"Really didn't expect in this world, there are creatures that are better at temptation than our succubus." That succubus obviously didn't believe what I said, after all, the succubus Demons are also one of the creatures of the Demon series. Except for some types of creatures that are close to normal, most of the demons are extremely mentally abnormal. Distrust of their companions is common sense of demons, and succubus is naturally among them. .

"Don't think that what others are telling is lies, at least I don't have any need to lie to you now." I stretched out my hand and motioned to the many familiars around me. "With them, I can say that it is not difficult to stop you."

"But not difficult does not mean that you don't need to pay a price. You cheat me to pay less. This is your purpose. "The succubus obviously belongs to intelligent creatures, and the level of intelligence is also high among all intelligent creatures, but I didn't expect that she even said the motives I deliberately concealed!

Since the other party has understood my intentions, there is no point in hiding it. I simply said: "Okay! You are right, but now that you know, how do you decide? ? Fight with us, or talk with us?"

"My choice is..." The succubus deliberately paused when she said that, and then she suddenly speeded up and rushed towards me.

When I saw the succubus rushing forward, my wings slammed forward, and my body immediately retreated backwards. The small dragon girl stood in front of me like lightning, and then opened her mouth to spit out. A flash of lightning. The succubus had suffered from the loss of Divine Dragon before, so she didn't dare to face the attack of the small dragon girl. She swooped and drew away the lightning, but when she fell, she found a cloud of white objects flying in front of her. . Although it is not clear what it is in the high speed, the succubus knew that it would definitely not be a good thing, so he immediately slammed its wings forward and leaned back and drew away the white object, but let her didn't. What I expect is that the group of things suddenly exploded in midair after flying over her head, and countless white suction filaments ejected from the white group and flew everywhere in all directions. Although she flashed quickly, she couldn't get out of the dense white thread anyway, and many white thread ends were glued to her armor.

After being touched by the silk thread, the succubus intends to break free immediately, only to find that these silk threads have amazing toughness and stickiness. The white thread that looks thin like a hair is actually pulling constantly. This is not the worst. What's worse is that a huge steel spider flew out of the huge white sphere connected to the other end of the silk thread.

Although my pet sickle is a thunder spider, the basic ability of spinning and forming webs has not been completely given up. In addition to the characteristics of ordinary spider silk, the powerful silk thread also has a common spider silk. The characteristic is that it is conductive.

"Ah..." The succubus who was struggling desperately felt a violent itching all over her body, and it quickly turned into a tingling and burning sensation, but no matter how hard she struggles, she will only earn more Tighter. But Divine Grade is Divine Grade after all. The succubus was still moving despite the screams of electricity. She suddenly gave up struggling and waved her wings and rushed towards the sickle.

"The sickle gets out of the way." I commanded the battle in contact. After the sickle got the instruction, the spider silk entwined with the succubus broke instantly, followed him to launch a spider silk to the ground, and then violently pulled, the body immediately fell like a stone. The sickle itself can't fly. The reason it used to fly up from below was because Vajra threw him up from below. Now that there is a downward pull, it naturally falls immediately. The sudden drop of the sickle made the succubus lose her target, but she couldn't get off, because fortunately, she immediately jumped over from the side and grabbed her wings tightly with her two front paws, and then opened her mouth to spray the dragon. .

Although this is a Divine Grade succubus, the speciality of the succubus itself is not in the individual battle strength. Even if it is a Divine Grade succubus, the consequences of being sprayed by dragon flame at such a close distance Will be very serious. But just when luck was about to spit out the dragon flame, he suddenly turned his head to follow closely from behind and the plague that arrived was a spit of dragon flame. The plague was originally focused attention completely staring at the succubus, but didn't expect that he would suddenly be sprayed with dragon flame by his own brother, and he was planted out of the sky with flames all over his body. Jingjing and Xiaosan were dumbfounded when they saw the plague sprayed down by a lucky mouthful of dragon flame, and they were completely unsure of what had happened. Then I saw Lucky suddenly let go of the succubus in his hand, and then shook his head desperately with his claws holding his head as if dizzy, and his wings stopped, so that his body was also chasing the plague. Fell down.

"She is using the charm technique!" In the end, Ling's voice reminded us.

As soon as the reaction came over, Chili immediately caught the falling fortune and plague with his mind, and followed Princess to clean up and drive away the energy left by the succubus in the lucky head, so that luck returned to normal, but we are now But he was somewhat afraid of this succubus, so he didn't dare to act rashly anymore. You must know that the strongest state of a succubus should be the state after she has been carefully dressed up to fully display her own characteristics, but the succubus in front of her is wearing a set of women's armor with a helmet and a mask. Moreover, this armor is of a relatively large type, not to mention the figure, if it is not for the two raised parts of the chest that are different from the men's armor, even men and women cannot be distinguished. The succubus wearing such armor is equivalent to blocking her appearance and everything, under such circumstances, she can actually charm the lucky giant dragon of this level, which shows how strong her strength is. Although Giant Dragon Race cannot be said to be an absolutely invincible creature, after all, it is the top level existence of the devil beast system. No matter what aspect of the resistance, it is surprisingly high, including mental resistance. But fortunately, with this level of resistance, I can still be charmed. This is not a normal level!

"Don't get close to her yet. Except for Princess and the mage-type existences among us, everyone else will be charmed as soon as they come into contact with her." My reminder stopped my familiars. But the succubus didn't stop, because she had planned to kill me first.

Seeing her continue to fly towards me, the other familiars wanted to come up and help, but considering that they might become succubus's subordinates and hurt me when they approached, they couldn’t come up again. Help, Princess stood in front of me in the end. Although it is not god level existence yet, Princess is also the bloodline inheritance of High God at any rate. What's more, what she changed to cultivate is the power of charm, and the ability to resist the charm of succubus is not a big problem.

After the succubus flew up, it rushed towards me directly, and Princess was close behind me. Her job was to prevent me from being controlled by the succubus, and fighting was not her specialty. In fact, as long as I can guarantee that I won't be controlled, I'm actually the one who surpasses that succubus only in terms of battle strength.

Since the two of us were flying together, we naturally quickly turned and collided together. At the moment when the two of us were in contact, the eyes of the succubus hidden behind the helmet mask suddenly flashed, and I only felt that the picture in front of me seemed to freeze for a moment, but it immediately recovered. Without any hesitation, I waved my hand as a sword cut across. The succubus didn't expect her charm to fail. She thought I should have been controlled by her, but I suddenly attacked her with a sword. In surprise, she forgot to dodge and ended up. A sturdy sword, even if she encounters eternity with the power of her Divine Grade, it is not a joke. The sword swept directly across her chest. In addition to cutting open her armor, it also left a huge horrible to see wound on her body. The blood spurted out like a fountain. That charm The demon also carried it down.

"Is this done?" Masaka Matsumoto asked incredulously while standing on the ground watching the falling succubus.

I don’t know if it was to prove that Masaga Matsumoto has the potential of a crow's beak. The falling succubus suddenly turned over in the air when he fell to the top of the tree and turned back. She fell with her back down to face down, and then her pair of flapping wings suddenly spread out and changed the fall into a gliding in a beautiful arc, and instantly passed the heads of Matsumoto Masaga and rushed out of the enclosure. .

“Fucked!” After seeing the performance of that succubus, I knew I was fooled. I didn’t expect that there was such a cunning guy, and she was really cruel, for Fleeing unexpectedly took me a sword at all costs. I really felt the power of the sword just now, so I knew that it was definitely cut down, and the injury she suffered must not be lightened. In order to escape, the succubus is indeed a branch of the devil!

In fact, the succubus is not feeling well now. She did deliberately hit the sword just now, but she didn’t expect the sword to defend her multi-layer defense just like cutting tofu. It's all cut open. Although the armor on her body is a bit ugly, but the protection ability is absolutely excellent, and there is also a guardian high level Divine Grade on her body, which should have been foolproof, but who knows that after encountering that sword, it didn’t get up. effect. Although she managed to get out of the encirclement by the chance of falling, the wound on her chest sprayed out a large amount of blood at the moment she turned over and pulled up. She almost had no wings and cramps and fell off because of the pain. Fortunately, she persisted. .

When I saw the succubus slip out of the encirclement, I immediately chased it up. The succubus itself is not a speedy creature, and she was also injured, so she didn’t want to run away from me. Such an easy thing, but there will always be accidents at critical moments. Just when we thought that succubus would be overtaken and subdued by us, the situation on the court came to a 180 degree reversal, and the reason for the reversal was because of one of my demon pets-Xiaochun .

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