"Purple Moon will only move in if he feels good about it!" Felindir responded to my words with an unusually provocative response.

"I don't have the blessing to enjoy this kind of life!" As I said, I opened the gauze and walked to the back.

"Purple Moon is really good at talking and laughing." Felindier smiled and walked over, while the female archer on the side was surprised and even said that she would not.

"Stop kidding." I suddenly corrected my tone. "Talk to you about business."

"Oh? Business? Is there anything I can do for you?"

"You are really right." I'm not at all polite. He sat down on the bed that Filindier had just sat on, and pulled the fruit basket placed on the ground next to him, picking up one and gnawing at it. "I have some trouble."

"There are still problems you can't solve here?"

"What do you say? I'm not omnipotent, of course there will be problems that can't be solved. In fact, it’s not a major event, it’s just that it’s more troublesome, and I happen to be a little in a hurry, so I can’t do it myself for the time being, so I want to ask you to borrow someone to use it."

" Huh?" Felindir replied with enthusiasm as he rolled his eyes: "I have people, but the bitch Marilyn has been watching very closely recently. If I seconded a large number of people out, she would take the opportunity to come. What should I do if I trouble you?"

"This is for you." Before I came, I knew Felindir wouldn't speak so well. Although she doesn't dare to offend me now, she hasn't gotten to the point where I can knead it at will.

Filendil took the thing I threw and took a look, but didn't figure out what it was. "What is this?"

"Emergency communication crystal. This is connected to the transmission device of the Isengard Mobile Fortress of our guild. At any time you just need to crush it, My Isengard Mobile Fortress It will be teleported directly above you within 30 seconds. If Marilyn takes the opportunity to make trouble, you can crush it, and I will help you teach her."

Filindir listened to me Obviously, she was not very satisfied. After all, what she meant just now was to take some benefits from me. Of course she knew that Marilyn would not really hit her at this time. Marilyn is not stupid, she is also counting on my support now, if she takes advantage of the opportunity I borrowed from Filindir to attack Filindil, wouldn't it be the same as hitting me in the face? She wouldn't do such a stupid thing that pushed me into Filindil's arms. Since Filindil knew this, she knew that the opportunity I gave her to call for help was not given, so she would not agree so easily.

"This thing is good, but in case Marilyn just came to humiliate me, I can't call your mobile city over, right?"

I know Filindil wouldn't agree so easily, so he didn't expect that thing to be fooled. Throwing that thing before was nothing more than to make her reduce the price. Now I pretended to be thinking and said, "That's it! If that's the case, it's really not appropriate. It's really a fuss to get the mobile fortress here just to get someone to fight with me. Or else!" I went again. He took out a scroll and threw it to her. "How about this?"

Filendil took the scroll and opened it and took a look, then his eyes lit up, and then he put the thing away with satisfaction. "I'm relieved with this. So what level of manpower do you need? How much do you need?"

"The level doesn't need to be too high, but it can't be too low. One thousand level will do, probably one Thousands of people, as long as four or five days, as little as a day can be returned to you."

Filindier is frowned, because this number is actually very large. In fact, I also came to a symbolic lion's big mouth. Anyway, Ferindier will definitely bargain. If I report less, wouldn’t it be inconvenient for her to bargain?

"I can't find so many people all at once! I will give you three hundred at most."

"Three hundred is too few, you can help me get it together. ?"

"Four hundred, no more!"

"Four hundred is not enough! At least eight hundred is needed, and less is not enough!"

< p>"But I really can’t make it together! How about I transfer my private reserve team to you and force you to make up five hundred people?"

"Seven hundred, It really can’t be less!"

"Okay, okay, everyone gives way to six hundred."

"Okay, six hundred is six hundred!"

At the moment we reached an agreement, only a plop was heard. Filindir and I turned our heads to find out that the female archer was dizzy. It is estimated that what she saw today was too far beyond her comprehension. As a result, she fainted after using her brain too much. speaking of which too. In the recognition of French players, Light God Palace is basically a top institution, but now the boss of Light God Palace, Goddess of Light, is bargaining with me like buying cabbage. This scene is indeed a bit too shocking.

After the agreement was reached, I immediately took the six hundred angels back to the site of the ruins. As for the female archer, I took it with me. Her companions are all in the ruins. Can't explain it. This time is different from before. Because of the large number of people, we adopted the anti-surge method for investigative search this time. Not to mention, the monsters and BOSSs that we have not encountered before are all turned out, but facing the 1,000-level angel team, these monsters and BOSSs can't play any advantage at all, and they almost emerge as soon as they appear. Was killed.

Many people are naturally more efficient. We quickly completed a first-level search. During the period, some angels found some strange things. I will specifically look at these suspicious things after they report. I don't need to do this kind of work like path finding. After a few hours in the ruins, we finally found the lost team of squad, but at this time, the only people in the team were the Captain and another swordsman, and everyone else was basically dead. Without my presence, their team is simply impossible to move a single step here. The breakthrough of almost every passage is paved by people.

The female archer is also very happy to find Captain, but their mission is probably hopeless, because I have no time to help them complete the mission. "By the way, where is the stone of commandment you mentioned?"

The Captain shook the head: "Not here."

"I know it's not here, I’m asking you exactly how to get there."

"I don’t know. In fact, we don’t even know where we are now. We missed several agencies on the way before we got here. The road is now It's completely different from when we came in. We don't even know how to get out without you leading the way!"

"Really!" I helplessly said to an angel nearby: "You continue to search here, If there is something suspicious, write it down and tell me when I come back." The Stone of Commandment is a major event, and this thing is very important to these Low Gods. Of course Felindir is one of them. I don’t dare. Let her hand go down and help me get the stone of commandment, which is basically the same as asking the dog to help you pick up the meat buns.

Take the last three remaining people of the squad back to the exit, and then walk back according to their memory, and soon they arrived at the place where the commandment stone was placed, only this time. But it was different from before. It wasn't that it had encountered a lot of organs, but that it went smoothly with some abnormalities.

"Do you think something is staring at us?" I walked away and asked suddenly.

"en?" All three of them glanced around for a while, and then they answered me. "Nothing?"

I was frowned and continued to move forward, but the pace was getting faster and faster. The Captain suddenly shouted: "You have passed by, and the stone of commandment is on the side wall."

I did not answer, but suddenly accelerated forward and dashed forward while both hands were out of the sheath. After hearing two clicks of pu chi, my claw stopped suddenly, followed by a drop of dark red liquid suddenly appeared on my claw and gradually dripped to the ground along the blade of the claw. Seeing this, even if the three people behind were stupid, they knew that something was actually following us, but they could only draw out their weapons and be careful because they couldn't see anything at all.

"Ah!" The female archer suddenly screamed and fell out. Suddenly there was a huge mouth of blood on her chest. The blood sprayed the attacker like a fountain, and the air was totally blank for no reason. A blood-colored human figure.

"Mice." I drew my claws back and flicked my hand, a throwing knives straddling the distance between us like lightning and nailed it to the invisible guy's head accurately, and that guy was holding his head. After staggering back for two steps, his dagger finally fell down with a thump, and the invisibility on his body was automatically lifted.

The female archer and the two people were both taken aback when they saw the person who appeared, because it was not a monster lying on the ground, but an angel, a handsome male angel wearing a gorgeous Battle Armor. And at the same time that the angel died, the invisible creature that I had worn so coldly at the same time finally stopped struggling and stopped the life characteristics. With his death, the invisibility effect was automatically lifted, which turned out to be an angel.

"Purple Moon, isn't this an angel?" The Captain looked at me in surprise and asked.

I nodded came over and picked up the angel’s corpse on the ground, and then unplugged the throwing knife stuck in the guy’s forehead, and then turned the guy over and rummaged on his back for a while, finally I finally plucked a completely invisible transparent feather from the base of his wing. If it weren't for blood, no one would be able to see this thing.

"Sure enough, it is a shadow angel."

"Huh? Shadow angel?"

"Light God Palace’s special forces, a special force that is completely confidential to the outside world The troops. All of its members are such angels. They have perfect invisibility and strong battle strength, but unfortunately they are not qualified to deal with me."

"But President Purple Moon, you are not that group of angels. Why...?"

I didn't answer Captain's words, but said to myself: "hmph...Filendil, this woman seems to be owed to clean up!"


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