Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 925 Neptune’s Awakening

The huge trident just stood in front of Neptune.

The indestructible shock wave radiated out in a semicircle, and all the single-winged angels that were hit were shattered.

The power of the sea has revealed the tip of the iceberg.

Neptune was stunned on the spot, and he made the final charge, but he survived.

Then the power of the ocean gently nourished the exhausted knight.

Neptune felt the vitality and kindness of sea water when he was dying.

He was carried under the surface of the sea by a gentle current and disappeared on the battlefield.

The violent side was aimed around Mary Joa.

The sea currents are boiling here, and their irregular collisions reflect a person's mood at the moment.

The one-winged angel who was still trying to fly to Neptune was swept up by the crazy current and dragged into the sea.

The endless sea power twisted crazily around the enemy, twisting these weapons into a ball of debris and sinking into the darkness.

Im looked into the distance, feeling really nostalgic for that breath.

It's coming

He was still very impressed by the mermaid princess who always stood beside Joyboy.

Both are the highest masterpieces in the scientific world, but even though he is so arrogant, he still wants to acknowledge the other's identity.

However, the person I am now is different from the person I was 800 years ago.

The King of Heaven is still evolving after you lost consciousness, and the gap in this long time has been much larger than it was back then.

So, come on.

Let's end the war of 800 years ago.

While thinking silently in his heart, he also looked in another direction.

“Things that will never make it to the table.”

Im didn't know what he was talking about.

At this time, the obviously very violent sea surface suddenly calmed down, strangely like before the storm arrived.

Gulu. Gulu. Gulu.

A large number of bubbles are rising upwards, as if there are some terrifying monsters lurking underneath.

Then the sea turned black.

It was a shadow under the sea. I don't know how huge it was, but it actually made the entire Mariejoia sea area look like this.

boom! ! !

The calm sea surface was broken open by huge force, and the rising currents flew high into the sky.

The crystal water began to fall under the influence of gravity to form a waterfall.

The Allied forces, who had been alerted long ago, had already given way to the central area.

Even Rosinandi and the others withdrew from the main battlefield.

Sure enough, most people can't bear the millions of tons of seawater falling down.

But at this moment, they had no time to see the strange sea water wonders.

The person who comes out with the sea water is the key point.

She has long flowing pink curly hair, bright blue eyes, beautiful appearance, and dark and light pink fishtails.

White Star?!!!

Princess Shirahoshi!!

Your Highness Princess!! Get out of here quickly, it's dangerous here!

There are friends here who know Shirahoshi, as well as soldiers from Fishman Island.

When he saw Bai Xing, he exclaimed in surprise, how could the weak and weak mermaid princess come to such a battlefield.

Everyone on Fish-Man Island knew that this princess was extremely timid.

Others were exclaiming, while the top experts looked solemn.

When this fish-man princess appeared, she broke through millions of tons of sea water, and the trident flying down from the sky was her handiwork.

And this person's aura is very strong, stronger than anyone else's.

Her breath is the breath of the sea, and her strength is the power of the sea.

The feeling of being closely connected with the ocean is frightening. From the perspective of a strong man, the weak girl floating on the sea is not.

Rather, it is an aggregation of violent oceanic aura, and the fluctuations it inadvertently emits are terrifying.

It's really strong.

Kidd helplessly found that his power to control the wind and rain had been weakened after the appearance of White Star.

Before anyone could sigh, Bai Xing grabbed the Neptune Trident with one hand and waved it while the sea current washed over it.

A layer of battle armor has been attached to his body. The translucent armor is all covered with lines of sea currents, and it is as gorgeous as a work of art.

Then a crown appeared out of thin air and landed on the mermaid princess's head.

At this moment, Bai Xing didn't have the usual fragile aura, and exuded the aura of a powerful king and the will to fight.

The girl was very angry at this moment. Her father was almost killed.

This damn enemy really pissed her off.

He raised his weapon and pointed it at the figure of the boy Im.


But the incarnation of the Heavenly King did not get angry, but felt something with some confusion, and then said.

You are no longer the Poseidon you were before, you really fit that woman's style.

The naive second Poseidon will only move towards his destined destiny.

Shirahoshi responded seriously to Im's words.

It won't happen again this time because we have Mr. Noah.

That’s how she believed in the light of revolution.

Bai Xing did not accept all the memories of the previous fish-man princess, but just listened to her life experience like a story.

The mermaid princess told the story of the past very gently.

The war 800 years ago, the destruction of the huge kingdom, the rebellion of the King of Heaven, the defeat of the leader Joyboy, and the choice of Neptune and Pluto.

Shirahoshi also talked about the fruits after 800 years.

The birth of Noah, the spread of the revolutionary army's ideas, the establishment of the New World Alliance system, and the war to cut off the destiny.

It's great to have Mr. Noah in this world.*2

This is the common thought of two generations of mermaid princesses.

So the transfer of power was completed, and a new Neptune was born.

After sensing the war scene of Mary Joa, and hearing the fluctuations of the King of Heaven.

Poseidon came from the South China Sea, determined to participate in this final battle.

In fact, everyone underestimated Shirahoshi's determination, including Princess Otohime, King Neptune, the three princes, and even Noah and Robin.

Everyone wants to protect this innocent girl. Such a person is incompatible with the battlefield.

And Shirahoshi's fighting will is not that of a qualified warrior.

But don't forget that her mother joined the Revolutionary Army when she was very young, and her father also joined the Revolutionary Army when Bai Xing grew up.

I know a lot about revolutionary thoughts and ideas under the influence of my ears and eyes.

Bai Xing, who often travels in the South China Sea, also understands the cherished thoughts that Mr. Noah brought to the world.

Seeing so many soldiers dying on the road, the little girl also began to think.

The funerals of fishmen warriors have been held several times in the Forest of the Sea.

Seeing the sobbing family members on display, she also understood what sadness was, and the tragedy of having to go on carrying sadness and pain.

She had no power before, but now she is Aquaman.

One of the tallest and strongest people in the world, the mermaid princess Shirahoshi joins the battle!

Im also appreciated Poseidon's courage when he saw it.

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