Now before my eyes is a huge confined space. Numerous gates and a large number of busy people are shuttled back and forth in this huge space comparable to an indoor football field. Not to mention what is behind those gates, there are more than a thousand people in this space alone. But I am very lucky, because the people here are currently busy with their own affairs, and there are a few people standing with their backs to me not far in front of me, so the warrior blocks the sight of others, and no one is paying attention yet. To me.

After I reacted, I was invisible again, and less than a second after I became invisible, one of the few people who had just blocked me in front of me just turned around and glanced back. He may have heard the sound of me opening the door just now, but he turned his head and saw nothing, so he turned back.

I dared to move again after the three people in front of me had gone far. The probability of being spotted in this crowded place is very high, and since the stealth effect attached to my Phantom Cloak is not thorough enough, it is easy to spot once I start to move. After some consideration and observation of the surrounding environment, I came up with a way. Near the gate area on the opposite side of this empty area, a pile of large boxes just blocked the farthest gate behind. As long as I teleport to the back of that box, I can guarantee that the moment I leave the teleport and enter invisibility will not be discovered by anyone. Although Phantom Cloak can produce a complete invisibility effect when I am not moving, the teleportation skill itself has a skill effect, so it will still be exposed when the teleportation occurs. But after a while, I will find a moment when no one notices to start the teleportation. Even if the other party only sees me disappearing, I can't be sure whether I really saw the person, but as long as the moment I appear is not discovered.

I suddenly activated the teleportation skill when I saw the time. As the scene changed, I reached the side of the pile of boxes. Unfortunately, there was a slight error in the calculation. As soon as I came out, I bumped into the box. Fortunately, no one noticed. . Because the Phantom was sent by me to track the Russian, the teleportation skill I currently use is on the ring. This skill is not gaze teleportation but coordinate teleportation. I just calculated the coordinates based on the relative distance between the two points. , The result was a little error, but fortunately, it was not found. Now there is a gate behind me, and next to me is a pile of boxes separating me and the other people in the hall. Compared with other gates, the gate behind me is much deserted, so I decided to study what is behind this gate first.

This gate is somewhat different from other gates. The steel gate is painted with one after another yellow and black stripes, which looks like an industrial warning sign. I put my ear on the door and listened for a while, the rumbling sound of the machine came from behind the door, but there was no human voice, so I safely pulled the door handle to pull it open, and then quickly flashed in and closed the gate again. . Behind this door is a huge three-dimensional space. Numerous curved and coiled pipes communicate with each other among huge machines that do not know their purpose. At the interface between the pipe and the machine, some steam will be emitted from time to time.

This place seems to be a huge machine room. Obviously, so many equipments are not only used to provide energy for this base, they should also be responsible for other tasks, but here are all machines, real The console is not in this space, so I don't know what these are used for for the time being.

Wandering around this place casually, except for the individual staff holding the wrench, it is almost unattended, and it seems that there are no important facilities, but I still found it here Several other outlets. After a simple survey, I chose a relatively internal exit and slipped out, but before I went out, I had switched to the silver moon form and used the massive equipment in the Phoenix Dragon space to make some disguise. After leaving the machine room, I entered an all-metal area. The walls, ceiling, and floor of this place are all metal, and there are piles of boxes stacked in the center of the room. These boxes are the ones I saw on the submarine before, but they are not the same as when I saw them before. Now these boxes are all open, and they are all empty inside.

Hey, the door on the other side of the room suddenly opened, and I almost reflexively hid behind a pile of boxes.

"I heard that the assembly base was sneaked into." Some of the people who came in were talking gossip, and it seemed that it was what I did.

Another person said: "Don't worry, it's just an assembly workshop. Even if the Chinese have no technical content, it won't matter, as long as we don't be invaded here."< /p>

"What are you kidding?" The third voice said: "Here is seabed. No matter how powerful the Chinese are, it is impossible to find out here."

"That's the same. "

The four people were talking while carrying the boxes. They apparently brought a cart because I heard the sound of the cart. Probably after loading the box, those people left the room again, and I ran out quickly trying to keep up with them. These people certainly didn't come to empty the boxes to dispose of them. Those submarines brought the boxes back when they came back, obviously for repeated use, so now the empty boxes here must be transported for packing, so just follow these people to find the place for packing.

I ran to the door where those people left. I was about to pull the doorknob. Suddenly the doorknob moved by itself. I flashed behind the door with lightning. The door opened at the same time. Four people pushed The cart walked in, but they didn't look back and didn't close the door. I flashed out the door as soon as they came in. The four people inside might have heard the sound and all looked back, but I had left the door and they saw nothing.

After I went out, I saw the three people who had left before pushing the trolley and walking forward along the passage. I immediately followed along. After a short walk, I saw a few people coming in front of me, but those people didn't have a cart. I immediately realized that this is a public passage and there is no need to hide myself. After all, such a large institution is impossible for everyone to know each other. When the few people passed by me, I didn’t look at them at all. Instead, I continued to move forward. The few people didn’t notice anything but walked over directly, but two of them regarded me as a beautiful MM. Take a second look.

After successfully mixing a team of people, I understood the situation here. Obviously, as long as you don't make any abnormal behavior, it is not easy to be seen through. After turning around a few passages with the people in front, they came to a door. Those people opened the door and walked in. Then the door was not closed and came out a few people pushing the empty car. I deliberately walked past the door pretending to be passing, turning my head and taking a look. I saw rows of staff in the room placing spherical objects in the box. I have seen those spherical objects. They are the metal balls taken out by the researchers of our guild from the warhead of the moldy magic crystal vapor bomb I captured. It seems that these are explosives containing liquefied magic crystals.

I walked carefully through the door, and when the few people inside came out, I immediately turned around and ran back to open the door and got in. The main reason why I dared to enter with a lot of people inside is that all the people in the box are NPCs, and NPCs are much more foolish than players.

Sure enough, the NPC worker who suddenly entered into me didn't even lift his head. I bypassed the workbench and walked to the opposite door and ran out. I came out here because I saw that the explosives were sent from the opposite side, which shows that there is a higher level assembly workshop over there.

Out of that door, I first saw two people pushing a small car and walking forward with their backs to me. I quickly followed along. This place is different from the places I have visited before. The ground is not steel but a very soft carpet. Not only does it make no sound but also feels special softness when I walk up, I guess this is probably to prevent the gas magic crystal bomb from falling off. I was especially prepared for an accident falling on the ground, but now it's cheaper for me. The soft ground made my tracking a lot easier, because it was not easy to make a sound, so I followed the two people to the end of the passage without being noticed.

At the end of the passage is a small glass door. After two people pushed the car past, I just saw an NPC opening the door for them, so I hurriedly shouted: "Wait a minute."< /p>

There is a reason why I made a sound, because the door is designed to be opened only from the inside, so once it is closed, I cannot enter without being noticed anyway, so I'm going to take a gamble, because people here can't think I'm an intruder. At least the facts have proved that I am betting right for the time being, but the hidden dangers have also been buried.

"Oh, you are Miss Gongzi?" A person in the room heard my voice because he was near the door, but unlike the others, he did not participate in the work of those people before. I have been mentoring others, but now I don’t know why I recognize me as someone else. Fortunately, the appearance of Yinyue's trumpet is easy to confuse people, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

Since the other party admitted the wrong person, I happened to be wrong. "Hello. Are you the Chief-In-Charge here?"

"Yes, I am Hatomoto Ryuichi, President Nobunaga Onishu should have told you before, right? "

"Yes." Gui knows what Nobunaga Guite said to the Japanese woman named Miyako, but now I can only put it on. Anyway, if everything happens to you, the worst result is nothing more than a large-scale destruction here after revealing your identity. Even if the production technology of liquefied magic crystal is not available, at least the production of the Japanese magic crystal vapor bomb must be stopped for a period of time. I don't want to suddenly discover that a Japanese player has a magic crystal vapor bomb one day in the future. If that's the case, we don't have to mix up!

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