"No need to confirm." When I said this, the insect had already crawled out of the hole under the ground, but it seemed to be an arrow at the end now of its flight, there were cracks everywhere on my body, and I even had a broken leg.

"Can you turn into something else?" The gun god asked me nervously.

I took out a very warm white jade corner, plus the Azure Dragon reverse scale before and the Black Tortoise Armor film afterwards. This is already the third item, and the gun god can’t help his eyes. He smoked, but now he is lucky and lost. Although I have these things for the time being I can help everyone, but in the long run, the pressure on them and our hostile forces will be too much. Imagine that once the forces of both sides are on the battlefield, and once I use these things, it will be a devastating blow to the other side. Even if I can't destroy all of the opponent's strength in thirteen seconds, but only one move is enough to bring down their strongest battle strength, how can I fight this battle?

Black Widow glanced at my jade and asked: "This thing can also be used to transform?"

Honglian Phoenix said: "China’s Quartet Divine Beast, he guesses all Yes, but what's the matter with Qilin?"

"Just leave it alone." My right hand clenched a fist with a fierce flick of the white jade Qilin's corner. In midair, when it fell down again, it squeezed the white jade Qilin's corner sharply. "Transformation-white jade Qilin."

With the previous experience of the gun gods, they heard my skills and started to run backwards, but to my surprise, this transformation did not A giant creature appeared, but a creature similar to a deer. This creature is snow-white and has some complicated patterns on the surface. It looks very beautiful, but compared with the previous two giant beasts, it has no deterrent effect. If it is not put in the wild, it will be regarded as Ordinary creatures, if it were not for this creature with a little bit of golden light at its feet and silver light radiating from its entire body, it would not have been thought that this is one level with Azure Dragon Black Tortoise.

When I saw my new image, Nobunaga Ghost, the pupils immediately shrank sharply. "White jade Qilin! Didn't expect even this thing to change!"

"What's wrong? Is this thing very difficult to deal with?" Black Widow, who doesn't understand Chinese culture, couldn't help but ask .

"Qilin. One of the Divine Beasts in China, it is not at the same level as the giant dragon Phoenix in your country."

"So strong?" Black Widow didn't believe it. .

Honglian Phoenix explained: "No matter how powerful dragons in your country are, there are still warriors who slay dragons. In China, Divine Beast is an animal-shaped god. Have you ever heard of a god slayer?"< /p>

"I haven't heard of this!" Black Widow said, suddenly reacted. "Do you mean that the current form of Purple Moon is the form of a god?"

"I'm afraid it's more than that!" Honglian Phoenix said with some uncertainty: "Sifang Divine Beast is also among the gods in China. It belongs to the front, probably like your European legendary Athena. It has a high status and is super able to play. Although this white jade Qilin is not one of the Sifang Divine Beasts, since Purple Moon can have a similar transformation , It is estimated that the strength is also at the same level."

Here is saying that I have moved. I saw that I turned into Qilin form and suddenly ran forward, but instead of moving on the ground, I ran directly into the air as if stepping on an invisible ladder, and then the people below looked at me as if I were moving forward. He was running slowly in a very elegant trotting posture, but the actual speed was just above the insect in the blink of an eye. You know that the diameter of the big pit can be more than ten kilometers, and it is at least 20 kilometers away from this road. I actually got to the opposite side in a blink of an eye. This speed is not much slower than teleportation!

Seeing that I arrived at the insect, the people over here immediately widened and waited quietly to see how I attacked. After all, although we are temporarily united together, we still have to confront each other in the future. Learn more Some enemy information is always good. But I didn't show them too much information here, because the insect below is not dead but it has the last breath. After I flew here, I only used one skill to get this harmonious insect. The gun gods saw that the horns on top of my head suddenly lit up, followed by a very thin golden light flashed, and then the harmful insect below came into a big explosion. The sound of a boom was exploding EXP and various weapons and equipment. The mess flew around. When the harmonious insect was killed, the people here heard the message of the end of the system hint task.

"Not good!" Hearing this message, the gun god suddenly yelled, but unfortunately he yelled too late, because I am not only the number one in battle strength, but also when it comes to scraping land. Do your part in the world first. Almost as soon as the gun god uttered the bad sound, they heard the system hint and the agreement was cancelled, and then just as these people were about to rush over, Zhen Hong suddenly blocked everyone in front of them.

"If you want to grab something, go through my level first." Zhenhong said, and made a gesture of Heavenly Dragon Fist. Two golden Divine Dragons swam around her body quickly. As it moved, the surrounding air immediately revolved, and the powerful imposing manner forced the people on this side to be unable to approach.

In fact, there are reasons for these changes. Because the Black Tortoise that I turned into was smashed into a big hole on the ground, there is no shelter between me and them for the time being. The situation that the insect was killed just now has basically been seen by everyone here, except for the EXP, the last insect actually broke a bunch of things that looked like equipment. I don’t worry about EXP, because Heyueli wrote that the experience is obtained by all of us according to the average output. This is guaranteed by the system. After the insect is killed, the EXP will automatically fly to all the players who have a share, but the problem is before The agreement did not consider that the equipment would be exploded, and the result was that these things were not within the scope of the agreement, that is to say, whoever grabs it will go to whoever gets it. I just lifted the peace agreement to show that the limitation that we could not attack each other before was lifted. In this case, fools won't grab it. But it is a pity that the Chinese at the top of the battle strength list is not the only one, I am also among them. The key issue of this usually carefree girl is not at all confused, and immediately blocks all those who want to grab things. She also knows that they are all experts here. She will definitely not be able to stop for a few minutes by herself, but the problem is that I am not an ordinary person over there. Picking up a few pieces of equipment is nothing more than a matter of seconds. She only needs to stop a little bit and she can guarantee absolutely nothing. Let these people grab anything.

Although he thinks well, his performance is really good, but it is a pity that human's calculation are inferior to the heavens calculation. Although she blocked the people here, I was in trouble over there. When the harmonious insect exploded, I was closest to it, which was only one more than a hundred meters away. It is said that the space wrist wheel in my hand can automatically pick up items, but the problem is that these things are in a state of being unable to pick up after they burst out. , No matter how to take it, it can't be picked up, nor can it be installed in the Phoenix Dragon space. Anxiously, I held a piece of equipment there and pulled it hard, but I couldn't shake it. System mandatory attributes cannot be solved by force.

As soon as I delayed the gun gods, they rushed over. Really red can't stop so many people alone. Speaking of which 20 kilometers are far away, it's a pity that there are too many experts here, and they all have several kinds of fast-moving skills. In a flash, a large group of people arrived in front of them.

"Purple Moon, you bastard, don't you want to eat alone?" The gun god yelled from afar.

Guishou Nobunaga even yelled directly: "Don’t talk nonsense with him, cut him first and then divide things."

These people were all aggressive players originally. I came over and planned to hack me to grab the equipment, but the person who rushed to the front found that I had returned to human form and took out a golden sharp object from my body, which looked like something’s tooth. .

In the eyes of these people's doubts, I violently threw the golden fangs into the sky. "Transformation—Golden Heavenly Dragon." This golden Heavenly Dragon tooth is the tooth of Azure Dragon. His father Golden Heavenly Dragon tooth. Although the battle strength of Golden Sky alone may not be as good as Azure Dragon, they have more special skills. , To deal with ordinary people is actually more powerful than Azure Dragon. In the horrified gaze of those people, I suddenly transformed into a giant Divine Dragon, and twisted my whole body like a snake, hiding all the areas where the equipment was located under the body.

"Don't be afraid, we are crowded!" Seeing that the people around you were holding back, Nobunaga Guishou quickly yelled and attacked first. Others rushed when they saw someone taking the lead. After coming up, all kinds of strongest skills appeared one after another, but it was a pity that all hitting me was like hitting an iron plate with a cotton ball, and there was no reaction at all.

"FUCK, my attack won't break the defense!" An American player couldn't help cursing.

The other player was even more miserable, because he chopped my claws and broke the sword in his hand. "What the hell is this monster?"

"It's me." I suddenly opened my mouth in the Divine Dragon form and said something like this, and then suddenly watched me open my mouth and roar without waiting for those people to react. With a sound, a faint golden shock wave spurted out of my mouth violently, and those who flew in the sky and landed on the ground all flew out as if they were hit hard, and blood spurted from their mouths at the same time. "Who would dare to grab it?"

When I shouted at me like this, everyone has no confidence. After all, this form is equivalent to the direct descending of God level existence. They are experts who deal with ordinary players. They are experts. Face me. The current state is simply not enough to see. Guishou Nobunaga suddenly appeared again and loudly reminded: "Don't be afraid of him, his special state can be maintained for thirteen seconds, and we will be fine after this time."

Listen to him. Once instigated the people who had just softened, there was hope again. I immediately snorted angrily. "hmph, do I have to kill?"

"Kill? Have you ever quit?" Guishou Nobunaga sarcastically said.

"Well, in that case, don’t blame me for being vicious and merciless. One last reminder, I’ll give you ten seconds, and then I will start the next set of transformation forms. When I’m finished, who Don't blame me for being impolite if I stayed at the scene."

Some people started to weigh when I was warned, and then a player who had a good relationship with our guild took the lead in taking the weapon. Turned around and left. After seeing him go, a few people on the scene shook their heads helplessly and gave up. Most of them were people from the guild who had a good relationship with our guild. Now if they really fight like this, they would be torn apart. They also wanted to equip them for a few pieces of equipment. I don't think it's cost-effective, so I just gave up, and I can still save my face.

About half of the people walked on the court in the end, and the rest were determined not to retreat. Gun God thought for a while and finally left the scene, not even Black Widow. Nobunaga Guishou was a little disappointed seeing these two people leave, but at any rate there are still a lot of experts here, and there may not be no chance of winning when it comes to fighting. "hmph, Purple Moon, I'll bet that you don’t have the ability to make the next transformation. If you have the ability, you will kill us all."

"Well, in that case, I will let you know what the dead word is How do you write it." Saying that I had left the golden Heavenly Dragon mode and restored to my original form, Nobunaga Guishou flew over when I was getting smaller and rushed over to solve the battle when I was weak, but I was in front of him. I swallowed a fruit without rushing, and then I saw the rays of light flashing on my body when I was upgrading. Nobunaga Guishou knew it was bad when he saw this light, but unfortunately it was too late to run, so Brace Oneself rushed up.

Just when Guishou Nobunaga was about to rush to me, I suddenly took out a fiery-red feather. At first glance, it looks like a peacock feather, but this hair is all over. Fiery red, the surface seems to be covered with flames. I gently inserted that hair into the back of my neck, and said in the air: "Transformation——Vermilion Bird."

When the ghost hand Nobunaga was close to me less than two meters away I have already noticed that there is a heat wave on my body. The Guishou Nobunaga, who was planning to go hard, was forced back by the heat wave. Guren Phoenix, who was following him, stopped seeing this situation and followed me. Right in front of them, it quickly grew bigger, and quickly transformed into a giant fire bird whose size is calculated by kilometers.

The gunman stood in the distance and Black Widow who had not walked far said: "Fortunately, we didn’t stay. Did you see that Fire Phoenix?"

One to us A player who knows more about Chinese culture right next to him: "What kind of Fire Phoenix is ​​that? That thing is called Vermilion Bird, which is much fiercer than Fire Phoenix. Fire Phoenix is ​​just reborn from the ashes. To put it bluntly, it adapts to the aquatic devil beast. Like the flame environment, Phoenix just likes fire, and they are the Sovereign of flames."

I have completed my transformation while these people are talking. As soon as I finished it, I opened my wings and raised my head with a loud cry. With my wings spread, the surrounding temperature went up, and the gun gods in the distance were forced by the heat wave to stop them with their hands. Under the eyes. Honglian Phoenix apologized immediately when the situation was not right. "Sorry, it seems we were wrong. We quit."

I took a step forward and stepped on the side of Honglian Phoenix loudly said: "I said, once I finish my transformation, stay Everything here will be killed by me. Now it is impossible to exit."

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