The Great Wheel of Pluto was completely entangled by the rebellious Demon, and the other Demons were also busy with their own affairs. There is no department in the entire Monster Palace that can perform its due function. Black Tortoise and Yinxue were so swaggering to look for White Tiger and Shui Xu in the mountains where Monster Palace is located. Although we met countless Demons along the way, none of us paid attention to us. The so-called turmoil is probably the current situation.

"It's weird! They can't disappear from the face of the earth, right?" After a few laps in the mountains, we searched almost every place in the Monster Palace, but we couldn't find it. To Shuixu and White Tiger.

Black Tortoise seems a little anxious. After all, such a good opportunity is not often encountered. If you don't take advantage of this chaotic opportunity to half-finish things, you will have to pay a hundred times the price if you want to do it later!

I thought for a while and said: "Why not? The three of us are looking for separately, and we will find Shui Xu and White Tiger and they will find the two pieces of jade."

"But I don't know what that thing looks like?" Yinxue grabbed me and asked.

"This is for you." Black Tortoise took out a piece of jade the size of a fingernail and handed it to Yinxue. "Can you feel the energy above?"

Yinxue nodded: "Very special energy, very powerful and very warm!"

"The two pieces of jade are made of this material As long as you feel the same energy, no matter what shape it is, don’t doubt it.” After Black Tortoise said it seemed to think of something, and then said to me: “You’ve seen the jade pendant look like it, but it’s easier to be confused. When you look for it, don’t pay attention to the shape. The thing does not necessarily appear in the way you see it in Celestial Court. It may also become very large. Even a live item can only be determined with the same energy. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the real goal or not, the shape doesn’t matter."

I nodded: "I understand. I have felt the energy characteristics of that piece of jade. It is very special and should be easy to recognize."

"Well, let's find it separately now." Black Tortoise said.

I added: "Remember, whether you find it or not, once Demon's chaos is under control, you must leave immediately. We will return to Isengard to find another way. If anyone finds the jade block Just create a cloud of red in the sky. If you find one, you will create one, and if you find both of them, you will create two."

Black Tortoise also said: "Then just be more detailed, who thinks there is If you need to retreat urgently, create a green cloud in the sky. If anyone finds White Tiger, they will create a golden cloud in the sky. If you need everyone to meet, you will shoot a seven-color beam directly into the sky. We will Follow the beam of light to find the target location."

"No problem, then everyone will find it separately."

After discussing the contact code, we immediately began to disperse our actions. I don't worry about the safety of Black Tortoise and Yinxue. As long as they are not besieged by Demon, they can still run away even against the Great Wheel of Pluto. In contrast, the most dangerous one is me. Although only a small part of the Demon here is capable of dealing with me, the problem is that the total amount of Demon is too much, and this small part is tens of thousands. Besides, what if they besiege me?

After thinking about it, I switched to Silver Moon mode. Anyway, there are only a few people in Demon who know my trumpet, so at least I don't have to worry about being recognized. But the problem also arises-the charm value of this trumpet is too high, it will always attract a group of little demons to play idiots behind, and there is no way I can burn it all the way to see who dares to approach.

The design of the Demon's stronghold is quite weird, and the arrangement of many buildings is not in an orthodox style. The main meeting hall of the Monster Palace is not in the center of the Monster Palace complex, and the military garrison is also repaired everywhere. There is simply no regularity at all. After spinning for a few hours, seeing that it was getting dark, I still couldn't find a place, but when I was looking for it, I met Black Tortoise and Yinxue each.

From our meeting, it can be inferred that our search range should have completely covered the entire Monster Palace, otherwise they will not collide. But we still haven't found the target. Based on the above situation, I roughly guessed it. Either the two pieces of jade were placed in some secret place, or it was not here at all. But we didn't even find White Tiger, this seems to be wrong.

After thinking about it, there is only one possibility-the location of the treasure is very special, and it is well hidden, so that we have never noticed this place.

The more I thought about it, the more confused I became. In the end, I could only turn to the god of war. Use the ring of love to contact Rose, and then ask her to help contact the god of war. Through the Haotian Mirror in the guild and the satellite function of Babel Tower, we made a rough structure model for the Monster Palace, and then I followed the structure model to start Search each area one by one. When I searched all the places again, I still couldn't find the target.

According to the model established by the military god, I have determined that I have searched the key locations on the entire mountain, and the military god has also determined that I have not missed anything.

"Purple Moon." The army's divine ability had passed the rose's ring of love and said to me: "Give you a suggestion."


"You leave the Monster Palace location first."


"Because I analyzed the route you took before, combined with the functions of the various buildings you described, I I made a detailed architectural function database for Monster Palace, and found that Monster Palace is incomplete."

"Incomplete? What do you mean?"

"A base should include at least one set Basic facilities, but this Monster Palace lacks training areas and valuable item warehouses, and there is no high-level residential area used by high-level personnel. According to international common practice, the above settings are necessary, even if the Monster Palace is not fully completed, these facilities It should also be completed first."

"So what? What is your inference?"

"So I speculate that Monster Palace has an underground part or hidden area, and there is a virtual game in the game. Space and magic space, Monster Palace may have a part of the area covered by such a place, or it may be a simple underground facility, but you did not find the entrance."

"Understood, I will go and see now. Is there anything hidden underground."

Fortunately, there are many holes in my summon creatures. This mountain happens to be a solid rock mountain, so I searched for it It's very simple. I let Amina and Rose Vine use the echolocation ability, and then the tank and Vajra used heavy hammers to smash the ground to create superimposed shock waves. Depending on the difference in attack interval, sound waves will interfere, and different stratums will reflect different sound waves. The general structure and composition of the ground can be obtained by superimposing multiple waves.

The feedback results of Rose Vine and Amina are the same. There is no hollow area under the mountain, which means that there is no underground building, so there is only one possibility. Taking Emiennes for another round in the mountains, the result is still disappointing. There were countless hidden disguises found along the way, but none of them were what we were looking for.

Rose and the god of war are sitting with Isengard to help me figure out a solution, and I think of a solution here, but in the end Rose came quickly. Rose said to me through the ring of love: "The God of War just ran the behavior simulation program, and simulated the personality characteristics of Dalun Pluto through the previous situation, and then we got a very unexpected result. Would you like to try it? "

"Anyway, there is nowhere to find it, you have to try if you don't try!" Demon's confusion has almost subsided, and there will be no chance if it is unpleasant!

Rose said: "According to the simulation results, Great Wheel Pluto is an extremely arrogant person, so according to her personality, she will hide things in places she thinks others can't think of."

"Where is that place?"

"The entrance of the Monster Palace."

"The entrance? I have checked it, and even Emines has not found any Camouflage Technique. Something like that."

"It is not the entrance to the main hall of the Monster Palace, but the entrance to the mountainous area where the entire Monster Palace is located, which is where you met the first group of people who secretly observed you."


" p>

"Do you mean that the Great Wheel of Pluto brought that thing out of the mountain?"

"Almost!" Rose said: "The military god said that you are 70% sure that something is right there. The location of the first secret whistle I encountered."

"Well, I will go out and find it."

This guy Dalun Pluto is really, and I don’t know what to think. , Actually hid things in places where no one guarded them. Does she really think that the more dangerous the place, the safer it is? In any case, since it is the result of the speculation of the military god, then I have to check it out!

I took Emiennes and ran out of the Monster Palace. Before I got to the mountain pass, I began to believe in the judgment of the god of war, because I found the corpse. There were a lot of Demon's bodies on the side of the mountain road at the entrance of Monster Palace, and all of them were killed in one shot. Judging from the position and shape of the wound, the strength of the attacker is much higher than that of these Demons, because these Demons will be dead without a reaction. Many people have died with the expression on their faces before death. NS.

This is a mountain pass. The chaos in the mountain shouldn't affect it here, but there are so many dead bodies here, and it can only be done by White Tiger and Shui Xu. It seems that I am at least looking in the right direction.

Continuing along the tracks of the corpses, I soon reached the entrance to the mountain. A large number of players can already be seen here. The time now is around seven o'clock in Beijing time, which happens to be the time when there are a lot of people on the line, and there are leveling players everywhere. But this is the outskirts of the mountain, so no one knows that the mountain has been disrupted.

I slid lightly from a tree behind a team of players who were leveling, and then asked the priest MM at the end of the team: "Sorry, excuse me."

< p>"What's the matter?" It was not the priest MM who answered, but the Knight in front. This guy seems to be the Captain here, and he walked back from the front when he saw someone questioning him. It just so happened that the monster they were playing had already died.

"I'm looking for someone, I don’t know if you have seen it."

A beautifully dressed female wizard walked over and asked: "What kind of person is it? We don’t I must remember that there are a lot of people at this time."

"I’m not sure how many of them there are, but three of them should be very distinctive. There is a middle-aged man with a height of about 1.9 meters. The muscles are exaggerated, wearing a set of Chinese-style white tiger-skin armor. There is also a gray robe old man, which looks very trivial. The last one is a woman, wearing a red suit, and a very hot body."

A younger warrior walked over from the front and said: "I have seen it. Are there three of them? Among them is a male youth who looks cool, like an assassin. There is also a twenty. A four-five-year-old hunk, with muscles as long as rocks. The last man has big eyes, like monsters."

"Yes, it is them." What I described earlier was White The looks of Tiger, Yin Yao and Shui Xu, what this warrior said is exactly the looks of Bi Tuo and Qiong Lin. As for the person with big eyes, he is probably the old friend of Shuixu. He said that he would look for an old friend to help find out where to hide things. "Excuse me, where did you see them going?"

"Over there." The warrior pointed to a forest on the left.

"Over there?" The direction was a little surprised, because although walking around in a big circle from there, they would still walk into the mountains in the end. If you say that, White Tiger, why didn't they go straight through the mountains before? Why go out first and then go in here? Although I was a little skeptical, I finally decided to go in and talk about it. "Thank you." I thanked and then turned and walked towards the woods.

After entering the forest, the number of players has obviously decreased, and there are already more players in the open space outside than monsters. Not long after I walked forward, I found someone was following me, and they got closer and closer. After bypassing a big tree, I leaned directly on the tree and asked Emenes to create an illusion for me to continue walking forward, and then put Emenes away. Listening to the rustle of leaves, I can accurately determine the location of the other party. There are a lot of people here, at least a dozen.

I was ready to fight. When the front footsteps reached the trunk where I was hiding, I suddenly flashed out from behind the tree. The other party didn't expect me to be here. He was still staring at the illusion ahead, but he didn't expect me to come out of here suddenly. Before he could react, I hooked his neck first, turned him slightly in a circle, and pointed the staff at the other person from under his arm. "Thunderfire ghost meteor."

A piece of blue Fireball spouted from the top of the staff. The enemy in front quickly hid behind the tree, only to find these blue Fireball simply blocked by countless trees. Passing through the trees, he knocked out the seven or eight people in the front, while still rolling all over the ground, and the others extinguished the flames.

Om. The sound of bowstring vibration. puff. The guy in front of me had more arrows on his body, and he did his best to complete the work of the shield. My spell hasn't stopped. The previous spell was only used for suppression. The formidable power is not big, but the speed is fast. With the delay of the previous row of Fireballs, I have completed the truly lethal offensive magic. "Fire storm." A large flame sickle spun out, and only a crackle sound was heard, followed by the screams of people and the sound of trees breaking. More than a dozen large trees hugged by two people fell to the ground with a squeak. The people hiding behind the trees were severely burned. Some people were even cut off by the flame sickle and were wailing on the ground.

A murky baritone yelled: "The other party is expert, be careful. A team go back and call for someone." With the help of my voice, I quickly found the place where the guy was hiding, and his body quickly deformed and colored. The armor was completely replaced by the black golden dragon suit, the sun wand on the right hand disappeared in the flames, and I had entered the Purple Moon form. It's a pity that the guy I was holding as a shield can no longer recognize me, because he has been shot as a hedgehog by his companion. My right hand arm guard suddenly bounced up a bit, and then stretched forward abruptly, oh la la two bow arms bounced out with a sound. The Avengers entered a full formidable power mode. "Don't mess with everyone." That guy was still directing his team members with his voice. "The mage hurry up, the archer is ready to press...!" The guy's voice stopped abruptly, and an arrow through the trunk was inserted in his temple, and blood flowed down the arrow shaft to the trunk, and then flowed towards it. ground.

"Captain was killed, pay attention to that guy can shoot through the trunk. He...he... is Purple Moon!" The guy who came out to command instead of the killed Captain finally recognized me. When shooting arrows, I have changed back to Purple Moon form. Silver Moon can only shoot magic arrows, which are not very penetrating.

Vice Captain's name has already caused most of the surrounding people to sit on the ground in shock, but the reinforcements that followed obviously did not hear the words of Vice Captain in front. An arrow that flew from a long distance precisely aimed at my right eye, but it stopped an inch away from my eye. The mercury shield got stuck in the arrow feathers.

"Don't..." "Charge!" Two opposite orders were shouted at the same time, and the commander of those who arrived later looked towards Vice Captain beside him with some confusion.

"That's Purple Moon!" Vice Captain's explanation made the reinforcement Captain who arrived back two steps back.

"You guys are crazy? Tell me that you found a big fish, it's a fucking shark, how many heads do you guys dare to grab?"

For people, this is actually a very simple thing. They saw me coming out of the forest alone, and at the same time they discovered that I was wearing a superb suit, and they naturally thought of robbery. Although the punishment for killing and exploding equipment is very serious, as long as the equipment is good enough, there will still be players who will grab it. These people are obviously not doing it for the first time, so the organization is very tight. Because I was afraid that I could not deal with it, I called for reinforcements. I could only plan and still couldn't keep up with the changes.

"Rainbow." With my voice, a beautiful tree appeared behind me, and then I rushed towards the surrounding enemies. In my killing, those people were also hacking at each other, because they thought they saw me rushing towards them. The specialty of Rainbow Tree Demon is the super large-scale Illusion Technique, which can not be better for dealing with low-level personnel. I only had time to deal with one of the third people, and they would kill each other by themselves.

I specially left alive, the young warrior I was looking for before. "I ask you again. Did you see the person I was looking for?" The young man shook his head quickly. "Then you can go to death." I threw him into the sky, raised my hand to the top and an arrow, and then the Avengers automatically folded back to their normal state. After I left, the guy's corpse plopped and fell to the ground, and there was an arrow stuck in the corpse's forehead, and there was a half of the arrow sticking out of his head.

Rather than asking for directions, Bailang’s nose is better. Returning to the mountain pass, and letting Bailang smell it for a long time, he finally found the scent of water. There are too many people in this place, and the smell is so messed up, otherwise you can find it with Bailang's nose.

Following the smell, I continued to move out of the mountain, knowing that I was about to leave the edge of the mountain forest before stopping. Bailang circled a tree several times, and then said to me: "The smell broke here, but it didn't reach the tree."

"Then this is probably the entrance." I Opened the Phoenix Dragon Space and released Eminis. "Is there a disguise here?"

Emmenes looked at the big tree, and then darkened it with his hand. The space in front was distorted for a while, and an inconspicuous door appeared on the trunk. This door seems to be part of the tree trunk, but it was cut off, otherwise the seams between it and the surrounding tree trunks really can't tell that it is a door. The disguise of the Great Wheel Pluto is really thorough. Even with the anti-stealth ability, ordinary people would not take a close look at such an ordinary tree in such a forest full of trees. So even with the ability like Eminis, it is difficult to find here without knowing the location in advance.

Let Eminis return to Fenglong Space first. I researched on that door, and finally released Yeyue and the small dragon girl uneasy. After studying the small dragon for a long time, the woman is sure that a strong seal is added to this door. If it is opened forcibly, the connection between this door and the space channel will be destroyed. When the time comes, it will really be impossible to enter.

The place where the Great Wheel Pluto hides things is not in this tree, nor under the tree. The door on this big tree is just a channel entrance. If we destroy the big tree, then such a channel will no longer exist. So brute force cracking is useless for this kind of place.

"Is there a way to get in without breaking the passage?" I asked the small dragon girl.

Small dragon female shook the head: "There is or there is, but for us it is the same as if there is not."


" Because this method is to use the normal opening incantion to pass through here."

"But we don't have incantion?"

"So we can't make it through!"

" Damn! This goddamn Pluto, I really want to strangle her!"

Ye Yue suddenly said: "In fact, I have a way, but I don't know if Phantom's technology can pass the level."


"What does it matter to me?" Phantom broke away from me. "I'm just a Spiritual Body, not a space channel."

"It's possible because you are a Spiritual Body."


< p>Ye Yue said seriously: "You can try to collect nearby free psychic energy. Spiritual Fluctuation when using incantion is like a kind of energy explosion. After the explosion, gunpowder will be left behind, and after incanation, it will be There is residual energy. You are a Spiritual Body, you should be able to read these energy directly, maybe you can spell out the incantion."

"Damn, you can think of this kind of bad idea too!" Phantom complained: "Do you know how troublesome it is to read the residual energy?"

"But it's always a way?"

"Phantom, if you can, please help me!" I am right Phantom said.

"Since the master has spoken, then I will try it!"

"Would you like me to call Bannon Songlan out to reconcile with you?" I asked Phantom.

"No need. Multiple people in my body is not easy to concentrate one's mind. This kind of thing is time-consuming and has nothing to do with strength."

Phantom began to search slowly. There were mental fragments nearby, and I was holding a branch next to me waiting to record the information he had read. After about a few minutes, Phantom really got something useful. "Found it. I have found the frequency of the residual energy, and I am analyzing the text corresponding to the signal. Well, there is a "dead" character."

I quickly wrote a dead character on the ground.

"There is another'white' character."

I quickly followed and recorded this white character. The Phantom seemed to get better and better, and soon produced a bunch of words. After I copy all the words on the ground, the next step is to start playing crosswords. Incantation is more than three hundred characters long, and these characters must be coherent. The key depends on how we arrange and combine them. This combination of manpower alone is too hard, more than 300 words, the combination of probabilities is so scary, we want to finish the queue at least a few days, but we don't have to do it ourselves.

More than three hundred words were passed to the military god. He almost eliminated the incantion for me when I finished the last word. For the computer, this is nothing more than playing a ranking game. As long as the meaningful options in the result are presented, the answer is. With the speed of information processing of the military god, this kind of problem basically belongs to the category of kindergarten exercises.

"Wow hahahaha! Great Wheel Pluto, no matter how great you are, I have a phantom that can read mental fragments, and a military god who can quickly combine text. Come on! Let me see what you hide Behind this tree."

I thought about incantion, the door on the tree slowly slid to one side with the end of the last word, and when the scene behind the door appeared in front of us, we all stunned.

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