Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 985 Attack of Kotomine Kirei

Then he started his own action, preparing a gift that would make the King of Heroes feel happy.

It's very easy to go out and capture a crazy and weak Matou Kariya. One of Assassin's clones captured the collapsed Master.

Without the help of the Marking Worm, even summoning the Berserker is somewhat powerless and the person can only silently let others slaughter him.

Maybe Kariya doesn't care about this anymore.

Just like that, he held a large number of command spells, as well as a Master and Servants.

In this Holy Grail War, Kotomine Kirei has secretly gained the upper hand.

Then on the second day of the crusade, he communicated with Jin Shining as usual.

Before Jin Shining could continue to instill Rakuten's thoughts, Kotomine Kirei began to tell Jin Shining stories.

Huh? Kirei? You seem a little different today.

Don't think about leaving here. If you don't find the answer, you won't be able to rest in peace until you die.

Gilgamesh discovered that Kotomine Kirei was no longer Tosaka Tokiomi's lackey a long time ago, but was participating in this war for himself.

I've got a clue to the answer.

...Will you bless me? Archer.

Gilgamesh nodded. There was still no trace of warmth on his face. Instead, he was like a child observing an ant nest, blooming with pure joy.

I should have said it before. The destiny of mankind is the supreme entertainment. I sincerely look forward to the moment when you face your destiny.

Kotomine Kirei rolled up his sleeves and showed Jin Shining Shin the numerous Command Seals on his arms.

Then he took him to see the imprisoned Matou Kariya.


Jin Shining laughed loudly in the secret room. Another enjoyable drama is about to take place, and this time the Holy Grail War is so fun.

At this moment, Kotomine Kirei finally stepped onto the stage of his own.

In order to fill the hole in his heart, in order to find out the true nature of this hole - he would ask Emiya Kiritsugu, ask Matou Kariya, and also ask the Holy Grail wishing machine.

So Kirei, is it really okay to tell your teacher's servants this?

The blackened student's true purpose was revealed at this moment. Of course, he was not performing for a fun person, but wanted to instigate this most powerful heroic spirit to help him win.

Gilgamesh, do you know the real inside story of the Holy Grail War?


At this moment, Kotomine Kirei looked at the Ancient King and said slowly.

The miracles that happen on the 'inside' of this world will not affect the 'outside' of the world. The fight for the wishing machine is just a farce, and the real intention of the initial three families to obtain the Holy Grail is not here.

This ceremony held in Fuyuki was actually an experiment in which the souls of seven heroic spirits were gathered as sacrifices in an attempt to open a passage to the source.

The promise to achieve a miracle is just a bait to summon the heroic spirit. Because only the rumors about the bait spread, only the current form of the Holy Grail War was left.

This truth is only known to the Matou, Tohsaka, and Einzborn families and those related to the three families. The secret must not be allowed to be known to outside magicians and the seven spirits.

In this war, the only magician who really wanted to fulfill the long-cherished wish of the past three great families was Tohsaka Tokiomi. He wants to kill all seven spirits to activate the Great Holy Grail.

All seven people, do you understand?

This is the reason why Tokiomi-sensei is so reluctant to use the Command Seals. He can only use a maximum of two command spells when fighting other summoners, because the last command spell must be used to order his followers to commit suicide after the war is over.

Jin Shining's expression changed a little. It turned out that even he had been put on the stage of fate. He was really bold.

It seems that Tokiomi's loyalty to me is all hypocrisy.

Teacher's respect for the King of Heroes is true, but heroic spirits are another matter. In his opinion, you are fakes outside of mythology after all. Teacher is a qualified magician after all.

So behind Tosaka Tokiomi's back, a crazy master reached a verbal contract with his own heroic spirit.

Gilgamesh would not help Kotomine Kirei seize the contract, but he would not mind having someone else cooperate.

When the victory banquet was being held, it was when Kotomine Kirei took action.

After he dispatched Assassin and released Matou Kariya, he came to the Tohsaka Residence one step ahead to exchange information with his teacher.

Kirei, Assassin's death is very meaningful. I didn't expect the Conqueror to have such a skill. We must prepare new ones.

Teacher, someone is here.

Looking at the peripheral scenes, Tokiomi was a little helpless, why is this guy?

Wait a moment, I will deal with this loser dog.

The confused Matou Kariya walked outside Tohsaka Residence and looked at the familiar building with a sense of clarity.

Tosaka Tokiomi. Tosaka Aoi.

Sakura. Sakura is missing.

Matou Kariya, who had several marks on his pupils, was increasingly unable to control his emotions.

The only engraved insects left in the body began to riot, and the aura of magic power had reached a point that could not be ignored.

Tokiomi Tosaka, who had already seen this scene, also walked out.

Tokiomi is as graceful and gorgeous as ever, and his words, deeds, and actions are always full of impeccable elegance. No wonder Aoi would choose this man

But this makes people feel even more resentful.

You have completely changed, Matou Kariya.

The stiff left half of his face remained twisted in pain, looking like the face of the deceased. The right eye, burning with the fire of hatred, is like a demon from hell.

It's really ugly. It looks like the Matou family is in complete decline.

We can't blame Tokiomi Tokiomi for speaking harshly, it's mainly because anyone who sees a guy who always thinks about his wife and always shows up will not have a good tone.

The Tohsaka family's face cannot be lost on such a person. Maybe now is the best time to deal with this garbage.

Of course, it's okay if there can be no conflict. Being from the same Yusan family sometimes has some restrictions.

But this time it was difficult. Seeing that the ugly love rival was ready to fight, Tokiomi also picked up his cane a little.

Under the influence of magic, Matou Kariya is about to lose control.

Tosaka Tokiomi, I only have one question...why did you leave Sakura in Zouken's hands?


Tokiomi seemed not to have expected this problem to arise during Kariya's meeting. Wasn't it Aoi's fault? What happened to Sakura?

He had an unknown premonition in his heart. If it were in the past, he might have asked about it, but the Holy Grail War had entered the most critical stage, so he still put down his desire to explore.

This is not something you can handle. Matou Kariya.

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