Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 911 The enemies of the Five Old Stars meet

I didn't expect that just hitting Mariejoia would be so strenuous. Hawkeye and the others couldn't let them consume too much energy.

I thought I was just breaking in, but I encountered such an obstacle. The subsequent battles became even more cruel, and the war was exceeding my expectations again and again.

This time, one less trump card gave Noah an ominous premonition.

The huge invisible position disappeared far behind the fleet group.


A huge roar came from the sky and reached deep into the battlefield.

Hey, why do I seem to hear the sound of an elephant? Is it an illusion?


A loud noise seemed to step on everyone's heart, and the sea surface trembled slightly.

What kind of monsters are they? Im going too far!

But this time it wasn’t Im’s handiwork, but came from Noah’s arrangement.

Under Robin's command, the fleet group in the west immediately opened the encirclement, revealing a huge passage.

Many people are confused, isn't this just letting those monsters go out and kill them?

Later they figured out why.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The loud noise slowly became more rapid, and the shadow of a giant object appeared in the distance.

First, a huge sky pillar stepped out from the distance, and then a gray creature that couldn't see the whole picture rushed over from the clouds.


It's that monster from the New World!!!

Get out of the way!!

Some people were frightened when they saw the elephant owner running away from the passage on the west side.

The height and size were simply terrifying, and the wind pressure from running alone caused a small ocean tide.

If I had to use a metaphor, it would be like the Red Map Continent running with legs.

Is this... my own person, my own image?

The huge elephant owner was running on the sea again at this moment. Unable to wait for Joyboy, it was found by the kid from back then.

This time, he simply said that he would start a war with Im, and if you don’t come, just continue walking.


The elephant owner wondered if I was sick, so he carried Zuowu on his back and wandered across the sea.

This is punishment, the most vicious punishment,

You will walk endlessly in the new world until you die.

It clearly sensed the return of its companions that day, but when the world was shaken later, it shed tears.

He vaguely sensed the feeling that he would never come back. Too much belongs to the past, and the future belongs to the future.

Having lost its goal, it gave up completely and continued to walk on the sea like a zombie.

Then I ran into that nagging kid again.

What can I do if I can't wait for my partner to return? This time it was the rage of revenge that was ignited.

Netamiai Nolida is the only elephant left, and her lifespan is coming to an end.

Accompanying Joey Boy in the final battle is the belief he insists on.

Now go drag Im to hell.


The running elephant owner recalled the magnificent events 800 years ago.

When I was young, I met my lifelong partner, then galloped across the land, engaged in endless wars, and finally suffered a tragic defeat.

It's all the same now, except that instead of the boundless land, it's replaced by the boundless sea.

The Elephant Master, who was running faster and faster, rushed to the edge of the battlefield. The single-winged mechanical body sensed the huge energy source and then changed its direction to stop the Elephant Master.

But how can a mad elephant be stopped so easily?

The combination of super fast speed and unimaginable tonnage is unstoppable.

Under this inertial acceleration, the elephant owner cannot stop even if he wants to.

As it charged past, it hit the single-wing mechanical body and was shattered into pieces, and the shock wave caused by its feet was even more powerful.

It is really trampling on those little flying insects that block it.

Withstanding the firepower and impact all the way, they even rushed to the edge of Mary Joa faster than Noah and the others.

boom! ! ! ! ! !

An earth-shattering impact broke out, and the power of this collision was second only to the power rock explosion.

The giant elephant, which did not slow down, hit the rock pillar hard, and the rising cloud of gas made people's teeth ache. This was a force of flesh and blood that hit it.

Countless rocks shattered, revealing more mechanical shells again.

The trembling Mary Joa also distracted Im's body.

It's actually this ungrateful elephant!

Im was furious because his recovery was interrupted, and several royal clones flew over to fight with the Elephant Master.

Even Im would be helpless at this moment under the impact of this size.

After the Elephant Master attracted attention, the 14 top players finally reached the edge of the Red Earth Continent.

When they arrived here, the ordinary mechanical bodies dispersed, and it seemed that there was a greater terror blocking them ahead.

This is the third time. This time, it's the most difficult to land on the Red Earth Continent head-on.

Noah looked at the twisted and deformed Holy Land with emotion.

However, time is limited and there is no time to visit.

Im's true form must be found.

You are finally here!*5

Unlike those single wings that flew out, the five figures walked out from the holy land.

There is no cheap jet like that on the back, even though it is also a half-human, half-machine body.

The redhead was shocked when he saw them.

You Five Old Stars

Isn't it ridiculous that the five old stars who hold the highest power in the world would become like this?

One of them laughed helplessly at himself.

They were a little unbearable when they saw Shanks.

Fortunately, he has the same unique style as our master.

No one but Noah could say such vicious words at this time.

pity? what is that?

These five old bastards should be thrown into a manure pit and drowned!

There is still a deep hatred between these two groups of people.

All the hatred started with O'Hara, and now the boy stood in front of the culprit with anger.

When the Five Old Stars saw Noah, they were also furious.

Who can you blame for yourself and others becoming like this? It’s not you, the undead who refuses to die!

If Noah hadn't appeared, the world would still be the same as it was before, and Im wouldn't be able to escape the confinement of the 20 kings' bloodline.

They won't be worse than dead!

Moreover, there are too many people with resentments in this group of people. Noah is just the leader, and there are several people behind who are bastards who deserve to be cut into pieces.

Noah! You're a despicable person, and you even sneaked into the navy to be the chief of staff. You don't have the demeanor of a strong man at all!

Warring States! If you hadn't secretly colluded with the revolutionary army, you wouldn't have reached this point today. What's justice? It's just a tool for ambitious people like you!

Garp, have you forgotten about the Valley of the Gods? Even Roger chose to side with us back then. Is it really the right thing for you to do now!

Kizaru! Good acting, good acting! You are so proud of how you fooled us around. Then have you thought about today!

Zefa, navy traitor! Are you proud of having taught so many rebels? Hero? Bullshit!

Wu Laoxing may have been affected by Noah's appearance and his own body, so he cursed without caring about his image.

Catching the people I hate the most to vent their anger that has nowhere to vent,

But Noah was in a hurry and didn’t want these old guys to delay.

However, Wulaoxing's strength is really not weak, so he needs to keep someone to hold him back.

So he turned around and looked at the remaining people.

Our navy leaders are here to deal with it. You go in first and look for Im.

After thinking for a moment, he added.

Let Bucky and Luffy go ahead.

So this group of people rushed in without any hesitation, and Wulao Xing did not stop them.

It is enough to keep all the goals that you and others care about most.

Neither Long, who was also born in the navy, nor General Qing Pheasant said a word of nonsense.

It can only be said that the hatred of Noah and these people is very stable.

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