Don’t even think about detonating it. This is the confidence brought by technology.

do not care!

The 30,000-meter-tall giant blasted away the Neptunes hanging on its body, scattering the disgusting flesh and blood.

Kicking over the elephant owner who was blocking the way, this giant elephant that had been walking on the sea for 800 years finally fell.

The divine body withstood the attacks of Pluto and Neptune and killed Noah.

The remaining twenty or so top masters continued to launch long-range attacks to resist the enemy, using the most primitive kinetic energy to prevent the opponent from approaching.

The roaring sound is endless, but the effect is still not enough.

Noah gritted his teeth and said something at this time.

not enough!

It's always hard to say such things, but every time this happens, someone will always stand up.

This time it’s the Warring States Period.

“I have been a naval marshal for decades, but I don’t understand that justice is just justice.

Although your later life was completely disrupted by you, this bastard brat, I can only say that you did a good job, young man.

After straightening his coat of justice and straightening his hat, Sengoku and his old comrades nodded.

Then he said to Kizaru.

Although it's cruel, we can all go, but you can't go,

Stay alive, the Navy needs you.

Kizaru nodded, he understood that he and the dragon could not be sacrificed until the last moment.

As the leaders of the two major armed forces, if they sacrifice themselves, the New World Alliance is likely to undergo changes.

The war is not just in front of you, but also behind you.

Therefore, they are not qualified to sacrifice. This is a sad and painful thing. Those who survive will have to endure more inner torture.

But who is he? It's the ambiguous Kizaru, how could it be affected by this?

He just took the opportunity to adjust his sunglasses and wiped his eyes, and then said cheerfully.

Old man, just go ahead. I will take them on a good journey to the navy.

Warring States patted Kizaru's shoulder, knowing that he had left another painful problem for the new marshal. He was really sorry.

Then he calmly walked into the door, the flames burned everything about him, and the red Warring States appeared in Im's body again.

Bold God! Eat my Warring States palm!

When the Warring States Period reappeared, Im's body shape became even more stagnant. It seemed that something was wrong internally?

The calculation power was passing by like crazy, and Im was a little panicked.

Accompanied by Noah's words, the energy room was still in a very dangerous state.

At this time, Counselor He and Zefa came to Noah's side.

Zefa patted Aokiji and Kizaru on the shoulders.

You two do a good job. Although you are very promising as my students now, don't go astray in the future.

Remember, the body is the capital of revolution. Take good exercise, especially you, a salty fish.

Then he turned around and talked to Noah.

Mr. Adam. I still want to call you that, you bastard!

You started scheming against me when we first met in 1506, and even now I want to beat you up.

But there is no time. I don’t know if you will survive, but I know that what you bring to this world is the best choice.

So don't be sad or guilty. We old guys from the past era are very grateful to you for being able to use our remaining energy at this time.

Finally, I am lucky to be able to meet the truth on the sea.

After saying that, without waiting for Noah to say anything else, he walked to the space door, and all his flesh and bones were scattered, turning into a red fighting spirit and rushing over.

As soon as he passed by, he started chirping, roared angrily, and swung his tendons to help his old friend fight.

Staff Officer He sneered. The old man walked so fast because he was afraid of crying in front of his juniors.

Then he said something hastily.

“I’m going to hold a class reunion with my old friends, and then I’ll leave it to you young people.

Finally, let me tell Di Yuan that if possible, it would be a good idea for her to be the next marshal of the navy.

After saying that, the old man walked to the door and stepped in. The moment she stepped in, she had two thoughts.

One is that the burning flames are really painful.

The second thing is that fortunately, I walked in with a young attitude. Even if she turns into a red shadow, she is still young and beautiful.

As soon as I stepped through the door, I saw the clones of the gods in Explosive Hammer Garp and Sengoku Zefa. The red crane rolled his eyes.

A bunch of useless men, it depends on how good I am.

It may be the fight in the energy room or some unknown reason that made the King's body move a little slower, but this is not enough.

Not enough means that someone will still bleed.

Noah was already shaking.

Robin looked at Noah with worried eyes. She understood how torture and pain such a decision would be for a responsible person.

The longer people are alive, the more they have to endure, so how much more do people have to endure when they send their comrades on the road with their own hands?

This time it was Fujitora who came.

He is very free and easy. Being blind, his state of mind is unmatched by many people, and he has seen more of the dark side of human hearts.

But now that Kuleha has cured his eyes, he can see again the shining points of human beings in this world.

I saw unity, perseverance, sacrifice, blood, justice, a new world where everyone is equal, and everything beautiful.

This has exceeded his expectations, and he even feels luxurious that he can experience such a world in his lifetime.

So his life has no regrets.

From the moment he was brought to the South China Sea by Noah in 1513, he firmly believed that this man would lead everyone to a new world.

This time the other party fulfilled his promise, so he must also fulfill his promise.

To practice chivalry, sacrifice is the highest honor.

He looked at Noah seriously for a few times with his new eyes, and then gave a very solemn gift.

Mr. Noah. Thank you, I really appreciate it.

Trembling with excitement, he thanked Noah.

Seeing the tears streaming down Noah's face he spoke his mind.

You don't have to be sad about my passing, and you will have no regrets even if you want to die.

This heroic and free-spirited man walked fearlessly into the fire, stepped into the door and entered Im's body to participate in the battle.

Im's body took another slow beat.

Although the energy chamber is the heart of a god and cannot have too fierce a battle, the strength within the body that has evolved to the level of a god is increasing every moment.

There shouldn't be any more out-of-control situations, He's going crazy.

The computing power has not shown any unusual reaction.

So we can only put pressure on the group of resisters who invaded the gods' bodies. Just kill them all to solve everything.

At this time, three more people came over.

“Boy Noah, you don’t want mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

At this time, we have to attack in groups. The three of us old guys will go in and kill that son of a bitch.

As a beautiful woman, Kuleha's gushing words at the moment are quite in line with her domineering temperament.

As the eldest sister, she was followed by Rayleigh and Red Earl, almost like two younger brothers. Of course, this is true in terms of age.

Lei Li was helpless when he saw what the eldest sister said for them.

Well, as a teacher who once guided you, I am lucky to have such a disciple.

I was once proud to have been to Raffdrew and to have followed Roger. Now, I am actually more proud of teaching the revolutionary light.

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