It’s really convenient to have a guide! White Tiger They have seriously deviated from where they should be in the battle with the unknown character, but we found them very simply, but we can only look at them if we find them, and they can’t help at all. . I don't know the guy who was fighting with White Tiger, but he is indeed a Buddhist. There are experts on the field, and I don’t have much more, and I don’t have much less. After much deliberation, I thought it would be better to find the treasure first, so I asked the three volunteer guides to take me to the place where Dalun Pluto hid things.

Although Dalun Pluto is a boss-level figure, she was a woman first before becoming the boss, so she has a very bad habit-suspicious. The treasure that the guides took me to find was very secret, but we found it easily because of their special ability. I just looked at the wide open cave in front of me but I didn't dare to go in.

There is no gate in the cave, but the strong mana fluctuations emanating from the entrance of the cave can probably be felt even by a warrior who doesn't understand magic. Such a strong restriction is probably difficult to solve at my level.

" do I get in this?" I asked the next three guides tentatively.

"Only the peacock can open itself, and we don't know." These three are obviously not good at this aspect.

After thinking about it, I decided to use the simplest method-a detour. Who stipulated that entering the cave must go through the entrance of the cave? Isn't it possible to go in through the big hole next to it? Anyway, there will be a lot of holes in my Familiar, so it shouldn't be difficult to make a hole from the side.

I released the pioneers, found a soft spot from the side of the cave and started digging inward. Soft soil and rock are the same for the Trailblazers, as long as you don't touch iron sulfate. It only took half a minute for the Blazers to smash into the cave from the side, which was simply unexpected.

"Yes, it's fast." I patted the Trailblazer and sent him back to Fenglong Space.

The guides said it was to avoid suspicion and resolutely refused to follow me into the cave. There was really no way I could go in alone. The environment in this place is pretty good. The walls all around are pretty neat rocks, which seem to be dug out manually. The inside of the cave is very dry and there is no bad smell. The only drawback is that there are more insects.

After passing through the artificial cave in front, I quickly entered a large natural cave. This large cave is also connected to countless small holes, and each small hole is filled with all kinds of strange things. thing. I picked up one casually and took a look.

This is a hairpin used by Taoist priests. The main material is jade, and the pattern is also very common. It can be sold at a stall for at most one yuan. But this hairpin is not ordinary at all, because the vigorous magic power shows that this thing is at least a Holy Spirit equipment. In addition to the hairpin, I also found a two-meter high barrel. The barrel is black, made of some unknown metal, and the weight is not clear. I can't move it alone anyway. There are a lot of things like this here, and I don’t know exactly what they are doing, but I always move things first before researching their uses.

"Scott, moved things." I opened Space Gate and called out my moving team. Ringtone Knight and Qilin warrior quickly rushed out of the gate of the earth and began to sweep the treasure house.

There are a lot of things here, but I have a lot of people and it shouldn’t take long to move them all. I have ordinary items thrown directly into the gate of the earth and piled up, and only hand them to me if they encounter items with particularly strong magical fluctuations.

"Report to the sir." A Qilin warrior ran up to me and paid a military salute. These guys have become more and more like soldiers since they have entities.

"What's the matter?"

"I found a sculpture over there. I suspect it might be what we were looking for."

Because it came out of Celestial Court At that time, the Jade Emperor and the others said that those jade might change shape and even texture, so nothing other than magic can be used as a standard. Therefore, what I told Qilin warriors was also a rough standard. I only said to find something that is very magical and very special. I didn't talk about the specific appearance and characteristics of the magic. The magical power of that jade is very special. What I felt when I was in Celestial Court was a weird feeling that could not be expressed in words, so I couldn’t tell Qilin warrior what kind of magical power fluctuations I was looking for. I work harder myself, as long as it is more weird, go and check it out.

This time the Qilin warrior showed me the is a red jade fairy statue, which is definitely the key suspect. Although it is possible for the jade to change the material, it is only possible. Normally, it still maintains the same shape as the jade I saw in Celestial Court. The probability is the greatest, and the probability of only changing the shape is slightly smaller. As for even the material is changed, that is only the lowest probability. Therefore, everything that is jade is worthy of attention.

I rushed to the side of that sculpture in three steps and two steps, then pressed my hand on the surface of the jade statue, closed my eyes and felt it carefully.

"How about? Is it what we are looking for?" Skott asked me.

I shook the head: "Unfortunately, it is not, but this thing is also very strange. Small dragon girl, come out to help identify it."

Small dragon girl from Fenglong Space He jumped out and checked the sculpture carefully, and then said: "This is a gift given to Buddhism by Celestial Court a long time ago. I can't remember the name. It functions like a weapon of mass destruction."

"What? This thing is a weapon of mass destruction?"

"Don't get excited." The small dragon woman hurriedly pressed my mouth. "This is indeed a weapon of mass destruction, but it is only aimed at mortals who have no power. People like us can recover blood faster than it hurts blood. It's useless at all."

"Damn, this thing Is Buddhism useful?"

"It's just because it's useless, so I gave it away!" The small dragon female as it should be by rights said: "Celestial Court and Buddhism are not really good enough to wear A pair of trousers. In private, neither of the two parties thought of treating each other as friends, so politeness was also a fake politeness on the surface. Buddhism had just completed a plan at the time. Celestial Court always had to give something to face, but it was too tasteless. I couldn’t give it away, and I didn’t want something too strong, so I gave it this last thing. It’s just like a waste to use, but speaking of which is a weapon of mass destruction, at least it’s grand enough to say it."< /p>

"Putting it that way is really appropriate!"

"Of course."

"Sir, there are new discoveries here."

We were talking, and the Qilin warriors discovered another thing worth noting. What I found this time is not far from where we are, and I quickly walked over.

"What is it? Let me see."

The Qilin warrior carried a coffin and ran out. "That's it." The Qilin warrior in charge of the squad pointed to the coffin and said to me.

"This...!" This thing was also put in the hidden bag storehouse. The hobby of Pluto is really special! "Do you know what this is?" I turned around and asked the small dragon girl.


"Nonsense, of course I know this is a coffin. I asked what's in it?"

Scott touched When I saw me looking towards him, he whispered: "I don't think there will be anything other than the corpse in the coffin."

"There are also many kinds of corpses." I clicked Skott said in his chest: "Aren't you also considered corpses? As for zombies and corpses, aren't they all corpses? So corpses are also different. Since this thing can be put in the treasure house, then There must be something peculiar."

"Just open it up and you'll know it." Skott went up and kicked the coffin board, and the huge coffin turned sideways ten times. It took a few laps to fly to the corner of the wall before stopping. "It's really strong!"

"I said it's a baby, of course it's impossible to open it!"

I walked over and looked at the coffin again. This is a very old style of coffin, which is not the same as the structure of modern coffins. Of course, it is much different from Western coffins. This thing is square, and looks more like a giant cage than a coffin. There is no decoration on its surface, it is completely the color and texture of the wood itself, but the wood is a little bit special. The wood used to build this coffin comes from World Tree, which means that this is a coffin made by World Tree. You must know that World Tree is no less precious than any kind of gemstone, so it is an extremely luxurious act to use it as a coffin.

Scott also came over. He kicked the coffin a few times, and then said: "This thing is probably not much worse than the steel plate."

"Wrong. This thing is not Not inferior to steel plate, but harder than steel plate. Its hardness exceeds anything you have ever seen."

Scott looked at the coffin in surprise, and then said: "Then we How do you open it? There is no lock on it, and I don’t know how to open it. And for such a hard thing, your eternity may not be able to move, right?"

"I naturally have me The way.” As I said, I turned Eternity into a small hammer, and then tapped on the coffin cover lightly, and the cover made a very crisp echo, and then I knocked on the side again.

Scott watched me knocking there with a small hammer, and asked very puzzled: "What are you doing?"

"Look for the main beam "

"The staple food? There is food in it?"

"It is not the main food, but the main beam, the beam of the house beam!"

" But what are you going to do with the main beam?" Skott still didn't understand what I was going to do.

"Do you know Luban lock?" I asked while knocking.

"I know."

"In terms of style, this thing and that thing are things of the same age."

"So you think this thing should be Is there a main beam?"

I was about to answer, and suddenly the coffin board made a very special echo. It sounded much duller than before, and it also carried a very special kind of echo. The sound of friction. "Found it."

"How did you know it was here?" The small dragon girl came over and asked curiously.

"Because this structure completely relies on the main beam to lock the connection points between the various parts, the main beam will connect many parts at the same time. That is to say, the structure around the main beam is very complicated, so when knocking The echo will be very special, you can hear some subtle collisions. Why? Don’t believe it? Then prove it to you.” As I said, I pressed the piece of wood down, and when I let go, the wood popped out by itself. One piece. I grabbed the piece of wood that popped out and pulled it violently. With only a bang, the top cover of the entire coffin suddenly popped out, and then the baffles on all sides fell neatly in four directions. However, my pride immediately disappeared after seeing the situation inside! "Eh... this seems to be a coffin!"

This damn coffin actually has more than one layer! Fortunately, Second Layer is just an ordinary coffin without any special locking device.

"This time let us see what exactly is installed!" Skott walked over and grabbed one end of the coffin cover and lifted it forcefully. With a boom, the cover was completely removed from him. The coffin was lifted off. We hurriedly stretched our heads and looked in, but we were stunned again.

This time I did not find that there was a coffin inside, but that it was actually empty. If it was empty, we would be disappointed at most, but this coffin is more surprising than the empty one, because there is actually a staircase underneath it.

After the coffin cover was opened, the place where the corpse should be placed was a big hole. From above, a staircase extending downward could be seen, but the end could not be seen. The depth of this coffin is no more than 1.3 meters, but this step is at least 100 meters, which is obviously not something that the coffin can put down.

"This is the channel entrance!" The small dragon girl called out first.

"It should be!" I reached out and touched the inner wall of the coffin, then looked at my fingers. "There has never been a corpse in this coffin, it's just a disguised entrance."

"I don't know where this can go together?" Skeet said.

"It would be nice if it was another treasure place." The small dragon girl was also broken by me now, and I think about taking advantage every day.

"Go down and take a look and you'll know." Skott went straight into the coffin, and then walked down.

"Small dragon woman, you are waiting on it. If Qilin warrior finds something strange, put it together first, and wait until I come back to watch." After saying that, I also turned over and jumped into the coffin.

The stairs below are very steep, and each step can only stand half a foot. There is a back blade behind my boots, which requires more space than ordinary boots. Now I can only stand on my side, otherwise there is no place to borrow. The passage is very dark, but it is not a big problem for me and Skok, after all, we are all dark creatures, and darkness is our best friend.

"Do you feel it?" Skot suddenly asked me in a low voice.

I am nodded. "Feel it." There is airflow in the passage, which means that the following is not a confined space, but it is open to the outside. "It's a salty wind, maybe it's the sea outside."

"Wind?" Skott looked back towards me in surprise. "I'm talking about the temperature of the ground."

"Temperature?" I reached out and touched the wall, but I really felt that the temperature of the wall was very high, it was close to my body temperature. "Don't worry, I will let the darts go to explore the way."

The darts are small in size and fast. They won't start even if they step on it, and it's useless even if they start. At his speed, let alone a trap falling rock, even a crossbow bolt can't catch up with his speed. The darts are exploring the way ahead, so we don't have to walk forward with trepidation, so the speed is obviously much faster.

After walking down not too far, the passage became a state of horizontal advancement, and then suddenly entered a very huge room. This is obviously a place that has been artificially processed. There are a lot of reliefs carved on the walls and floor of the room, and its style is very strange, it seems that it is not the carving form of any place I have seen.

The room was empty and there was nothing, except that there was a door at the diagonally opposite corner of our entrance. The wooden gate was basically rotten out, and what was left was just a frame. After exiting this door, the dart burst back with a cough.

"What's the matter?"

Darts immediately sent a message from the heart: "There is a huge channel group in front with many rooms around, but the contents are basically gone. At the end of the passage is a downward staircase, but it is blocked by water."

"Understood, you should go back and rest first." After retracting the darts, I called out Bailang and Yeyue, and then he and Si Goth started searching for this Underground World together.

The structure of the passage in front is unconventional. The crossing passages divide the land around the tunnel into small areas. Each area is a room, which is simply an Underground City. When Scott and I walked to the door of a room, the already dilapidated door leaned on the door frame slantingly. I just pushed it slightly, and the whole door panel fell down, and it fell into countless pieces. .

"cough cough cough..." Ye Yue said while fanning the dust: "It seems that no one has been here for some years."

I walked into the room first. What I saw was a broken house. It looks like this is a very ordinary office. There are a row of bookshelves and some tables and chairs in the room, but they are all covered with a thick layer of gray, which looks gray.

"This is just a ghost town." Skogot easily swept away the dust on the table, then turned around and jumped up to sit on it. As a result, he only heard a bang, Skogot fell directly into it. Among the piles of rotten wood. "Damn!"

"There is probably nothing left in this kind of place." I reached out and grabbed a book by the shelf and drew it lightly. With a whirr, the books turned into a pile of books. white powder.

"Without magic protection, these things can't be stored for too long." Yeyue lightly flicked a wooden box next to her, and the wooden box turned into a pile of fragments with a bang. "See it?"

"Every room is the same." Skott said: "What the hell is going on here?"

"Probably an abandoned underground base." I I walked from the bookshelf to the opposite wall. There are still some shadows of the pictures, but when I was breathing, it flew up a large area, and it turned out to be unrecognizable. "We continue to move forward, the secret should be in front."

Passing through this large residential area, there are a lot of warehouses in front, but the contents are all rotten and unrecognizable, so We don't know what exactly was installed before. Moving forward, the passage gradually converges and becomes a wider passage. Continue to move forward, less than three hundred meters, the passage once again becomes a downward staircase, but there are only a dozen steps, all of which are soaked in water.

"This is probably the area enclosed by water that the darts just said." Ye Yue said.

"I don't know what's down there," Skeet said.

"Go down and take a look." Ye Yue jumped into the water while saying, then disappeared quickly on the water.

"Let's go down too." Withdrawing the white waves and putting on the mask, I jumped down.

"wait for me." Skott followed me and jumped down.

Yeyue has a big tail. She swims much faster than us. When we get into the water, she will not even see her silhouette. The underwater passage is still straight down, and there are also steps, which shows that there shouldn't be water here, otherwise there is no need to make steps at all.

After swimming forward, we caught up with Yeyue. To be precise, we caught up with the blocked Yeyue. The downward staircase was completely blocked by a stone gate, all around was empty and there was no mechanism to open the stone gate.

"It seems that I have to smash this door if I want to go in the past." Skott said to me with a touch of soul.

Yeyue took a shot of Skyt. "Are you an idiot? This is a broken water gate. It will only fall when the water level exceeds the warning line. If you smash the door, all the water outside will be poured in, and we will be rushed back."

"Then what to do?"

"First make a gate behind us, and then open this door. As long as there is no exit, water will not affect our actions."

I nodded . "This is a good way." As I said, I took out the eternity, and then let it split into a gate to block behind us, deeply inserted into the wall on all sides, so that it can resist the water pressure. After finishing all this, I said to Skye and Yeyue: "Ready, I'm going to open the door."

※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ ※※※※※※※※※※※※

Toothache is not a disease, it hurts to death! I have been unable to eat normally for three days in the storm, and I can't sleep well, alas... The two biggest hobby in my life are actually ended by this tooth! The dentist said that my tooth contains too much fluoride. The advantage is that it does not grow cavities, but the disadvantage is that it is easy to break. This time I bite a piece of sand, and it cracks from top to bottom. It takes about a month to completely heal. It is really painful! Remind everyone, fluoride toothpaste should be used with caution. Not all teeth can be used with fluoride toothpaste. The more you use the toothpaste, the worse!

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