Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 944 I, Noah, am also a Saber

The tone was very casual, as if he didn't care about the vigilance of the two people opposite him.

As for my master, she should be this beautiful lady. Little girl?

Noah was a little stuck when he said this. It seemed that Irisviel was a bit young.

Then when he looked at the unshaven Kiritsugu, he looked like a scumbag. The magician's circle was too chaotic.

Ellie also nodded confusedly behind Kiritsugu and Saber, and she really felt the connection between the command spell in her hand and this boy.

Kiritsugu, he is really my servant.

Ai Li, please go and ask the butler to prepare some refreshments.


Ellie understood that her lover wanted to have a good talk with the two heroic spirits, and there might be some bad things that she didn't want her to hear.

As the door of the auditorium closed, the three people here were silent.

King Arthur never expected that he would be like this after responding to the Holy Grail for the first time.

My master seems to be a very determined person, very capable and very capable.

I hope I can win the Holy Grail with him and realize my wish.

At this time, Artoria still didn't understand the gap between her first impression and reality.

Emiya Kiritsugu had to communicate with King Arthur first. After all, the heroic spirit that truly belonged to him was more worthy of trust.

Then he found out about the second heroic spirit. He was not happy because he had two heroic spirits in his hands.

All accidents are mixed, good and bad, but this time it is 100% bad.

Noah is simple. He feels a little strange after returning to modern society, and the basic information in his mind is still a bit behind.

It is definitely inferior to One Piece in terms of technology. After all, there is a deus ex machina Im in that world.

Even if there is no Im, there is still a lot of black technology, and it is a full-fledged hot-blooded comic on the technological side.

The world is still in 1994, a past era.

It was such an unexpected start, and I felt that my somewhat empty body was slowly adapting.

His body, which had been tempered for many times, had been reduced to ashes with the final battle. It seemed that the body constructed by this magic power was not very adaptable.

The domineering spirit in his body was rebuilt into skills, and his weapons and deeds were also sublimated into something extraordinary.

He also got rid of the curse of the sea, and would have made a lot of money if he wasn't working.

Then we have to find a way to restore our physical body.

But Alaya is really interesting. It is very simple to directly affect the Lesser Holy Grail to make himself a Heroic Spirit.

This Master is really hard to describe, and his magic power is beyond description, full of it.

It's just that it's a bit bad to be mixed up with Emiya Kiritsugu. After all, the differences in paths are quite big.

Sure enough, Emiya Kiritsugu and Saber exchanged a few words and then broke down. The difference in the atmosphere was visible to the naked eye.

Did he not expect that the king who could unify Britain would be so childish, the King of Knights? Just a little girl who hasn't grown up yet.

As a pragmatist, I don't care whether the other person is a man or a woman, as long as it can provide strength.

The heroic spirit is a very powerful tool, or a smarter magic gift.

As a result, he sticks to his beliefs so much that if he orders the other party to kidnap some passers-by or other Masters, he will encounter the most serious resistance.

It is undoubtedly very ridiculous to waste command spells in such a place.

This ridiculous behavior and ridiculous ideals made Kiritsugu give up on this heroic spirit immediately.

And Saber was extremely dissatisfied with this man's unscrupulous determination and behavior, and he actually looked down on himself, the king at the end of the Gods' Age.

And they were all asking questions, how could they come up with such low-level tactics in the Holy Grail War that spanned the world and time.

How could she, the red dragon of Great Britain, the undefeated king in twelve wars, do such vile things.

This is a serious violation of the formal code of chivalry and a trample on one's own dignity.

After the verbal exchange, the two fell out completely.

Kiritsugu felt very unlucky, having already lost a combat force before the war even started.

He should still let Ellie play the role of Master according to his previous plan, and he should secretly hunt other Masters.

In addition to the battle of heroic spirits, the Holy Grail War also has a war between masters.

As long as he uses the same hunting methods as before, he has a chance to win.

What's left is that scholar-like heroic spirit, and I hope he won't be disappointed.

Noah. Boat of Hope? Or?

I'm sorry, I'm an imaginary heroic spirit. I don't have any legends in this world.

With Kiritsugu's forbearance and calmness, he almost wanted to shoot the Holy Grail. What a start.

Are the two king bombs all a joke?

After suppressing my anger and chatting with Noah for a few words, I realized that this man was extraordinary.

Because Noah's thoughts are very modern.

But he is also a guy who cannot be trusted, and his ideological conflict is even greater than Saber's.

Emiya Kiritsugu, if you can realize your ideals by relying on the Holy Grail, then wouldn't the human species be too sad?

It was deleted at will and controlled by foreign objects.

Magic power cannot represent everything, and the Holy Grail cannot change the nature of human beings.

If I could, I would destroy the Great Holy Grail.

The powerful words hit this ancient auditorium, and that kind of determination was revealed from the fire-like pupils.

Even accompanied by the shocking oppression, the outward release of will made the magic power in the air become stagnant.

Saber was stunned when he heard this. He was a man with such a strong will, and he didn't even care about the Holy Grail.

So why did he respond to the Holy Grail's call?

And it's very strong.

It seems that his physical strength and sense of magic power are ordinary, but when he gets serious, his unique will is too strong for his combat power.

Is it something special for scholars?


Emiya Kiritsugu left here directly. He didn't want to get too close to the man named Noah.

Otherwise, he really wanted to shoot this heroic spirit first.

His ideals and his determination to sacrifice everything for his ideals are invisible in this man's eyes.

What's worse is that this heroic spirit not only stands by and does nothing, but is more likely to directly stop himself.

After summoning these two heroic spirits, Kiritsugu had the illusion that his Holy Grail War was over.

He needs to be quiet and think of a way to break the situation.

After Kiritsugu left, there were only two heroic spirits left here.

There really is no worse situation than this, Noah shook his head.

This kind of person with lofty beliefs is the most stubborn. Forget it, let’s say hello to Xingyue’s sales lady seriously first.

This King Arthur is also a ruthless person with a super perverted background.

Hello, you can call me Noah. My rank is saber.

Hello, my name is Arturia Pendragon, from Great Britain. Finally, you can call me Saber.

Okay saber.

Just like that, the Holy Grail War in Hell is about to begin.

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