coins! Didn't expect it was given by Buddhism!"

"Huh? Hundreds of millions of materials have been given to us by Buddhism?" I have not had any reaction when I heard Buddhism counterattack our city. Now it is almost necessary to hear that hundreds of millions of materials have been put in one pan. Jump up. "Where is Rose?"

"Miss Rose is mobilizing materials from other cities to cope with the supply chain break caused by this loss, hoping to reduce the loss as much as possible."

"Where are the eagles?"

"The two Vice-Presidents are now on the front line and cannot return."

"Front line? Which front line?"

"Eagle Vice-President is on the front line in Europe, and Hong Yue Vice-President is on the front line in Japan."

"What about the city that was attacked here? Did no one organize a counterattack?"

"It's not that no one is organized, but there is no way to organize it!" the member said helplessly.

I grabbed the guy by the collar with both hands and almost lifted him from the ground. "Why?"

"The Buddhism gang did not occupy the city at all. After they broke the city, they implemented the Sanguang policy like the bandits. Now the city has become a ruin, and the Buddhism people did not. Occupy the city, even if we want to fight, there is no place to start!"

I nodded this member down. "I'm sorry, I'm so excited! I'll go to the military god first, what should you do to do it yourself!"

"It's okay, I can understand your mood, President."

< p>I waved my hand weakly and then turned around. The cloak behind me slammed away. The player watched my energetic and bustling go away and had no choice but to shook the head to take care of his own affairs, and I quickly rushed to the place where the military god was. "Report the situation."

The military god saw me entering his guild general control room and did not issue any questions. After hearing my order, he immediately began to execute it. The hemispherical ceiling of the entire room It immediately became a huge projection screen, and a map of China was displayed on the up ahead screen. The screen first marked a point, and then enlarged it to the point where the city's mountains and rivers could be seen. Then the military god explained the battlefield situation while checking the changes in the screen. In general, this time Buddhism hit us completely unprepared. The guild is developing a battle abroad recently. We didn’t expect that the backyard will catch fire at this time. Compared with the guild stationed abroad, those in our guild are like hedgehogs. In Fortress City, most of the domestic cities have only built a simple city wall. After all, we didn’t expect this kind of thing to happen in China before this time.

After reporting the specific losses and the battle, the military god projected the situation of Buddhism. "This is the message that our intelligence system has just sent back. Obviously, the previous operation of extermination of Buddha was not thorough. Our country still has a lot of potential Buddhism forces left, but this can only be said to be some kind of fire, which they induced. This time the "fire", but the "fuel" of the flame is not the "flame" itself, but a part of our country that is pro-Buddhism or ordinary players who have a variety of interests, even just for a little immediate benefit. "Speaking of the military's divine ability, I looked back at my expression.

"Go on." My gloomy face said.

The military god turned back and began to explain speaking of which, but my face became worse as I listened. I really didn't expect that the inferiority of human beings could be stubborn to such an extent. No wonder father and them have to carry out Dragon Clan's development plan under various pressures. If mankind is allowed to develop like this, sooner or later mankind will kill themselves all. It sounds like this Buddhism attack on us is just a simple retaliation incident, but a closer look will reveal that this incident actually exposed a lot of our domestic players’ problems. Although Buddhism is the lead, the main force in this attack is not Buddhism. They used the materials hoarded by our guild as a bait to draw a large group of ordinary players to their war chariot by writing a bad check, and these people obviously knew that our guild was blocked in China in the current national war. The strongest shield and sharpest sword between Japan and Japan, and at this time, there are people who will attack us for a little material to protect their shield and their sword. What kind of thing is this? What kind of people can do? This is simply something that a group of fools can do, and there are so many fools like this to the point where they can knock down the city of our guild. Although I don’t know how much defensive power is in the city that was captured, even if the city in our guild is only a second-tier city, its defensive power will not be so weak that it is impossible to withstand a single blow, at least the opponent’s. The number must be large enough, otherwise the guardian of each city in our guild will not be able to pass the level of "Jingling". These magical creatures are the first line of defense after our guild established the city. Although their level is not high, the number is extremely terrifying. If the opponent does not pay some painful price, it is definitely impossible to break through this line of defense, and this bunch of fools It's a breakthrough. What made me tremble with anger was that after the city was ransacked, there were many scattered players who came to the city to pick up the tatters, and because of this, they fought with the rescue team that arrived after our guild. When I heard this, I wanted to catch these people and knock them off their heads to see if they were filled with stool. Is this unimaginable?

"Can you find out who participated in this operation?"

"I can roughly analyze some, but there will definitely be omissions."

< p>"The people who can be found are listed as blacklists, and these people are set as hostile members of the guild. All members of the guild are notified. In the future, no matter what occasions, they will be eliminated as soon as they are found. If they are not as strong as the other party It is called reinforcement. This kind of precedent must not be opened. If we can't kill this gust, we will treat all Chinese players outside of our guild as enemies!"

The god of war is also nodded. "My logic analysis unit also agrees with your decision. I will issue an order and activate the information system carried by each member, so that as long as the people on the list appear next to the people in our guild, they will be identified, even if we 'S members can't remember so many people. I can also find those people through their personal information crystal."

I am nodded. "You go to do it right away, I'm going to the scene to see the situation."


This time, the incident really made me very angry. When the external pressure is blocked for the players in China, there are people who stabbed us in the back. What is the situation? This is even more traitor than traitor. Although there were many traitors when the Japanese invaded during World War II, they were afraid of death. How many can be considered a reason, and these people? Buddhism is not a Super Influence, and it is basically impossible to threaten their safety. They would openly ransack our city for that empty check. I can't figure out why there are so many idiots these years!

After appearing in the Transmission Formation of the attacked city with a stomachache, I was stunned by the sight in front of me. Looking at this devastated city, I can hardly imagine that the people in our country did it by themselves. How can this be done to the city in my country? This is simply more than the Nanjing massacre back then. There is basically no intact building left in the city. There are ruined walls blacked out by the fire everywhere. Although it has been two days, many places are still suffering from the damage. Smoke, some laborers and NPC soldiers from our guild are cleaning up the ruins. Under those ruins, some free NPC bodies can be found from time to time. These players have not even let go of free NPCs. You must know that there are players in the game. Auxiliary profession, but generally speaking, players are not suitable for production, and "Zero" is a completely simulated real world. The materials in it are not changed at all, and they are all produced through various labors of free NPCs. , And the free NPC itself is also the main source of the player's guild to recruit NPC soldiers. For a country in the game, these free NPCs are a kind of resource, and it is the most important kind of resource. I can hardly imagine any one with normal intelligence. People will kill all the free NPCs in their own cities. Even if we fight with the Japanese, we haven’t intentionally killed any free NPCs. These players from our own country even give the free NPCs in our city. Killed all, is this still human behavior? Wild beast knows to protect their own food resources. These people actually destroy their own country's resources just like playing. Are they still intelligent humans?

"President!" A greeting voice appeared, and then the president yelled non-stop around. Everyone who saw me appeared stopped. Obviously many people didn't expect I will show up at this time.

I can only nod to the side of the road roughly as a response to everyone’s greetings, but seeing the current scene, my mood is really good does not raise. All the way, except for ruins or ruins, here is simply It was worse than the new Nanjing that was destroyed by air-fuel bombs. I had to return to Isengard in advance because there was basically nothing to see here. I really couldn't find anything to see besides the ruins. ! After returning to the military god, I made up another order. "Order all intelligence agencies to find out the location of the individuals or guilds involved in the attack, and transfer 20 hunting squads to be responsible for eradicating these people."

"The order has been issued. "The god of war quickly finished the issuance of the order, and then he asked me: "Do humans think that traitors are more hateful than enemies?"

"I am no longer human, so my answer may not represent humans. Thoughts, but at least I think it is like this."

The military god nodded turned back to work on his work, as if he had never spoken before. After thinking about it, I still feel that this matter does not seem to be our own business, because even if Buddhism returns in a swirl of dust, there is no need to set the target on us. It should be Celestial Court, not our guild, that really destroyed Buddhism. Therefore, Buddhism’s revenge is also trouble with Celestial Court. Finding us is just a signal of the beginning. In this incident, it was just the pond fish that suffered from the fire in the city gate. .

"hmph, you dare to use me as a pond fish!" I thought about it again and said to the military shinto again: "I will list all the possible hiding places of Buddhism for me immediately. The mouse cannot be turned out. I want them to know that our Frost Rose League is not a pond fish. Even if we are, we are also a prehistoric crocodile. If you dare to beat us, you will have the consciousness of being bitten off by Lao Tzu!"

The speed of the army god is super fast, and he quickly gave out a comprehensive analysis of all the information of our guild to obtain a list of possible Buddhism hiding places, and I immediately turned around after getting the list Went to Transmission Formation. Of course, I didn't go directly to trouble with Buddhism. Although I am not light enough, I am not yet dizzy. The biggest advantage of Dragon Clan is that feelings do not affect my reason. Even if Buddhism is no longer the huge monster it used to be, it used to be able to compete with Celestial Court. The so-called a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, the ship still has three thousand nails, even if it’s now in dilapidated condition. Buddhism is not something I can go to play in the gym alone. Since this time we are the pond fishes that have been hit, then it is unreasonable that all losses shall be borne by us, right? Celestial Court, the city gate is not topped. We can’t really let us pond fish topped before, right? Even if we are big crocodiles, we can't be stupid, can we help others?

When I arrived at Celestial Court, the heavenly soldiers guarding South Heaven Gate saw me and immediately greeted me. One of the gods blocked my way and said, "It turns out to be President Purple Moon. I don’t know this time. What is Aiya...!"

"Get out of the way."

The guy was pulled aside by me before he finished speaking, but the guy looked at me The aggressive guy walked into South Heaven Gate and didn’t catch up. He just went through a program anyway. My current Celestial Court is basically a fiend in human form type of existence. All fools know that it’s not good for me to provoke me, anyway. I don't always trouble him, he doesn't bother to care about it.

"Jade Emperor, Jade Emperor. Where are the people? Where are you going?" I yelled as I walked towards the Lingxiao Hall. Anyway, I'm here to collect debts, and I have an imposing manner when I have a more horizontal attitude. , This is called slam dunk. "Hello? Is there anyone? Buddhism has hit the door, do you guys care?"

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