In any case, I finally delivered the last thing to the Jade Emperor. Of course, the Jade Emperor was very happy. Don't take this opportunity to make a fierce match when will you stay?

"Well, the Jade Emperor? Since you have all the things you want, shouldn't you...!"

"Didn’t those things you want have been given to you? "

"But my actual investment is more than what Celestial Court got."

"This Celestial Court naturally knows your hard work." On the side of the Jade Emperor Putting away your own baby while being official with me. "You should know that Celestial Court has been fighting continuously now, and there are not many things in your hands."

Damn, these bastards, they demolish the bridge after crossing the river. "The Jade Emperor means there is no spot, right?" I immediately followed up without waiting for the Jade Emperor to interface: "Why don't we make a long-term contract like this?"

"Long-term contract? I am not..."

I simply did not give the Jade Emperor any opportunity to explain, and I said directly to him: "The content of the long-term contract is that the Celestial Court is responsible for the protection of our guild after its external expansion. I believe the Jade Emperor. I won’t refuse. I know that Celestial Court is still very interesting. If there is anything useful to me in the future, please don’t hesitate to speak up. I will do my best to help Celestial Court."

There is no way to refute it. As long as he doesn't say the reason, it is tantamount to admitting that Celestial Court is not interesting enough. Besides, the last sentence I said I will do my best for Celestial Court in the future is actually to warn them that you will still use mine in the future, and don't want to do things too hard if no one will help you in the future.

My words really worked. The Jade Emperor pondered for a while before opening the mouth and said: "Since you just want a protection pledge, Celestial Court can still bear it. But You can do your best for us in Celestial Court in the future?"

"That's for sure." I quickly nodded with a smile. Despite the fact that this protection promise seems simple on the surface, the mystery in it has gone too far. Our guild develops land in foreign countries, but the difficulty lies in guarding. It is not difficult to lay down a city, but the subsequent counterattack from the opponent will cause a very headache, and this kind of defensive battle usually spends the wealth accumulated by our guild for a long time, which is why our guild It takes a long time to open up an overseas city. But if Celestial Court came to the defense, it would be a different matter. The most expensive personnel can be supplied in an unlimited amount. Even if the difficulty of defense is increased and the guard fails, the guild EXP obtained in this battle is worth the return ticket. Price.

I got the promise, Celestial Court got my baby back, and both sides are very satisfied. For this reason, the Jade Emperor decided to entertain Divine Immortal to celebrate. I used the guild’s busy business as an excuse to announce that it’s not convenient for people in the guild to participate in the celebration, but I will bring back all the food and drink at once. Let's celebrate together. Because the Jade Emperor was so happy, he completely didn't expect why I would take things back to eat for a while, so he didn't care about me. I took act high and mighty due to the words of a superior anyway, rushed directly to the offering warehouse of the Jade Emperor and ransacked all his Qiongye, Jade Liquid, Fairy Fruit and Fairy Plants, and then swiftly before the Jade Emperor reacted. Returned to Isengard. When the Jade Emperor held the Divine Immortal Conference to celebrate, I found out that the warehouse had already been emptied for me. At this time, I was doing spoils of war inventory in Isengard.

The fairy fruits here in the Jade Emperor are basically health-increasing, and there are few fruits that add attack and defense. I have to assign some people to classify these things according to their functions and bonus points. filter. Although we brought back a lot of things, we also had a lot of people in the guild, so we separated them efficiently. In accordance with the old rules of the guild, we use standard attributes as guild benefits, and leave particularly good things as rewards.

I was calculating the number of items I got, but suddenly there was a system hint sound above my head. "The final stage test of the World First Guild Battle of Supremacy is launched. This is a comprehensive guild test for all aspects. Please be prepared for the participating guilds."

"I am dizzy, what about this? Is it activated at this time?" I looked up at the sky in surprise.

"President, what should we prepare for the guild?" asked Kristina, who was helping me clean up those things.

"Wait, I haven't read the task reminder yet!"

The first guild hegemony task that was suddenly interrupted some time ago has actually started again. Fortunately, I have already put the Celestial Court’s The task is handed over, otherwise the two top-level tasks will start together, I really don't know which way to do it.

Turn on the task prompt that only the president can see, and I was blinded at once. "President Ability Test? All members and guild NPCs are required to participate?"

"What? All members are required to participate?"

Although the guild task is called the guild task, Usually it is not necessary to bring the entire guild together, at least not even the NPC. But this time is different. Not to mention the members of the guild, even the NPC can't escape, as long as it is the same thing as the guild.

I followed the prompts and looked down, only to read a few lines and almost fainted. "Kristina, you go to the military god's side to inform him that I have an important video conference to be held with him, so that he will immediately call all the members of the guild to the nearest communication device to stand by, not even NPCs. Let go, even if there is no image equipment, at least my voice should cover everyone's range."

"Understood." Kristina immediately turned around and rushed out, and I Instruct the rest of the people to send the things to the warehouse for storage, and then come back when we are free.

The communication system that the bank will spend tens of millions of crystal coins to build is fairly efficient. In just a few minutes, everyone has gathered in front of the communication equipment everywhere. The huge projector on the square in front of Isenger projected my bust onto in midair. Because Isengard is covered by dark clouds that last all day long, the projection effect is quite good.

"Attention to all personnel of the Frost Rose League, you should have heard the mission opening notification just now, but you can’t see the content. I have just finished reading the mission notification, I can only say that this is very abnormal Mission, because he requires that all lifeforms belonging to the guild, as well as equipment, machinery and all existing equipment must participate in the war, even a dog from the Frost Rose League and lice on the dog’s body are no exception."

< p>As soon as I finished saying what I said, it immediately became lively. Everyone started talking about the content of the game. This is the Super Guild Battle of Supremacy, not a competition between small guilds. According to the content of the previous competition and the screening results, now there should only be our guild and the divine spear alliance. In this way, both parties are super guilds with hundreds of thousands of members, plus NPC, it does not have to be tens of millions. People participated?

I waited for a while, and then continued: "Please be quiet, and continue to listen to me. This mission is actually investigating the overall strength of our guild, so he hardly forgets Any of our capabilities. The first problem now is that although the mission requires us to bring all the combatants and creatures and various tools in the past, it does not allow us to bring any supplies."

"What?" I can hear the surprised sounds of members in the city outside in the command room of the military god.

"Don’t be surprised everyone, this is testing our material collection capabilities. The explanation given by the system is that we will be moved into the task space in half an hour, when the time comes our task supplies and The consumables will be temporarily sealed. They are still with you, but you cannot use them. However, the materials you collected within half an hour can be brought in and used at that time. But... "I used the accent The person who was trying to buy supplies called back. "You can't use any existing money or item to trade, it will be judged by the system as cheating."

"What shall we do?" Questions asked by overseas Chuangwang.

"In fact, the problem is not too big." I quickly answered everyone's questions. "We can mobilize the Iron Crusader's supplies to supplement it. Even if it is not enough, at least it can be a bit of a bottom. So please don't rush to find supplies by yourself. We have to use the 30 minutes before entering the mission. Get acquainted with the task so that we can react quickly after entering the task." After a while I started to continue: "The content of this task is more diverse, and we may need to examine our overall cooperation and so on. Things, but because the prompt did not say anything in detail, I am not quite clear what will happen, but one thing is certain, that is, the system will not make us too comfortable."

Military God helped me add: "You have to pay attention, if we are separated after entering, it is best to immediately summarize and summarize your current situation and surrounding environment, and try to use the conditions around you to complete the task. ."

"In short, we were unable to prepare anything before the mission, so there are not many things we can do now. I will now talk about the things you can do. The first is blood. Those who are dissatisfied fill up their blood and magic power, all of which are filled up. Those who are dissatisfied with hunger will eat, and those who are more tired will immediately rest, and strive to enter the mission in the best state. Your demons and summon creatures Just like you, ensure that the state is fully full. The guild departments will maintain the machines and equipment they are responsible for again, and replace the parts that need to be replaced. Don’t wait until the mission is not available. Also, your equipment. The durability is repaired and everything is prepared. If you can think of other situations, report to the military god. It is inevitable that I have missed something. Everyone brainstorms and strives to improve the state of entry."

Simple After the account was over, I went to take care of my affairs. Although I haven't talked much with those members, I have a lot of my own affairs. The task prompt did not say the task content, but it just didn't have the member's task content, but the chairman's task was displayed. I now know that after entering, I will have an independent challenge to the 2,000-level Demon King, and that branch task actually allows only one familiar. But what makes me more assured is that the gun god guy’s mission can also be seen. His mission is worse than mine, because what he wants to deal with is a creature with 100% missile defense. Gunslinger’s guns are long-range weapons. Of course, the flying defense also includes his guns. I really want to know how Gunslinger can deal with that 1,800-level monster when the guns are invalid.

In order to deal with that special monster, I have to go to the warehouse to get something. I remember that I used to blackmail an Immortal Pill with enhanced experience from Celestial Court. The monster was level two thousand, and it was a mission monster, with so many restrictions. EXP would definitely explode. It happened to be my level thousand level mission and after level one thousand. The level opening tasks have been completed, if the luck number, it might be able to directly complete the upgrade to more than a thousand levels. So far, there is no one-thousand-level player in the game. I don't know if this historic number one has any special rewards.

Half an hour passed quickly after a lot of work, and without any prompts, I just felt that there was a flash before my eyes, and then I appeared right above a large forest. Fortunately, I have wings, otherwise I suddenly appear in such a high place, and I would fall to death before the mission started.

The task reminder sounded as I spread my wings. "The world’s first guild mission final mode has been activated. You are now in the mission space. Please note that this space and the real game space do not overlap. The things left by your guild in the normal space will be in the task space before the mission is completely over. Please be assured of the protection status. The following content will be for individual task notifications. What you hear will be different. Please follow the instructions you get to complete the task."

I heard The voice stopped for a while, and then continued: "Hello, President Purple Moon, the content of the mission you currently accept is as follows. Please use any possible method to leave the forest as soon as possible. Note that the mission time at this stage will be included in the scoring criteria. . The following tasks will be notified after you complete the 1st stage task."

Damn, the comprehensive test really needs to test everything. The 1st Step probably measures our moving speed. Of course this doesn't bother me, but I can't run around rashly. I also know a little about the comprehensive tasks released by the game system. If you treat them as simple tasks, it is not impossible, but you definitely don't expect to get high scores. The system task of "Zero" is very complicated, which requires a lot of esoteric knowledge, such as the current task. On the surface, I was asked to leave the forest, but I had to find a direction first. Although it is possible to leave the forest on either side, the distance is impossible.

I first descended and looked at the trees here, and finally determined that this is a frigid plant, which means it is relatively cold here. Since this is already a frigid zone, if you continue to the north, the forest will definitely end soon, because the place further north is simply not suitable for forest growth. After recognizing the direction with Compass, I summoned the bird and rushed to the north at full speed. I didn't encounter any enemies along the way. After 20 minutes, I finally got out of the forest.

The system hint rang as I left the forest. "Your speed is very good. The following task is to find your subordinates as soon as possible. Your current location is where they left before. This session is still timed."

This task is more abnormal , But it’s easy for me, the reason lies on the ground. I don't know who the group of people sent here are, but they have a lot of experience doing tasks, and they actually left marks on the road. I followed the marks and found them in almost less than ten minutes.

"President." I was directing Asuka to fly in the sky following the mark, and suddenly I heard someone calling me below. As soon as I lowered my head, I saw the people in the guild below.

"Woma? So it's you guys!" What I encountered was the engineer team of the guild, but this team seems to have a serious problem, that is, most of the team is not the main battle. Occupation, only a few people can participate in the war. Thanks to me finding them in advance, otherwise this team will be driven out as long as they encounter a slightly larger group of low-level devil beasts. And if these people are finished, then no one will operate the large-scale equipment, which shows that the task content is actually linked to each other. If I can’t find the shortest path based on the growth of the trees, I won’t be able to meet the people who need protection the most, and if they don’t have my protection, they will definitely hang up. Then in the end I need to siege the city or when other large-scale equipment is needed. There will be no equipment available, and this series of consequences will be magnified step by step and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Woma was very excited to see me appear. "It's lucky to meet you, the president!" Woma complained there: "None of us can fight a war. I'm worried to death. Fortunately, I met you."

"It's not a coincidence. My second stage mission is to find you."

"The second stage? But we only do the 1st stage!" Woma said: "The mission we received before It’s to get to the mountains ahead and receive our equipment as soon as possible."

"What? Our guild machine is behind that mountain?"

"Yes!" Woma said "The worst thing is that our flying ability is blocked. We can’t do it here. If you don’t run into it, you don’t know when you’re going to run!"

"Khan, it’s really mysterious. Yes.” I quickly opened the Phoenix Dragon Space and released all the lucky giant dragons. "Come on all, I'll take you to the air bus." Although they have a lot of people in their team, I have more dragons, and the four giant dragons can take a lot of people. Wings are indeed much faster than legs. We quickly flew over the mountain, and the scene behind the mountain almost made us faint. In the valley below, there are actually a large group of pig-headed goblins fiddling with our equipment.

Pighead goblins belong to a branch of goblins, but unlike smart hobgoblins, their intelligence is just like their name, they are completely pigheads. These guys don't matter if they are just stupid, but they still like to play around with machinery like their close relatives hobgoblins. Of course, with their intelligence, they can only mess with good things, and will never mess with bad things. What is currently being ravaged by them is the equipment of our guild.

"Damn, it's no wonder that the mission prompts that this mission has to be timed, so if we come to the meeting later, we will let them take apart everything." Woma said worriedly.

"Not anymore." I pointed to the equipment area below: "Bird, use low-frequency shock waves."

All the air pieces on the bird's body suddenly opened, and the airflow passed through him. The special wing cavity produced a very harsh and sharp scream, but this skill only had the effect of dispelling and frightening, and did not have direct damage. But our enemies are only pig-headed goblins. These guys are five Level 10 creatures. Players who just came out of Novice Village will be afraid of them. Any low-level magic is similar to a forbidden spell for them.

To cooperate with Asuka's dispersal of sound waves, the four giant dragons collectively used dragon flames. Of course, this thing can't be sprayed directly downwards, otherwise the machine will be ruined. They can only spray into the air, using Dragon's Might brought up by the dragon flames and the high temperature at close range to disperse those low-level creatures.

Faced with the high-end existence of giant dragons, the pighead goblins all left our machines and fled, and disappeared in an instant. I command the giant dragons to land all around the venue so that everyone can access the equipment as soon as possible.

Woma led everyone into the machine group quickly, and then heard a high-pitched scream of a technician: "Oh my God! My sync separator, who inserted the power rod into the analysis Go inside the vessel?"

The voice here is not over yet, there is another scream: "Isn't it? The focus crystal of the magic cannon was broken by those guys. This thing can There is no substitute!"

The screams rang one after another for a long time. Fortunately, the notification of the end of the previous mission has been received, but the next mission has not been released yet. We took this time to check the equipment and found that 90% of the things here have not been passive. Of course, this premise is because we arrived relatively quickly. If we are one or two hours later, I believe that we can see at most. Up to ten percent intact equipment.

The 10% of the equipment has been analyzed by our technicians, and finally confirmed that 80% of them have been damaged, and there is no magic cultivator without parts. The remaining 20% ​​of the damaged things can still be used, but the performance cannot be guaranteed. I ask everyone to practice as much as possible first, and then give up if it doesn't work. As for the things that haven't been touched before, stuff them into the Phoenix and Dragon space first. If they can't be installed, they can also be put in my door of the earth.

We spent a long time loading these devices into their respective Fenglong spaces, and then the system hint rang after we finished the shipment of the last item. "Attention, everyone, your group is now unified into the team of Chairman Purple Moon, and the task flow will follow Purple Moon's task content. The next task is to follow this creature and gather the members of the guild that you encounter along the way."

A puppy suddenly appeared in front of us, and then it called us and started to turn around and ran. The task reminder sounded above our heads again: "Please note that if the puppy dies before the task is completed, the task will be judged to have failed, and all members of the group will be kicked out of the task."

"Damn!" I suddenly found the front A black bear appeared, and the stupid dog rushed up like this. "You don't have to be so brave!" I hurried to catch up, and shot a sword light from a long distance away. The black bear on the opposite side splits in two instantly, and even the big tree behind it falls down a row. "Scared me to death!" I quickly summoned darts and white waves to let them protect the puppy from left to right, while letting the rose vine follow the ground, in case of an enemy attack, I would first drag the puppy to the ground to protect stand up.

With these three bodyguards, none of the enemies we encountered along the way were able to work, and indeed, we encountered a large number of members of the guild along the way. The mission system confuses everyone at the beginning of the mission. In addition to the players, there are many NPCs in the guild, and some people are still at war. I only now know that we and the Americans are in the same area. People from the divine spear alliance were also rumored to be in chaos, and there were also a large number of scattered people bumping into our people, and the two sides naturally fought when they met.

Although the people fighting on both sides are the same level personnel who are deliberately separated from the mission system, what makes me more happy is that I am one step faster than the spear god, so this will be me to receive the team. Instead of receiving the team from the Gunslinger, the Gunslinger may be understaffed by Innate when it comes to the final grand competition.

"Chairman, help!" I was walking forward with the battallion horse and the puppy to gather the troops, and suddenly heard the call for help, and turned my head to see that it was the king.

"Damn, how did you run up the tree."

"It's not because of this damn mission system. Lao Tzu is obviously the navy. Throw me into the forest and let me fight. ?"

"What about your ship?"

"The ghost knows where to stop!"

"Have you not received the task?"< /p>

"My task is to save my life as much as possible, nothing else. Oh wait, the task has changed. Now the task is to follow your team."

"Then Come down quickly."

"I really want to come down, but this tree will not dry."

I noticed that this is not an ordinary tree when I heard the words of King Chuang. , But an ancient tree of war. "Damn, this thing is just a sign that no one can get near. How did you brat get up?"

"I was chased by a group of demon wolves, and then I saw this thing, and then I didn’t I know how to come up. Those demon wolves didn't dare to get close to this thing, they were scared away, but when I came, this guy dragged me up, I simply can't come down!"

"You still I really have a relationship with the tree!" I walked to the big tree, thought for a moment, and then put my right hand in one fell swoop: "Switch." After the whirlwind, I had switched to Silver Moon mode. Put away the staff, and then I walked carefully towards the ancient war tree. As soon as the ancient war tree saw me, it moved immediately, but it just waved a branch and made no further movement. I held both hands high, indicating that I was not malicious, and then slowly continued to approach the ancient war tree. The ancient tree of war was a little nervous and wanted to retreat, but I flipped through the book from behind, and then carefully read: "※■▲※§&……". After a series of rounding pronunciations, the ancient tree of war really became much quieter, and I finally managed to touch the trunk, and then gently rubbed the bark with my hand a few times. "Okay, King Chuang, come down."

King Chuang jumped directly from the tree. "Damn, you guy is really an evildoer, a big man, even a tree can be seduced by you. Ah...what's going on?" King Chuang was entangled by a tree vine before he even finished his mouth. Several of them took turns into battle, whipping up against King Chuang's ass.

"No matter how noisy you are, I will let you know what SM is."

"Let me be ruthless, let me down."

The old war tree is in me. Under the command of, the King Chuang was thrown out, and then the roots of the tree were inserted into the ground and returned to the standby state. I took away my hand, and then took a bottle of magic potion and poured it on the trunk. Several dead leaves on the ancient war tree immediately turned into new green leaves, and the branches quickly became strong and beautiful. This is the condition that I negotiated with the ancient war tree. Although it is a tree, it is the Old Guy who has been over five thousand years old, the thief and the thief. Have pity for my magic potion, it was just shipped from Germany. The task system restricts the use of materials from our own guild, so we have to temporarily borrow someone else's.

Not long after I took everyone to prepare to start again, a large green silhouette suddenly appeared in front of us, and our people quickly became alert. Although there are a lot of opponents, we have gathered more than three thousand players and seventy to eighty thousand NPCs. If you really fight, you can’t win. It’s just that the opposite is the forest elves. This is a big forest. If you really fight, even if We won't have a few people left.

The elves on the opposite side all drew their bows and stood on guard, and then a large male elf who looked like the leader came out. "May I ask which one is the tree whisperer."

"The tree whisperer?" I was taken aback for a moment, and then I understood that they were referring to me. "It's me."

"You?" The other person looked at me up and down, looking very disgusted.

Suddenly I remembered that I had changed my account back. As an Elf Race advocating life, I would of course be disgusted with my Death Qi account. I quickly switched back. "There is no doubt now, right?"

The other party obviously complexion changed: "It turns out to be the Brothers of Two Souls."

"May I ask so many of you what happened to stop us?"

"Oh, that's it." The big elf said: "Our country has encountered some troubles. Our queen heard that there have been foreign tree whispers, and hopes to use your power to solve those Trouble."

"It's okay to help, but we still have our own business. If we help you, we will lose a lot." Damn, it won't work for nothing.

The other party thought for a while and then said: "Then there is no problem. We can compensate you for your loss. Please meet with our queen and discuss the specific solution."

I heard the system consciousness before answering: "The task branch appears, please choose to agree to cooperate or decline, which will affect the subsequent tasks, please choose at your discretion."

The branch task is general. It is better to do than not to do better. Of course, I chose to agree. Besides, after agreeing, I can also negotiate to adjust the content of our tasks. At least it can get more benefits, right?

After agreeing to the request, I was quickly taken to the place where the elves lived, where the elven queen was already waiting for us. In order to show her welcome to us, the Elf Queen first invited us to have a drink of Source of Life. Don't think that the Elf Queen is stingy and only invites us to have a drink, it is really because this thing is so precious. Source of Life is a green liquid that can double the speed of life recovery within a certain period of time, and can permanently increase the upper limit of life by 5%. This thing may not be of much use to others, it is simply the best for me. I just have a lot of health, drinking a cup of this thing can be equivalent to half of the health of an ordinary player.

After the sincere expression is completed, it’s time to discuss business. I have to say that the Elf Queen is a good hand in business. First, we invite us to drink such expensive things, and then I also negotiated too much. .

In fact, things in this elven country are not too troublesome. It is nothing more than killing the forward fortress of an orc country. The slightly troublesome thing is that this forward fortress has a little more troops, and Elf Race is not very good at it. Siege. Although their long-range suppression methods are excellent, they do not have enough melee units to charge. No matter how fierce the archer is, you can't just rely on the archer to siege the city! That's why today's negotiation came into being.

After listening to the introduction of the Elf Queen, I said: "We are very good at siege. At least we can bring down the city wall, and we have a lot of melee units, but we will have to Go to war. If you lose too much manpower here, things will be difficult to handle. Therefore, we hope...!"

The Elf Queen said without waiting for me to finish saying: "Actually, I I also understand your difficulties, so I specially prepared some small gifts." The queen slapped her chin twice, and the people outside immediately sent a tray in. To be honest, this gift from the Elf Queen is really thin. This thing was placed on a tray with a leaf covered on it, but the leaf looked like it was placed directly on the tray, without the feeling of being supported at all. One can imagine how thin the thing underneath should be. The queen waited for someone to approach and turned around and picked up the leaves, while I stared at the tray. After the leaves were taken away, there was nothing underneath.

"What do you mean?" I looked at the queen in surprise.

The queen was also taken aback by me, but she immediately understood after noticing my gaze. " misunderstood! The gift I said is in my hand."


"This is it." The queen shook her hand. Leaves.

"This is...?"

"The seedlings of the ancient war tree."

"Eh... I said the queen Your Majesty. The ancient war tree is this I know it’s very difficult to deal with, and it’s also very expensive, but it’s a growth period of thousands of years, I really can’t afford it! Even if I plant it now, I don’t know how much it will be in the future. Only the grandchildren can use it!"

"haha, of course I won't give that kind of thing." The queen smiled and passed a crystal bottle. "This is the essence of the forest. No matter what kind of plant, as long as you touch a little, it will quickly grow into a towering tree. The ancient war tree costs a little bit, but this bottle should be enough."

"Ah, then dare to love." I quickly put away both things.

The queen warned repeatedly: "You have to pay attention, you must be careful not to let the liquid touch any plants, even if the wood furniture touches it, it will quickly grow into a big tree."

"So powerful?"

"Of course, otherwise our Elf Race would

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