Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 956 Favorite table-turning tactic

At this time, Japan simply could not withstand any more storms. After the economic bubble exploded in 1990, the entire society was in a state of collapse.

Due to the disastrous defeat in the economic war of the beautiful country, there is great resentment in the country, including bankruptcy, jumping off buildings, suicide, and vicious crimes.

It is not surprising that there are more cults that have sprung up at this time, and that there are also many kinds of perverts appearing.

But when it comes to diplomacy, it is a big event, and Britain still has some strength at this time.

It can only be taken seriously.

After some questioning, it was discovered that a man with orange hair, slender eyes, about 170cm tall, and a thin build was a serious suspect.

After going to the police station, there was a moment of numbness, because Noah's identity as a pretender has a special bonus, so as long as the identity is well woven, it can withstand investigation in a short period of time.

So a comprehensive collection of information began, and the entire criminal department was mobilized.

One wave comes after another.

The beautiful country's base in Japan actually found the Ministry of Foreign Affairs directly.

The reason is that a batch of arms was lost at the Yokota base. Among them, the stingers and the like are just childish. There are also many weapons that are not convenient to mention. They are also missing.

This is the headquarters of the Fifth Air Force. This vicious incident is simply shocking.

The US base made serious representations.

The officialdom, which ended tragically in the economic war, naturally lost the arrogance it had in the past, and now kneels more honestly than anyone else.

So they immediately launched an investigation and promised that there would be an explanation.

Surveillance video from the Yokota base showed that the criminal was a man with orange hair, slender eyes, about 170cm tall, and a thin build.

After gathering information from several parties, Ryunosuke Ubu, the heinous person, was dug out.

A hearty smile, a cheerful heart, and a sunny appearance are all useless.

The perverts they have seen all pretend to be good people, and the power of the state is still extremely terrifying when fully mobilized.

It wouldn't be a problem if it was just an ordinary person traveling to work and kill people, but as it involves British nobles and a garrison base, the seriousness of the problem is infinitely higher.

Almost instantly, he dug out the cases that the murderer had investigated before.

Well, it is reasonable for a murderer who likes to torture children to steal the children of British nobles, and it is even possible to carry out a large-scale terrorist attack in order to become even crazier.

Therefore, the suspects in the base theft case and the missing noble children case were found.

Even the big explosion in Fuyuki City Hotel last night was held steady by Ryunosuke. If he hadn't stolen so many explosives, how could he have blown up the hotel?

The entire city's police force was mobilized, vowing to catch the lunatic.

The TV station also broadcast photos of Ryunosuke on a rolling basis, and reminded everyone to take good care of their children.

Raiga Fujimura, the boss of the Fujimura-gumi, the largest violent club in Fuyuki City, is in a very unhappy mood right now.

Today, countless untouchable people knocked on his door, asking for help in finding someone.

He is the big brother of the mafia, and he has thousands of ruthless subordinates.

This is not the era after the promulgation of the Gangster Act in 1995. Gangsters have great power in Japan.

However, the people in the police department don’t have to be disrespectful, and the people in the Metropolitan Police Department still have to be a little bit less generous, and then the representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the US military

Find this bastard for me immediately!! Kids~~!!

Under the boss's tongue, all the subordinates began to sweep through the streets and alleys of Fuyuki City like a gust of wind.

This group of gangsters is even better than the official organization in terms of organizational capabilities. A large number of illegal transactions and criminal activities have been suspended in this city.

The more unlucky safe houses or hidden workshops were all uncovered, and people like Kiritsugu who liked modern magician tactics suffered heavy losses.

The big commotion here in the real world makes the mysterious side feel like it is facing a powerful enemy.

Although they have mastered various magical powers, after the Age of Gods passed, the world belonged to ordinary people.

They had no choice but to dig in to find out the reason.

Finally figured out the cause of the matter.

Kotomine Kirei and his old father Kotomine Ri were sitting in the church looking at each other,

The Holy Church, as the supervisor and referee of the Holy Grail War, is now suffering from a headache.

The one last night was actually not Caster.

Through Assassin's tracking, they already knew who the real Caster was, so the extra heroic spirit became even more mysterious and unexpected.

Of course, it is more important now to deal with the matter of Caster and Ryunosuke Uyu in a timely manner.

In the original work, the two men's unscrupulous use of magic caused the church to even end the Holy Grail War and issue a reward for killing Caster to all Masters.

Now the anger is even higher. The human master named Ryunosuke is so bold as to rob the heirs of British nobles and steal weapons from the garrison base.

Especially the latter, which is an extremely dangerous cross-border behavior.

Even the Clock Tower and the Holy Church began to pay close attention to this incident, and Kotomine Risei had to solve the problem as soon as possible.

That is to say, take out Ryunosuke's body and explain it to everyone.

The mysterious side must not be exposed to the public eye.

So just like the original work, the decision was made to suspend the Holy Grail War, and at the same time, the command spell left behind by the previous holy war was taken out as a reward.

Maybe it wasn't Ryuunosuke who did it.

Kotomine Kirei said calmly that he didn't care about the missing children and weapons, but the traces of the operations behind them were too obvious.

Do you think we are the only ones who know? Don't the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Metropolitan Police, and the base commander know?

But now that there is such a big fuss, it can only be done by him.

The old man also made a decision coldly. As long as he was not exposed, the price was nothing.

Basically, all the masters except Ryunosuke received this information, so a new turmoil gradually started.

This is Noah's table-turning tactic.

Depending on the Masters slowly progressing through the plot, it will take several days to get to the plot of fighting Caster, and there will be things like the King's Feast in the middle.

But these are not as much as the losses caused by keeping Ryuunosuke in the past few days.

So if the plot is not dramatic, forget it.

All the forces in the world are mobilized to investigate, and the living space of Ryunosuke, the evil pair, is gradually reduced.

Even if magic can hide one's own residence, there will always be times when one's opponent's clues will be found through successive explorations.

Moreover, the sacrifices that the other party wanted most were all safely protected at home.

So how long can a crazy human being survive such high-intensity pressure?

Noah, who was standing on the bridge, drove the camera to capture the breath.

Ryunosuke in a workshop is indeed crazy.

He was a little scared as he watched his photos being played on TV.

It's a bit abnormal to feel the pressure of millions of people in a whole city looking for themselves.

It turns out that the person who thought he was perverted enough was nothing more than that.

Seeing that there was still a video of him robbing a child at the entrance of a shopping mall, he couldn't bear it anymore and smashed the TV.

Damn it, the children of the British nobles, the weapons of the garrison, the terrorist attack on Fuyuki City Hotel, these are not my doings, you bastard, bastard, bastard!

Moreover, how could I be so unskilled as to go and rob children on the street?

That piece of trash pretending to be me used my face to do such a low-level thing, unforgivable, unforgivable, unforgivable!!!

Caster saw Ryunosuke's ugly posture when he was going crazy and felt pain in his heart.

They are good partners who share the same mind.

Ryunosuke, go and take back my Joan of Arc tonight.

If that doesn't work, let the gods of this world come and see our performance, and let Joan of Arc see my determination!

The French Marshal was just crazy, but not a fool.

I also know that I don't have much time to stay in this Holy Grail War, so I just go for the big one.

These words immediately attracted Ryunosuke's attention.

He was definitely not going to survive anyway, so he might as well make a scene before he died.

Old man, it must be a super cool show.


Today is Monday and I am too busy. I really don’t have time, so I will write this much first. After that, I will try to write more to make up for it.

There is nothing I can do about writing articles part-time. Who told me to write as much as I want and publish it? I don’t feel sad at all about saving it.

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