The tortured succubus began to explain weakly. "I am the succubus in the Dark God Palace in Europe. Some time ago, I broke through to the Divine Grade level, and then I was overwhelmed and wanted to build a new power by myself. However, the plan was discovered by Titans before the plan was completed. When it came to the attack of Titans. After that, Titans didn't kill me, but locked me up. Then I confused the guard and ran out. Then I went to China and established in a small place..."

The succubus was interrupted by the wave of my hand as long as he talked about it. "Okay." The succubus looked at me suspiciously, wondering why I suddenly stopped letting her say. I turned my head and gestured to Brigitte. Seeing Brigitte walking towards her, the succubus immediately screamed.

"No, you can't torture me! What did I say wrong?"

"It's not what you said wrong, but your attitude." I explained slowly. Said: "I have said it before, I just want to hear the truth, but you test my patience again and again. Tell you the truth! I simply have no patience, so this time I plan to change you. Values.” Seeing the confusion and fear on the succubus’s face, I added: “Before you may think that death is a terrifying thing, but after a while you will firmly believe that sometimes death is also a good thing.” After I finished speaking, I gave Brigitte a wink, and Brigitte suddenly disintegrated.

Similar to Inverite, Brigitte is also a mechanical lifeform, and her appearance looks more like that kind of robot with a surreal idea. In her, you can’t see the pipes and lines on the robot in reality, nor can you see parts such as the connecting rods of hydraulic devices, and you can’t even think of her as a mechanical lifeform as long as she doesn’t move. . Strictly speaking, Brigitte should be regarded as a kind of magical device. She is similar to a magical but more special existence. Although Brigitte’s body has the general structure of a human being, all of her body parts are very smooth, without the feeling of a mechanical body at all. On the contrary, it looks like a work of art, and she has a very cool feature, that is Her limbs, torso and head are detachable. According to work needs, she can do some deformation within a certain range, and the deformation process is quite fancy.

Now Brigitte is suddenly disintegrated, and the warrior Avatar who controls the succubus suddenly throws the succubus up. After Brigitte’s disintegration, all parts of her body immediately surge up, as if wearing armor. The same was put on the body of the succubus, and her whole body was wrapped. After all this was done, Brigitte fell back to the ground again, and then her head suddenly unfolded automatically, revealing the head of the succubus inside.

"Master, the imprisonment has been completed, do you want to start powering on now?"

I nodded. "First use one-thousandth of the power for an instantaneous release of one-tenth of a second, and let's test the effect."

"Understand." With Brigitte's answer, the succubus trapped in her body Suddenly she screamed, but she stopped quickly, because after all, it only lasted a thousandth of a second. When the succubus finished calling Brigitte, he said, "All the features are normal, and you can use it normally."

"OK, then increase it tenfold first, and turn it on to one percent of the power. Let’s try it for a second for now."

"don't, don't, don't...Don't..." Although the succubus desperately called no, Brigitte and I were both He didn't feel soft, and the test was completed in an instant. As a result, the succubus screamed suddenly. Hearing the sound, he knew that it was worse than last time.

This time I didn’t use Brigitte to report this time. I can see that the succubus is actually quite resistant. Although her specialty is not defense, the succubus is a branch of Demon Race. Although the strength of the succubus is not high, The life force is extremely strong. To put it bluntly, it is Xiaoqiang's life. Don't look at the miserable torment now, in fact, she won't kill her at all.

"Please, don’t torture me anymore! I said, I promise to tell the truth this time."

"I also know you will probably tell the truth this time, but As I said before, you still have to accept the punishment once, so as not to accidentally forget to tell the truth." After I said that, I turned to Brigitte and said, "This time I use 1.5%. Power, one second every time, one second apart, twenty times in a row."

When I heard my words, the succubus began to shake his head desperately, and it was different from the previous begging for mercy. She actually cried this time. It looks really miserable, if ordinary people can't help letting her go, but it is a pity that I am not an ordinary person. Human emotions are affected by hormones. As long as it is not for people who look at too many nerves, they are generally controlled by various emotional hormones. This is also one of the important sources of human emotions. But our Dragon Clan is not the same, because Dragon Clan's body's secretion of hormones related to emotions is relatively low, and the body of Dragon Clan itself is very low in response to hormones and other substances, so our emotions are relatively weak, generally very low. There are few relatively large emotional fluctuations, especially when our reason is involved in controlling the body, we can almost completely shield our own emotional factors, which is difficult for humans to achieve.

In the succubus begging for mercy, the electric type officially started. Each one-second electric shock is actually not much huge might, but ten times in a row is enough. The succubus was still there at the beginning. By the fifth time, there was obviously no sound. At the end of ten times, she almost fainted.

"Okay, can you tell me the truth now?" I didn't ask Brigitte to let go of the succubus, but just trapped her in this way, which can cause greater psychological pressure.

The succubus replied feebly: "I said, I said, I really dare not lie to you this time!"

"Okay, say it, I listen Come on!"

"I was originally an ordinary succubus belonging to the Dark God Palace in Europe. Later, I secretly absorbed the dark energy that Dark God Palace used to give to the Dark Lord, and then broke through to Divine Grade. After Ditans knew it, he was very angry and wanted to kill me, but I escaped..."

"Brigitte." The succubus was still there and said that I directly addressed Brigitte. Said: "Three percent power, three seconds for the first time, two seconds apart each time, each time is one second longer than the last time, ten times in a row."

"No, wait...! "

The succubus's begging for mercy was replaced by the screams, but I was completely indifferent to it. I waited until the punishment was over before I said to the succubus with smoke all over, "You are really a dead duck." I’m so stiff, I’m trying to lie to me, but the more you lie to me, the more I want to know the answer. If you like to be tortured, then I will torture you slowly. I’m not in a hurry anyway."

"I... I'm telling the truth!" The succubus said dying: "What's wrong with me? You told me!"

"Let me tell you how you changed this The question continues to make up stories to lie to me? It seems that your punishment is still too light! Xiaochun, use your healing skills to treat her without interruption, don't let her die. Brigitte, drive to a hundred Five-quarter power, thirty seconds each time, five seconds apart, twenty times in a row."

"No...!" The succubus's voice was replaced by screams again, but this time she The cry is longer, because Xiaochun has been treating her. She was cured as soon as she was injured by the electric shock, and then she was injured and treated again. Such repeated stimulation was the most tormenting.

After the continuous electric shocks were over, I asked Xiaochun to treat her to the point where she could talk, then stopped, and then asked again: "Can I hear the truth now?"

"Yes, I can! I can't do it anymore. I'll tell you, I just beg you to stop torturing me!"

"Then you can talk about it first."

"I was actually a succubus with no alignment, but by a coincidence, I got all the dark energy that should have belonged to Titans, and then...what did I say wrong?" The succubus has also learned to be smart, and I noticed a change in my expression as soon as I said this.

"Although I don’t know what you have done to Titans, you must have gotten something terrible, and you were tortured so that you would not say anything. It seems that there is no strong medicine for you. I won’t succumb. I didn’t intend to use such cruel things on you, but I can’t help it. Who told you to refuse to cooperate! Ling, let’s start."

Ling from me I walked over and asked me: "Where to start first?"

I looked at the succubus face for a few seconds and said, "Forget it, I'm still not enough cruel! This time! Let’s get rid of a toe first! This will not affect the beauty."

"Understood." Following Ling's answer, Brigitte immediately released a leg of the succubus, and then cooperated with Ling on the warrior Avatar Next he took off one of the succubus's boots.

The succubus was very puzzled by our behavior, but she knew that what we were going to do next was a more cruel punishment than electrocution, so she screamed in horror. "What the hell are you doing?"

Ling explained while preparing tools: "I used to serve as the dark Goddess of the Dark God Palace in Asia, so... I know something that ordinary demons don't know. . The one I will use on you soon is one of them. This small technique is called soul cutting, which is actually the same as body cutting, except that it cuts the soul. You also know that when the pain of the body reaches a certain level, it will be numb. , So there is an upper limit. If you can bear even the upper limit of the pain that the body can bear, then the general physical torture will be of no use to you. But the cutting of the soul is different, because the soul does not carry the upper limit. , Unless your Soul Fire goes out, you will endure infinite pain, and once you use the soul to cut off a certain part of your body, then you will lose it forever, even if you find how powerful a healer is. Don't expect to recover, because the strongest level of healing spell is nothing more than birth art. But you have to know that birth art is actually reshaping the body according to the soul of the target. It will not let you grow what you don't have. Parts. After the soul is cut, you will even have a defect in your soul, and the copied body will naturally not be complete. Therefore, no matter how strong the treatment is, your disability will not be cured. But don't be too scared, my master This time I only asked me to cut off one of your toes. You also know that one or two toes are not a big problem, so don’t be afraid. Of course, you’d better tell the truth after I’m done, because next time the master I’m not sure what to cut."

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