"Why? I haven't seen you for many days, and you don't even know your old friend?" Masaka Matsumoto is a graduate of acting class. The kind of attitude that enemies meet is called a Sure enough, even Hong Yue, an insider who knew Matsumoto's details, was taken aback for a while and then realized that Matsumoto was actually acting.

"Who am I! It turned out to be our defeated Masaga Matsumoto from the Frost Rose League?" Hong Yue's acting skills are not covered, so he immediately went back, and the Japanese next to him watched it. I thought these two were really enemies meeting! However, regardless of the factors that led me to win over Matsumoto Masaga, just look at the fact that Matsumoto Masaga actually lost his position as a leader in Japan because of us. Matsumoto should indeed have a great hatred with us. However, it looks like this on the surface, but it is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Man is a very complicated animal, and the most complicated one is the concept of man. Make an analogy. If a person usually doesn’t like to be nosy, but one day he suddenly does a good thing, others will be pleasantly surprised and praise him, but if a person who has been doing good suddenly one day does a bad thing or is not nostalgic, Others will desperately despise him. In fact, objectively speaking, the person who has been doing good deeds will definitely contribute more to everyone than the person who does good deeds occasionally, but people prefer the person who does good deeds occasionally. This is caused by people's different expectations of them. Matsumoto Masaga is in a similar situation now. Because he was originally the enemy with us, so he doesn’t care about the bad things we do to him. After all, we are the enemy in the first place. It is normal for us to oppose him no matter what. On the contrary, I later wooed him to show him good and make him abnormal. Moved, because those of us who have been against him helped him. But on the other side, the Japanese compatriots he had been defending suddenly abandoned him, and often hit a person when he's down to him, Matsumoto's feelings immediately collapsed. Being abandoned by one's own people is more unacceptable than being attacked by the enemy, so Masaka Matsumoto who was stimulated resolutely took refuge in us. This matter itself is not too complicated, but most people will definitely not think of it. After all, few people will really put themselves in the place for the sake of others, and they cannot put themselves in the place for the sake of Matsumoto Masaka. It is impossible to realize the mood of Matsumoto Masaka, naturally. Understanding his refuge in us, coupled with our deliberate performance now, no one will doubt this.

"hmph, a real man can bend and stretch. Life has its ups and downs." When Matsumoto said, he suddenly pointed his sword straight at Hong Yue. "hmph hum, now your magic is at the bottom, let me see how you can fight me." Hong Yue looked back at my direction after listening, Matsumoto Masaka immediately continued: "You don't need to count on it. The super magic just now is Purple Moon, right? Such a strong mana consumption must be very high. He shouldn't be able to fight now, right? If he can participate in the battle, he will always stand there and pretend to be?"

There are a lot of Japanese originally. People guess that I used the spell just now. Although I don't use magic often, after all, I can't think of a second person besides me that can generate destructive power on such a scale. Originally, strategic spells can also play the same role, but the problem is that no one of them sees that we have a strategic division. That division should be easy to recognize, but the group of guys did not appear on the scene, which shows that it is not a strategic spell. , At least not a strategy spell used by a group of people. Now, after hearing Masaka Matsumoto's question, many people suddenly realized this. No wonder Purple Moon hasn't moved, it turned out to be repercussions!

Hong Yue’s silence is a tacit understanding of the answer given by Masaka Matsumoto. Of course Masaka Matsumoto knows that I am releasing water. I have notified him of the previous situation through the communication machine. He is so close. The micro communicator on my body can already receive signals from my side, so the two of us can communicate covertly at any time, as long as Matsumoto Masaga doesn't let people around him find him talking.

Seeing Hong Yue’s expression, Masaka Matsumoto stopped talking nonsense and stepped forward to prepare for battle. Hong Yue was just stunned not because of what Masaka Matsumoto said, but I told her with a communicator The next drama. When Hong Yue saw Masaka Matsumoto rushing over, he immediately turned and ran back. The NPC from our guild immediately filled the vacancy and blocked Masaka Matsumoto. The battle strength of Masaga Matsumoto, who got the Emperor Guangming suit, was so terrifying that NPCsimply couldn't stop his attack. The Japanese behind saw that Matsumoto was so fierce and immediately followed him with passion. With our deliberate release of water, the battle soon turned sideways, and our NPCs began to suffer a lot of casualties. Of course, Japan People don’t die slowly, but it seems that our losses are relatively large.

Under the control of Masaga Matsumoto and I, the rate of consumption of the forces on both sides has been consuming as we expected. Seeing that the battle was coming to an end, the communicator on my side suddenly rang. "What's the matter?" I wonder why the military god suddenly contacted me. He should only accept orders in one direction during the battle!

"Babelta found that Nobunaga's reinforcements had reached 200 kilometers away from the battlefield. If he doesn’t maintain the formation, he will send out the high-speed units first. You can see it in 30 minutes. He’s the striker."

Although there are not as many as us, Nobunaga Onihand actually has a lot of air units. The winged guy is not so long. The air speed of flying devil beasts is rarely lower than 150 kilometers per hour, and there are many people with speeds exceeding 300 kilometers per hour. Of course, long spear can break the sound barrier and fly more than 1,000 kilometers per hour. Is still relatively rare.

After calculating the time, I started to inform Masaga Matsumoto to speed up. Actually, the armies on both sides have only one last breath. The medicines they brought have basically been eaten up until now. The treatment staff on both sides They were almost killed, and the remaining healers had no magical powers. In such a situation, as long as Masaga Matsumoto and I immediately caused the casualties of the people on both sides of the accelerated attack, the casualties would obviously go up, and soon there were few people left. Hong Yue was chased all the way to the back of the team by Masaka Matsumoto. Seeing that the people around her were almost dead, she also received a prompt not to hide.

Hong Yue, who had been running, suddenly jumped up, followed by a flash of black shadow behind him, and the agent Death God, who had disappeared for a long time, suddenly appeared again. Masaga Matsumoto frowned: "So you still have a hand." Before he finished speaking, the agent Death God had already pounced on him, Masaka Matsumoto dodged the attack of the agent Death God, but the agent Death God But instead of going back, he rushed straight at the Japanese player behind. Originally acting as a high-level creature like Death God is good enough, and the players are dissatisfied, this is simply tiger entering a flock of sheep, and oh la la is like cutting melons and vegetables to clean up the remaining players. It lost more than half of it, but it didn't take long for the agent Death God to be killed under the command of Hong Yue by someone I arranged for Masaga Matsumoto. Anyway, hanging the pet once is not a major event, and Hong Yue doesn't feel distressed.

Here with the help of Masaka Matsumoto to dodge the agent Death God. At that moment, Hong Yue suddenly got up and rushed to Masaka Matsumoto. Masaka Matsumoto turned around and was shocked. The performance I notified before was not accurate. In each of their actions, although he knew that Hong Yue would be killed next time, he always thought that Hong Yue was a wizard type player should use incantion. Who knew that Hong Yue actually rushed up with a dagger and scared him. He quickly dodges and evades. As a result, Hong Yue, an unprofessional assassin, was naturally caught by Masaka Matsumoto. Then, as we said before, Masaka Matsumoto put the knife on Hong Yue’s neck and wiped it, Hong Yue followed, clutching his neck and lay down and threw himself among the corpses. In fact, Masaka Matsumoto didn't really wipe it out at all, but Hong Yue and his cooperation were not bad, plus the corpses everywhere could not be distinguished as long as no one came to check them. In fact, Hong Yue and Matsumoto Masaka don't have to work so hard, because Hong Yue's agent Death God has been attacking those Japanese players just now, and they have no time to look here. When Hong Yue was "killed" by Masaga Matsumoto, her demon shook with her, and then she was killed by someone I arranged. This was actually happening at the same time. Because of the rapid changes, most Japanese did not. I saw what was going on here, even if I saw it, I only saw Hong Yue who was wiped his neck by Masaka Matsumoto and fell into a pool of blood, but now there are corpses all over the floor. Whose blood is it? Even professional detectives probably can’t tell! Of course, if someone comes to check it, you can definitely find the problem. After all, there is a clear difference between the dead body and the player, but of course we also have a design to prevent piercing.

In less than a second after Masaka Matsumoto killed Hong Yue, I suddenly crossed the distance of several hundred meters and appeared in front of Masaka Matsumoto, and then I pretended to check Hong Yue's "corpse", of course, I also took the opportunity to wipe the blood on Hong Yue's head and face, and now I probably can't see the weak spot even if someone approaches.

"Oh? Have you recovered?" Masaga Matsumoto asked playfully. The only remaining Japanese players behind him quickly gathered behind him. Firstly, there were no other enemies besides me. Secondly, these people were also afraid that I would kill Matsumoto Masaka. My terrifying battle strength is now a household name in Japan. These people know that Masaka Matsumoto can't stop me, so they want to come and help, even if they can't stop me, they can add some chaos to me.

I looked at Masaka Matsumoto and the dozen or so players behind him. Of these people, only two of them were my subordinates assigned to Masaka Matsumoto. The others were real Japanese, and most of them were It's Nobunaga's subordinates. Now this is a good opportunity to perform. I said according to their gnashing teeth: "hmph, although it has not fully recovered, it is more than enough to kill you guys!"

"The big words are so easy, don’t be afraid The wind flashed his tongue!" Matsumoto Masaka immediately sneered.

"I’ll know if I’ve tried it." At the same time I uttered the last word, a red sword glow flashed suddenly, and Matsumoto Masaka immediately bowed his head and flashed over, but A scream came from behind him, it turned out that it was a player who was pierced by my sword. The eternal sword-shaped mode exists in the state of the whip and the sword, and the whip is actually retractable. The people behind saw that I was standing far away and didn’t expect that I would suddenly attack someone so far away, but I was unprepared. It will be killed next time.

Seeing that I was surrounded by so many people and I was able to get rid of a companion in one move, and the rest of them had an intuitive understanding of my battle strength. Although I have watched my battle video before, it is better to confront me directly. Now these people face my attack. These people finally understand why my battle strength is not entirely dependent on my attack power on the forum. Most of my attacks are launched in the form of critical attacks, which means that most of my attacks are on the heart or throat, etc. As long as they are hit, even if your life is full, you will be killed instantly. Although the damage value is also calculated in "Zero", there is absolutely no probability of survival if the head is dropped. This is a little different from other games.

"Let's go together, we are not his opponents alone." Masaka Matsumoto's reminder immediately made the people around him react, and a group of people immediately moved. When a person came up first, it was a sword. I leaned back and supported the ground with one hand. With the help of the force of the back flip, my feet quickly bounced and directly hit the guy’s neck with a kick. The tip of the dragon boots popped out like a dagger. The spikes of my toes came out after a little bit on his neck, but a blood arrow came out. That guy unbelievably covered his neck and took a few steps back, and then singled his finger at what I wanted to say. In the end, a large amount of blood was sprayed from one mouth, and then he suddenly fell backward and fell straight on the pile of corpses.

A guy next to Masaka Matsumoto may have studied my battle method. He reminded him loudly: "Be careful. Purple Moon’s armor is full of hidden dark blades. All his limbs Position can hurt people, everyone must be careful."

Since this guy knows me so well, I can't let him go. Letting him see tricks there will only cause me trouble. As soon as I finished the backflip, I raised my left hand and pointed it in his direction as soon as I stood up, stretched my fingers and held it, and swished a short crossbow directly at the guy's throat. But when the crossbow arrow flew halfway, I heard the ding sound and was picked up by Masaga Matsumoto's sword, and followed me again with my fingers stretched out and gripped to face Masaga Matsumoto. It was another arrow. Masaga Matsumoto could fend off my sudden arrow. He would not be able to escape the prepared arrow, and after picking the arrow again smoothly, Masaga Matsumoto rushed over immediately. Before the person approached him, I raised my hand and shot a white light. I turned my head and flashed the beam of light. After the beam flew far away, it blew a piece of ground over. The formidable power was visible. When I turned my head back again, Masaga Matsumoto had already arrived in front of me. After this guy had been specially trained by our guild, his fighting skills were not as rigid as before. In the past, he was purely game-style fighting skills, only relying on skill combinations to fight, but now it incorporates real fighting techniques. The battle method is obviously much sharper than before, and the battles like this are more beautiful than before. a lot of.

Seeing that Masaka Matsumoto's sword was handed straight over, I raised my hand and directly held his sword with the claw that just popped out, and followed the eternal face of the fierce swing of the right hand. His waist was cut down. Masaga Matsumoto suddenly raised his leg to face my left leg. I suddenly lost balance under my feet, and the posture on my hands could no longer be carried out. I could only hurriedly wave back to maintain my balance. This is an instinctive reaction and there is no way to control it. . When people lose their balance, they instinctively move their arms to adjust their balance, and Masaga Matsumoto seized this opportunity to successfully resolve my attack.

The guy next to me found that I was deadlocked with Masaga Matsumoto and immediately rushed up to take advantage, but my recovered hand suddenly threw Eternity out with a wave of it. That guy still didn’t understand what was going on. I was pierced by the sword of eternity. I freed the right hand and flicked it hard, and the claws on the right hand also popped out. He raised his claws to face Masaga Matsumoto's head and brushed it down. If he grasped the head of Masaka Matsumoto, he would have to change four pieces, but Masaga Matsumoto was not fighting for Shiraku during this period. He tilted his head back and avoided my claws by a few millimetres, followed the long sword with his hand, and suddenly loosened, his wrist flipped and slipped under my arm. It turned out to be the most common wear in modern Chinese fighting skills. Palm. After successfully bypassing my arm, his hand has reached behind my hand, which is equivalent to the breakthrough of the defensive line. Following him up is a palm directly printed on my chest. This guy knew that my defense was definitely not something he could solve with a single palm, so he didn't show mercy, he just shot me flying out with a palm. But he didn't get a bargain himself. Is my dragon armor so easy to touch? The moment he pressed it to my chest, I saw the white light flashed on my armor, and the people around saw Matsumoto Masaka suddenly screaming while shaking his hand and backing away. It turned out that his hand was burning with black hell. Ming Yan. There is no attribute of this hellfire in the attributes of Masaka Matsumoto. This fire is the body protection attribute on my body, and hellfire directly burns the soul, so the injury is second, mainly because of the pain, even if Masaga Matsumoto is like this The big man couldn't help but screamed. Fortunately, the fire on his hand was quickly extinguished after leaving my body, otherwise he would have to be dizzy.

"cough cough cough..." After I got up from the ground, I coughed violently. The palm was obviously equipped with active skills, otherwise it would not shoot me so far, and good The elephant still shook my lungs, and I felt itchy in my chest as soon as I breathed, as if there was an insect crawling in the trachea, which obviously hurt the respiratory tract. "I haven't seen you for so long, didn't expect your technology to improve so much!"

Masaga Matsumoto is of course cooperating with me to show his image at this time. He did not rush to attack, but stood there proudly and said: "Could it be that you are the only one who can improve your own strength? In the past, I couldn't be distracted from leveling because I had to fight for the entire country. Now I am alone and I am afraid of you. No?" I have to say that there is still a difference between Masaga Matsumoto and me. Before we were hostile to each other. On the surface, our guild and Masaka Matsumoto were fighting, but in fact, our guild was fighting against the whole of Japan, and this is the problem. I’m the president, so every time someone from our guild participates in a battle, I can get an experience commission, but the problem is that Masaka Matsumoto’s Black Dragon guild does not include players from all over Japan, which leads to him even if there is a war of the same scale. The benefits are obviously less than mine, so the gap between us has widened.

Shoga Matsumoto said that people around him began to lament that Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou are really different. Although Nobunaga Onite also leads the Japanese in battle, he is different from Masaka Matsumoto. This guy only plans crafty plots and machinations occasionally, but he does not care about the development of Japanese players, unlike the previous Masaka Matsumoto would consider The issue of the development of the entire Japanese player power. It can be said that Masaka Matsumoto's strategy is the largest output of martial power under the premise of sustainable development, while Nobunaga Oni is a military force at the expense of prematurely consuming the country's potential. These are simply two development models.

"Hehe, it seems that you are also having a hard time!"

"Don’t want to provoke my anger to affect my battle strength. After so many things, I also learn I’m smart, I don’t care about everything, and I am concerned about it. I have nothing to worry about but I develop faster than you."

"hahahaha! Will you develop like this when you develop? I am in the current state. Incomplete, many large-scale skills cannot be used, and even the familiars cannot be summoned. You are just a tie with me. What do you call development?"

A Japanese player suddenly said: "Song this Monarch Don’t talk nonsense with him, he is delaying time to restore the attribute, everyone hurry up, if you let him restore the attribute, we will not be his opponent!"

This is a reminder to the surrounding Japan Players, before Masaka Matsumoto nodded, they rushed to the plan to bully fewer people.

Seeing them rushing up, I also raised my hand threw away and threw away a crystal bubble. Masaka Matsumoto couldn't dodge and was caught in. Masaga Matsumoto, trapped in a crystal bubble, struggled to get out of it, which saved me from acting with him. Others would only think that I don’t dare to fight head-to-head with Masaga Matsumoto because I don’t have all the attributes, so I use this thing to seal the battle strength here first.

The people who found that Matsumoto Masaka was trapped immediately rushed up frantically. They all knew that their chances of losing Matsumoto Masaga, the strongest battle strength, were even slimmer, so the battle must be resolved as soon as possible.

"go die for me." A Japanese player holding a sledgehammer hit it with a violent hammer. Under normal circumstances, I would definitely catch this hammer with one hand. The power in the game It depends not on your muscles, but on your attributes. Don't look at my thin arms and legs. My strength value is very scary. But helpless, I was pretending to be disabled, so I had no choice but to escape the edge and step aside.

The guy who didn’t hit me hit the ground with a hammer. He was about to pull up. I stepped directly on the hammer, and then took the opportunity of his head up to pinch him. Throat, he let go of the hammer and reached out to grab me, and a few other people behind also posted it. I squeezed the hands and feet of his neck at the same time, and the whole person turned directly off the ground from the top of his head to behind him, and at the same time, the barb at the tip of the magic dragon's glove directly pulled down a section of his organ along with the flesh. , The guy immediately fell over his spurting neck. I flipped to the back of that guy and kicked a rushing enemy, and then I turned my wrist, and the a dragon roar tendons were thrown out by me. Flicking both hands vigorously, Long Jinsuo immediately flew up with the whistling wind, and several approaching enemies were forced to temporarily avoid my zipline.

A guy was planning a sneak attack from the side, and I suddenly waved my hand to the side and the back, and the dragon tendons immediately moved towards that direction and flew over. The other Japanese didn’t figure out why I attacked a direction where no one was there, but it didn’t prevent them from taking the opportunity to attack me, but in the direction they didn’t care about, Ryujinsuo’s cable had already hit the ground before landing. On Eternal, Eternal immediately changed its shape and clicked on the cable head and formed a rotating blade like an airplane turbine blade. The rotating shaft in the center of the blade was connected to the cable head of the zipline. Seeing that the eternity was fixed, I pulled back violently, and the zip line immediately brought the eternity back. It became a fan-like eternity in the air because of the airflow, and immediately started high-speed rotation, and it also carried a whistle-like buzzing sound.

The few people who rushed up didn't notice the cable head that was pulled back. Only the guy who planned to sneak attack saw it, but it was a pity that he was too close to see it. The Eternal Knife wheel flew past him with a brush, and then flew straight toward the person in front of me. The knife wheel fell from the top of the man’s head, and the eternal blade instantly deformed and enveloped his head. Then the people around saw blood splashing in the knife wheel. When my knife wheel was pulled back by me, that guy His head is gone, and at this time, a blood line appeared on the neck of the guy who wanted to sneak attack me before, and then his head slowly slipped off the body until the headless corpse fell on the ground. He fell down with a plop.

The eternity connected to the zipline was pulled back by me and held it in my hand. The blade of eternity was still flying around wu wu, and the blood on the blade was also thrown away by the centrifugal force of the rotation. Clean, looking at the cold light on the blade, the Japanese players who were originally impulsive were shocked by me, and suddenly there was a cold scene.

Just when we were deadlocked there, suddenly a Japanese player's gaze turned to another direction, and the gazes of other Japanese players were all focused. Although I didn't look back, I knew what they were looking at. It must have been the vanguard of Nobunaga Onihand. But I am not worried about this. The only thing I can see is that they are close, and there should be some distance from here, as long as I can get the battle to the state I want before they arrive.

"haha, Purple Moon, you are finished. Our reinforcements are here." Several Japanese players around me yelled arrogantly.

"That's not necessarily."

In fact, when I knew that the Japanese reinforcements arrived, I had already notified the military god and called the reinforcements of our guild. However, because they set off late, they may arrive a little later than the Japanese army, but this is not a problem. Anyway, I'm the only one left here. Hong Yue had already used my cover to teleport away secretly when we were fighting. Anyway, the people on the scene certainly didn't have time to pay attention to a dead person when fighting with me. My current weakness in battle strength is to deliberately highlight Matsumoto's role, and it's not that I really can't beat them. After a while, when the army arrives, I only need to eat a divine fruit to restore my normal strength.

Because my own reinforcements have arrived, the few people here are not in a hurry. They surrounded me and did not immediately make a move. But they don't move, it doesn't mean I don't move. They want to drag it, but it's not that easy. Suddenly, I violently pulled the dragon's tendons in my hand, and the rotating eternal blade immediately accelerated and flew out. Several people now know that this thing is powerful, how dare to let this thing approach and dodge backwards one after another, but I didn't plan to I really took this to solve everyone at once. The reason for releasing eternity is to make them retreat. However, in the principle of being able to fish one is one, my wrist shook, and Eternal and Longjinsuo suddenly disconnected, and Eternity revolved and flew. Got out. The player who was facing it didn't expect Eternal will suddenly fly out, dodging in no hurry, Eternal flew past his legs, and then he found that he had fallen to the ground, and watched when he sat up again. There was nothing left until his two legs broke from the thighs.

"Ah... my leg!" The player didn't feel the pain until this time, but no one here would care about his injury. His companions are now facing my strong enemy, but no one dares to be distracted, and my enemy will naturally not care about him.

While flying for eternity, I have simultaneously rushed to another player. Since they were all going backwards just now, the distance between each other has been stretched, and I saw me rushing towards one of them. , The remaining people want to save it too late. As soon as I rushed to the guy, I took a palm shot, but the guy flashed a Blade Qi threw away on my side and followed me to change his palm to grab his arm. The knife in his other hand immediately cut over, and I squeezed his arm hand violently downwards, and I flew up and avoided the horizontal knife, and followed me down suddenly in the air, right hand The elbow was down, and the back blade behind the elbow bounced out with a bang. The guy knew that he was in trouble when he heard the sound. Although he drew over him in a hurry, I pulled out a huge wound more than a foot long from my left shoulder to my right abdomen, and even the intestines were brought out. But even if it was opened, it was not considered a critical attack, so even though the guy was seriously injured, he didn't die immediately. At this time, other people finally rushed over, and the attacks of several people forced me to "have" to give up the opportunity to make up the knife.

In fact, this situation is caused by me deliberately releasing water. My goal from start to finish has not changed. That is to push Matsumoto Masaka to the top, so I have to keep a few Witnesses. These are the most suitable candidates in front of me, so I didn't kill them. Instead, I just shot them into serious injuries and put them aside as live cameras. In the future, they will naturally publicize Matsumoto's outstanding performance today.

My side is playing lively, and the military god suddenly notified me of the news that Matsumoto Masaga had relayed through him. It turned out that Masaka Matsumoto had reached the defensive limit of the crystal bubble, which means that he could break through at any time, but he didn't know if it was suitable for him to come out now, so he remembered to ask me. After I got the news, I stopped keeping my hand immediately, and successively severely injured several Japanese players. However, I kept one hand, which is the only remaining fake Japanese player I sent to Matsumoto Masaka. I sent far away with light hands. Of course, it's not a fool who can be sent as a spy. This guy lay down on the ground cleverly, and then struggled and groaned as if he was very injured and couldn't get up. The Japanese around me were badly injured. Now naturally no one will pay attention to whether he is really badly injured. I stood proudly in the court loudly said: "hahahaha, you are all hurt by me now, I see who else can save you now." Matsumoto Masakah understands me as soon as he hears this. What do you mean, he immediately broke the crystal bubble and rushed towards me. I was glad that Matsumoto finally understood it correctly, but he had to pretend to be surprised. "Why did you come out soon? It seems that I really underestimated you!" I said, holding Matsumoto's sword with one hand, and at the same time pinched his neck with the other hand. Masaga Matsumoto decisively retracted his sword and retreated, and then threw the sword into the sky after a certain distance, then suddenly raised his hand and shot a beam of light into the air. After the beam of light hit the sword, it made the sword emit a dazzling golden light.

When the sword became golden in its entire body, Masaka Matsumoto took his hand and took the sword back, and then rushed up again. I quickly retreated and popped the claws to block the sword, but what I didn't expect was that blue smoke began to appear on my claws. I was surprised to see where the sword and the claws touched, the lightsaber had actually cut into my claws, and if we held it for a while, the claws would be cut off. Really didn't expect this sword to be so powerful. Since we were close to each other, Masaga Matsumoto took the opportunity to ask me in a low voice: "What should I do next?"

I immediately replied in a low voice: "Wait for a while before the enemy troops arrive. I will severely wound you, and I will let you and Xiaowen stab me with a sword, and then I will take divine fruit to recover my strength and deal with Nobunaga's troops."

Masaka Matsumoto He Weiwei's un'ed expressed understanding, and then suddenly pushed hard, and the two of us immediately separated again. Seeing the troops on the opposite side get closer and closer, I asked the military god to use the communicator to tell me what to do with Xiaowen who was shot and flew out and pretended to be dead, and then I started to continue with Matsumoto Masaga. It was a joy to play.

On the one hand, those Japanese players who were badly injured by me saw that Masaka Matsumoto had been fighting with me for so long. They were so excited to distinguish the obvious victory and defeat. In their opinion, don’t say yes. To beat me, as long

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