The reason why the three of us were stunned is that behind the door is not a room or a passage, but the universe. That's right. Behind the gate is a dark universe, countless dazzling stars and nebulae gleaming in the distant void, and a meteor is rushing toward the gate at a terrifying speed.

I was shocked when I opened it. Both Venus and Crow forgot to dodge, but instinctively stretched out their hands to block their eyes, and even I planned to escape. You know it's a meteor! A meteor the size of the Empire State Building. If this thing hits, it is estimated that the entire ruins will be smashed into a big hole. However, the speed of the thing was so fast that I saw it hit the door before I had time to dodge. However... nothing happened. The meteor passed through the gate like an illusion and disappeared without a trace, and the gate, Venus and the crow standing at the door were unharmed.

"What's the matter?" Venus asked puzzledly.

The crow stretched out his feet and tentatively said: "It seems to be an illusion, but I can't get rid of it with reconnaissance skills!"

"It should be a very high-level illusion That's it!"

"Probably!" The crow replied uncertainly. "By the way, what the hell is there?"

"I want to come and see it because I don't know!" Venus said as he drew a method from his storage equipment. Rod, she took the staff as a crutch and probed the void ahead, and then stepped in. However, they suddenly disappeared from my sight after only two steps, but I didn't charge ahead right away, and things were similar to what I thought. They reappeared at the entrance again. Obviously, the illusion is not just aimed at people outside, and entering the inside will also be affected. Venus and the crow suddenly disappeared just now. They should have entered the phantom. Just like I couldn’t see them outside, they probably couldn’t see the outside. So they tried to see if the exit was still in the place behind. Returned.

Neither of these two guys are stupid. If you enter an area where the reference object cannot be determined like the universe, it is easy to get lost with human senses. Once they enter, they can’t see the exit. , As long as you walk a certain distance, you will not find the exit location, and as long as the space in this place is large enough, it is very simple to trap them. However, these two guys are not stupid. They first took out a very heavy battle axe and placed it far away from the gate, and then took a long rope out and tied one end to the battle axe. Then the two people walked into the phantom space while holding the rope coil while putting the rope. No matter how the illusion inside this place changes, as long as they walk back along the rope when the time comes, they will definitely return to the entrance. This method is definitely cheap and easy to use.

Because I'm not sure if these two guys will suddenly run out again, I still didn't follow this time, but sent a Spirit Armor Worm followed along. However, as soon as my Spirit Armor worm climbed over the tomahawk, he suddenly saw the phantom wave in front of him, and then saw Venus and the crow rushing out of it at a speed of 100 meters. Just when I was stunned, the two people had already rushed to the corner here. Fortunately, I quickly activated the invisible effect on the Phantom Cloak before I was noticed. In fact, I suspect that even if I don't activate the invisibility, as long as I squat in the corner, I will not be discovered by them, because these two people are running too fast, as if being chased by some beast. Wait, beast chasing?

I hurriedly stretched my head to look at the corridor, only to see that a small insect about the size of my Spirit Armor insect suddenly appeared in the phantom space, and it seemed to look like this guy Not as powerful as my Spirit Armor. I am a person who has experienced all kinds of dangers. The first reaction at the time was that this insect must be followed by the sea of ​​insects. Otherwise, how could it be possible to frighten experts such as crows and flee in a hurry? However, things surprised me again, because the illusion suddenly disappeared after the insect crawled out, and the room behind the illusion also came out in reality. What I saw through the door was a super huge room, but overall it was acceptable. The interior of this room was empty, with only one arm in the middle of the room with a columnar support more than a meter high. And above this thing is suspended a Black Sphere with a diameter of more than three meters with many depressions on the surface. The texture of this Black Sphere looks like glass. Although the surface is pitch black, it can still reflect light, but at this time I have no time to study this because there is nothing behind the insect. If it is the sea of ​​insects hiding the sky and covering the earth that scared away the crows and Venus, it can still be said that there is just an insect that would be too strange.

The insect quickly climbed in front of my Spirit Armor worm, and then he stopped for a while, as if he was very curious about the Spirit Armor worm in front of him, and then he suddenly touched it with the tentacles on the top of his head. My Spirit Armor Worm, following the Spirit Armor Worm, suddenly disappeared, and my connection with the Spirit Armor Worm was also severed. Obviously, the Spirit Armor Worm was killed, and it was only touched.

Although the Spirit Armor Worm was killed in seconds, the Spirit Armor Worm is an ultra-low-level pathfinder after all, so I quickly sent darts to deal with this guy. The speed of the darts is super fast. As soon as it appeared in the aisle, it turned into a stream of light and pounced on the unknown insect on the ground, but the moment the dart touched the insect, I suddenly heard a scream. The dart was actually bitten by the insect, and his body was shrinking rapidly, and the insect was rapidly growing in size at a terrifying speed. Before, the insect, which was the size of a small spider, changed in a blink of an eye. The big crab is so big.

Without any hesitation, I rushed out from the corner of my hiding place like lightning, stepped on the insect and stretched out my hand to pull the dart out. However, although the dart was saved by me, the insect did Suddenly turned back and bit on my boot. The super-powerful shell of the Devil Dragon boots was instantly bitten through like a layer of window fingers. I only felt a pain on my feet, followed by a chill that quickly spread upward along the soles of my feet. "Go to hell!" I lifted my foot and stomped down and tried to trample the insect to death, but it turned out to be a metal crash. The insect was actually hard like an iron mound, completely indifferent to my stepping. If a blow failed, I immediately drew the eternity out and cut to the insect, but something that surprised me again happened. Eternal there is no stronghold one cannot overcome. The sharp blade pulled out a fire star on this insect and slid to one side and cut into my own boots. If I hadn’t found it was wrong, I would close my hand faster and almost even myself. All of his feet have been cut off.

When I found that I couldn't cut this guy, I immediately changed it to a pick, and directly inserted Eternal from the side between the insect and the sole of my foot. Fortunately, the strength of this insect is not very strong, so I don’t want it to come down easily. I originally planned to step forward and attack this guy again. Who knew that Ling contacted me directly in Fenglong Space through spiritual contact and said: "Master, you are dropped!"

"en? Dropped? I was just bitten by that thing and didn't die? Could it be that...? "Now I finally know why Venus and Crow are running so fast. It is a fool not to run in this situation.

Speaking of speed, I am much faster than the crows, but the beetle is not much slower. It suddenly opened its wings and flew up after seeing me turned and flee. This thing can even fly, which is really terrible. As I ran, I asked Ling through spiritual contact: "How many levels did I just drop?"

"Level 1 is more." Ling probably knew what it meant, and said without waiting for me to ask carefully. When you were bitten, you had more than 30% experience of 1,122 Level 13. At the moment you were bitten, your excess EXP was directly cleared to zero. Although your level at the time was not dropped, it was too much. The fraction that came out was directly erased. Probably a direct bite of this thing can directly clear the current level of experience. After this process, the EXP will begin to fall down at a rate of 100 points per second. It’s not too fast to reach the level."

"One bite of Level 1 is not fast?"

"At least you only dropped Level 1."

"If you get bitten to the point you won't be able to guarantee that you won't lose Level 1."

"This might be the case, but we analyzed that the probability is very high."

"Are there any suggestions now No?"

"It's a good suggestion to continue running."

Although I was a little helpless, Ling's opinion was indeed normal. Not only was I running, but I was getting faster and faster, and I soon caught up with Venus and the Crow. Originally, I didn't want to be discovered by them, but in this case, there was no way I could only continue to rush forward. As for Venus and Crow, I was very surprised when I suddenly caught up with them. The eyes of the two of them stared like brass bells, but now everyone has no time to attack each other, and there is a more ruthless one behind. , Escape is the right way. Fighting between players is nothing more than losing Level 1. Even if the unlucky point fails to resurrect, it only drops two levels. The thing behind is Level 1! Who can bear this speed?

Although there is no time to attack each other for the time being, it does not prevent us from messing with each other. I was running, and the crow beside me suddenly stretched its feet to block me in front of me. I was caught off guard and my weight suddenly tilted forward. I was about to fall to the ground, but my super reaction saved me. One-handed support on the ground, a forward somersault directly landed on both feet again, not only did not fall, but ran in front of the crows.

It’s our Chinese tradition to talk about courtesy and reciprocity. Isn’t there a saying to come without being indecent? In order to be polite, I had no choice but to "go". In the crow’s angry expression, I threw the eternity upward, and then the eternity suddenly became countless balls falling to the ground. When the crow stepped on it, it immediately slid, and the whole person fell flat and fell on the ground. On the ground, and I smiled triumphantly. Hehe, let's see who is unlucky this time.

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