Although Lu Potian was fainted by Yan Chong’s shooting, he quickly stopped his mind, the Xuanlong sword danced in front of him, forming a powerful blade light formation, but the angry Blood Sword From time to time, he went out to engage Yan Chong. Yan Chong would not be so stupid, he let Lu Potian dance the Xuanlong Sword. You can’t break your blade light formation for a while. When your heart fails, that’s the best time for me to start.

Yan Chong is waiting for this opportunity. Lu Potian naturally knew Yan Chong’s plan in his heart, and he wouldn’t let Yan Chong succeed. Lu Potian ventured to shoot out the angry Blood Sword, using his mind to control the sword.

In this World, he used his mind to control the sword against the enemy for the first time, and Lu Potian felt a lot of pressure. However, this still had some effects. Because Lu Potian’s eyes suddenly turned red, he used the Demonic Will in his body to control the Blood Sword. The Blood Sword was more arrogant and exuded a huge murderous aura. The strange swords placed on the Divine Sword shop finally had Several of them couldn’t be placed there firmly, but were rolled over to the ground by the murderous aura fluctuations.

Soon, Lu Potian’s brows became red. Yan Chong was shocked, and the angry Blood Sword whirled in the air, drawing out a blood-colored “swastika” symbol. The swastika quickly penetrated into Yan Chong’s back and was reprinted on Yan Chong’s back.

Yan Chong shouted wildly, which was more tragic and majestic than Lu Potian’s wild shout when he was shot, because when Yan Chong shouted wildly, he spits out mouthful of blood. And Lu Potian Xuanlong did not protect himself, but took the initiative to attack.

Just as Lu Potian was about to cut down Yan Chong who fell forward with the Xuanlong Sword, Yan Chong’s silhouette once again disappeared. Lu Potian learned to be clever, and he stabs directly behind him, but he didn’t hear Yan Chong’s cry. Lu Potian did not feel the slightest danger. Lu Potian wasn’t sure if Yan Chong had escaped, maybe he had restrained his breath and gave him a fatal blow when he was not prepared. If that’s the case, it’s not so good.

It seems that there is Person beyond the Person, and it always makes sense.

However, after Lu Potian stretched his nerves to his sword box, Yan Chong did not appear. Had it not been for a voice from the Divine Sword shop to remind Lu Potian, Lu Potian might have to stay nervous for a while. Yan Chong really escaped. Lu Potian couldn’t help spitting, said with a sneer: “You said that all gold and swords belong to you. Don’t talk too much if you don’t have the ability.”

Lu Potian carefully observed the sword box. From the outside of the sword box, it is a purple black cuboid. It is two meters high. From the appearance alone, Lu Potian is very dissatisfied.

But the voice from the Divine Sword shop told Lu Potian that as long as he dripped his blood into the sword box, he could immediately zoom in or out as he wanted, and even the shape of the cuboid could follow him. Reading and changing.

Lu Potian listened to, and acted immediately. As soon as the ignorant finger was broken, the blood dripped into the sword box. Suddenly, Lu Potian’s mind was turbulent, and everything in front of him appeared that many ghosts. This is precisely because Lu Potian has established a connection with the sword box. Lu Potian is secretly surprised: If they want to control themselves with divine sense, wouldn’t it be too easy?

However, the people in the Divine Sword shop seem to have no interest in Lu Potian. When Lu Potian’s mind is not turbulent, Lu Potian shrinks the cuboid. Sure enough, it really shrank. Lu Potian held the shrunken sword case in his hand, Shi Cai was dissatisfied and became more satisfied.

Then Lu Potian made the sword box grotesquely shaped, which is completely possible.

However, Lu Potian is still not at ease. He opened the sword box. Lu Potian looked at the internal structure of the sword box. It was very delicate. The two middle positions were used to anger the Blood Sword and the Xuanlong Sword. And there are many empty positions on both sides, where other swords, guns, swords and sticks can be placed in the empty spaces. After taking a rough look at the internal structure of the sword box, Lu Potian put the Blood Sword and Xuanlong Sword in it, and then closed it.

Later, Lu Potian used his own thoughts to change the shape of the sword box, which can be large or small, round or square. Lu Potian was really relieved, feeling that he hadn’t spent money in vain, even if the gold was just picked up.

Lu Potian received the sword box with satisfaction, and left the Divine Sword shop. Naturally, there are only a few of those who watch Lu Potian and Yan Chong fight fiercely. It seems that the character is not bad. They do not take advantage of the power of Lu Potian and Yan Chong fierce fight. They jumped out at this moment and stopped Lu Potian’s. Way to go.

Lu Potian felt that there are too many boring people in the world. Fuck! Don’t bother me. Lu Potian thought, and the Xuanlong Sword flew out of the sword box. This was unexpected by Lu Potian. Originally, he wanted to make the sword case bigger, and then opened the sword case by pressing the mechanism, and then took the knife and cut people. didn’t expect Lu Potian thought of Xuanlong Sword, Xuanlong Sword came out of the box.

Lu Potian grabbed the knife and killed two middle-aged men who looked very decent in an instant. The other three people were shocked. Lu Potian then took the knife back into the sword case. What Lu Potian didn’t expect was that the three people were astonished, and they were not at all shocked by the mighty action of killing them just now. They showed their weapons one after another with the persistent belief that they were not afraid of death.

Lu Potian doesn’t want to be entangled with these trash for a long time, so the Blood Sword and Xuanlong Sword come out together. Originally, Lu Potian killed these three people after thinking about it, but he couldn’t do it. Lu Potian regrets a bit, when Shicai killed the two, he should have killed these three guys. Looking at their aloof and remote demeanor, you know that it’s not a good thing.

Lu Potian’s Blood Sword and Xuanlong Sword attack at the same time, and the murderous aura is very heavy. But the three of them just forced down this unmatched murderous aura. Lu Potian gradually fell into the wind. Lu Potian roared, the Xuanlong Sword swept forward like a silver leaf, bringing out a cold and strong wind, and the angry Blood Sword, like a spirit snake, pounced forward, its formidable power is focused on the tip of the sword. He broke into the body of the Xuanlong knife, and then slammed into the chest of one of them.

The other two were shocked, yelled: “Yunrenfeng!”

Lu Potian’s angry Blood Sword then pierced another person’s chest. The person had just finished yelling and had no mouth. Close it and be killed by Lu Potian. For the rest, Lu Potian broke his feet and hands. Then he retracted the sword and kicked the boy far away, only to see a short circuit of blood.

Lu Potian walked up to the man and said: “After I came to this World, there were fights, but I always feel that there are most of these fights for no reason. I don’t seem to offend you, right? ?”

“You have killed too many people, and your words are illogical. It can be seen that you have already entered the demonic path.”

“Fart!” Lu Potian stepped on it. Then he asked: “I didn’t offend you?”

“But you offended the person who asked me to take your head.”


“You will know it yourself.”

Lu Potian gave him a quick conclusion. Lu Potian guessed that the Perakists were retaliating against himself. As for Yan Chong’s style, he looks first-class, but he doesn’t seem to be a Perakist.

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