mountains burst and ground split, which is the most intuitive manifestation of the destructive power in nature. I simply couldn’t react to the sudden collapse of a mountain, and the huge amount of rock that came down suddenly reached my head. , And this time I just got a body. A rock weighing several tons hit my back first, causing me to stagger under my feet. Although I didn't fall, my center of gravity was already unstable, and the second rock that followed directly knocked me down without any accident. I was on the ground, and then the rest of the mountain crashed down and buried me under tens of thousands of tons of rocks.

"Don't stand stupid, dig!" The first person who reacted was Noreen, and her hands were not slow, so she ran over and picked up a rock that weighed several tons and threw it back. . My control spirit Vajra also rushed over quickly, and then waved his arms and threw rocks backward like two excavators. Vajra is much stronger than Norin both in strength and size. He digs up the rocks very quickly. Others don’t help anymore at the sight of this posture. Instead, they all step aside to make room for Vajra. Its play.

In about a few minutes, Vajra had dug a huge gully above the collapsed mountain, but I haven't seen my silhouette yet, but he is not in a hurry. Although the control of the spirit and the demon are different, they are all directly affected by my master. Whether I am alive or dead, they need to know more about the son of the night. Although Vajra can't see me now, he can feel my existence, and I can actually communicate with him, buried under the mountain. At such a close distance, it couldn't be easier to command your own spirit control.

Originally, Vajra saw that I was buried and didn’t know what to do. He heard Noreen say to dig quickly, so he started digging, but now it’s been buried for so long. I have regained contact with him under the mountain. Compared to Norin, who is not good at commanding, I am a professional who is much better. Vajra was digging, and suddenly received my order to stop. The people around hadn’t figured out why Vajra stopped suddenly and saw that his silhouette started to fade, and finally turned into a translucent state. Then it gradually sank into the collapsed mountain as if sinking into the water.

"What is he doing?" Matsumoto Masaka asked, somewhat confused about the situation.

gold coin said unsurely: "It seems to have received a direct order from Purple Moon."

Here they are wondering, and suddenly a mountain burst out After a burst of golden rays of light, it seemed as if an explosion had occurred. A large area of ​​the mountain suddenly exploded upwards. Suddenly, the gravel and muck flew around like a cannonball. The children of the night who hit them hurriedly found a bunker and hid. It wasn't until the stones fell to the ground that they dared to show up again.

"pei pei pei...!" I complained about coming out of the huge hole while spitting out the dirt in my mouth. "It's really unlucky, it made me eat a mouthful of soil!"

"Are you okay?" Matsumoto Masaga looked at me in surprise.

I immediately asked, "Do you want me to have something wrong?"

"no no no, of course I didn't mean that." Masaka Matsumoto hurriedly explained .

"Okay, okay, I know you just said it casually. By the way, what about the ghosts of the mountains?" After hearing what I said, everyone immediately pointed to the place where I just walked out with weird expressions. . I turned my head back in surprise and looked at the pile of gravel behind the hillside, and then asked incredulously: "Isn't it? All down?"

Matsumoto Masaka nodded said: "Although you are standing closer, the mountain ghosts are not much farther than you. Moreover, you are a speed type. They are all brute force types. How can you avoid them even if you can't dodge?" < /p>

"That's it. By the way, what about the ghost Spirit Bead?" I know the answer without answering when I see other people's eyes! "Forget it, dig it now!"

I just borrowed Vajra’s ability to combine to obtain Vajra’s super power, and then blasted away the rocks on my body from the inside, but the rocks in other places could not They are still piled up there. It is impossible to see the mountain ghosts below without removing all these stones. In desperation, I had to release all the summon creatures and start the mountain-moving operation. Fortunately, what we need to clean is not the entire mountain, but the collapsed cliff on the side, so the amount of work is not too large. Besides, we don't plan to clean it up, as long as we find the bead.

Under the premise that we have a lot of people and strength, after about an hour of digging, finally a Qilin warrior called. "Found it! Ah..." The Qilin warrior had just dug out a huge ghost hand and was planning to call us over. Who knew that the ghost hand suddenly reached out and pinched him in the palm of his hand. The tremendous pressure instantly screamed the Qilin warrior. But the Qilin warrior didn't hang up, because the mount Linmon next to him immediately rushed to the ghost hand after being pinched by his master. Lin Beast's teeth were not good-looking. After this bite, a large piece of meat was immediately torn off. The ghost hand let go when it hurt, and the Qilin warrior next to him immediately pulled his companion out. Vajra jumped from another place and grabbed the hand and violently lifted it up, and with a bang, a mountain ghost was pulled out from under the mountain. Although the mountain ghost was smashed all over the body, there were no life-threatening fatal injuries, so it was still very fierce after it came out, but Vajra's power was obviously much better than that of the mountain ghost, and the mountain ghost was firmly pressed in two strokes. On the ground and looked towards me, waiting for me to decide what to do with this big guy.

"Stun and put aside first."

After receiving my instructions, Vajra immediately punched the mountain ghost and knocked out the mountain ghost, and threw it aside. We continue to dig, because we have found the first mountain ghost, which means that we are not far from the other mountain ghosts. Sure enough, after digging up some rocks, a leg of another mountain ghost appeared underneath. Vajra used the old method to grab the ankle of the mountain ghost and pulled it out. But this mountain ghost was rather unlucky. It was hit on the head by a big rock, and now it has passed out. If it weren't for the chest moving up and down, we would just throw it away as a corpse. The mountain ghosts in the back are almost piled up and down, not to mention death, not many even fainted. The height of the mountain ghost's defense can be seen here.

"Did you find that bead?" I asked Vajra who was pulling the mountain ghost outside.

Vajra shook his head in a low, muffled voice and said, "I didn’t see it. Maybe there are other mountain ghosts buried in other places, or the beads finally fell and were Buried somewhere else."

Because Vajra made a lot of sense, so I thought so, but when I was about to ask them to continue digging, one of the mountain ghosts suddenly pointed at Another mountain ghost yelled: "It ate it! The ghost Spirit Bead was eaten by it."

Whhhhhh, our eyes all focused on the past, the identified mountain ghost Immediately jumped up and pinched the neck of the mountain ghost who reported him and shook it back and forth vigorously. It seemed that it was planning to kill the ghost, but its behavior revealed the truth. I have to say that the mountain ghost’s intelligence is really problematic. If he is immediately yelling to refute when other mountain ghosts are identified, maybe we will not be able to confirm it for a while, but its current behavior is clearly acknowledging itself. Eat that ghost Spirit Bead.

I winked at Vajra, and Vajra immediately jumped over and grabbed the shoulder of the mountain ghost who was actively attacking with one hand, and the other hand held down the collarbone of the mountain ghost that was pinched. Then he slammed it to both sides, and the mountain ghost that was trying to kill it was thrown out with a bang. The guy didn't react slowly after landing. As soon as he got up, he started to use all fours together to escape, but before he could run two steps, he was stomped on the ground by the lucky one that suddenly fell from the sky. Although the size of the mountain ghost is very large, but fortunately this type of dragon king-level giant dragon has a body length of more than 100 meters. In terms of body size, it is actually a few laps larger than the mountain ghost. The mountain ghost got down and didn't get up again.

I looked towards the whistleblower mountain ghost and asked: "Will the spirit bead that I eat will be absorbed immediately or in my stomach?"

The mountain ghost is very cooperative The replied: "It will be absorbed immediately, and then gathered here again, and in about a few days we will be fully integrated to enhance our strength." The mountain ghost pointed to his head.

Fortunately, he also has a body in reality, his intelligence is not low, and his IQ is even higher than that of human beings. Now when I heard what the mountain ghost said, I didn't need to give an order, and immediately opened his mouth and bit down the head of the mountain ghost. With a click, the skull cracked, and luckily opened his mouth to spit out half of the skull, and then put his paws into the head of the mountain ghost that had become a mass of paste for a while, and quickly took out one big and one small two beads . The larger one is the ghost Spirit Bead that we have seen before, and the lower one is probably the Spirit Bead of the mountain ghost itself!

According to my experience in quests, all creatures that will communicate with you, no matter what camp it was before, are mostly NPCs, and now I’m aiming at the whistleblower mountain ghost. Now It seems that the mountain ghost mentioned on Matsumoto's scroll should be this one. I walked up to the mountain ghost, and the mountain ghost immediately trembled in fear. Although they were not afraid of us before, it was because they treated us as ordinary players and thought that we could not hurt them, so they were ashamed, but after seeing luck biting open the brain of a companion just like licking melon seeds, how could it still be there? The guts continue to be arrogant!

Looking at the trembling mountain ghost, I first comforted me. "Don't be afraid, I didn't intend to hurt you. You report meritorious service. As a reward, you and their fate will be different. I intend to let you go." I said, pointing to the other mountain ghosts, and continued:" But do you want to get more benefits?" I said, taking over the smaller Spirit Bead that was thrown over by luck. Since the big one can be robbed by these mountain ghosts desperately, the smaller one is worth a bit?

Sure enough, after seeing the little ghost Spirit Bead thrown up and down in my hand, the mountain ghost's eyes can no longer be removed. "That..." He asked tentatively: "How can I get it?"

"Don't worry, it's simple, it's really simple." The mountain ghost looked at my smile. I don't know why I always feel shivering all over, as if I were a rabbit being stared at by a poisonous snake! "You just need to tell me how this thing came from."

"That is the ghost Spirit Bead of our lord."

"Your lord?"

"Yes. Our king is the boss here, but he was killed by a very powerful enemy some time ago, so we snatched up this ghost Spirit Bead in the king's head, as long as we get it, absorb it After we fall, we can become as powerful as kings!"

I pointed to the dead ghosts and said: "Compare trades again. You take us to your king’s corpse There, I will give you their ghost Spirit Bead."

"No problem."

It's like using a whip to drive a donkey forward is never better than hanging a root in front of it. Carrots are easy, and profit is the driving force for the advancement of organisms. Threats alone are not safe, and secondly, they are inefficient. Once they have the opportunity to be driven by you, they will bite you in turn. How can the temptation of useful benefits come? Not only will others not fight back against you, they will also be grateful to you, just like the mountain ghost in front of you, after getting the ghost Spirit Bead from the companion, they took us to the place where their boss died.

"Here?" I asked, looking at the cave in front of me.

"Yes, our boss died here. This was originally where we lived, but a very difficult to deal with guy came the other day and killed our boss!"< /p>

I nodded and took Matsumoto Masaga and the others into the cave first. It can be said to be extremely crude, except for some simple polished stones that serve as tables, chairs and benches. After all, mountain ghosts are not high-intelligence creatures, and the production tools are really difficult for them.

The boss that the mountain ghost said is also a mountain ghost, but compared with other mountain ghosts, this guy is more than half taller than his companions, and is cyan- with other mountain ghosts. The gray color skin is different. This guy's skin is already a little red and purple. I don't know if it changed color after death or the original color. For things like inspecting corpses, there are also special personnel among my familiars, and the king was released by me to start inspecting the corpses. The king is to strengthen the heroic spirit, that is, the soul on the battlefield is condensed. He has a better understanding of various battle traces and death states. In addition, he himself is considered a dead soul, and it is easier to deal with dead bodies.

After a brief inspection of the corpse, the king found something worth noting. "This wound seems very special?"

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