The giant Great Demon array in the sky suddenly lit up when I called out the skill name. At the same time, the two demon arrays inside and outside were accelerating in different directions at the same time, and the speed changed. The speed is getting faster and faster, and in the end, you can't see any magic lines on the magic array, you can only see the red ring on the outside and the golden disc on the inside. Just after the speed of the two magic arrays reached their limit, I suddenly released the bowstring in my hand, and then I saw that the golden arrow suddenly hit the center of the magic array in front, and followed the entire magic array with a dazzling glare. At the same time, a beam of light as thick as the entire magic array was shot from the magic array. You must know that the golden destiny alone has reached more than ten meters in diameter, plus the red ring of precepts on the outside, the diameter of the entire magic array has broken through 15 meters in diameter, even if there is no such a large beam Hit the target, I also know that in order to be absolutely extraordinary, but the expectant Gunner and Black Widow are destined to be disappointed, because when the magic array is activated, the dazzling glare is simply not something naked eye can look directly at.

"Ah!" Black Widow and the gunman threw down the telescope at the same time, covered their eyes and rolled down the roof, and the whole city started to smoke as they rolled off the roof, and it took less than a second. After that, the entire city suddenly burned up, and a big explosion suddenly occurred where the beam of light hits directly, and a huge mushroom cloud appeared along with the rapidly spreading shock wave. As soon as the gun god and Black Widow rolled to the bottom of the house, the house was blown away by the shock wave, and countless bricks and rubble collapsed and instantly buried the two people in it.

At the same time, outside this huge isolation barrier, all players suddenly saw the huge flash of light and mushroom clouds in the middle of the city, and they were awakened by the sudden alarm sound. The Russian player who provided the equipment immediately rushed to the red-lit equipment and shouted: "Who can ice attribute magic, hurry, throw it on it, the machine is overheating!"

"Frost and snow! "A mage quickly threw a frozen spell on it, and the machine finally stabilized.

It wasn't until this time that the Russian player had time to say: "Damn, what are they doing in Purple Moon? The attack just now is too strong, right? This enclosure is not only special energy There are no other shortcomings. So far this is the first time I have seen an attack that can make it so unstable. Fortunately, our protective shield eventually blocked it!"

A player next to it said "You should be thankful that the attack just now did not target the shield. It can be said that the isolation barrier of your guild was only swept by the blast. If that kind of attack is directed at the isolation shield, I guess these machines It might explode directly."

Another player said: "Who did you say was the attack just now?"

"Should it be Purple Moon?"< /p>

"How are you sure?"

"If the top three players in the world have this kind of strength, that would be too exaggerated, so I guess only the one who can have this kind of destructive power Purple Moon is only one person, and this is estimated to be his desperate trick, which belongs to the type of the last big trick. However, if he uses the trick in a general guild battle, it is estimated that one trick can bring our city wall All explodes into waste."

"che, do you think the city wall of your guild is made of iron? Look at the city in the enclosure. If your city has such a trick, I Make sure that the tallest building remaining in the city will not exceed one meter high."

In fact, when these players speak, the dust in the city has been pulled back to the ground by a strong gravitational force. Above, everyone can see the whole picture of the city without the obstruction of smoke and dust. Yes, it's the whole picture. Now the whole city seems to have been attacked by a nuclear bomb. All the buildings including the city wall have been completely flattened, leaving only a thick layer of gray powder on the ground. It seems that this may be the slag of the previous buildings.

"pei pei pei...!" A pile of ash suddenly arched upwards, and then some incomplete bricks and rubble were turned up from under the dust, and then a person's head appeared After coming out, the people outside finally saw clearly that this was a gun god. Less than two seconds after the gun god crawled out, another ash pile was opened next to him, and Black Widow stood up from it.

"Really strong destructive power!"

"Damn it, this is a big loss!" The gun god said while slapping the dust on his body: "That damn bright light, I didn't see anything!"

Black Widow pointed to the desert-like city around him and said, "What if you see it? Can you avoid attacks of this size?"< /p>

“You can’t hide, but it’s okay to interrupt him. I’ve calculated it before. Purple Moon takes 32 seconds of preparation time to activate this skill, which is long enough for me to use. The powerful sniper mode has fired six shots in a row."

"This is possible. Oh, right, where is Purple Moon?"

"There." The gun god suddenly Shouted pointing in one direction.

Black Widow was surprised when he saw me: "Why didn't he quit this state? Didn't he say that this is the strongest skill that can't be maintained for too long?"

" But it can’t be maintained for too long and it doesn’t mean that one blow will end! Wait, what kind of skill he seems to be using."

As the gun god said, I am floating in the air at this time. The second skill is being activated. "Solar Domain." As the skills activated, my whole person began to gradually brighten, and because the light became stronger and stronger, the people around me had gradually lost the ability to observe me, and I had become a giant in their eyes. The light group, and the rays of light are still being continuously strengthened.

"Damn, why is this kind of bright light skill again!" The gun god covered his eyes depressed, and wanted to see my skills, but now I can't see anything!

As my skills were activated, the light on my body began to get stronger and stronger, and people around me began to notice that the ground around them was beginning to smoke, but they only felt very hot. That's it.

"Fuck, Purple Moon seems to have turned himself into the sun!" A player with his back facing me barely squinted his eyes to observe the outside world, and everything around him was rapidly rising. , The high temperature melts everything on the ground, and everything is rapidly softening and gradually melting at this temperature.

Boom, with a loud noise, the isolation barrier suddenly disappeared, and all the machines that made up the barrier were scrapped. Several technicians originally planned to check the situation, but they felt the dazzling light as soon as they opened their eyes, and in fact, even if they could open their eyes, it was useless, because the machine had completely melted into liquid.

"How do I feel my feet become soft?" a player asked.

"Damn, the ground melted! We are all standing in the lava!" said a player with a light-isolating eyepiece on a helmet.

"Then why are we all right? I don't remember that I have the ability to resist lava!"

"This high temperature is caused by Purple Moon. He should have set us as a companion So we’re fine for the time being. But I suggest that you send it as soon as possible. Once the ground completely melts, we will all sink into the lava. Purple Moon’s skill may end suddenly at some point, and I don’t want to be Enclosed in the lava!"

Compared to the players outside, the situation of Gunner and Black Widow is better because they are staying in a transparent sphere at this time. This item was brought out by Black Widow and belongs to a special item. Although it cannot be used in combat, it is very useful in certain situations. For example, now, under the premise that I did not set them as the target of attack, the mask automatically filters the excessive glare, so that the gun god and Black Widow can barely see the outside scene inside, but now they see it. It is a melting earth.

"Do you have something to test the temperature?" The gun god asked Black Widow, and Black Widow handed him a stick. "What is this?"

"Special temperature measuring stick." Black Widow pointed to the surface of the stick. "See the scale? This thing is made of different materials. Throw it into a high-temperature furnace and it will melt. Because different materials have different melting points, the last remaining part of the scale is the actual temperature. This is our guild. When forging weapons, the players used to test the furnace temperature. It is not too accurate, but it can be used together."

After listening, the gun god immediately grabbed the stick and stretched it out of the mask. He himself won't be hurt because I set him up as an ally, but the stick is different. As soon as the gun god took the thing out of the mask, he suddenly heard a chirp, and then the stick turned into a plume of smoke and disappeared completely.

"What kind of situation is this?"

"This situation shows that the outside temperature is very high. The last section of this stick is made from the branches of the Fire Crystal tree. Fire Crystal tree However, the magical plant that can grow unharmed in the lava of 7.6 Baidu will now be directly vaporized, indicating that the outside temperature is at least 8,000 degrees, otherwise it will not vaporize in an instant."

"God! This skill is even scarier than the previous one. Eight thousand degrees? If we weren't the target of the attack right now, we would definitely be evaporated in an instant." The gun god thought for a while and said: "Fortunately this skill is also It can be interrupted. As long as you don’t let him heat up like this, there should be nothing at worst."

Black Widow shook the head said: "But once this skill is activated, it really looks like As the Chinese said, if a Person blocks, then kill the Person if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas!"

"I don’t know if you can kill the Buddha, but it’s okay to kill the insect. "The gun god said and pointed to the scattered light spots around. Although these points of light are almost invisible due to the strong light, the brightness inside the reticle is still moderate, and any light points that enter the scope of the reticle can be seen.

As the light points quickly merged into the bodies of Black Widow and Gun God, both of them were so excited that they almost jumped up, because at this time their EXP was leaping upwards at the speed of a rocket, watching It even jumped to Level 3, and this situation continued for a whole minute before it completely stopped. As the EXP stopped gushing, the rays of light on my body gradually dimmed. After all, this super skill is not something that can be used casually. Before, I have been trying hard to continuously upgrade and reply to continuously support one minute. My normal attribute must end in at most twenty seconds.

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