"Why is it so simple?"

"Did something go wrong?" A group of people were discussing the course of the matter there. Obviously, things were different from what we thought. Too the same.

The gun god stood at the position just now, looking at us with puzzlement, and asked: "Why didn't you see the EXP floating out?"

The gun god’s words can be said to be A word awakened the dreamer. I hurriedly yelled: "Everyone back, this thing is not dead!"

Actually, what I said is not correct. This insect is indeed dead, but it was not killed by the gun god, but It was dead just after breaking through the ruins. In fact, this insect has just reached the critical point of reproduction, but it knows that if it reproduces under the ruins, then the newly born insect has no ability to break through the ruins outside, so it held the last breath and slammed into the ground and drilled outside. It's just that it consumes too much power to open the ruins so that it can't gather the power to explode the outer shell and let the larvae come out. As a result, the small insect was trapped in the dead mother body before it came out, and we outside did not know that the big insect was dead, but just kept attacking the big insect. As a result, the small insect successfully escaped from the mother body.

As I reminded everyone to get out of the way, two black balls suddenly popped out from the scene where the big insect exploded. These two things are very different from other insects. Due to the accidental death of the mother, and the absorption of EXP at the time, it was just at the critical point, so the insects were not fully developed. Unlike other insects, they would quickly grow bigger when they came out. Their body size was actually much smaller than the mother. And it looks soft on the surface. However, the completed size of the peri-development did not affect their brutal instincts. As soon as the two small insects appeared, they rolled themselves into two balls and rolled out in two directions, and the players in those two directions also quickly backed away, but the speed was far less than that of the insects. Quickly, I'll be caught up quickly.

The two large insects rushing in front of the player suddenly stretched out their bodies. With the force of stretching, they bounced from the ground and threw the two people to the ground. What we expected was those two. Only the insect did not suck the player's EXP, but directly threw the two players into their mouths and started chewing. The click-click sound awakened us instantly.

"Divine arrow of migratory locusts." A player from Italy suddenly loosened his bowstring, and following us, we saw a large rain of densely packed arrows hitting one of the insects. Once again, what we expected was that the arrow was not bounced off, but directly inserted into it, and even a few arrows did not reach their feathers, and most of the arrow body was inserted into the insect body. The big worm also raised its head and wailed when it was hit. The sound was very weird, and it sounded like a train whistle.

I also understand this situation. "Damn it, hit it while its shell hasn’t grown well!"

My reminder, everyone also reacted. Various weapons and magic rained on the insect, but in addition to causing more Many wounds did not cause fatal injuries. But with the end of chewing, the slightly pale gray shells of the two insects are rapidly turning black at the speed that naked eye can see. This is a sign of entering the adult stage, and as the color of the carapace deepens, the defensive power of the insect will gradually Enhanced.

"FUCK, go die for me!" The gun god suddenly rushed over from a distance, but at this time his gun had been re-disassembled into two parts and wrapped around his arm. While the insect that was attacked first was struggling with pain, he violently inserted the two into a wound on the body of the insect, and then we saw the red rays of light flashing rapidly from the wound, and Accompanied by the burst of rays of light, blood was spraying wildly from the wound.

Although the spear god's attack looked fierce, the insect showed no signs of death. The shell of this guy had turned black at this time, and it was basically no different from the previous Insect Queen. It suddenly slammed sideways and pressed it down to the ground, and the gun god hurriedly retracted its weapon and flashed to the outside of the insect body to avoid the crisis of being squashed. The insect directly rolled out to the side at the opportunity of this pressure. When it rolled half a circle with its belly facing the sky, the wound that was originally on the left side of its body had already turned its direction and was aimed at my side. How could I let go of such a good opportunity? When the players next to me didn't have time to react, I slammed out of the ground and rushed to the insect almost instantly. During the flight, I completed the account conversion and switched to the silver moon form and said that the tip of the staff was directly inserted into the huge wound on the insect body. "Prominant jets."

With a bang, the insect's body suddenly shook, and the joints and joints of the whole body suddenly spewed out a flame of several meters long at the same time, following the big insect. Like the armor that the warrior suddenly disappeared, oh la la fell to the ground with a sound. The huge shell continued to roll for half a circle based on inertia before it stopped, but there was nothing but a black ash inside.

Just like the magic mirror explained, the defense of the insect only exists on the outer shell, and the inside is actually the strength of an ordinary creature. Just now, we stared at the biggest one while it was not fully mature. The continuous attack on the wound finally penetrated its wound. Finally, I inserted the staff directly through the hole in its shell and directly inserted it into the body of the insect. Using the skill, the powerful prominence flame burned all the living tissue inside the insect in an instant. , So that the huge worm body suddenly disintegrated after turning over a circle. Without the internal living tissue, no matter how strong the shell is, it can only be a pile of rubbish. But now is not the time to be happy, the real problem is still staring at us eagerly! With the superb battlefield resilience of those of us, we have seized the first opportunity to wipe out a big insect, but the other insect has completely matured. The full body of the big worm is a circle bigger than the mother body, and the imposing manner alone is enough to make people scared.

"What should I do with this thing?"

"Cold salad." When I finished talking, I changed back to the Purple Moon form and took out a pair of cyan-green scales. The gun gods said, “Don’t be surprised no matter what you see for a while. Just remember to attack the chief insect. Remember, I can only last for 13 seconds. Which of you is faster?"

"Me." An assassin raised his hand and shouted.

"I will be relieved in thirteen seconds. You are responsible for saving me back."

"I will come!" The mage on the other side said, "I have Ten instant teleportation opportunities without preparation. Once you lose your strength, I can pull you back in half a second."

"Then start now." I suddenly inserted the scales behind my neck and followed The people around saw me suddenly become a group of azure light shooting into the sky, and then the group of azure light instantly turned into a Chinese Divine Dragon with baring fangs and brandishing claws, but the size of this dragon is really terrifying. . The hill-like body of the insect in front of me is already very depressing, but compared with this dragon, the insect is really just an insect.

Because of the algebra of evolution, this insect already has considerable wisdom. After seeing the sudden appearance of the giant dragon, it immediately realized that it was not an opponent, so it immediately turned around without the slightest hesitation Want to run. But the scene where all the players' jaws almost fell off appeared afterwards. The Divine Dragon in the sky suddenly swooped down and stretched out a dragon claw to press the big worm that was about to fly to the ground. Due to the excessive force, it was like a meteor hitting the ground. , The whole earth shook fiercely, a large piece of mud flew up for a long time and almost shook all the experts to the ground.

Wait until the dust was slightly reduced, some people around saw the Divine Dragon still pressing the insect. The gun god looked at the insect that was struggling hard under the dragon claw but was completely unable to shake the slightest, could not help but sighed: "Damn, it turns out that this is Purple Moon's last trick. Didn't expect that he still has the ability to stay in the situation just now. Hands!"

Black Widow gave a sharp shot from behind. "What are you doing in a daze? Purple Moon said he can only hold on for thirteen seconds, and now it's five seconds!" After hearing this, the gunmaster quickly raised his gun and aimed it and said: "Damn it, we are so The super monster that many people don’t know anything about it was pressed on the ground by one of his paws. Unable to move even a little bit, 13 seconds would be enough for me to have this skill! With this size, I have to dump it when I go down Capitol Hill with one paw. Half way!"

Although he was complaining, the gun god’s hands were not slow. The huge gun body was assembled in three seconds, and then a bright red ray suddenly penetrated the dragon claw. The gap illuminates the insect's head. Different from the single bullet used before, this time the rays are actually continuously irradiated, and it seems that the formidable power is very large, because the insect screamed constantly after being burned, but the dragon claw on its body was like Qin Tianzhu. It couldn't move even if it was pressed tightly, it could only struggle desperately in vain and let out a piercing scream.

"Get ready, there are three seconds left." Black Widow looked at the time and loudly shouted the player who was in charge of answering me.

At this time, the Divine Dragon in the sky suddenly received the dragon claw, and the insect on the ground felt the pressure loosened and immediately jumped out, but it hadn’t ran far enough to see the Divine Dragon in the sky. He opened his mouth and spit out a huge white ball of light with a little blue in it. As soon as the ball of light left Longkou, it immediately moved towards insect and chased it quickly like a tracking missile. After the light ball flew out, the silhouette of Divine Dragon suddenly disappeared. The mage below immediately saw me falling in the air. He activated the teleportation skill without the slightest hesitation and took me down. At this time, the ball of light just caught up with that insect. As soon as the light ball touched the insect, everyone heard a click of thunder, and then the insect suddenly convulsed on the bottom. The huge blue arc bounced around on the ground next to the insect, and the nearby forest burned almost instantly. It became a fire sea, and the insect turned black in the electric light. Unlike the shiny black shell before, the shell of the harmful insect after the electric shock has completely turned grayish brown, and there is also a smell of burnt something in the air.

"Did it?" The Gun God asked as if looking at the smoke and dust on the ground.

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