"Didn't expect?" Nobunaga triumphantly lined up the crowd and walked to stand in front of me, then he looked up and down my new look. "You haven't changed a lot until now. I haven't seen you for a few weeks. Didn't expect you to degenerate back to the quadruped stage?"

"hahahaha......!" There was a roar of laughter around.

"Really long time no see!" My body began to shrink back into a human form, and at the same time I took Eternity into my hands. "Last time I gave your old nest in one breath. I haven't been to see it for so long. What's wrong? Then The Spring Breeze Will Blow And Give Life To It Once More?"

Nobunaga Guishou Gnash the teeth after hearing what I said, but he didn't excuse it, just like what I did just now, so things can't be quibble, only interrupted, otherwise it will get darker and darker.

"Don't you want to know how I set up this game?"

"I can probably guess."

Nobunaga Guishou looked puzzled. I took a glance and guessed that such a huge plan is not simple, he didn't expect I can guess. "Then you tell me how I did it?"

"It's very simple." I pointed to the parasitic people next to me and said, "Since you can cheat their trust, you can also cheat other races. In my opinion, you have gathered the powerful people of several main battle races on this planet, and then let them take advantage of our country’s Sacred Beast and Demon to reap the benefits of the fishermen. It’s just that we didn’t expect Divine, our country’s protector. Beast is so strong that he put down all the helpers you found and chased them all the way. But you were not willing to fail, so you temporarily changed your plan to let these people ambush here, because you know Protecting the country, Divine Beast, I will definitely be there if you lose such a big thing, so you think it’s not bad that the big one can’t catch me and the small one. I’m right?"

"You How do you know that we changed our plan temporarily?" A silly fellow beside Guishou Nobunaga couldn't help but open his mouth.

I said with a smile: "Don’t you understand? Fortunately, you’re still Nobunaga's follower, I really didn’t learn anything! Nobunaga and I have fought many times. Yes, so he knows my abilities very well. The thing that seals me already shows what he knows about me. However, Nobunaga Impossible doesn’t know my other abilities, even if my summon creature is blocked, it’s just here. Nobunaga’s troops are not enough to defeat me, at least there is no certainty that he will win. Guishou Nobunaga will not be so reckless, I know him, although we are enemies, but I will not deny the enemy’s ability, because that is also a derogation of myself. However, if Nobunaga Guishou knows that these people can't stop me, why does he only send so many people? Although you are not very strong, Japan is a country after all, and it is certainly not a problem to gather some people who can deal with me. Nobunaga Guishou knew that there were not enough people, and he had enough people to call, but he still couldn't find enough people, so there was only one reason left-he didn't have time. This is the basis for my judgment. Because You changed your plan temporarily, so you didn’t expect to intercept my Asian number one expert. In a hurry, you simply didn’t have time to mobilize enough manpower, so that even the parasitic people who were not well-connected were also transferred. To assist in the battle, or else with Oni's arrogance, he would not use forces other than the Japanese in the battle against me, because if I were defeated by people from outside forces, it would prove that the Japanese were useless. I am You’re right? Nobunaga-kun Onizou?"

"I have to admit that you are very clever, but your ingenuity ends here." Nobunaga Onizou triumphantly clapped his hands. A large number of Japanese players suddenly rushed in behind him. Although the profession is rather chaotic, judging from the ninjas and Japanese warriors that account for a large part of them, these are all Japanese players, at least most of them are. "You did guess that we didn't have enough manpower due to time constraints, but you have been blocked here for so long, and my people are all here. Now you are dead."

"You should be dead." I also patted my hand, and a large group of people appeared outside the cave in an instant, and the Japanese players inside were all compressed into the middle area of ​​the cave. The crowd surrounding the Japanese players suddenly parted a path, and Rose, Hong Yue, and several major battle strengths of our guild walked out of it. "Nobunaga Guishou, are you the only one who can be called reinforcements? Do you think that my summon creatures are sealed and people are surrounded, and I will fight you to death? I am the president of a guild, not a singlehanded knight-errant. I naturally have bloody nature, but I have always retained my rationality. Do you really think I will be so stupid that I will single out a group of you?"

The rose standing at the entrance of the cave helped me add: "Purple Moon, he just noticed that his summon ability was banned and immediately notified me, so until just now, he was just deliberately delaying time and waiting for our reinforcements. Didn't expect you are also deliberately delaying time just to wait for the reinforcements, and the result is It’s easy to wait for the reinforcements from both sides. It’s a pity that you brought too few people."

"hmph, I’m miscalculating, but so what? We still want to run. Simply, you can’t do anything to me!” As expected, Nobunaga Onite is a person who often cuts off major events. In terms of judgment, he is indeed better than his predecessor, Masaga Matsumoto. This kind of thing is not sloppy. , Break it off.

Because Nobunaga's decision was so sudden, I simply didn't realize that the Japanese rushed towards us.

"Where to run." I didn't care about those little girls, and I jumped directly at Guishou Nobunaga.

Guishou Nobunaga completely ignored my attack, and rushed forward without evading it. Of course, I would not be polite. Cut him into two pieces with a single knife, but he was divided into pieces. Onitou Nobunaga fell to the ground but turned into two pieces of wooden stakes. I was stunned for a moment. Onihand Nobunaga should be a Japanese warrior. Why did he suddenly have a ninja skill?

After losing the target, I quickly turned around and looked for it, but there were Japanese players everywhere, and I couldn't find the target. "Damn it, let him run away."

I was sulking, and suddenly I heard Rose’s voice from behind: "Husband, get down."

I didn’t understand it myself. I instinctively got down on my stomach, and then I heard a peng sound. I saw a can-sized object flying over my head and falling into the crowd in front of me. The bauble stood up like a tumbler as soon as it landed, and then only heard a slight explosion, followed by most of the top of the little thing and flew up. When the majority flew to a height of about two meters, there was a sudden explosion in the air, tens of thousands of small steel balls scattered like raindrops, and a large group of people was overwhelmed in an instant. There are many ninjas among Japanese players, and this profession is a profession that sacrifices defense for speed. The tights on his body hardly have any defensive power, and it is impossible to withstand this blasting weapon.

"Damn, do you guys have Sanding Thunder?" A familiar voice suddenly appeared behind me, and I saw May.

"Why didn't you run?" I got up from the ground and asked.

Maye smiled and said: "I ran into your reinforcements on the way, so I just came back together. Today is really an eye-opener. Didn't expect your guild to be so equipped and beat the little Japan. Run away."

Rose came from behind and said: "The Japanese run not because we have all the weapons, but because they are few today. But our guild’s weapons are indeed very comprehensive. If you are interested, you can buy a few and try it back."

I smiled and pulled the rose into my arms and said: "You don't want to sell it to him, I guarantee that he definitely wants it, but he has no money. Buy it."

"How do you know that I have no money? I still took out three or five hundred crystal coins." Wu Yue blushed and argued with a thick neck.

"hahahaha......!" Rose and I laughed together.

"What are you laughing at?"

"hahahaha! I can't stand it anymore!" I patted May's shoulder and said, "Do you know how much the loose nail mine was just now?" "

May shook the head: "I don't know. Why? Is it expensive?"

"It's so expensive that it's not too expensive, only two hundred crystal coins."

"Two hundred crystal coins...one?" May asked in an unacceptable manner.

I nodded: "Although one or two hundred crystal coins are required, only one can bring down one or two hundred enemies. On average, it only costs one or two crystal coins to deal with a person. People fight, let’s not mention whether you can fight or not. The blood bottle consumed by fighting so many people will cost 40 or 50 crystal coins, right? In this way, you are actually quite a bargain."

Rose added: “Don’t just look at the large investment. If you calculate the output, you will find that the return on the high investment is actually higher. It’s like the super weapon under Isinger. The magic crystal you need is worth millions of crystal coins, but imagine how many enemies you have to destroy if you destroy a city at a time? In addition to the enemies frightened by this, the actual average price to deal with an enemy may be only a few. It’s just a copper plate."

"It seems that my Economics is so much worse than yours!"

Suddenly Rose said: "Listen to the son of night saying that you are a high-energy student Physical, what kind of specific is it?"

"I am studying electromagnetics." May said: "But biology and physics are also good. The night boy is fucking with you now. It’s not bad, right?"

"Why? Interested to join us?"

May laughed, then pointed to the chaotic crowd ahead and asked: "The enemy is almost gone. , Don’t you chase it?"

"Chasing, of course." As I said, I pulled out a loudspeaker crystal from the Phoenix Dragon Space and placed it in front of my mouth and shouted: "Ghost Nobunaga Don't run, I have to catch you today. You still run..."

May looked at me with a puzzled face, completely wondering what I was doing. In fact, don't look at my screaming, in fact, people didn't move the place at all, but the Japanese players in the chaos didn't have the time to confirm my position, so they just ran more panicked.

After all the Japanese players ran away, I explained to May: "Want to know why I just shouted for arrest but didn't move?" May nodded. I smiled and replied: "It's very simple. Because the enemy doesn't know that we don't actually have so many people."


I smiled and winked at Rose , Rose immediately clapped her hands, and the guild members around were less than half of them, leaving only a few people standing there. If Japanese players see our situation at this time, they will definitely shout and kill them.

"Damn, you guys are cheating!" May finally understood. "But how do you know that there are not many reinforcements? I have been with them for so long on the road, and I haven't noticed that many of them are illusions."

Me and Rose just laughed, but didn't answer. In fact, I can find that there is a reason for the illusion. First, Rose winked at me as soon as she came in. With the tacit understanding between me and Rose, I can roughly guess something. In addition, since illusions are not real characters, their behaviors often show patterned actions. For example, the distance of the steps is always the same, and the way of doing something is the same. These are all weak spots. In the eyes of ordinary people, these weak spots are very small and easily overlooked, so they generally do not cause exposure, but I have an electronic brain, and my ability to analyze these subtle points is much stronger than normal people, so these ordinary persons do not The weak spot that comes out is as conspicuous as an ink spot on a white paper to me. Of course, the specific reason cannot be told to May. Although he chased me to inquire, I just smiled mysteriously and just didn't say it.

Rose saw that I am almost amused by May, so she said to me: "Come, introduce you to someone."

"Who?" Me and May are both Asked suspiciously.

Rose beckoned to the rest of our players over there, and a cute-looking youngster ran over immediately. This player not only has the logo of our guild, but is also an elite logo, obviously not an ordinary person. He looks only sixteen or seventeen years old, with a white and plump round face that is very funny. Otherwise, he is afraid of being misunderstood that I am a pervert, so he really wants to go up and rub it twice.

"Hello, President." The kid greeted me as soon as he came over.

I nodded as a response, and then looked towards Rose, waiting for her explanation. Rose immediately said: "He is called Xinyin and his profession is assassin. But he has a strong ability called scene replication, which is a kind of illusion."

"The illusion just now..." May Asked tentatively.

"He did it." Rose pushed Xinyin in front of me, and then said to Wu Yue: "Sorry, can you let us talk alone?" Wu Yue immediately nodded and went to other Place to go. Rose said to me: "Xin Yin is Uncle Wang's son."

"Uncle Wang? Which Uncle Wang?"

"It was the colleague who saved my dad. "Rose said sadly.

I instantly understood who this Uncle Wang is. Rose once mentioned that her dad had a life saving benefactor before. This person died because he saved her dad, and this person is what Rose said is Uncle Wang. Since this youngster is that person's son, he is considered to be an orphan of the military.

Xin Yin looked at me and said: "I heard Sister Rongrong say, I also know who you are, so I joined the Frost Rose League."

I solemnly stretched out my hand. She shook hands with him and said: "If there is anything we can help, please tell me."

Rose quickly recovered her hearty and happy expression and said to me: "I took him because of something. I came to you. When you asked me for someone, I couldn’t get anyone out, so I brought him, and I scared away the ghost Nobunaga and them."

"Na Xinyin What exactly do I need to do?"

Xin Yin said to himself: "It's not entirely my own business, because when I received the task, you were also counted in." Then he handed Zhang Give me the scroll.

I unrolled the scroll and looked at it. This is a mission scroll, to be precise, an associated mission scroll, and it's actually a 1,000-level Upgrading Mission that I haven't been able to find for a long time.

"Damn, didn't expect a thousand-level Upgrading Mission. It's not doing tasks for yourself, but doing tasks for others!"

"What?" Rose also ran over Looking at the scroll, it seems that she didn't know the content before.

The main body of the task is to ask the heart to reach a temple deep in the red planet to get the soul of sacred relic assassin. On the surface, this task looks very simple, but in fact it is extremely troublesome. The reason is the level. Difference. There is a sentence on this mission scroll that mentions that the monsters on the road are generally between 800 and 900, and there are also some 1,000-level monsters, and Xinyin is only 600-level. Such a difficult task must be impossible for a level 600 person, so a protector is needed, and I happen to be the protector. The level of Yixinyin and the monster is poor, and they almost die at the touch of a touch. This protection is a bit too difficult. But this is an Upgrading Mission, it won't work if you don't pick it up, it's really annoying!

My heart is hidden by the side and said: "My task is to get the sacred relic and return successfully, and your task is to keep me on the road. I know it looks difficult on the surface, but in fact Simpler than you think."

"Oh? Tell me why?"

"Because I am assassin." Xinyin said confidently.

My intelligence is absolutely top-notch, and I immediately reacted to Xin Yin's statement. Assassin is killed usually at the moment of attack, either the enemy dies or he dies. But Xinyin's task is to take things, which means he doesn't have to fight the monster. If an assassin doesn't want to contact the enemy at all, he will hardly be killed, which means that the task is actually far less complicated than I thought. In such a task, it is even easier to protect the assassin than to protect a warrior with a high blood thickness.

"Yes! You are assassin, how can I didn't expect it!"

Rose said: "Although the monsters on the road are difficult to deal with, but with Purple Moon's Ability can easily break through. What Xinyin has to remember is that you must not leave Purple Moon too far, and also to protect yourself. As long as you can cooperate well, it is not difficult to complete the task. You two should be more attentive, Because the information I bought from NPC shows that there may be serial missions after the 1,000-level Upgrading Mission, but the final reward...you should understand."

If you don't understand it, you will be a fool. The serial missions in "Zero" are notoriously complicated, but as long as they can be completed, the final reward will definitely make you feel that it is not in vain.

"Very good, but at least I have to find Ginxue before doing the task."

The crab man who has been on the side since the appearance of Nobunaga Onitou Suddenly walked over and said: "Dear friends, you look stronger than them, can I ask you to help us find sacred relic?"

I thought about it and said to him: "I miss me Knowing how those guys did it, they stole your sacred relic first, and then used another group of people to defraud your tokens and promised that they were a very powerful force. I hope you can cooperate with them, right?"< /p>

"How do you know?"

"Because they do it every time." I said to the crab: "In fact, we don't have extra time to help you find sacred relic, but since the sacred relic was taken away by the Japanese, we may find your sacred relic at any time in the subsequent battle. I promise, if our people retrieve the sacred relic, or find anything related The clues will definitely inform you immediately." The Crab was about to speak, and I quickly reached out to stop him. "Don’t be too busy to thank you, I’ve never made a loss-making business, at least you have to make me feel that this thing is not a loss."

The crabman in the middle hasn’t spoken yet, next to him The crab man from rushed up angrily and shouted: "You are more evil than those guys. Although they deceived us, at least they didn't negotiate terms with us."

I laughed. "Poor child, can't you understand it now? You were paying the price for helping them fight with me before. Do you think you are doing voluntary labor? Profiteer who sells food that you can't eat with very little money? And the merchant who sells you normal food at normal prices, who do you prefer?"

"hmph! You guys who come from blue balls are so cunning!"

"There is no free lunch in the world. You don't really think that I will help you to work for nothing, do you?"

"What you said makes sense, but we really have no extra money to ask you to help! "

"I didn't ask you to pay, is the payment must be in material form?"

"Then what do you want us to do?" The crabs are very serious Asked.

I smiled and said, "Don’t worry, you’d better answer a few questions before I tell you what I want you to do to let me know what you can do. Then I can decide. What do you want you to do?"

"No problem. You can ask."

I reached out and stopped his anxious behavior. "Don't worry, this is not a place to talk. It's best to go to your village first, and then we sit down and talk slowly."

I deliberately didn't ask immediately, I was just sending a message. Any creature will unconsciously ingest a lot of information from the environment, but this information will not be directly presented in your surface consciousness, but will affect your behavior in a way similar to a computer background program with unnoticeable influence. For example, in a dark ancient tomb, you will unconsciously fight the Cold War. This is actually the work of your subconscious mind, not your subjective consciousness directing you to fight the Cold War. What I am doing now is the same. I consciously show that I don’t care and don’t worry, in order to let these parasites know that I don’t care about their cooperation, so that they will think that their side is not enough, and the negotiation will follow. It's a lot easier. If I am begging them to agree to the terms now, it will be over. I am afraid they will not agree to the last terms.

At my request, the parasitic people finally reluctantly agreed to take me to their village, but these guys asked us to go in blindfolded, otherwise they would not take us to the village. Considering that they had just lost the sacred relic and were in a moment of extreme insecurity, I agreed to their request.

Under the lead of the crabman, we passed through the complex underground caves to the Underground World. Strictly speaking This is the real surface of Red Planet. The ground above is completely covered by red desert. Simply is the restricted area of ​​life. The real life of Red Planet lives in this Underground World.

After we walked through Underground World for a while, Crabman suddenly asked us to blindfold. I knew it was almost there, so I asked everyone to follow suit. However, I am not a fool, and blindfolding does not mean that I am not looking at the road. The Spiritual Body of Phantom can sense the surrounding environment with the help of the spirit strength field, so eyes are not a must for me. In addition, I can observe the surrounding things through the Spirit Armor worm manipulated by the queen who lives with me. It doesn't matter whether I have eyes or not.

In order to prevent detection, I only released a few beetles to serve as a vigilance mission along the way, and let a Spirit Armor worm stand on my shoulder instead of my eyes to help me see the way after it was apparated. Of course, the crabman can't see my tricks. He thought that we didn't know the way, and he was taking us in the vicinity proudly, hoping to mess up our sense of direction.

After going around for about ten minutes, these guys finally determined that we had no way to figure out the direction, so they took us to the vicinity of an underground forest. However, we were not led into the forest, but stopped near a tree beside the forest. The crab man who brought us knocked twice on the trunk, and the big tree suddenly cracked a crack in the middle, revealing a step leading to the lower level. These guys can really hide the entrance!

We were led by the crabman to the bottom of the steps, and then quickly shocked by everything in front of us.

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