Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 960 The Adventures of Director Ken

So she still couldn't control her emotions under impulse. It didn't matter whether she was procrastinating or not. She wanted to chop this garbage into pieces.

The invisible sword is constantly cutting the summons from hell, and a large amount of flesh and blood is harvested, and then transformed into more monsters.

After fighting for a while, Saber, who was injured in one hand, was caught by the tentacle monsters, and the greasy tentacles swam on the face of the poster girl.

What matched it was Caster's perverted smile and the scattered body parts on the ground.

The scene is bloody and evil.

Jane. I told you that I would be ready to come back to you again, hahahahaha.

The crackling laughter was extremely terrifying in the forest contaminated by black magic.

Saber's expression became very ugly.

I will never consider you as my opponent in the Holy Grail War again!

Violent magic emerged on Saber's body, and a dazzling light erupted on the spot. The King of Britain is now determined to kill.

All the tentacles were shattered by the burst of magic power.

Holding a sword in one hand, even if most of his strength is sealed, he cannot stop such killing intent.

But Caster's blood sacrifice method still puts him at a disadvantage.

Luoyan City Textbook

Grade: A+

Category: Anti-army Noble Phantasm,

A magic book bound in human skin. Able to summon and conquer monsters in the deep sea. This book has the ability to serve as the heart of a magic furnace, and can automatically activate magic at the level of great magic and ceremonial conjuration, regardless of the magic power of the user.

This is his confidence, the style of a master of black magic who has no control and no scruples.

Maybe Noah's methods forced him to a dead end after all, so Caster was extra powerful at this moment.

Sure enough, the endless magic power pushed the sealed Saber to a dead end step by step.

Ah~ holy soul, unyielding will. This is your posture, Joan of Arc.

It's so sad. Why are you so stubborn after experiencing the Battle of Compiègne?

Why do you still believe in God, who controls your life like a puppet on a string?

Just when the excited Caster felt that he had embarked on the right path to awakening, an uninvited guest interrupted the evil sacrifice.

The perfect knight with impeccable martial arts and appearance comes to the rescue.

Director Ken is not young anymore, a proper adult.

He wants the reward for killing Caster, and he wants the head of his enemy Emiya Kiritsugu.

He is also a tough-headed man with a big heart, so he confidently divided his troops into two groups.

Now it can be said that as long as he doesn't die immediately, he will not call back Diarmuid, his love rival, to save him.

Diarmuid came to the scene with his two spears. Red Rose, who broke the demon, was also a professional counterpart to this kind of flesh and blood ritual, and suppressed the rampaging tentacles in minutes.

If you don't swing the sword beautifully, you won't be worthy of the title of King of Knights. Saber.

The handsome Diarmuid danced a few guns and stood in front of Saber.

He also said that Saber's head can only be cut off by my magic gun, cool +1

And Caster is unhappy, very unhappy. Rubbing his head crazily.

It is the woman who was resurrected by my prayers and my Holy Grail! She belongs to me, every piece of flesh, every drop of blood, even her soul!

If you don't look at the scenes, it really looks like a bloody TV series, even more like Ou Haochen than Ou Haochen.

In fact, Saber and Diarmuid are just heroes who care about heroes, but in Caster's eyes, they are just a small three-person theater.

Especially after that, his Joan of Arc actually interacted with the handsome two-gun knight and expressed respect to each other.

After that, the two came back to back to fight and defend.

They all have perfect looks, noble qualities, and unyielding souls. Everything is so in tune.

Under the brilliance, some not-so-perfect people feel ashamed.

Caster looked at himself again, with exaggerated eyes, uncoordinated facial features, dull skin, rickety figure, and tasteless clothes.

For Caster, who looks terrible, it is simply heartbreaking.

Unforgivable! Don't get carried away, you idiot!

A large number of monsters were summoned by flesh and blood, and a battle began outside Einzbern.

Going deep into the deep forest, there were craters one after another, and many broken magic props scattered on the ground.

This trace extends all the way close to the castle itself.


A strong man with cold sweat on his head walked step by step under the castle.

It doesn't matter if your clothes are a little damaged, your hair is a little messy, and it's normal to be a little gray.

Looking at the castle in front of him, he wiped his sweat and finally arrived.

This journey is really like going through nine or nine or eighty-one difficulties.

Forget about all kinds of magic traps, there are also many trigger-type, sensor-type, and remote-controlled modern weapon traps.

There are also modern weapons, thermal sensors, sound waves, and radars specifically designed for mid-air and air. It is simply a small armed base.

The power of the attacks here is extremely exaggerated, breaking the magician's understanding of the world.

In the early stage, the monarch of the sex position really suffered a lot. It wasn't that magic means couldn't deal with it, but it was just that the preparations were not sufficient.

And when some are not locked, there are no dangerous items, and the spirit cannot trigger an early warning.

It can be said that the magician's psychology and methods are carefully calculated.

Later, I relied on my profound magic skills to find several suitable detection magics and paid a certain price for props, but I was still broken into.

Not to boast, but among the Masters of the Holy Grail War, only Kenneth El-Meloy Archipelud could make it to the castle alive.

However, it hurts~~My heart hurts so much. Extremely painful.

He couldn't count how much money he had divulged. He had paid too much for his own dignity.

But he also confirmed one thing along the way, that Ryunosuke stole the US military's base weapons depot.

That's nonsense! It was Kiritsugu, the weakling, who did this.

Moreover, the amount stolen is so huge that it is definitely enough to fight a small war.

boom! ! !

A magic blast shattered the outer wall of the castle, and Director Ken revealed a ferocious smile as he looked at the brightly lit corridor inside.

There was no nobleman's docile demeanor anymore, and he shouted inside.

Emiya Kiritsugu~~!!! You wild dog, maggot, garbage, sewer rat, insidious Far Eastern bastard, despicable thief~~!

Omit a few hundred words here

I'm here to find you~~!!!


Director Ken, who was laughing wildly, picked up his Moon Spirit Essence Liquid and walked in. The killing intent in his body could no longer be restrained.

Being so smart, he definitely didn't want to follow the same old path, so he blasted the ceiling with a magic missile and then flew into the room on the second floor.

How can you always fall into the enemy's trap? There is nothing you can do about it outside, but it is different when you enter the house.

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