It's just money. It's the most insignificant price in this limited time, isn't it?

Emiya Kiritsugu's pupils shrank.

this! Does this heroic spirit still know that all his plans and dreams will fail?

What on earth do you know?

Noah didn't speak. He had already said enough when they first met, but Emiya Kiritsugu wouldn't believe it.

At this time, even if he took him through time and came to the burning Fuyuki City, he still wouldn't believe it.

He even thinks that this is a way of attacking to shake his determination to save the world, but instead he will firmly make more preparations and plans.

This is an extreme idealist who relies on burning everything he has to bear down.

Someone has commented on Emiya Kiritsugu.

The man who was full of ideals more than anyone else, but who was driven to despair because of it.

He saves people indiscriminately, and he kills people equally indiscriminately.

By the time he woke up, it was already too late.

All along, he and all the people he cherished were destined to be separated forever the moment they met.

So Noah just asked for a sum of money, and then he would clean up the regrets from the Fourth War, and finally shatter the unrealistic illusions of his master and lover with his own hands.

There is no one more experienced in saving the world than me, Noah!

After a long silence, Emiya Kiritsugu picked up the Walter WA2000 and began to inspect it, followed by the Glock 17.

Every bit of it seems very serious and meticulous. But if Aili was there, she would see that her lover was a little absent-minded.

Noah didn't leave either, just folding his arms and watching him wipe it bit by bit.

The surrounding magic gifts had not been withdrawn yet, and he was confused.

Okay, a bearer check for US$30 million. You should know the meaning of this amount.

The maximum support the Einzbern family can currently support is right here. They have gone crazy for the Holy Grail.

It can be said to be half the price of a Boeing 767, so what are you going to do with the money?

In the end, this man compromised. It was nothing more than a big gamble with other people's money. If he lost, he would have been shattered to pieces.

That would be great if it was true.

Just help me book a flight ticket to Kanfuzi City. I will go to Fuyuki City to meet you as soon as possible.

Are you going to act alone?

My solo action ability is EX, so is there a problem? Even if the master loses his magic power, I can still move around at will. It's an ability that is not very useful.


Now that he had made up his mind, Kiritsugu was a very decisive person and immediately booked the flight tickets.

After saying hello to Saber and Ellie, this servant who didn't really need a master and even arranged for his own master set off on his own path.

Emiya Kiritsugu also breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know why he felt suffocated when staying with this heroic spirit.

There is a feeling of being seen through everything, which is really scary.

So far, Noah's data in his observations are so strange, including the Noble Phantasm.

Everything? ? ? , the strength and endurance are quite obvious, but those values ​​are abnormal.

I hope you won't disappoint me.

By the time Ellie and Saber took the plane to Fuyuki City, Noah had already completed his first goal and brought back a woman.

On top of a sports car, Noah was driving seriously, almost at full speed.

It took some unique tricks to avoid anyone noticing the almost flying sports car.

Sitting in the passenger seat was a lady with a red ponytail and a white collar-style shirt.

Where's your space door? Why don't you take me there and teleport it there?

There are no coordinates.

What a backward magic.

Yes, that's why I choose to drive a sports car.

Just the day before, Noah arrived in Guanbuzi City.

After getting off the plane, we went straight to Garan Hall. The woman we were looking for this time was named Aozaki Orange.

The crowned puppet master, the red of pain.

What he is best at is creating dolls and transforming the human body. Being able to reach the top level means that he has reached the pinnacle of what humans can achieve in this field.

If you want to save your Master, of course you have to solve it fundamentally.

Since the Holy Grail cannot be operated, it is Noah's idea to transfer the body and soul of the container to draw fuel from the bottom of the cauldron.

After arriving at the workshop, I did not experience any tests or hardships. I just walked in with dignity.

After all, as a puppeteer, you also have to take in business from time to time. Playing with figures at any time and in any world is a waste of money.

Miss Aozaki Orange, I'm here to issue a commission.


Whenever a spirit can be everywhere? I misjudged it. It seems to be a magical guy.

He is a heroic spirit, a member of the Holy Grail War.

Okay, great hero. What does your master want from me? To be honest, I won't go to Fuyuki City. The magicians in that place are all madmen, and they will do anything to get to the root.

The magician who goes there now is no different from provoking the Yusan family. I am a person who is afraid of trouble.

Being from the Aozaki family, she naturally understands the place and the trouble. It seems that this business cannot be done.

Ten million dollars.

Please sit down. Do you mind telling me what the commission is? It's not impossible to consider it.

As a puppet master, in addition to the materials for the mysterious test, you also need a lot of support in the material world.

Now that a top tycoon is here, it would be outrageous not to make a fortune.

There is something about the Little Holy Grail. This is what happened with the Einzbern family. You need to rebuild a body for the container of the Little Holy Grail, and then help with the transfer of the soul.

That's it~~~Goodbye.

Just kidding, let’s not talk about the Holy Grail. Just touching the Einzbern’s cyborg is taboo in the magic world.

She is just cynical and gets into a little trouble. This kind of job is not something she can take on.

Twenty million dollars.


There are also some special trophies from the Holy Grail War.


I'm not throwing money at you, but I respect the value of the master's action.

That artificial man was born as a tool and did not sense the beauty of the world.

Even after giving birth to a daughter, even when her life span is about to come to an end, she has never left Einzbern City.

But she has never been resentful and still lives with a terrifyingly simple mind.

And she is willing to sacrifice herself to realize an impossible dream for a scumbag husband.

What's even more frightening is that if it fails, her daughter will suffer the same fate.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a tragedy in the world~~

These heart-piercing words made Aozaki Orange's appearance unchanged, but her heart was still slowly drifting away.

It seems like it would be nice to save a miserable woman and make a fortune at the same time.

30 million US dollars~~

Done! When shall we set off?


Let me tell you first, I don't care about the money, I mainly care about people's pity.

Of course, a magician of your level must be worth the price.

Hahahahaha, are you really a heroic spirit? Are you so good at talking?

Of course, it's just that I'm a scholar who's good at talking, and I'm not very good at things like fighting.

Yeah, I can see that he's very gentle and gentle.

The task was successfully completed. Noah has always believed that problems that can be solved with money are not problems. Of course, at least there needs to be a big enemy who is willing to let him do this.

Now I have to rush back to Fuyuki City to participate in that war.


He obviously wanted to rest, but after being thrown into this world, there was no way he could do it. The seven-day Holy Grail War made the time even more pressing.

This damn sense of responsibility, when can I let myself go?

That’s all for today, let’s get familiar with the new world first. When I was writing, I realized that I didn’t know enough about the Holy Grail, so I’m continuing to make up for it now. Will try to speed up tomorrow.

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