The huge god in the sky looked in all directions without speaking or moving.

Step on the void and feel the scenery at a higher level.

This world is so small.

This world is so big.

This was the first sentence God Im said.

At this moment, when he looked at Noah and others, Im's heart did not waver.

What lights, what wonders, what Joy Boy means nothing under such power.

I haven’t even regretted the procrastination I did before setting foot on this network. At that time, it was really a shame to lose the arrogance of the gods.

What gave him such confidence was the power of his body. That was a degree that Im himself had not imagined at the beginning.

The energy that the King of Heaven can mobilize at this moment can be said to exceed any previous data.

He could even break the barriers of space with his hands. After the transformation was successful, the shackles set by the Twenty Kings were shattered, and the calculation power of the Heavenly King was finally released.

All information can be slowly collected through the planet's magnetic field and data.

The synthesis of substances in the body is also further iterating, accelerating the higher-level evolution of the body of God.

Energy is slowly advancing to a truly infinite level with the research on fundamental forces.

Im getting stronger every day.

This is the horror of the huge kingdom. They have indeed touched the realm of God with the help of Devil Fruit, that is, human desire.

Of course, those scientists never imagined that it would get so out of control.

Twenty Kings' human fruit integration experiment completely disrupted the laws of science, and what's even more surprising is that it was successful.

War is a catalyst. 800 years ago, deformed monsters were born, and 800 years ago catalyzed the evolution of monsters.

There is no such thing as justice and evil, no such thing as freedom and order. The bitter fruit of humanity must eventually be swallowed by humanity itself.

Between heaven and earth, Im stood quietly. This is His time.

In his memories, he came to the wilderness where he devoted his youthful blood. I saw the figure of the young man Im running in the wilderness with experimental subjects of many races. In a higher dimension, His eyes are indifferent.

When he arrived at the court, the arrogant judge threw him into the abyss without even listening to his impassioned speech. His eyes were still indifferent.

When I came to the laboratory, I was tortured to death by various experiments until my mind became numb and fell into darkness.

There was a slight change in his eyes.

I saw the straw hat boy arriving again. When she smiled and gave him the last hope. His eyes turned disgusting.

Finally when he was cast into the King of Heaven. The god Im smiled.

It is a mockery of past experiences, but also a heartfelt joy when He is merged with the King of Heaven.

At this moment, He finally reconciled with his past self, feeling that he had abandoned those final struggles of human nature.

As long as you complete the last obsession, you can achieve true perfection.

The blank space in the calculation power of the King of Heaven will also be covered.

That is to annihilate the human race, which is the most cruel to its kind in the world.

At this moment, Bai Xing on the sea could no longer feel the aura of the original Heavenly King, and the hostile fluctuations from his soul had disappeared.

The King of Heaven no longer has any hostility towards the King of the Sea, or in other words, he doesn't care about this enemy.

The super-large Neptunes had lost their ferocity when hunting the one-winged angels, and instead gathered around Neptune tremblingly.

If Neptune had not had the highest control over them, they might have followed the biological instinct and fled to the farthest sea far away from here, under the deepest water.

The one in the sky is not the King of Heaven at all, it is an infinite threat and the final judgment on life.

The giant god visible to the naked eye but blank in the locking system was also lost in the Pluto's cab in the distance.

No matter how Tom and the others used means to detect it, the feedback they got was - non-existent.

The technological warships that cannot be locked are really of no use at this moment. Pluto's deterrent is reduced to a minimum. This is the result of technological crushing.

He is no longer at the level of the Three Kings, so.

There was silence between heaven and earth, and no one dared to disturb the gods' rest.

Even Noah and others who escaped did not act rashly.

They still don't know what kind of power such a god has. Everything is unknown.

Now that we have reached the worst path envisioned by the staff, there are not many opportunities left for Noah.

I never expected that a Pirate King would become so violent in the end.

It's not a battle between fruit abilities and the strong, but human technology creating gods to destroy humans themselves.

He has really never read this kind of script.

Perhaps in order to win, he will choose the most cruel and tragic method.

After Im finished feeling himself, he turned his attention to the ants above the blue sea who tried to resist him.

In an instant, the signal from the King of Heaven spread to the entire world.

Regardless of whether it is a live phone bug or the communication equipment of the Revolutionary Army, they have begun to project into the void, introducing the posture of gods to every human being.

Because just the group of rebels at his feet cannot satisfy Im's heart at this moment.

Perhaps the infinite amplification of power caused Im's inner desires to expand infinitely.

So a stage is needed, a stage belonging to gods, a stage that makes human beings despair.

When everyone looked at the image in the sky, Im's god-like structure impacted the deepest part of everyone's spirit.

Each projection carries a spiritual force field belonging to the gods, allowing everyone to understand at a glance that this is not a machine creation of the revolutionary army or navy.

But the real gods came to the world, and the fear, worship, fanaticism, and hope from the heart made some people kneel down directly.

Oh my god!!!

Kneel down quickly, this is a god!

Lord God, please bless us to survive!!

A few days ago, when I saw the world joint statement of the revolutionary army and navy, everyone thought that the world would enter a new era.

Unexpectedly, a god would come to the world in just a few days.

There is no shortage of faith in the world of One Piece, especially on the sea where there are great obstacles to communication in most areas.

A life of suffering accompanies them in their lives, so the sense of security that can be gained by placing their souls in the hands of a god is a temptation that many people cannot resist.

They have not experienced the World Alliance thing of building a home with their hands.

Not everyone likes that kind of uncertain future, and may even panic.

How am I going to live? What can I do without the arrangements of the masters?

Too many people have been confused these days.

But wouldn’t it be better if you really leave everything to the gods and let the gods arrange your life?

Some people are unwilling to work hard, some are numb to life, and some are emotionally deficient and need sustenance.

In short, when Im's force field enveloped the world and made everyone believe in the existence of gods, too many people fell immediately.

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