"I seem to have said not to use my space to bully people." The Mother Earth stared at me angrily.

"It's not that I'm bullying, it's that I'm being bullied." Who am I? Of course, this kind of thing can't be recognized even if you are killed. Besides, the current situation is clearly that I am being bullied and dare not go out!

"Oh? So you were bullied?" Mother Earth glanced back at the two guys outside the door.

Before the Mother of Earth could say anything, the fool of Indestructible Vajra first called out: "Where is the kid, don't make trouble."

The mother of the earth means mother of earth. As the source of the growth of all things, although she does not have the ability to directly create life like Nuwa, she has the ability to nourish life, which means that the mother of the earth is half a life Goddess. Because of the vigorous life force, the image of Mother Earth has always been in the state of a six or seven-year-old child. My Familiars and I know that her appearance cannot be taken seriously, but no one else knows it! That Xuanguang Bodhisattva could sense that powerful force anyway, so although he saw only a child, he already treated her as a super expert in his heart. It's a pity that Bodhisattva forgot that there was an idiot around him who didn't have the ability to sense energy, so he came up with the above sentence.

The mother of the earth is not very angry. In fact, she simply rarely gets angry. In front of these High Gods, Hong Jun Sect Lord can probably be regarded as a little snake, with the power to kill High God, but it is limited to the situation where the sneak attack is successful. Under normal circumstances, High God has N many ways. Kill Hong Jun Sect Lord. As for the existence of Tairi Tathagata, it may be lower than Hongjun Sect Lord. At most, even a praying mantis may injure High God, but even if High God does not fight back, he cannot kill High God. For those of us who are probably ants Level 1, it takes a lot of effort to hurt High God.

Because the power gap is too big, High God like Mother of the Earth simply doesn't bother to be angry with us, so she didn't say anything to this stunned green, just glanced at him both indifferently and indifferently. "The youngster needs more training, it's not a good thing to be too sharp." She walked behind me again and kicked me out. "Solve your own business, don't always use me as a shield, I am not your nanny."

"Huh?" I was completely stupid, the Mother of the Earth threw me out! "No! Big sister help! The Great Bodhisattva wants to kill me, and I will die if he comes out. As long as the big sister can keep him from taking action, I can take care of the rest by myself."

Mother of the Earth After thinking for a while, then beckons with the hand to me. "Come here." After I walked to the front, the Mother of Earth told me to squat down, and then slapped my forehead. The rays of light flashed on my forehead, and a shiny green rune appeared. "Alright. Within three days, anyone who is stronger than you but lower than mine will be attached to Earth Element as long as they attack you. I believe it will be enough to help you through the difficulties. Okay, go out and solve it yourself." The mother of the earth kicked me out of the door after she said, and then closed the door as well.

They all said that the ignorance is a bliss. The idiot had just walked from the death line and didn’t feel at all. On the contrary, Xuanguang Bodhisattva next to him was in a cold sweat, even the robes on his body Soaked. This idiot said to me very arrogantly and said with a smile: "hahahaha! Your helper was scared away, now you are done."

I was flustered and exasperated and yelled at him:" What are you proud of? I'm not afraid of you." Then I turned to Xuanguang Bodhisattva and said: "Although my patron doesn't want me to rely on her to fight, but I think if I get killed, she should be unhappy. So... Xuanguang Bodhisattva is...?"

"Buddha Law Is Boundless." Xuanguang made a beating. "Although I am not that opponent, I can't just give up. Don't do it if I'm afraid of the consequences. This is not the rule of Buddhism. Besides, that great character doesn't seem to help you anymore."

< p>Damn, what a hero this guy is all right! I quickly pointed to my forehead and said: "This, I still have this. Aren't you afraid?"

"I have already said that I am afraid of the result and not wrong what I should do. This is not Buddhism. The rules."

"Okay, you have a seed. Today I will give it up too." The door of the earth opened behind me. The Mother of the Earth was still at the door, and she didn't go far. I quickly explain. "I want to summon my troops, not to borrow your space to bully people."

Mother Earth shook her head casually: "I didn't say anything about you. As long as you don't take my space When the shield is complete, the summon space function is what I promised you, you can use it whatever you want." After speaking, the mother of the earth disappeared in place.

"Huh..." Xuanguang Bodhisattva and I exhaled at the same time, and then the two of us looked at each other with a bitter smile in surprise, eyes full of helplessness. A boss of this level, no matter how gentle his performance is, he still has a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart. Of course, the idiot over there is not in this list, he can't even understand why we sighed.

After I breathed out, I said to Skodd: "Ringing Knight, go and drag that guy."

The idiot was attacked by Ringing Knight before, and he naturally knew he couldn’t Knight has any advantage in the hands of so many ringtones, but he is not in control now, so neither is running nor staying.

Skeet didn't care about so much, he rushed up with a greeting. After closing the gate of the earth, I opened the Phoenix Dragon Space again, and Ye Yue, Princess, Kitten, and Little Demon jumped out from inside at the same time. What kind of familiars are needed to deal with any kind of enemy. Xuanguang Bodhisattva has only one person, and his strength is very strong, so he must have a single monster with superior battle strength. The only flaw now is that Kitty is currently fighting with us for the first time. The level of the Kitty Girl rescued from the dungeon of Goddess is quite high, but I still don't know how her combat ability is. There is also the little demon, her loyalty is quite high, after all, the demons that evolved from the plant system are all highly loyal demon familiars. But after all, it is a newly-acquired familiar, and has never been trained to cooperate with it, and it is not known whether suddenly acting together will interfere with each other. There is no time for me to think more about the current situation, so let everyone go together. Anyway, we are crowded, and the gang fights will put him down.

"Offended." Xuanguang Bodhisattva actually did it first, but his hypocritical apology made me alert. A golden light shot out from Xuanguang's hand, very fast, and I was blown away without knowing what happened. However, Xuan Guang obviously underestimated the mark left to me by Mother Earth before she left.

A green light shot out from the top of my head, and Xuanguang immediately activated the Golden Bell Cover of the omnipotence of Buddhism personnel to resist the green light. As a result, it was as if there was nothing, and the protective cover did not play any role. The green light shot directly into Xuan Guang's eyebrows, and then he was frowned suddenly, and his whole body sank downward, and there was a muffled sound from the ground, and his feet were actually half a foot deep into the ground.

I now know what this thing left to me by the Mother of Earth is what it does. It turned out to be a kind of Gravity Technique of distortion. Xuanguang's posture and the ground under his feet showed that he had endured at least twenty times the effect of gravity, otherwise he would not be able to crush a Bodhisattva like this. Even if his original strength was very strong, he was added with such a big Gravity Technique, his battle strength must have plummeted, at least I have the strength to fight.

Xuanguang put his hands together, mutter incantations in his mouth. "Bodhi golden body." I saw a golden light flashing out of his body suddenly, and then he stood up straight, but from his steps, the gravity should still be there, but he was holding it hard. "Don't think that this little weight can stop my footsteps."

"Then you have to try it before you know." I winked at Ye Yue.

Yeyue’s eyepiece suddenly popped up and returned to his forehead. Her eyes shot out two red rays of light. Xuan Guang originally thought that the light could not hurt him, so he didn't even hide. The red light hit his shoulder directly, and with a chirp, two big pits were burnt on his shoulder instantly. Xuan Guang flashed back in surprise, but the rays of light kept moving with him. This kind of light beam emitted by Ye Yue should be regarded as Ye Yue's gaze, it is impossible to avoid the gaze without superhuman speed. But Xuan Guang is now hit by Gravity Technique, let alone Superman, he is probably not as fast as I am now!

"I'll help you block it." The idiot actually wanted to come and help Xuan Guang.

"Your opponent is here." A set of locks caught his hind legs, and Sgoth pulled hard, dragging the guy back.

"Golden boy, leave me alone, I can deal with it." Xuanguang used a mana shield to block Yeyue's destructive rays, but it seemed to be very difficult to block.

The name of that idiot surprised me. That guy is actually called Jintong. I don’t know if there is a jade girl. However, he is being demoted by Ringtone Knight now, and he should become a mud boy in a while.

Xuanguang's defensive ability is obviously not very good, but Yeyue's ultimate move lasts for a shorter time, and she can't support it before Xuanguang can't support it. But we are crowded, so we can play wheel wars. The moment Ye Yue put down his goggles, the little demon was already in front of Xuan Guang.

"Bold evildoers, dare to attack me." Xuanguang is a genuine Bodhisattva, of course he is not afraid of monsters. But the little demon is no ordinary monster. Xuanguang pushed with a single palm: "courting death." A golden palm print moved towards the little demon flew over. Just as the palm print was about to hit the little demon, the little demon's silhouette flashed suddenly and instantly appeared behind Xuanguang. Xuan Guang was taken aback, and suddenly turned his head, but again heard the laughter of gē gē gē from behind, he turned back in sweat, but suddenly got another palm on his back. "Ah!" Xuan Guang screamed out immediately after being slapped. "How could you hurt me?"

The little demon stepped away and stepped away, while I calmly and composed and said: "Are you talking about the barrier of the gods? Unfortunately, I have already taken it. It’s time to get permission for that thing."

The last time I went to Egypt was to solve the barrier of gods. The Low God clan in the game is often not high-level, but it has an overwhelming advantage to the player because of this barrier. The presence. But I don't have to worry about this barrier anymore, it is completely useless to me now. Xuan Guang's confidence in defeating me lies in his thinking that I can't hurt his genuine Bodhisattva, but now the facts have explained the problem.

"If you don't want to die, it's still too late to leave." If possible, I still don't want to fight Xuanguang. Although I have hope to kill him, he also has the same hope to kill me. Besides, I'm not here to slaughter the gods. They should give their hard bones to the soldiers and horses of Celestial Court to gnaw slowly.

Xuan Guang was obviously angry and refused to give in at all. Coldly said: "I want to compromise with Demon. That is a dream."

"Hey, don't say anything during the day. Is the dream good? Which eye do you see that I am Demon?"

"The one who persecuted me Buddhism is Demon."

"Very well, it is indeed the first truth in the ages. "Christianity once said that those who do not believe in this religion are evil. Buddhism and other religions also have similar ideas, but some are more prominent, and some don't pay much attention to it. In fact, these religious thoughts ultimately reflect human thoughts. To put it simply, "What is good for me is good, and what is harmful to me is evil."

Xuanguang suddenly said: "It seems today. It's the day of my reincarnation, well, before leaving, let me do my last effort for Buddhism." He said with his palms folded, and then sat down cross-legged. "The light of Jingshi."

"Be careful." Yeyue pushed me out, a golden light shot past, Yeyue let out a scream, her entire right arm was connected to half of her shoulder It's gone.

"Disperse, disperse." I shouted loudly, and rolled back, picking Ye Yue up and throwing it back into Fenglong Space. "Xiaochun helped her treat, Jingjing and Lingling came out to help."

Xuan Guang's body was surrounded by a layer of rays of light, and she was constantly emitting beams of light outward. The formidable power of these beams is very large, as can be seen from Yeyue's injury just now.

The little demon and the kitten are acting souls. Rays of light shot them a dozen times without hitting them, and then turned the target to Princess. Princess is not a speed creature, she hurriedly hid beside me in fright. Jingjing and Lingling had already come out, and Jingjing stood in front with a shield. a beam of light coming straight.

"Holy Shield. Ah..." The moment the shield was hit, there was a sudden explosion, and Jingjing was thrown away. This damn beam can't even stop the Holy Shield.

The second beam arrived shortly thereafter. Without Jingjing, we would have no shelter. I pointed to the back and outwards, and the ring of commandment immediately bounced out and stood in front of me. The Artifact Spirit that controls the ring of discipline jumped out. "Discipline-time tilt."

The beam is still flying, but the closer we are, the slower it is. Faced with a beam of light that only runs at a normal speed, we should commit suicide if we can't get out of it anymore. After easily letting go of the beam's flight path, the beam of light began to accelerate past us. Xuanguang once again produced two light beams, but they also turned into slow motion after flying out a short distance, and we easily drew them away. This time tilt is really powerful, it's weird to hit such a slow attack speed!

"Lingling, make the strongest attack." Since the enemy can't hit us, it's time for us to fight back.

Lingling took the holy sword in one fell swoop. "Holy sword-the law torn." A dazzling white sword flew out, Xuan Guang launched a beam of light at the sword qi, but was directly scattered by the sword qi, and then the sword qi hit the light beside Xuan Guang. The cover made a sound like leakage. Sparks shot from the mask that protected Xuanguang, and it was obviously very hard to resist.

Sweat was already seen on Xuanguang's head, but sword qi continued to rush inward without any notice. Suddenly, with a click, a large crack appeared on the mask, which quickly spread to the entire mask. Xuan Guang widened his eyes, loudly shouted, and the mask had recovered as before, but sword qi was still there trying to rush in.

I think Xuan Guang is about to be unable to hold it anymore, just to make up for him. "Ling, help."

The Fenglong space unfolded directly in front of me, Ling walked out of it, and pointed his stick forward. "Meteor burst." In the sky, a large black cloud suddenly gathered, and then the cloud layer suddenly expanded. A large meteorite with flames fell from the sky and directly hit the top of the mask. With a bang, the meteorite all split up and in pieces, and there were more cracks on the mask.

The dark clouds in the sky opened again, and another meteorite fell down, still on the same flight path, still hitting the target. Xuan Guang squirted blood, and the mask was instantly covered with cracks. But Lingling's sword qi also disappeared at this time.

The damage mask without sword qi was quickly repaired, and Lingling has no strength to complete the second sword qi for the time being. However, I am not the only one who is Lingling. "Anyone who has a powerful remote attack, give it to me."

The Phoenix Dragon space expands again, and the red thorn comes out. The tail of this big scorpion suddenly opened, and a green ray directly hit the mask, and it was continuously irradiating it without stopping at all. Xiaofeng appeared on our side. She also muttered about incantion and released a Fire Dragon, which hit the mask at the same time. Under the two attacks, the mask began to shake again.

Inverrit also ran out, his two arms were aimed at the mask at the same time, and then two extremely thin red beams were shot out. Unlike the previous attack, these two light beams actually passed through the mask and hit Xuanguang. Xuan Guang first let out a scream, then bit the root of his teeth and stopped making a sound. That beam of light burned one after another black mark on him but he was completely motionless. Ivorite said to me: "My heat rays are so weakened by his magic shield, they can only burn a little!"

"It's okay, you continue."



"Ling, work harder and smash open his tortoise shell."

Ling gritted his teeth nodded. In the black clouds in the sky, a huge fiery-red light and shadow suddenly appeared, and then a meteorite that was ten times the size of the previous breakthrough clouds crashed down.

"I rely on it, isn't it too big?"

Ling gritted his teeth and said: "It's okay, I will control my strength and not hurt ourselves."

The size of this large meteorite is almost ten times that of the previous two, and its destructive power is almost ten times that of the previous one. At the moment of impact, the flame pressed against all directions like a wall, but let us alone. The scope of where. The buildings around us were swept by flames, and a raging fire ignited instantly.

After the flame dissipated, the closed cover was still there, but the profound light in it was obviously dying. His eyes and ears were dripping blood, and it seemed that the injury just now was not light. The small dragon girl appeared next to me, pointing to Xuanguang with one hand. "Heavenly thunder seal."

A bolt of lightning that was thick in a bucket hit the mask directly, and Xuan Guang immediately spurted blood. The fourth meteorite also fell from the sky and exploded on the light shield with a thud. The area where the mask surface has just been repaired was instantly covered with large and small cracks, and this time there was no sign of healing at all.

My enhanced version of the heroic spirit-the king walked out of the Phoenix Dragon space, and then said to me: "Master, can you stop for a while?"


"He is dying, I want to suck his mana."

"Can you suck his mana?"

"Of course. It’s the Evil Spirit. It’s an instinct for me to absorb energy."

"Then you just breathe."

"Thank You Master." The king is just nodded, and then Suddenly two children, a man and a woman, appeared beside Xuan Guang. These two are ghosts and ghosts. They are the king's beloved, that is, my beloved. Although the battle strength is not strong, their side-by-side ability is really very useful.

Xuan Guang was taken aback. He didn't know how the two little ghosts ran into the protective shield, but he knew he was dangerous, but unfortunately he no longer has the ability to resist. Minmei and Minjie laughed naively, and then plunged into Xuanguang's arms like a grandson in grandfather's arms, but they didn't go in to act like a baby, but suck blood. Two little fellows bit Xuanguang's neck at the same time, and then their bodies lit up with golden light at the same time. On the other hand, Xuan Guang was slowing down at the speed visible to naked eye, and the light mask around him began to darken. Although we had stopped attacking it, there was no sign of repair.

These two kids are more powerful than vampire, Xuanguang's complexion changed from red to white in just ten seconds, and finally turned into gray and black. The light mask outside only lasted ten seconds without being attacked before it shattered. Then Xuanguang began to twitch and fell down, but the two little ghosts threw down together, without any intention of letting go. . I can see a lot of strange curse lines appearing on their bodies, and the densely packed dissatisfaction with their whole bodies, probably these are the magic power they absorbed.

Twenty seconds later, Xuan Guang's body suddenly collapsed like a drained water bag, and then the two little ghosts let go of his neck. However, Xuan Guang's body quickly turned into a pile of white ash after they left.

Princess said behind me: "It's so pitiful, that guy wanted to be reincarnated, but even his soul was torn in half and sucked away. This time, I won't be able to be exalted forever!" To be continued, if you want to know what is going on, please visit WWW.CMFU.COM, there are more chapters, authors are supported, and genuine reading is supported!)

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