The messenger of the Guanghuizong only answered the Perak Sect: “Sect Master Guitianzi said, the character must be first-class, and the spells must naturally be the first. If one is missing, then the Alliance Leader It shouldn’t fall on this person.”

The Perakist naturally raised the question again. If there is no such person, what then? The messenger of Guanghuizong replied: “It is impossible!” The Perak faction naturally sneered, and once again asked the messenger of Guanghuizong to bring back the disagreement of the selection address of the Perak party. The messenger of Guanghuizong naturally nodded promised.

For other Sects, the Glory Sect envoy directly issued a preliminary Alliance Leader election order, and other Sect Sect Masters did not raise any questions. Since your Glory Sect has all decided this way, that’s it. Who said the emperor Lao’er came from within your clan?

The Glory Sect envoys naturally admire the preliminary Alliance Leader election order of Tianzi. If it is formal and the Perak faction insists on opposing it, perhaps the Alliance Leader has not been elected, and the two Sects will fight first. It’s hard to say. The envoy of the Guanghuizong brought back the opposition of the Perak faction. After returning to Tianzi, he discussed with Kun Xuzi. Kun Xuzi only said: “The address may not be in our Guanghui Sect, then choose Chihe City.”

Gui Tianzi said again: “If the Perak faction opposes it again, how can it be good?”


Kun Xuzi’s face looked very unhappy. In his heart, he felt that Gui Tianzi had no opinion on this matter. It seemed that Gui Tianzi had no interest in the position of Alliance Leader. Kun Xuzi said: “Going back to Tianzi, I have already given a step, and then let the 2nd Step, you will be laughed at. You must win the Alliance Leader. In the profound door, your character must be first-class. In terms of spells, Presumably, the Perak faction hasn’t beaten you yet. Go down.”

“Yes!” Gui Tianzi retired immediately.

Three days later, the Glory Sect envoy issued the Alliance Leader election order in various sects. The Perak faction did not object, and the location they wanted was actually Chihe City.

Although this place is still a thousand miles away from Xianyun Mountain where their Perak pie is located, as long as it is not within Qiantian Peak, it is easy to say. Perak pie feels this way is safer. On the other hand, they still lacked the confidence of the Guanghui Sect. When they raised this objection, the Guanghui Sect agreed, and it seemed that the Guanghui Sect was more magnificent and more confident. And your Thunderbolt faction is not as good as some minor factions, so you dare not compete in Qiantianfeng. Naturally, the Perakists believe that safety is the first priority, so they ignore these small words.

Before selecting the Alliance Leader, various sects will naturally be tested internally. In this way, the election time for the Alliance Leader is set in January, which is already April.

For the Perak faction that an Elder turned into a cripple, the Perak faction has long heard words that Lu Potian did. Guanghuizong naturally accepted this statement. To be precise, Kun Xuzi accepted this statement, but Guitianzi did not accept it, because Guitianzi knew that it was done by the eight dísciples of Guanghuizong. So Master, isn’t it about to trap Junior Brother Lu Potian in distress again? But if the Master did this, Gui Tianzi didn’t accept it in his heart, and it was hard to oppose it.

Originally, both sides had to find Lu Potian to solve the “cripple Elder” matter, but the god goddess wanted to implement a mysterious alliance leader to stabilize the border situation, and the “cripple Elder” matter was put on hold for the first time. On the other hand, anyway, an “agreement” has been reached to make the person responsible for “cripple Elder” Lu Potian, and the two parties will not unhurried to deal with the “cripple Elder” matter.

And Lu Potian, naturally, while wandering around, heard that Profound Righteous Sect wanted to elect an Alliance Leader. It seems that when Lu Potian went to complete the ten thousand years of heroic mission, there is a legend that Kun Xuzi used Lu Potian to prepare for the smooth selection of the Alliance Leader. It is a true rumor. Gui Tianzi didn’t lie to himself. However, after ten thousand years of courageous tasks, objectively it played a pre-demonstration for the smooth selection of the Alliance Leader, but the rumors seemed to be true. Kun Xuzi, Kun Xuzi, since you want to accept my final disciple, and you like to use me so much, do you do this and that, will you die if you don’t toss?

For Lu Potian, this kind of rebellious psychology is unacceptable in this World. How can the deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors fail? But Lu Potian has no such concept in his heart. Who the hell wants to make Lu Potian upset me? I didn’t kill him, so why don’t I curse a few words first? Lu Potian thinks he is not servile.

Furthermore, he was not originally from this World, but he just seized the identity of Lu Potian from this World that’s all.

I have to leave sooner or later.

With the passage of time, the issue of the Xuanmen selection of Alliance Leader in the arena has been mentioned almost everywhere. Lu Potian didn’t care much. However, when Lu Potian heard that Gui Tianzi was coming to compete for the position of the Alliance Leader, he couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled. how? Kun Xuzi, if you were not elected Alliance Leader yourself, but you gave it to others, is that a great opportunity for you to stand out? Lu Potian doesn’t think Kun Xuzi is a man of fame and fortune.

Lu Potian learned that the Alliance Leader election would be held in Chihe City, so he naturally went to Chihe City. speaking of which, Chihe City can also be regarded as one of the birthplaces of Lu Potian. I don’t know if there are any more red blood spar in the river. Although Lu Potian is not poor now, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t want to count more votes in his pocket.

Five days before Xuanmen elected Alliance Leader, Lu Potian has arrived in Chihe City. Regarding that he is more famous in Chihe City, Lu Potian put on a hat specially to cover his face. This dress is very allowable and very visible here. Lu Potian’s dress up did not attract who’s attention. This kind of dress is really the most affordable way for the low-key people.

I saw people in various costumes pouring into Chihe City, and all kinds of Inns in Chihe City were full. Lu Potian spent five times the price to get a room. After Lu Potian moved in, he took off his hat and sat in the room to meditate. Lu Potian already knows the conditions for being elected Dream Living: first-class character and superior spells.

In Lu Potian’s view, whether the character is first-rate or not is not important, but the important thing is the ability to kill. This Alliance Leader, Lu Potian didn’t want to fight, and he was more concerned about when the Perak faction and Kun Xuzi would come to trouble him.

Lu Potian suddenly came up with an idea: If he can be elected Alliance Leader, would Goddess send himself to fix the border situation? If not, wouldn’t it be very unfavorable for him to do the emperor, the emperor is one word worth nine sacred tripods.

2nd day, the people of the Guanghui Sect as the organizer have already rushed over. Headed by Tianzi, the other thirty-two dísciples followed. The Perak pie also arrived at the same time, headed by Zhu Cengchang from the Four Great Elders of the Perak pie, followed by 48 dísciple. The two sides met at the south gate of Chihe City. Going back to Tianzi let the people of the Perak school, and Zhu Ceng sonorously was not polite, and took the lead in the city gate.

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