Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 958 A very new Holy Grail War

The task that Saber is responsible for is to delay time. When the crazy Caster arrives, he will slow down his opponent. Don't break the deal immediately, but buy time.

Heroic spirits are not that easy to kill, especially the classes with more methods.

Noah is also prepared not to find Ryunosuke, this world is real.

It is normal for some changes that he is not aware of to occur when there are external forces. He is very experienced in this.

If the opponent jumps over the wall in a hurry, just send us a message. My ability can come back at any time, and mobility is not a problem.

Don't worry, it doesn't matter even if the opponent runs away. Any movement at this time will reveal the position, so Caster is dead!

Now let's exchange information about the magic position to avoid accidental damage. I have deployed some M93 Hornet wide-area anti-armor smart minefields on the periphery. It is said that the effect is pretty good.

Finally, I brought out a few big guys from the Yokota base, who can carry out high-intensity saturation strikes at any time.

But this is a last resort. After all, the target is too big. I hope it won't be used.

Then Noah looked at Emiya Kiritsugu.

Remember, what we want to protect is the civilians of the entire city, the intersection between the magic side and the real world, peace and stability.

Look at King Arthur again.

As heroes come into this world, we must shoulder the mission entrusted to us by history.

Finally glance at everyone.

Finally, let us win this war!

Everyone, may your military fortunes be prosperous!!!

Meticulous deployment, careful planning, passionate speeches.

Silence, everyone was silent again.

The servant commands the charioteer. The servant arranges the battlefield. The servant controls the overall situation.

This servant is too versatile. He has done so many things in less than three days, and it is so extraordinary.

It feels strange that victory is in our hands~~~

Is this how the Holy Grail War is played?

It was clearly a confrontation between seven heroes who descended from myths and legends to fight for the Holy Grail through strategy and personal force, but it suddenly escalated into an armed war that mobilized millions of people in the city.

Kiritsugu's kind of deviant people are called magician hounds. What does that mean to you? Heroic modern warfare?

Finally, what exactly was brought out of the Yokota base to make the U.S. so nervous? What on earth are you going to do?

More unknowns make people feel frightened.

Kiritsugu felt a little nervous for no reason. He always felt like they were playing something new.

Ever since he summoned this outrageous guy in Germany, the situation has slowly been out of his control.

Okay. Let's exchange layout maps.

Well, can you not use the big guys brought out from Yokota base?

Kiritsugu said a little unsurely.

Noah didn't answer, only responded with a smile.

After the extraordinary tactical meeting ended, Kiritsugu walked to the castle wall in a daze, feeling helpless under the cold moonlight.

The sense of danger from his encounter with Kotomine Kirei last night made him feel chills in his bones, and the fear was like a maggot attached to his bones.

Noah's various tactical moves today pushed the feeling of war and cruelty to a climax.

When Eri came up, she saw a weak Emiya Kiritsugu.

Run away, I'll take you and escape from here, give up the Holy Grail!

But what about Illya? That child Kiritsugu is still in Germany waiting for us to return.

I will go to Germany to take Illya away, and then I will devote the rest of my life to you.

Ellie hugged Kiritsugu tenderly.

No, you will never forgive yourself for abandoning the Holy Grail and failing to save the world.

Although this woman is very young, her heart is unexpectedly strong and gentle. Moreover, he understands his lover’s heart meticulously and provides unconditional support.

It is this characteristic that captures the ruthless Emiya Kiritsugu and allows him to let go of his mental defenses.

I'm very scared. Even though I'm ready to sacrifice you and abandon Illya, the most terrifying enemy is still targeting me. That's the enemy I absolutely don't want to face.

A person like Kotomine Kirei, who has no distinction between good and evil to the extreme, is a natural enemy for the extreme idealist Kiritsugu.

From the first moment I saw him, I knew how scary this kind of person was.

So Ellie still comforted her with tears in her eyes, knowing that this was just a moment of weakness.

Don't be afraid, I will protect you, Saber will protect you, Kuu Maiya will protect you.

Noah, who was eating melon in the corner, couldn't bear it.

What kind of royal empress is this? A young lover can say it so generously, how can he love so much?

And what's even more outrageous is that she didn't say that Noah would protect her husband.

So this woman has seen Noah's thoughts about Kiritsugu? Or did you see something in a dream?

Ellie did see something.

The Master can see the images of heroic spirits in their dreams, and a woman with a spiritual breakthrough like Ellie can see even more things.

Although it is only some fragments, the dream is always red.

There were corpses everywhere, flames of war everywhere, and the blue sea was covered in blood.

Sacrifice, sacrifice, endless sacrifice.

That kind of pain was impacting my soul in waves. It was hard to imagine what kind of world there would be such a cruel war.

In the end, even oneself can be sacrificed. That kind of sacrifice and determination to win is so admirable.

Kiritsugu and the other person are very similar to a certain extent.

It’s just that Noah is more determined, more realistic, more mature, and more wise.

So Ellie knew that Kiritsugu might not even be considered a passerby in the eyes of that servant, so she didn't expect Noah to protect Kiritsugu from the bottom of his heart.

Maybe his lover's dream is also extremely ridiculous in Noah's eyes.

Finally, a servant who can command a world war just arranges a city-level battle today, and he is indeed very familiar with it.

Maybe dealing with Caster is just the first step, and there will be countless plans in the future.

This Servant is so terrifying. His belief is definitely not something that can be controlled by the Command Seal.

Just as the two were cozying up, the magic trap placed outside Einzbern Castle was triggered.

The enemy is coming!

Kiritsugu immediately returned to his ruthless state, and Noah was released from his spiritual form and stood behind him.

Ai Li, you go to the inside of the castle and open the barrier. If someone takes advantage of the chaos and attacks, you can run to find the oranges. The worst thing you can do is add more money.

He is still very devoted to his Master Noah, just an innocent girl.

Kiritsugu, let's go.


Although Noah probably overheard the whispers between him and his wife, Kiritsugu couldn't get angry because business was more important.

A space gate led Kiritsugu to the city to look for Ryunosuke.

The hunt begins.

Spring is here, rhinitis is coming, it’s painful.

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