
"Because we haven't made it yet."


" After the transmission system research is completed, our resources here have been exhausted, and now only magic crystals are available, so there is no production prototype."

"If there is material, can it be produced immediately? Come out the prototype?"

"In theory, it should be possible, but this sample still needs some complicated processes such as refining. In short, it takes time." The veteran of Sigma Sea Clan explained: "These high-energy transformations Even if the device is produced, it must undergo a series of tests. It can be put into use immediately. Even if we produce it now, it will take two or three days to complete the test!"

"So slow!" I I was sighing and suddenly the ring of love rang.

"Husband, I'm done, summon, let me go!"

"Okay, you are ready, I will start summon right away."

Notifying the veterans of Sigma Sea Clan that Transmission Formation was about to arrive, they were immediately excited and let me start quickly, but after thinking about it, I decided to leave the building first and summon it. It's really troublesome to get in and out of this ghost place, so it's better to find an open area first. Under the leadership of the elders, we quickly arrived at an open space outside the city. It is said that this was originally a warehouse area, but now that everything is used up, there is nothing left. After making sure that the surrounding environment is good, I immediately used the ring of love summon to get the rose over. After Rose appeared, she didn't talk nonsense, and after a brief meeting with a few veterans, she poured a bunch of parts out of Fenglong's space.

The veterans of Sigma Sea Clan were shocked to see the small hill-like parts piled up in the clearing. "Does this Transmission Formation need so many things?"

Rose is nodded. "Because you said you want to have city-level transportation connections, and there are no other exits in this city, that is to say, all the traffic pressure is concentrated on this Transmission Formation. How can it be enough if you don't make a big one?" We are all nodded to the words of the rose, which really makes sense. The daily material consumption of a city is quite astonishing, and it will definitely be troublesome if the transportation capacity of Transmission Formation cannot keep up. However, Rose seemed to think that everyone was not surprised enough, and immediately said: "This is just a material Transmission Formation. When we put it together, we can use it to send other Transmission Formation separately. Just this one Transmission Formation is definitely It’s not enough."

"How many Transmission Formation is needed?" The Sigma veteran asked: "We have never used this before, and I don’t know the specific flow capacity. It’s up to you. This pile of parts, the Transmission Formation area should not be small? Is it placed here?"

After listening to the rose, she immediately looked at the surrounding environment and frowned. "It does look a little small. Do you have no other space?"

Whhhh, our eyes all focused on the hole that Ling had shot out before. "It seems that everyone's opinions have been unified." Although Rose didn't know what we were looking at, she guessed it and we must have thought of somewhere.

Although the shortage of supplies for Sigma Sea Clan has already begun, we are not in a hurry in these two days, so we did not immediately start the construction of Transmission Formation, but first went to the other side to see the situation. The size of the city on both sides of the wall that was pierced is actually the same, but the problem now is that there has been a collapse there. Now the ground is full of rocks of various sizes, and the roof of the cave is also in a kind of collapse at any time. In the state, it is definitely useless without reinforcement. After thinking about it, we finally decided to build the Transmission Formation brought by Rose in the warehouse area where we stayed just now, and let the construction team in the guild get together. The project here is too vast, we need to get the year of the monkey alone?

After deciding on the plan, we first returned to the warehouse area and started to fight the Transmission Formation. Although there are many parts in this thing, in fact all of them are modular, so the connection is very convenient. My rose quickly completed the Transmission Formation. After the completion of the Transmission Formation, I didn't let the people from Sigma Sea Clan leave here first, but let them wait first, and naturally Grandma stayed with them. Rose and I used Transmission Formation to directly transmit to Tianyu City, and then we two went to Steel City and the other to Isengard. Soon we were all back here again, but Rose brought back a bunch of professionals. And all I brought back were coolies.

Under our arrangement, coolie and professional staff have started their own work. First we must dig a giant pool in the French Quarter of Tianyu City. Since we have a lot of large-scale construction machinery in our trade, and we have a lot of people, digging, which is a matter of little technical content, is quickly settled. Reinforcement materials should be laid after digging the pit. This place is connected to the underwater environment, so it can't be made too muddy. Therefore, something must be added to the mud to make a place like a swimming pool. What our designers used is to first spread red bricks, then add a layer of waterproof partitions on top, then use steel plates to reinforce the top of the waterproof board, followed by a layer of cement, and then another layer of waterproof board, and then another layer on the top. Extremely strong, plus the oily iron wood that won't take effect. After the laying of these things was completed, we started to install Transmission Formation under the pool. At the same time, another part of the staff erected steel beams above the pool. After the steel beams were completed, rail-mounted cranes could be installed on them to facilitate the transportation of materials.

The construction is still going on here. I have brought roses and some technicians to Sigma Sea Clan. Since the city of Sigma Sea Clan is a completely aquatic city, the construction difficulty is much higher than the construction projects that our guild has carried out before. Although Atlantis is also seabed, there is a huge energy shield on the top of Atlantis to block the sea. The things in the city are actually in an anhydrous environment, but this Sigma Sea Clan Things are simply completely immersed in water, so this is no ordinary difficulty.

The work of cleaning up the ruins of the city is relatively simple. Instead of cleaning up the ruins like cleaning, we directly sent large creatures to blast all the buildings in the ruins of the city into fragments and compact them. Finally, a large amount of high-strength and high-setting cement was used to directly pave a layer on the ruins to raise the ground as a whole. After completing this work, we began to insert steel columns on the cement layer that had not yet solidified, and then laid steel plates on top of these steel columns and poured cement on the steel plates. After the two layers of cement have solidified, we can start building the city directly on top of the upper layer of cement. The advantage of this is that the pipeline layer flows out below the city. In the future, no matter whether it is laying power facilities or communication facilities, there will be no need to dig trenches on the ground repeatedly, and directly make a hole to lead the line to the lower layer, and then route it underneath. That's it. We must know that these experiences are also summed up by our guild in the long-term urban construction.

Looking at the magical construction speed of our guild construction team, even the veterans of Sigma Sea Clan had to express admiration. Although their technology is very advanced, but because the level of the operators is too low, their project progress is much slower than ours. But I am not happy because of this speed, because the process of cleaning up the ruins is nothing more than labor. The really complicated part is the support of the roof.

The vertical height of the ceiling of the ruined city from the ground of our newly established city is 750 meters, which means that it is impossible for us to use support columns on the ground to support the ceiling. Although this problem caused me a lot of headaches, the technicians of Sigma Sea Clan made this problem extremely simple. I have to say that Sigma Sea Clan is really a natural technical race, and their ideas are really amazing. I have always considered the use of beams and other technologies to support the ceiling according to my habit, but the people at Sigma Sea Clan gave a completely different idea-airbags.

This is not the ground but the bottom, so as long as there is an inflatable airbag, the buoyancy of the water will naturally make the airbag support the ceiling upwards, but the simple airbag is prone to problems, so we finally adopted the honeycomb Style design. To put it simply, first use a lot of steel plates to form a huge plane to block the entire ceiling. Of course, the ceiling must be simply rested before that. When the steel plate is completed, we will add multiple columns to form a honeycomb-shaped area under it, and then make many airbags and place them in these honeycomb-shaped grids. The advantage of this is that once a certain airbag leaks, just replace it. As long as not more than 60% of the airbags explode at the same time, the roof will not collapse. After the concept was finalized, it was natural to send the task to Steel City to let them produce. Sigma Sea Clan currently lacks too many things and can't produce anything for the time being.

After finishing the basic construction and general design framework, I will stay here and continue to coordinate the work between the various departments, and I will return to Isengard first with a rose. From Isinger's side, we got the detailed blueprint of the city construction and reviewed it. After confirming that there was no problem, it was handed over to the working group to be responsible for the construction as it was. After that, there was nothing wrong with me. As a leader of the guild, it is impossible to do everything by yourself. As long as you figure out the general direction, others will naturally be responsible for the rest.

Rose and I had to act separately after we made sure of all this. Rose is now going to Korea to direct the battle. Speaking of which our guilds are fighting all over the world, but the most confusing one is the Korean side. Hundreds of guilds are attacking each other there. There is no organization at all. Basically, they are blooming everywhere. Rose is coordinating there and it is estimated that it has become a mess now. I can't spare Rose to go to work with her. I have to chase Venus. Fortunately, I still keep a secret whistle to follow her, so that I won't be able to find anyone.



"Are you still following her?"

"Of course."

"Where are you now?"

"I don't know."


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