"Ghost Nobunaga?" "How did you get in?" Jiaha and I called out almost at the same time, but the content was different.

Nobunaga seems very satisfied with our performance. "Hahahaha...you two thought they would succeed soon, didn't expect me to appear suddenly? You said what would happen if I spread the news? I don't know if the master who turned into a huge machine in front of me would Will it not be sealed by the union of the gods? As for Purple Moon, are you... I don’t think the result will be much better, right?"

"Don't be too proud of you." I was calm. Said: "Do you really think that someone will believe what we say?"

"Although I can't guarantee that all gods will believe it, as long as there is a god who will trouble you, it is enough You suffer, not to mention what I said was the truth."

"So there is no discussion?"

"Discussion? When we attacked our Japanese cities, you had Have you discussed with us?" Nobunaga Guishou proudly said: "You are ready to go to war with the gods!"

After threatening me, Nobunaga Guishou immediately turned around and ran out, although I didn’t I knew how to prevent him from telling what I saw today, but at least I couldn't let him go out and talk nonsense. I quickly caught up with the principle of doing it before thinking about it. After passing through the space door, Nobunaga and I fell into the previous Space Crack together, but this time there was no guide to lead the way. Nobunaga Guishou didn’t know what method he used to find the way and ran forward without any reduction in speed, but I’m not so easy to deal with. I superimposed the previously traversed route memorized in my brain with the auxiliary function of the chip in my brain. In my visual signal, I easily marked the area of ​​the road I walked through in the seemingly roadless space. As long as I don't run out of this area, I won't fall into the turbulence of time and space.

Guishou Nobunaga thought I didn’t dare to chase him here, so I ran for a while and turned my head to look at me. I was going to laugh at a few words. Who knows that I’m already in midair and I’m in midair. Smashed down at him. In fact, after marking the path here just now, I discovered the mystery here. The straight line distance between the exit and the entrance was only a few meters. The reason why I walked for a long time before was because the route was twisted, which gave people an illusion. It can be said that people's sense of direction in this kind of space without reference objects has no effect. But I don't care about these. As Dragon Clan, the electronic part of my brain can perform sophisticated data processing tasks that carbon-based organisms cannot. Just now because I saw the superimposed route, I boldly gave up the detour and skipped the shortest section of the road and hit Nobunaga on the ground.

Because I was unprepared and my impact was too big, Guishou Nobunaga could not withstand my impact at all, so we two hugged each other and rolled out from the other side of the road. . At the same time, Nobunaga and I realized that the situation was not good, but unfortunately it was too late. I waved my wings desperately, but found that I couldn't fly at all, and the grappling hook that Guitou Nobunaga threw at the end failed to catch the edge of the road by a few minutes, and I could only helplessly fall into the turbulent flow of time and space with me. middle.

After falling for a few minutes, I suddenly felt a hint of coldness. As more and more coldness touched my body, I quickly realized that these all are suspended droplets, but the problem is these As soon as the water touches my body, it will immediately become a large piece of ice firmly fixed on my body. Although I was able to get all the ice down, more water points were posted. As a result, more and more ice cubes were wrapped around my body. Finally, I surpassed the upper limit of my strength and completely frozen me in a big place. Among the blocks of ice. Nobunaga is not far away from me, and because of the weak power attribute, he freezes faster than me.

With the freezing process, I quickly realized where we appeared. Obviously we have broken away from Space-Time Crack, but our place is obviously in the super high atmosphere, because only this place has so much super-cooled water in suspension. This kind of super-cooled water is actually a kind of water whose temperature is below zero but still maintains a liquid state. According to most people’s common sense, water will turn into ice at a point below zero, but the fact is that water can be in some special circumstances. The sub-zero state remains liquid, and now we are encountering this state. Although this kind of sub-zero water has not frozen for the time being, it has already met the conditions for freezing. Therefore, once it comes into contact with other things and breaks its inherent state, it will immediately condense according to the laws of nature in most cases, and I and Guishou Nobunaga was frozen by this kind of water.

Originally, it was nothing at the worst when I fell from a high altitude under my conditions. The problem is that once I was frozen into a large piece of ice sculpture and smashed it on the ground like this, it would be a big trouble. Don’t think about me. I know I can't withstand this kind of shock. No, you must not hit the ground directly like this, or you will definitely hang up. After struggling many times to no avail, I can already see the ground getting closer and closer. If this goes on, I will definitely be finished! Damn it! "Divine Domain-the ultimate perfect body."

"What is that?" A few players resting on the edge of the battlefield outside the Iron Cross city of Germany suddenly noticed that there are two in the sky with white tails. Things rushed toward the ground quickly.

"It feels like a shooting star." The person next to it replied.

"No, there should be flames outside the meteor, right?"

"Is it space junk?"

"That's more impossible, not here Reality, where did the space junk come from?"

"What are you looking at?" The two people were discussing, and someone next to him asked again. They immediately pointed out what they saw to that person. As a result, that person also joined the discussion team, and soon most of the people on the battlefield stopped to discuss what was in the sky. In fact, the coaches on both sides discovered these two UFOs, and the reason why the battle stopped was because both sides used this thing as the other side’s secret weapon. After all, the momentum of these two things was really too great, and they crashed at this speed. Going on the ground will definitely cause a violent explosion, and the formidable power will not be much lower than the magic crystal cannon. But...what happened suddenly.

One of the two falling objects suddenly lit up with a purple light spot, followed by the light spot quickly exploded a circle of purple aperture, and the object seemed to be rapidly diminishing with the sparkle of this aperture , A lot of white fragments collapsed and decomposed from the surface of the object, while the rays of light on the object became brighter and brighter, and people with strong magical power could even feel that the magical power level of the thing was rising, and the total amount was very fast. It has surpassed the upper limit of most people's induction and has entered a level that is completely unmeasurable.

"Look, that thing is decelerating."

The shining entity and the other entity suddenly began to decelerate at the same time, and finally the two entities were less than ten meters above the ground. It stopped completely, and a bunch of creatures appeared one after another around the one with the stronger flash, but as soon as these creatures appeared, they would be sucked in by the individual in the middle, and the people below their fast speeds I didn’t see clearly what appeared. Soon all the things around the flash were absorbed. Then another falling body that didn’t flash was also sucked into the flash. Then the flash suddenly entered the flash. It exploded, a circle of golden spherical shock waves spread at lightning speed, blowing everything within the radius to each other, and many nearby creatures were even blown several kilometers away.

After the golden light burst, a beautiful warrior appeared in the light group. This warrior was wearing a set of gorgeous Battle Armor without a helmet. The main body of the Battle Armor is composed of four colors of black, white, gold, and red, dotted with There are a lot of glittering gems, and there are some colored bands of energy around the left and right, but the most exaggerated is the pair of huge wings shining with dazzling golden glow behind this warrior. The strong rays of light even make people feel in The scorching sensation under the scorching sun of midsummer.

"Huh, I finally landed safely." Mysterious warrior exhales one breath saying, followed by a sudden cry. "Huh? Nobunaga Guishou, why did you bastard come in?" This beautiful warrior that fell is naturally me, but there seems to be something wrong with the body, because I actually found Nobunaga's will in my body.

In fact, Nobunaga oni is more anxious than I am, because at least I still have the dominance of this body, but he can only play a very weak role. "Purple Moon, what the hell did you do to me?"

"I want to ask you? How did you get into my body?"

"Who wants to get there Go inside your body? Let it out. Tell you, I must be preaching about today's things. Even if you trap me like this, it's useless. I don't believe you can maintain this state forever."

< p>Seeing this mysterious warrior arguing with each other in two voices in the air, the players below are all confused, but a few people are not. Ashford quickly rushed under me and shouted at the top: "Purple Moon, is that you?"

When I heard Ashford’s exchange, I temporarily turned my attention away from the ghost hand. Nobunaga moved a little away on the question. "Ashford. It's me, but there seems to be something wrong with the skill. Where is this? The European battlefield?"

"Of course this is the European battlefield. You start the war and don't care about it. I’m here. If I don’t direct the Iron Cross on the spot, I will hang the British and French flag tomorrow!"

"Sorry. There are too many things recently, I really can’t Avatar! You let you first People retreat, and help you reduce the pressure before my condition is lifted."

"hmph, Purple Moon, don't be too proud." The leader of the Anglo-French Federation was speaking. I was very depressed in the fight with Ashford, and I would find that this Deity that fell from the sky was actually me and immediately scolded angrily. "Tell you, don't think that you are the only expert. Although you are the first on the battle strength list, we have gathered a lot of experts in Europe. Today, we will let you know how many people are powerful."

"Ant." I pointed at the guy, and a golden aperture immediately flew out from the tip of my finger. The aperture became larger and larger all the way forward, and finally it became a huge aperture with a diameter of more than four meters and hit it directly. On the ground. A loud explosion sound, the commander even turned a large group of people standing behind him into fly ashes.

The people on the battlefield were stunned for an instant. Most of them know that I am very difficult to deal with, but my performance just now was a bit beyond expectations. It took a long time for a few people to react and shout: "Quickly, call the special sniper team!"

This so-called special sniper team was specifically prepared for me by the previous commander. The team and their battle strength are the top figures in Europe. If these people were definitely people who can be alone in the past, but now the enemy is me, so they need to gather together to besie me.

Because it is composed of experts, this special squad has a very fast response speed, and it gathers around me almost instantly, but since these people are all experts, it is naturally not too stupid. After looking at the place where their commander used to stand, one of the Paladin professional players made a calm gesture to the others. "Are you Purple Moon?" The other party's tone was very polite.

"I am Nobunaga of the Great Japan Empire."

"Shut up, there is no place for you to interrupt." I regained control of my mouth and said again. Another voice said to the Knight: "Sorry, there is something wrong with my state and a hostile person has also been brought in, so I am out of control now, but the dominant power is still with me. You are now surrounding me like this. Are you planning to take refuge in me? Or...?" I replaced the subsequent words with a murderous aura look.

The opponent collectively took a step back. This is not what they want to retreat, but is caused by the additional attributes in the game, and they cannot control it themselves. "Although we know that you are very strong, we are not the generals. Let's get it straight! We used to be a monster egg hunting squad, although each of us alone does not rank in the game. , But our group lethality will definitely surprise you. Speaking of which We have no holidays with you, but this time we collected money from others, so..."

"That's no talk Now?" I directly raised my hand.

"Be careful." Paladin yelled out quickly. The two warriors almost blocked him in the form of teleportation. Two huge shields appeared in front of them, and the two warriors turned sideways. Atop the shield, and almost at the same time they completed this posture, a pile of auxiliary defense spells fell on the two shields and the warrior behind them. I have to say that the cooperation of this team is really perfect, and even my Familiar doesn't have such a good degree of cooperation. But... the gap in absolute strength cannot be filled by skills. Even if you train Primal Chaos Fist to the top level, don't expect to get rid of the tank. This is a gap in absolute strength.

The defensive barrier that was completed in an instant was hit by a light blade from me, and there was a huge gully one kilometer long and five meters wide on the ground. As for the Paladin and the two warriors...except I didn't find any residue other than a few pieces of shield fragments by the side of the pit.

"Damn it, too abnormal!" A player from the Anglo-French alliance couldn't help cursing.

The person next to me also feels the same. "That's right! Isn't this kind of battle strength playable at all! He can single us all by himself!"

A small British guild leader immediately reprimanded when he heard this." Don’t ruin your morale here. I’ve seen Purple Moon battles before, and it’s not like that. This should be a certain skill, and it’s definitely time-limited. Don’t get close, keep your distance and see the situation. "

Because the little boss shouted louder, and because he was not far away from me, I also heard him. I don't intend to cover up about this, anyway, they will see it after a while and the physical state is lifted. "Hehe! Since I was discovered, there is nothing to conceal. I really can't maintain this state forever, but I can do it if I cause you some trouble before the magic power is exhausted." After I said this, I turned back and urged. Repair merit. "Let our people withdraw back to the city. I will help you block for ten minutes. Take the time to take a break and repair all the organs on the city wall."


Because The Iron Cross city where I left the past few days has been in a state of war, so Ashford has no way to direct his own people to repair the damaged parts of the city wall. Now that I can create a short safe time for him, he certainly understands that How to do it.

"Okay, now it's time for our game." I hovered in midair by myself, looking at the boundless Anglo-French allied forces on the opposite side. Although there were countless casualties on both sides in the past two days, because there were too many people jumping during the war, it would be enough to kill a few days even if standing still, so the remaining troops still seem to be boundless, but now this boundless enemy But I was blocked by myself from the iron cross city and dared not to enter.

I looked at the Anglo-French coalition forces in front of me with a mocking look, and sarcastically said: "What's the matter? Don't you dare to move forward when I stand alone? Or you plan to wait until I The end of the special state? Although my state is not long-lasting, if I stand still for a few hours, I won’t be too young!” I’m not scaring them. Although my magic power has been declining after I have reconciled, if I don’t use my skills, the speed at which my body consumes mana can indeed make me stand there for seven or eight hours, but once I start fighting my magic power Consumption will increase exponentially, so if they don't move, they will let me buy more time.

"He's right, don't be afraid, no matter how strong he is, there is only one person. Everyone charges with all their strength. Don't give the Germans a chance to repair the city wall. The battle cannot be interrupted!"

"At last there is someone who understands!" I laughed casually, and then suddenly disappeared in place. The next second I suddenly appeared in the center of the coalition army.

"Oh my God!" A player ran into me who had just finished teleporting because he couldn't dodge. Then he saw a red light flashed on my armor, a red halo with a radius of 300 meters. Suddenly burst open, all enemies within the range disappeared.

I looked at the scorched ground in front of me and sighed: "This can also inspire revenge attributes? You are really unlucky! But it doesn't matter! Being so close to me, even if I am not dead now, I can't live. How long has it been.” After I finished speaking, I turned my head and looked towards the coalition forces outside the circle, and then raised the right hand. A large number of red light spots began to gather in my hand and finally formed a giant lightsaber that was two meters long. . The lightsaber is not materialized, but has always maintained its energy form. Although it has a two-meter-long blade, its weight is almost zero because it has no entity.

"Let me see how many of you I can kill before the combined skills are exhausted." I wielded the lightsaber and turned around in a circle with the power of rotation. A half-moon shaped sword glow was immediately removed from The lightsaber flew out. In just over a second, the sword glow crossed a distance of more than a thousand meters, and all the obstacles on the route that the sword glow passed were silently broken into two.

"Well, formidable power is not bad." I said to myself looking at the lightsaber.

"Don't be afraid, everyone rushes, his skills will always be exhausted." A brave guy yelled and rushed up, I turned my head and glanced at him, with a bang, the guy was blown up. A red mist.

Actually, I'm not playing handsome, but trying skills. This time I used all the moving creatures that I could command. As a result, there were countless new attributes in my attribute column. After being combined, I seem to be able to use the various abilities that belonged to these summon creatures at will, and the formidable power of these abilities is actually calculated based on our combined attack power. Like the sword glow I swung out just now is actually just a basic skill attached to my eternal sword, but because I am now in a combined state, that seemingly ordinary little skill has turned into a formidable power such a big attack skill. As for the lightsaber in my hand, it is actually a new weapon composed of my eternal sword and the small silver moon sun staff. The name is the eternal day. It is an energy body, except that it has eternity. In addition to all the attributes of the sword and the sun rod, there are many more combo skills, but the only drawback is that this combo weapon will only appear in the combined state. Once my combined state is released, it will automatically collapse and decompose into an eternal sword. And the Sun Rod.

In addition to this sword, the skill that just blasted that player into blood mist is from the mind attack of pepper. Pepper used to have the ability to control objects with thought power, but the skills at the time were not so strong. Now that I can use this skill to control objects after being combined, I can even produce damage equal to the attribute point of my combined power, so a simple thought power The blasting blasted that guy into a red mist.

After experimenting with these two skills, I began to test various attributes one after another. With a wave of his hand, a cloud of fire spurted out, and nearly ten thousand coalition forces turned into flying ash in the red cloud. "It turns out that Long Yan has become like this!" I nodded and pointed to the side again, and the red line of fire that was only inches wide immediately stretched out along my fingertips for more than two kilometers before disappearing. After finishing this, I moved my finger and the line of fire immediately moved horizontally to ignite all the fan-shaped areas within the two attack radius. Large swaths of enemies ran around in the flames, screaming. "It turns out that this is Xiaofeng's flame control. I don't know what effect Yeyue's Petrified Eye can achieve?"

Although I can use Yeyue's Petrified Eye after being combined, it does not have Yeyue's. This kind of uncontrollable negative effect requires me to actively use it to take effect. Turning to face the direction where there are more enemies, I activated the effect of the petrified eye, and then I saw the enemy in a large area in front of me began to petrify quickly, but immediately after I realized that my mana value was also dropping crazily, scared I quickly canceled the skill, but despite this, at least one hundred thousand combat creatures were petrified, but my mana was also killed by more than half. As long as it takes one more second, I will definitely be in a state of fit due to exhaustion of mana. Quit in! However, I know that this skill is relatively expensive, but the enemy doesn't know it. They only saw me petrify more than 100,000 NPCs and players. Such a large formidable power shocked some people in an instant.

"Did we make a mistake?" An Anglo-French coalition commander asked people around him in the command post. Because one of my skills killed the top commander of the British and French coalition forces and the people around him, now there are only second-line commanders left here.

"What is the ability of my not quite clear Purple Moon." A long and handsome young man suddenly walked out from behind the pillar on the corner of the command headquarters. "I didn’t agree with the Iron Crusade before, but since you did it, I can’t do it. Now I can calculate it for you. First of all, Purple Moon’s battle strength performance is far from his usual level. It is certain that this is not his normal battle strength. According to him, this is a skill, but "Zero" is impossible with anti-sky skills, so this skill must have its own limitations. Just now Purple Moon petrified so many people, this It shows that the lethality of this skill is quite high, so I can infer from this that it must not be a persistent skill."

"How do you know this is not a persistent skill?" Next to a British guild. The person asked rhetorically.

"Because Purple Moon didn't turn you into stone." The handsome young man walked among the crowd and continued: "If this skill has such a strong ability, why doesn't he just petrify our team? This It only shows that his strength is limited. On the surface, it seems that Purple Moon petrified hundreds of thousands of us in an instant, but have you calculated? If Purple Moon does not use today's state, it will summon all his summons in normal state. Creatures rush and kill in our army indiscriminately?"

A fairly shrewd person immediately followed up: "As long as there is enough time, he can still kill more than 100,000 people, and there will be many more. Of course this In the process, he can't lose a bit."

"That's it." The handsome young man continued: "So Purple Moon's skills are not an attribute that is against the sky. He just uses his own abilities. Compressed. So it seems that he has become almost unstoppable Spiritual God, but in fact the damage he caused is not increased but decreased." Someone next to him was about to interject, and the young man said first: "But the destructive power reduction is not It is said that this skill has reduced Purple Moon’s overall strength. In fact, on the contrary, this skill has increased his strength a lot. Although it seems that his total damage output has dropped a lot, our damage output to him has dropped even more. .If he brings all the summon creatures together, we can open a relatively large contact area and attack each of his summon creatures at the same time, so that our damage power will greatly weaken his strength, but he has only one. Ontology, we can have at most several people attacking him at the same time, which makes us almost unable to injure him. Another point is that he condensed his strength and caused a very big blow to our morale. At the same time, he It also improved the morale of ordinary players on their side. After all, he looks invincible now, and the person who kills us is like pinching an ant. Even if this kind of strength can't control the whole battle, at least our morale. I can't mention it at all."

"You said so much and still didn't say how to deal with him?"

"The answer is very simple." The young man took out one. The nuts are on the table. "Purple Moon is like this iron thorn fruit now. Not only does it roll around to make us unable to exert strength, but it also hurts people everywhere. The only way we want to deal with him is..." With a thud, I didn't know the young man. Where did he get the handle, Warhammer smashed the whole table into pieces with the nut in one breath.

The British and French commanders here just didn't expect the method for a while, not to say how stupid they are. As soon as the young man acted, they immediately understood what he meant. "Do you mean that even our troops use huge might super weapons to carry out coverage attacks? But this way our casualties will be very large?"

"You don't need to, but let Purple Moon do this Sooner or later, the number of casualties rushing will reach or even exceed the number of casualties who throw weapons of mass destruction in one's team. As for morale and things like that, don’t even ask."

"Just press him. That said, do it." The commander-in-chief of the Anglo-French coalition army who was just killed by me suddenly walked in from outside the tent, apparently he had just resurrected from the resurrection array.

"But the commander-in-chief?" There are still people who are not willing to let their subordinates.

"Nothing but." The commander-in-chief almost roared and roared: "Do you want us to fail?"

"No, I...I will inform the special forces to prepare for a large scale Killing weapons."

The commander-in-chief nodded waved him out, then turned around and ordered another person who had just resurrected with him: "You go and inform the long sword troops to go to the front immediately and put all The peripheral troops are all withdrawn to minimize our losses."

The long sword troops are the elite troops of the British and French coalition forces commanding his own guild, which is equivalent to his direct line of troops. The British and French coalition forces said that the coalition forces are actually a combination of some large guilds, and there is not much affiliation between them, so most of them don’t want to sacrifice their troops in vain, but now the commander-in-chief has sent all their direct lines to them. Shameless also said something sorry.

Because it is an emergency, the Anglo-French coalition forces are surprisingly efficient. I am on the slaughter all sides on the battlefield, and suddenly I feel that the team that is blocking me has changed. Of course, I found that the enemy’s change is not because the long sword unit is better than the average player, but because their protective equipment is all unified. Although the weapons have nothing common with each other, the armor and mage robe of one color are still very good. Recognized. As for why I didn't find that this unit is stronger than the one I encountered before-can you find that the strongest individual among the ants is stronger than the weakest individual? Is this simply impossible! Although the elite troops are powerful, it is a big move to cut anyone in my current state. How can I feel how powerful they are?

The direct line of the coalition commander here endured huge casualties and dragged me to the action. The general troops of the British and French coalition forces outside were quickly retreating to all directions trying to widen the distance between us, and At the back of the battlefield, the special forces of the Anglo-French allied forces are working harder than the long sword forces in the front. In fact, the so-called weapons of mass destruction by the British and French forces are not special offensive items, nor offensive magic such as forbidden spells, but a huge summon array.

On the empty field, seventy-two piles of small mountain-like magic crystal piles exploded a strange summon array, and the lines between these magic crystal piles are composed of all young female players of the priest system. of. In addition to these girls, at the center of the whole method, there is an altar with a diameter of more than one meter, which is completely made of various precious gems. There is a woman standing on this altar. If I were here, I would definitely recognize her, because she is the number one beauty Venus in Europe.

At this time, Venus was standing in the middle of the altar singing a weird-tuned song. It sounded like a song, but there was no tune. It felt weird. Near this huge array of gems, more than 300 male light wizards formed a huge loose circle. They were also chanting strange sacrifices at this time, seeming to be very busy, while the rest of the staff could only be on one side. In a hurry. Since the array is set up, no one else can enter the formation except those who started it, so the peripheral personnel are all waiting nervously at this time.

"It's almost done?" The guy who was scolded in the command center was standing outside the array nervously asking a senior Light Element priest next to him.

The priest player answered while staring at the array: "It seems that everything is going well at the moment. Miss Venus’s singing skills are really incomparable. She can sing more than a dozen songs with such a complicated mouth. Minutes without making mistakes."

"That's why she can become the first dream girl of our European men." This guy seemed to think of something. "By the way, how long did you say that Miss Venus can control that guy?"

"About ten to fifteen seconds."

"Is it enough time?"

"We calculated before that the last five or six seconds of destroying Iron Cross City’s defense is almost the same. It takes about one second to get from here to there, even if you count the time to deal with Purple Moon. No more than ten seconds. Five seconds are used to reverse summon. I think it should be enough."

"I hope your calculations do not make mistakes. That is a real high-end martial power! Usually there are system rules. Restricting them can’t do anything to us, but this time we took the initiative to provoke others, just in case...!"

"Don’t worry! We won’t let that happen."



Here, the intense summon work is underway, and I'm almost done with the long sword troops over there. The commander-in-chief of the Anglo-French coalition obviously underestimated my killing speed in this state. If it's just a general attribute that is powerful, you have to kill one by one against players. Even if you are fast enough to kill tens of thousands of people, it will take some time, but the current situation is that my skills have also been attributed, so

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