"What else is there?"

"I was at the last minute of destroying the harmful insect. The harmful insect had a big explosion. As a result, the thing fell on the ground but took it. does not raise. I now know that those things are sealed by Venus, so now I need a team of people to help me look at the place, I'm going to find Venus

See if there is anything Way to get equipment."

Rose turned around and asked me: "Is it good equipment?"

"It looks pretty good, at least it should be in the middle of the Holy Spirit level. Some of these items may be Divine Item. Besides, the quantity is so large that even ordinary equipment is not justified for wasting, isn’t it?"

"Of course, our stuff depends on it." Volunteer to sign up: "I'm going to see the equipment."

"You can't." I directly rejected his proposal. "True Red is watching over there now. My opinion is to send one of our guild's hunter squad."

The so-called hunter squad is slightly lower than the elite squad. The team of players in the file. Our guild had the idea of ​​establishing a special force after receiving the military guidance of the supercomputer of the military god, so we established an elite squad and a hunter squad

, among which the elite The squad is the highest squad, and the hunter squad is relatively weak. However, these two formations have special supporting equipment provided by our guild, and the personnel composition has also been optimized. The defense and damage output of the entire combat squad Nothing

Chang Qiang, facing the general leveling squad is definitely the kind of one to fight a group. Later, because the pilot effect was very good, these two squads gradually expanded into a lot of new teams, and now they come in handy.

"Then adjust five hunting squad. In the past, there are too few people and probably can't control the form." Rose suggested.

"That's it." I nodded and said: "In addition to the above two questions, there are still some things, but these are not things that need to be discussed. You just need to deal with them separately." I said He took a copy of the information from his side and threw it to everyone. "The first one

is the issue of the relocation of the city where the Atlantis affiliated race lives. You will deal with this big pot of rice?"

"I'm not from the moving company!" Protested.

I ignored him at all and issued the next order directly. "The restoration work on the relics should not be slack. Maybe there is still some technical data left by the travelers. You are responsible for this matter. You can take Xiaoyao and the rags.

Call it together. You are responsible for the post-war coordination of the domestic guilds, and you are responsible for the post-war coordination on the Japanese side. Rose is responsible for the Japanese side. Asura purple clothed, you are in charge of the US side. You are now cooperating with everyone to relocate. If possible, I didn’t ask the question if I hit the autumn wind by the way.

Ying, you still sit on the guild side, and you don’t have to worry about me. Okay, for the time being, those who don’t have a job will find each one by themselves. Chief-In-Charge, go to work."

"Chairman, can I follow you?" Kristina raised her hand and asked.

"What are you doing with me?"

"I want to meet that Venus. I want to see how attractive she is."

"Hehe, you should advise you not to watch it. You can't learn her temperament."


"Because you are too young . In another six or seven years you will naturally have her temperament without studying."

"But I still want to go and see. Will you take me?"

"You have to follow, then come!" Although Kristina looks charming, her name of the first fort in Europe is not for nothing. When it comes to battle strength, she is definitely one of the best. The battle strength rankings given by system are actually not completely accurate.

At least I think it’s harder to deal with Kristina than some so-called experts. In her rainstorm-like low-level magic bombardment, few experts can play a normal combat level, so on the surface, her comprehensive value is not high, but in fact, the fighting ability

Quite scary.

After the meeting, I went around in the main department of the guild and dealt with all the things that needed me to deal with. Then I took Kristina and left Aisin. grid. During this period, I also got a piece of information, that is, I have found the headquarters of the Russian that I let the Mirage track before, but now I don’t have time to deal with it, so I can only ignore him. , They won’t move anyway. Assemble all the familiars, bring Kristina and transport them to France. Now

There have been several hunter squads gathered here, and an elite squad has also been arrived, but this part doesn’t require me. No matter, I greeted them directly and left here and ran to Paris.

It is actually very easy to find the woman Venus in Europe. Just like a big star in reality, a large group of big stars in the game like her are always paying attention to her whereabouts. Just go to the forum and check her latest address.

Found. After determining her approximate location, I dispatched a large number of Spirit Armor worms, and quickly found her specific location.

"Did you find it?" Kristina immediately asked when seeing my Spirit Armor worms crawling back.

I am nodded. "She's on the exchange."

"Then let's go there soon?"

"Don't hurry."


"Because I found someone was stalking her. I don't want to be a praying mantis."

"Mantis? What is it about praying mantis?" Kristina is a European. Not much to understand. After I explained the mantis stalks the cicada to her, she immediately nodded. "Then we will be cardinals, no, just be eagles

. Eat all the cardinals together."

I said with a smile: "According to your theory It’s better to be a king."

"Why?" Kristina curiously asked.

"Because the eagle will also be caught by the hunter, but the king can kill all the hunters together. According to your theory, it is better to be the king."

"hehe, There is some truth to this."

Leaving the hiding tavern with a smile along the way, followed Venus and the others. The one who followed Venus is obviously not a professional, and his amateur level is very high. It depends on him running back and forth between the construction cracks on both sides of the road, and his actions are very awkward, except for being tracked. Because of his deliberate hiding, he didn't notice that even ordinary pedestrians on the side of the road would stare at him with surprise.

Kristina ate a candied fruit stick and said, "How can this guy be so stupid?"

"Please Eldest Young Lady, this is the game. Do you think the players here can have the same quality as the real spies? Besides, I look like Venus has more suitors than enemies. It would be nice to have this level of tracking!"

"That What should we do? Just follow along like this?"

"No, I don't have that time to spend with her, I plan to go straight to the showdown with her."

"What? I didn't listen Wrong?"

"You heard me right. Come with me." As I said, I started to speed up to Venus, and Kristina was stunned for a while. Also chased up.

Venus was leading a group of people to her small stronghold. Suddenly she and the people around her noticed that the person opposite her was looking behind her with surprised eyes. She stopped immediately, suddenly turned around, but found that I was striding toward the meteor.

She came over.

"Purple Moon?" I didn't panic when I saw Venus appear, but I was surprised. "You...?"

"I have something to talk about when I come here to see you." I reached out and made a gesture of invitation. "Don't mind?"

Venus looked at me in a daze, but a guy next to her couldn't stand it anymore. He stepped forward and planned to separate me from Venus. , But before he could speak, I took the lead and kicked the guy into a shop across the street.

After completing this action, I quickly returned to the inviting position. Venus looked at the kicked follower helplessly and could only be nodded. Since the crow was stung by the harmful insect, he has now become a third-rate player. Because he has no face

seeing people, he doesn't dare to chase Venus anymore. As for her other powerful suitor, Sacred Fire, this guy is a playboy in plain terms, chasing Venus is just a cynical habit, not really obsessed with Venus, and he is also now

Not here. As for the group of people around her... just treat them as if they don't exist!

Seeing that Venus first walked to a restaurant not far away, her followers immediately followed along. After entering the restaurant, I first booked a private room, Venus first walked in, and then I winked at Kristina to also enter, and followed me to reach out to block the Venus who wanted to follow up.


"What are you doing?"

"I don't want a fourth person to be present in our conversation."

"What? We're not here, if you treat Venus What will the lady do?"

I couldn't help but laugh when I looked at that guy like an idiot. "Do you think if I really want to do something to her, does it make any difference whether you are there or not?"

"You...!" The guy only came to say the words behind the word and was suddenly shut down The door was smashed. But these guys are not really stupid, at least they didn't smash the door.

After sitting down, Venus looked at me with a very unkind expression and asked: "Let’s talk. What is the matter with you?"

"Don’t show your star Shelf." I closed the door and sat directly across from Venus. Seeing that she was about to lose my temper, I said first: "Look at the video first, and then we will talk about it later." Then I showed me the Mother of the Earth that day. That piece of stuff came out again. As the film went on, Venus's expression gradually changed from domineering to solemnity. I immediately turned off the screen after the video was over. "How? Do you know what I want to talk about now? Or do you think you are qualified to get a share of it?"

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