There is a saying "Technology is power". Experts like Black Tortoise and White Tiger, even super-powerful players like me are only one ten thousandth of the world, but even Black Tortoise and White Tiger

need to look for a few months We can easily figure out the hiding place that we can find by relying on the country's most peak computer-the military god.

According to the order given by the military god, we first reached the first target point. Knowing in advance that Demon may be hidden here, Black Tortoise directly used a large-scale dedicated search spell,

With the help of the power of the ground veins, it easily discovered the existence of a large number of Demons.

White Tiger said excitedly: “The soldier in your guild is really amazing. Didn’t expect a real hit. Wouldn’t you know the location in advance and deliberately act for We saw it


"Is it necessary?" I have a good relationship with Demon and it hasn’t been a day or two. There is nothing to hide, so simply don’t have to hide it. Who. White Tiger smiled and said that he was joking,

I think he was deliberate. "Okay, now I trouble the three of you to suppress your breath. I don't want to see millions of Demons welcoming us after entering the mountain."

After blocking my breath I still watched White Tiger and Black Tortoise. They both felt frustrated when I saw them. In the end, White Tiger couldn't help it. "What are you always staring at us for?"

"Have you participated in the campaign to destroy Demon before?"

"Nonsense, what do you want us to do without destroying Demon?"

"That means Demon knows you all?"

"Of course."

I thought about it for a moment, and then said: "Then you now It’s still too troublesome."

Xuan Martial Dao: "But with our power level, we will be recognized no matter how we hide."

"The Great Demon monster can recognize it. You don’t care, I just want to see Demon’s high level leadership first. You all know that Hades is good to see, what does it mean to be difficult, don’t you? Block it, and we are now looking for the location of the jade, but we can't start the fight right away. If we explain to these little ghosts, you probably won't see the true leader of the demon at this time tomorrow.


"It makes sense, but what are we going to do?" White Tiger suddenly found my smile very evil after speaking, and my body took a step back unconsciously. "What are you doing?"

A few minutes later, there was a couple of men and women holding hands and walking side by side on the mountain road of Wanxian Mountain. Of course, this is Yinxue and me. However, if you look closely, you will find that Yinxue is still holding a white kitten in her arms, but at this time the cat's expression seems very angry. Of course, this cat is our Lord White Tiger. As for Black Tortoise, he hides it more secretly. Even if you look around us with wide eyes

, you may not be able to find the location of Black Tortoise, but in fact he is on my body. As long as you focus on observing my abdomen, you will find that there is an extra palm-sized armor

. If you look closely, you will find that it is simply not armor, but a The little turtle sucking tightly on my armor.

The two bosses were forced to hide behind us and pretend to be pets and decorations. Although it is a shame, it is definitely a good way. Although Yinxue's strength is not easy to hide, she is not a member of Celestial Court, and Demon does not know her. She is the Guardian God beast of our guild, even if she is discovered, it doesn't matter. After White Tiger becomes a kitten, his power will be mixed with Yinxue's power. Others will only think that it is Yinxue's power, but never think that this kitten is famous. White Tiger. As for Black Tortoise, he also used the same method, like using a chimney

to transfer his power to me, and then to Yinxue through the hand held by Yinxue and I. This way Everyone's power is concentrated on her, and Demon doesn't matter even if she finds that she is superstrength


Walking along the mountain road, I can feel from time to time that there is a Demon nearby watching us. They have obviously found our whereabouts, but because they are hidden here, they dare not

Come out hastily, hoping that we can return before we find them, or wait for us to go deep in the mountains and then kill us in one fell swoop.

I and Yinxue are both combatants, walking very fast, and it didn't take long for us to reach deep enough in the mountains and forests. The Demons couldn't help it anymore, but they didn't rush up to fight, but

it used their brains.

"Stop." The trees around us shook for a while, and a large group of demons that had turned into humans ran out from the left and right and from the front. These guys are all wearing various armors, some of them pretend to be evil.

I stood there, without moving and talking, waiting for them to open up the battle. I want to know what they are going to do. The guy who shouted before seemed to be the leader, and he quickly stood opposite me

. I cup one fist in the other hand saluting, and then asked: "Do you know what happened to you guys stopping us?"

"Robbery." The monster swung the axe in his hand twice. "This is the top of my mountain. If you want to pass from here, you have to pay tolls. If you don't want to pay, I suggest you better adjust it.

Head back, we won't make it difficult for you."


They really have a bit of a brain when they arrive, and if they pretend to be bandits, most people might actually be cheated back. However, we are always looking for monsters, so of course we won't be deceived back.

"I want to know, what will happen if we have to go there?"

"Then don't blame us for being impolite." The surrounding Demon shook demonstratively. The weapon in the hand comes.

"Yes, some progress, more progress than when you were in the bottle gourd in the universe." As soon as I said my words, there was a commotion around Demon. There are not many people who know that they have been in the bottle gourd in Qiankun

, but once they know this, they are 100% not irrelevant.

When the silhouette shook around, the Demons’ Transformation Techniques were all automatically released, and the Demon forms of various baring fangs and brandishing claws were revealed one after another. "Since you are from Celestial Court, don't blame us for being unkind.

Don't be angry."

"Oh? How are you going to be unkind?"

"We are so welcome." The Demon who took the lead waved to the Demon behind. "Brothers come."

Yinxue slowly stretched out a hand, then turned over and rushed down with her palm, making a downward pressing motion, and then all the demons seemed to suddenly Like a big mountain, all the thumps are on the ground.

The monster who took the lead gritted his teeth and wanted to hold it up. As a result, he just raised his body, but his hands suddenly felt sinking. Both arms were directly inserted into the soil, and his body became flat again. Close to the ground

. "You...what demon technique did you use?" Yinxue laughed angrily. "Demon technique? You are the Demon. You actually asked me what kind of magic technique I used? I am the purest Heaven and Earth Profound Technique. You actually said that I practiced the magic technique?"

" Is Immortal Technique the Immortal Technique? What is the Heaven and Earth Profound Technique? What's so great about Divine Immortal?" That guy's mouth was very hard.

Yinxue said: "I am not Immortal Technique, Immortal Technique is much behind my Heaven and Earth Profound Technique, there is no such big formidable power at all, you are too underestimate me! "

"Are you not Divine Immortal?" After all, that guy is not too stupid, and he heard the point.

Rather than waiting for Yinxue to speak, I first opened the mouth and said: "If we are Divine Immortal, do you think you still have a chance to speak now?"

"Misunderstanding! "The guy quickly explained: "Recently, Celestial Court has been checking tightly, and we can't help it. I don't want to run into a friend. I'm really sorry."

"I know it's a misunderstanding." Open them, Yinxue closed her hand, and the demons immediately bounced off the ground. "I'm here to enter the water, take us to see him, or

notice him to come here to pick us up."

"Yes, yes, I will send People go." The guy who took the lead immediately turned around and called a fast little demon to report back, and then enthusiastically said: "I don't know what you call it?"

"Did you join recently? "

"Yes!" The Demon said in surprise: "I have only joined for a few months. Can you even see this?"

"Monster Palace Almost all of you know me, but none of you know. What is the newcomer?"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Then it seems that you are our old friend of Demon! Actually! Our Monster Palace recently expanded the very difficult to deal with. Newcomers accounted for the majority. The old members are now slapped.

They will not come to such outlying areas."

"so that's how it is." As I was talking, I saw four rays of light coming from a distance, and then they shot in front of us together and became four people. "So it turns out that the four Great Protectors are here? Now the business is growing.

It's really hard to see you!"

"Purple Moon, you don't humiliate us anymore! "Shui Xu looked sad. "Forget it, this is not a place to talk, come with me!" After Shui Xu finished speaking, he looked at Yinxue in a blink of an eye, with a rather surprised expression in his eyes. "This is...?"

"The new Guardian God beast of our guild."

"The little demon is polite here. I have seen Guardian Sir Divine Beast." Four Great Protector bows to the demon and salutes together, this is not a fake. After all, the four of Shui Xu are Demon's guardians, and their strength is not too low. At least they can feel that Yinxue's power is already strong enough to surpass any existence in this mountain. In fact, his feelings are not correct. Yinxue is actually not that strong. The response they sensed to the water virtual

should be the total strength of the three people of White Tiger, Black Tortoise and Yinxue, but now Yinxue It's a disguise, all the power is radiated from her body, so I can feel such terrifying power.

Both White Tiger and Black Tortoise can single out the Great Wheel of Pluto. Yinxue’s strength may be even higher. Now that three people are added together, this power has indeed reached the peak of Low God. One step forward

is the strength of High God, so that the terrifying power is so weak that they can still stand here without paralyzing, which shows that they have a wide range of knowledge. However, none of those big-time demons reacted so much, because their

strength can't even be terrifying that feels this strength. It’s like a modern person will be threatened by others with bombs, but primordial people will never, not because they are better than modern people, but because they don’t even know the formidable power of bombs. How terrifying.

When I was taken by the four Great Protectors to their resting place, I found that something was wrong, so I asked: "The water is empty, why did you bring me here? Where is your Conference Hall? ?

Isn’t this your future stronghold? You haven’t even built the Conference Hall?"

Shui Xu poured us tea and sighed on a chair, the three next to him The same expression. It is really strange to know that such a situation happened to them.

In the Fourth Great Protector, Shuixu is the main diplomat. His frown is acceptable, but the other three are abnormal. Qionglin, a handsome guy, has always pretended to be an iceberg character. The so-called anger

not good at color refers to him like this. Yin Yao's personality is very hot, she is a slutty Yu Jie. She has a personality like this basically without moments of depression, but she is still very low now

. The last one is Bi Tuo, this guy belongs to the type that grows muscles but not brains. The so-called silly people don't know the feeling of sadness, that is, people like him. But now, these three people who shouldn't have this kind of expression also have the same expression as Shui Xu. It can only be said that they have encountered some kind of extremely bad thing.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Shui Xu sighed for a long time before shook his head and said: "Let the wolf into the room, the wolf into the room!"

< p>"Bring the wolf into the room?" I got a general idea as soon as I rolled my eyes. "Are you talking about Dalun Pluto and Heavenspan Cult Lord?"

"Yes, it is them." Yin Yao continued Shuixu's words: "We and Monster King were planning to bring them into us. The group increased its strength, but they didn’t expect that they brought too many people

. Instead, they turned us into a minority. The Monster King suffered in the last Celestial Court clean-up battle. Injury, the mana has been trapped in Celestial Court and can’t get it back, so I kept them short. This time the attack day...! Do you know this?"

White Tiger's eyes shined, almost found. I quickly hugged him over and put it on my lap, and put my hand on his head, blocking his eyes by the way. "I know this time

. I heard that Monster King's mana was stolen back. You should be happy?"

"What are you happy about?" Yin Rumor said: "They took the mana back, but they said that they desperately grabbed the mana, and the credit is the most. Therefore, they have to take one third mana. My king was not like them, but was divided into 2 /3/2021 The gap will be even greater when we go out. Naturally, they refused. In the end, they actually started to give me the king...!"

"Is it killed?" I asked in surprise.

"More ruthless than that. My king has been absorbed!"

"Absorbed? You mean to condense and swallow mana again?" Yinxue asked.

"Yes." Shui Xu said: "My king is gone, our Demon's status is even lower, and now we have completely become cannon fodder called by others. The four of us have now been demoted to become Captain of the four Demon teams

, each of them only manages one hundred thousand Demon Soldiers, not even one percent of the total number of Demons. Now the Great Wheel of Pluto is officially called Monster King, and the emperor’s title is It's called Peacock King. Heavenspan Cult Lord is his one word and

Shoulder King, the emperor is the Heavenly God King. They brought their own men as protectors and messengers, and we...!"


This is only a month away, didn't expect the Four Great Protectors to be mixed up to this point. It's really 30 years in Hedong and 40 years in Hexi! This has changed too quickly, right? "Then you guys have become ordinary


"What can be done!" Shui Xu said, "Without Monster King, our The status is getting lower and lower, and we can’t absorb the Spiritual Qi of the Earth Vein. We can only receive a little bit of Spiritual Qi from the Earth Vein. The cultivation base has hardly improved after such a long time!"

The ground vein is like an underground river, and the exit of the ground vein is like a fountain. The Monster King and the protector could have been directly absorbed by the fountain, while the little demon can only receive a little diffused outside

Spiritual Qi, by comparison, of course, sitting directly on top of the spring can absorb it faster. Shui Xu, they were originally the four Great Protectors, and they indeed enjoyed such rights, but now they are completely finished.

They were relegated to ordinary Demons and couldn’t enter the cave at all. They could only absorb a little bit of Spiritual Qi from the outside. Their strength would only increase with those of the Heavenspan Cult Lord and the cronies of the Great Wheel Pluto. , At all

There is no day in the making!

"You guys are too miserable, right?" Yinxue couldn't help asking.

Shui Xu shook his head helplessly: "You can't live by committing a crime!" When he said that, he gave himself a big mouth. "It's all my stinky mouth. Why did I persuade Monster King to let them join?"

After saying that he started to work again, slapped himself more than a dozen times, and was finally caught Yao and Qionglin stopped before stopping.

Shui Xu is so upset that it is normal. Originally, according to the route I arranged for them, Demon and Celestial Court have already teamed up to clean up the territory of Buddhism. If they continue to implement this plan, then the relationship between Demon and Celestial Court will become more harmonious. stand up. Even if it can't become the first great influence, at least it can be a second place under Celestial Court, but now it's good. Great Wheel Pluto and

Heavenspan Cult Lord all agreed that Demon attacked Celestial Court to fight for a long time. As a result, Monster King was killed and the four Great Protectors became ordinary Demons. Even if they succeeded in winning the title of Number One Influence, it would only be The success of Dalun Pluto and Tongtian

The success of Sect Lord has nothing to do with these Demons. They are still the lowest level existence. They also depend on the face of the person, and they are more naked than before. Celestial Court at least admits that

They are independent forces, and Celestial Court will at least allocate some spirit veins for them to use, so they won't get to the current level.

I nodded White Tiger’s head with my hand, and whispered to him: "Is there a way to detect the situation nearby?"

"What are you going to do?" Black Tortoise, who pretended to be a piece of armor on me, whispered when he heard me.

White Tiger also said: "There is no monitoring spell here, but there is a Demon with Buddha's radiance outside the cave who is eavesdropping. It should be from Pluto."

I slightly nodded and said, "Kill that guy and hide this hole. We're going to talk about important things."

"I'll do it." Black Tortoise just finished speaking, and the one outside is transparent. The little monster who listened suddenly flew in with a scream, but the entrance of the mountainside cave collapsed, killing the little monster inside

and at the same time blocked the entrance of the cave. The White Tiger jumped off my body. As soon as it fell to the ground, it quickly expanded and transformed back into a human form. He added a faint white light and shadow to the four walls of the cave.

"You, are Sacred Beast White Tiger?" Shui frightened back three steps and stumbled on a chair. When he sat on the chair, the chair was turned upside down. Yin Yao still froze there with tears on her face

, her mouth open and she didn't know what to do. Qiong Lin's face was tense, cold sweat broke out on his head, and Bi Tuo directly showed his muscles in a posture ready to fight, but his trembling legs were really not deterrent. The current Demons are no longer the Demons before they were loaded into the bottle gourd. During the time they were loaded into the bottle gourd, the other Demons and Divine Beasts have improved significantly. But they still stay at their previous strength, so there is a huge gap between them and the existence of White Tiger. As long as they want to do it, they simply have no chance of surviving


"Don't be afraid, we are not here to kill Demon." Yinxue's plain words made the four guardians a little calmer, as long as they are not fools, they should know that we have no need to deceive. One

White Tiger is scary enough, and there is an unidentified expert named Yinxue next to him. I really plan to use the four of them. I'm afraid I will not even have the chance to destroy both body and soul. .

Just when they came back to his senses from the fright, Black Tortoise also fell from my body, and then changed back to a human form. As a result, the four of them sat on the ground in fright. Dalun Pluto and Heavenspan Church

The Lord two guys made them like they are now. Here are three experts who are only slightly weaker than those two. It must be fake to say that they are not afraid. .

"What are you doing?" The four of them looked at us nervously.

I smiled at White Tiger and said to them: "You two find a place to sit, don’t scare the kids!" White Tiger and Black Tortoise laughed, and then two rocks automatically grew underground, they They looked for

and sat down together. I turned around and said to the four of them again: "Now let’s talk about business! Since the four of you have mixed up to this point, I have saved a lot of things, at least

Don’t have to talk to you. It's oblique."

"What do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple." I looked at the four of them jokingly. "Does the four of you still have any illusions about this Monster Palace in this situation?"

The four of them all froze for a while, and then shook the head together.

I smiled and said: "That means as long as I can help you get rid of your current situation, you don't actually mind turning away from this Monster Palace, which actually has nothing to do with you, do you?"


Yin Yao quickly said: "You only need to let us leave the Monster Palace. Although we still have one hundred thousand Demon Soldiers in our hands, these are actually old, weak and sick. And

A large part of them still don’t listen to our commands, we are just a group of empty airs!"

"That's good." I suddenly put away my smiling face, and said solemnly "The things I want to tell you below are obviously not good for Monster Palace. If you don’t want to know, you can leave now, but

if you don’t respond after listening...!" I used His eyes glanced at White Tiger and Black Tortoise who were sitting at the entrance of the collapsed cave. The four guardians looked over unconsciously, and then grumbled, and swallowed together! It seems that they already understand what I mean.

I regained my kind smile and said, "Don't be so nervous! You are all friends, and I will never forget you." As I said, I winked at the White Tiger next to me.

White Tiger responded quickly, and immediately said: "The Jade Emperor has agreed to the request of the Purple Moon god. Not all of the Demon are evil people. The Purple Moon god has the right to select some of them. , As long as

they don't resist Celestial Court, they can assume that nothing has happened and let them go."

"Really?" Shui Xu almost pounced on me.

"Do you think it is possible for Sacred Beast White Tiger to lie?" I asked back.

Shui Xu happily sat back and said: "Then you guys? What are you going to do? Anyway, my king is dead, and this Monster Palace has nothing to do with us. As long as you don't want me to commit suicide< /p>

I can do anything."

I nodded and said: "Then do you know the robbery a few days ago?"

Water is nodded. "I know. They took advantage of the Celestial Court's attack on Buddhism and robbed the Celestial Court's internal library. They seemed to have gotten back two incredible pieces."

White Tiger and Black Tortoise One just listened to it. Stand up excitedly. "Do you know where that thing is?"

Shui Xu shook the head: "You have also seen it. The four of us are now squeezed out to this point. Knowing that it is hard to get good things. ! Why would they tell us where to put such an important thing?"

I immediately asked: "Then can you find it?"

Shui Xu thought for a while and said: "Maybe we can find it. After all, we used to be Demon's four Great Protectors. There are still a few older brothers. If you ask them for help, you might be able to find out.< /p>


"Are these people reliable?" I seriously said: "If the secret is revealed, I have the protection of the three of them, and of course I can retreat, but you...? "

"We know this, but we hope we can take these brothers who helped me out together."

"That's okay." I readily agreed, anyway. I don't care about the number of people, I only worry about the number of people.

As I was talking, Black Tortoise suddenly said: "Someone is coming and is moving the rock at the entrance of the cave."

I quickly let everyone relax, Black Tortoise has become a little turtle. Hidden in my armor, White Tiger turned into a kitten and jumped onto Yinxue's body. I walked to the entrance of the cave and said: "We blasted the door open by ourselves.

When they came in, they said that the entrance of the cave collapsed on their own." With a cry, the white light in the cave disappeared immediately. That layer of light has the effect of preventing the outside from exploring the internal situation. Others can't hear what we are saying, and they can't sense what we are doing.

After the confession was completed, I grabbed the stone at the entrance of the cave and started throwing it on both sides. As there were very few collapsed parts, and both inside and outside were being dug, a channel was dug soon. As soon as the passage was opened

I heard the voice of a bunch of people outside, obviously not many people came. I kicked a larger stone out with a strong kick, and the hole immediately resumed its penetration.

oh la la With the sound of weapons colliding, the Demon outside all drew their weapons and aimed them at my side.

"Aiya, what's the matter?" I walked out of the cave in a completely indifferent manner. "Isn't this the Great Wheel Pluto? Even if I am not your guest, there is no need to treat me like this


There are hundreds of people around the cave, and I can feel it. , These people are not simple roles. They should be the so-called confidants of the so-called Great Wheel Pluto and the Heavenspan Cult Lord in Shui Xu's mouth. Among them is a slightly blessed middle age person standing next to Great Wheel Pluto. Judging from his appearance, this guy is probably Heavenspan Cult Lord. The Jade Emperor has shown me his portrait before. Although the realism of the painting is relatively low, it is still recognizable.

Behind Dalun Pluto, I also found some monsters with heads and faces, such as Fudo Pluto, White Elephant King, and Golden Lion King. I even saw a monster with a snake tail. If her current

image is not completely evolved due to lack of demon power, then she is likely to be a descendant of Nuwa. Yeyue said that there are many descendants of the Nuwa clan, most of whom have lost the power of creating life, but the basic battle strength is still not low.

The Great Wheel of Pluto gave me a very unceremonious look, and then said: "This is our site. If you enter without notice, we will of course think it is an intruder."

"Now that I know, can we disperse?"

"This is our place. Is it too abrupt for you to be an outsider giving orders here?" Heavenspan Cult Lord stepped forward and said . With that, he winked at a man in a monk's robe next to him, and the guy immediately yelled and walked over. "What thing are you? How can you talk to Sir Sect Lord like this."

"So what are you? Has anyone taught you how to be polite?"

"Do you dare Scold me?" The guy suddenly accelerated and rushed up, and then punched towards my face door.

The voice of Black Tortoise rang in my mind. "Don't hide, I'll help you block."

With a boom, the guy flew out and fell back to the feet of Heavenspan Cult Lord, but I stood still and didn't move. Of course, the power of Black Tortoise cannot be compared with this guy. I have Black Tortoise protection, even if I was beaten back by a step.

This guy was shaken off, and people nearby rushed up immediately, shouting. Heavenspan Cult Lord’s previous behavior made it clear that he was going to give me power. Now that his subordinates are indulged, of course they are eager to show up in front of their boss, so one after another rushed up together.

The voice of Black Tortoise rang in my head again. "I am temporarily giving you 10% of the power. You can use any attack method of your own, and 10% of my power will be attached to it.


With Black I feel more at ease with Tortoise. Although 10% strength is not much, considering the strength of Black Tortoise, this ratio is already very impressive. More than a dozen Demons rushed up together, I just wanted to hide

flicker, didn't expect to get out of the crowd as soon as I moved my leg. The sudden increase in power makes me a little uncomfortable with control. Fortunately, half of my brain is an electronic device. It is enough to change a few constants. It is better for me to get used to this thing.


Flashed back to the crowd again, punching a Demon in the face, and the guy flew out like a cannonball. The guy next to him cut it down with a knife, but I pinched the handle of the knife, and then turned it hard

with a click, the guy screamed and retreated. In just ten seconds, the dozen Demons that rushed up all flew out.

"Want to come?" I am very arrogant now, because I am very excited. The power of Black Tortoise is so cool to use, it feels really addictive.

Heavenspan Cult Lord stared at me very angrily and said: "In our turf, you dare to hurt people, you are also bully intolerably!" He actually rushed up by himself and slapped him. to me.

Yinxue had left the cave at some point, and suddenly flashed in front of me and met Heavenspan Cult Lord. A loud explosion sound, I was stunned by the shock wave for more than a dozen steps before sitting on the ground

and the Demons that were farther away were all swept away, only the Great Wheel Pluto And the few people around him were still standing in place like the okay people. Yinxue was hit by a palm and flew back into the hole. There was a loud bang, and a large amount of dust spewed from the bottom of the hole. It seemed that the impact was not light. Heavenspan Cult Lord stepped back dozens of steps, and then he was supported by the White Elephant King before reluctantly standing still, but looking at the face

color of Heavenspan Cult Lord, it seemed that it was hurt.

I just wanted to go back to the cave to see how Yinxue was doing, so she ran out first, but she looked a little embarrassed, with blood still hanging from the corners of her mouth. I don’t know who Yinxue and Heavenspan Cult Lord is better, but no matter who is better

, they are definitely the same. The reason why Yinxue suffered a loss just now is because her specialty is not melee, but spell attack. It seems that a mage and a battle are more hand-to-hand, and it is obvious that the mage suffers.

However, Heavenspan Cult Lord is also not settled here. Yinxue knew that she would suffer from hand-to-hand combat, but she was much smarter than Heavenspan Cult Lord. The moment she took the palm, she condensed a force into a needle shape,

Then, at the moment when she met her palm, she shot in the opposite direction along the Heavenspan Cult Lord's mana circulation path. Yinxue’s true essence rushed along the line of Heavenspan Cult Lord’s mana and directly hit his Primordial Spirit. It was an internal injury, so it’s really compared. In fact, Heavenspan Cult Lord just suffered a loss. Big. Yinxue can fully recover from this traumatic injury in less than ten minutes, but Heavenspan Cult Lord is true essence damaged, and she never wants to repair it in three or five days.

Heavenspan Cult Lord, who was supported by the White Elephant King, whispered a reminder next to the Great Wheel Pluto: "Attention, expert."

The Great Wheel Pluto glanced at Yinxue. Then looked towards me again. "Then you came to my Monster Palace specially to find the fault?"

"This is all yours. It's your business to say what you like. I just came to meet an old friend and just arrived in the cave. Someone blew up the cave and planned to bury us alive, and finally crawled out, but

I encountered the Great Wheel Pluto with so many blade and weapon faces one another, I just said a few words, After being beaten by so many people again, even the Saint Level and other Heavenspan Cult Lords actually went to fight against me, a nobody

start, everyone is real

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