Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 923 Restarting the battle and fighting for time

There were dark clouds and thunder and lightning.

The boundless single-winged angels are densely and blackly dense among all living beings and the King of Heaven.

On top of the warriors' heads, they stared at the creatures on the ground with their blood-red eyes.

They are the sentient and unconscious minions of the King of Heaven.

Such a horrific scene as in a fallen myth did not make humans succumb.

Because the lights are back again.

The inheritance of human will is always so incredible.

Bright light is flowing on the sea, and the power of hope shuttles back and forth in everyone's heart.

The bright will in the eyes is the survival of mankind's most glorious civilization.

Everything seemed to be drawn back to the very beginning of the war.

This situation was something King Im didn't expect.

He looked at the phantom of Noah waving the big flag, and sensed that Noah was on the verge of death among the kings of heaven.

how come? !

Is this a fruit ability or something?

He doesn't know. Im, who claims to be a god, once again felt the presence of the unknown.

Something unexpected appears again. This situation does not exist in the calculation power and knowledge base of the King of Heaven.

Even in the deduction, it is already the time for humans to give up resistance and end the war.

Looking at the red ocean at his feet, Im felt disgusted and repelled from the bottom of his heart.

So what if that blond ant inherited Noah's power?

The revolutionary light of the previous generation has been captured by me and will soon become one of the nutrients.

This generation's resistance is still futile.

Huh, no matter how hard you struggle, you are just desperate again.

This is still the case even if there is a third generation!

The gods don't need to take action themselves, they just need these angels created at will to clean up the world.


With Tian Xian in his mouth, those one-winged monsters pounced down.

The enemies were dozens of times more powerful than before, and the aura of destruction followed them everywhere.

Facing the approaching death.

Rosinandy was unafraid to shoulder his responsibilities.

This grown man stood at the front with everyone's hope.

The newly promoted top powerhouses of the new generation also pushed forward and stood on the Great Steel Wall one by one.

He withstood the pressure under the violent storm and bucked the trend and burst out with momentum.

As long as they are alive, these monsters will never be allowed to step here!

What does unity of will mean? This is unity of will!

The Great Steel Wall under the feet became stronger and stronger in the red overlord color, and it seemed that there were countless wills poured on it.

These strong men are not fighting alone, there are millions of troops behind them!

The three commanders of the headquarters issued orders at the same time.

Fire! Fire! Fire!

Blow up these dogs¥@#

This group... # ...

The soldiers of the New World Alliance Army have re-entered the state, protected by so many strong men, and supported by this domineering force full of hope.

At this moment, I feel fearless in my heart.

These top masters are not the only ones who have experienced despair and been tempered by their domineering power.

The ordinary strong men in the Alliance Army have made great progress.

For example, at this moment, they wanted to go up and tear these monsters apart with their own hands.

Of course, the improvement of courage is not reckless.

So they chose another hearty way of revenge.

Men's romance, caliber is justice!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

The sound of artillery roared on the sea again, and endless firepower poured into the sky.

Huge fireworks exploded one after another.

Countless city defense cannons were also set up on the Great Steel Wall, frantically strangling the approaching single-winged angels.

The flames of war and gunpowder smoke resumed, and the singing in the sky became more sonorous and powerful.

The reincarnation of time brought the two sides into a fierce fighting state again.

In the eyes of young Im, this scene is very natural.

Wasn't this the case before? Sure enough, you have used so many methods to just go through it again.

The army, which is several times more numerous than before, will swamp the human coalition forces.

The battle situation has returned to the calculation of the King of Heaven.

Even with so many strong men of the new generation, they can only stabilize the defense line.

The Elephant Lord has already let out a mournful cry in the tide of angels. It probably won't last long.

The situation is still deteriorating, but everyone has the courage to believe that there is still a chance of improvement.

There is indeed a turning point.

In the headquarters. Vegapunk's intelligent clone is now calmly deducing the situation of the battle.

Then he handed the report to Staff Officer He.

There is still a little time left, we need to continue to fight for it.


Staff Officer He thought for a while and decided that the time had come to invest everything.

This is the last group of new forces under their control. If they fail, they will really perish.

So she looked at the best Seraphs on the other side, as well as the Sand Crocodile, whose breath was very unstable, and the Empress and others.

Judging from the breath, they have reached the level of top experts.

However, it is not very stable, because these strong people who are close to the limit use foreign objects to break through, and there is a risk of slipping down after this battle.

Dr. Vegapunk's drugs and technological means helped them reach that level before the battle.

Only those whose physical fitness, willpower, and abilities have reached a level just shy of the peak can have such an opportunity.

Although a certain price has been paid, being able to achieve this level is enough to prove the methods of the smartest people in the world.

The empress saw the opportunity for Nine Snake Island to truly return to the world, so she was willing to give everything.

Although she behaves very willfully and egotistically, she has always been a qualified king.

And she also has high aspirations for personal combat power.

The power of sweet fruit is not that simple.

As for the Sand Crocodile, no one knows why it agreed to such a mission.

Watch what I do?

Lao Sha's face darkened. Ever since he agreed to participate in the decisive battle, some people had looked at him strangely.

One Piece has completely disappeared, and the Shichibukai of the World Government have also disappeared with Mariejoia, leaving only the identity of the hero of Alabasta.

Isn't this the right time to fight the big boss who wants to destroy the world?

It makes perfect sense for a decent guy like me to be here.

The hunched back, the cigar in his mouth, the gloomy expression and scars on his face, and the golden hook on his severed hand all indicate that this man has nothing to do with the word good guy.

It's hard to see such an image in the ending of a passionate anime.

Sand Crocodile and the Empress witnessed how this war that determined the fate of the world developed from above Bika.

The power of gods and the fall of lights.

When he saw the fire on Rosinandi's body and the shadow of Noah, Lao Sha snorted heavily.

Robin glanced sideways at Sand Crocodile. Is it really okay for this inexplicable guy to be involved in the final plan?

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