With the disappearance of Im.

Many people even breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed, that the early stages of the war were over.

A figure so huge that it can cover the sky is always scary, let alone a legendary god, even if you know it is a projection.

But the expressions of everyone on Bika were even more solemn.

It seemed that they had tried every trick before, and had achieved very fruitful results.

These are all things before the King of Heaven fully activates his abilities.

If you think about the infinite land that disappeared 800 years ago, you will know how many abilities the enemy has not yet unleashed.

Moreover, the text from Heaven and the ability to fight against Huo Shaoyun are the killer skills prepared by the Alliance in advance.

All have uniqueness that cannot be copied.

Jinbei, the only strong fishman in the sea who can be said to be at the top level in these years.

Long, leader of the revolutionary army. Qing Pheasant, admiral of the navy.

Think about it, three emperor-level masters with the ability to control the weather can put down their pride and work together to activate an ability.

And there is also a meteorological team with decades or hundreds of years of research behind it to provide logistical assistance.

Savilia is a gathering place for scholars from the small island who have almost never participated in a war. This time, Noah also invited him out of the mountain.

There are so many special circumstances brought together in a simple confrontation. Such things are relatively rare in the entire history of mankind.

Only the New World Alliance, which has unified most of the ocean, has such courage and resources.

Of course, we must also thank the pressure from the King of Heaven. Only in the face of a crisis that can truly destroy the world can mankind be so united.

As for the text of Heaven's Fall, it relies even more on the particularity of resources and capabilities.

After Im's clone went to Mount Hyjal, Noah purposely used his fruit power to break into the Red Earth Continent and removed all the historical essays.

This robbery was done at a risk, and I didn't know about the clone at that time.

A huge god who defeated more than a dozen generals and emperor-level masters. Even if others say he is a clone, no one will believe him.

It can only be said that luck was on Noah's side.

Texts other than Mariejoia were also collected, and these 23 top-level shells were obtained.

Launching into low-Earth orbit also requires the support and calculations of a doctorate and various scientific research equipment.

In the end, a top master who has eaten the gravity fruit needs to be in one's own camp to complete this last step.

It is still something that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

The Shattered Red Earth Continent also had so much storage because all the power rocks that had been quietly mined for many years were put on top of it.

The cards belonging to the alliance have been turned over many times, and this is an all-or-nothing challenge.

In these two battles, the Revolutionary Army has used nearly one-third of its top combat power and countless years of logistical power.

Im only played two cards.

One is the technical ability of King of Heaven to influence the weather. One is a defensive force field.

But who can believe that the highest level of technology in the huge kingdom only knows these two tricks?

Now the Alliance Army has shattered the outer shell of the King of Heaven. Triggered great changes in the world.

In such a situation, the opponent will definitely speed up the steps to wake up and even make a certain counterattack.

After all, with the endless means of the coalition forces, even the king would not want to continue to be beaten.

Therefore, it is unknown to what extent a serious spirit can achieve.

For example, the flaming clouds in the sky showed no signs of dissipating. Instead, they burned even more fiercely and rapidly.

From the expressions of Long and Qing Pheasant, you can feel that they are under greater pressure.

Um? !

The eyes of all the powerful men suddenly focused on Mary Joa, who had only the rock pillar left.

It seemed like something extraordinary had come out.

Ta-ta, tap-ta, tap-ta, tap-ta, tap-ta, tap-ta.

The strange footsteps reached the strong man's ears.

As for why it is said to be strange?

Because it clearly sounds like a humanoid creature with two legs, but the sound of one leg is completely different from the other. One of them makes the sound of metal touching.

On the edge of Mariejoia. A twisted mechanical body that is half a human body and half a machine appears again.

His eyes filled with red light looked at the surrounding sea and showed a strange smile.

Is it Im's clone again?

Everyone continued to speculate that this clone did not have half the body of the 100-meter-tall giant in Mount Hyjal.

It was the body of an ordinary human being over six meters tall.

The muscles on the side of the human body exploded, and there were countless scars covering it, as well as tattoos that looked like totems.

The aura on his body is extremely strong, comparable to Big Mom, Kaido, and Whitebeard.

Strong monsters who are far superior to ordinary humans in terms of structure are all of this height.

It may not represent strength in general, but at least it can be considered a top bloodline among humans.

It's just that half of this man's face has no trace of the original code at all, just like the previous 100-meter giant.

They are people from 800 years ago again.

In Im's memory, Noah saw the body of a strong man he tried to help escape more than 800 years ago.

When the 100-meter-tall giant from Mount Hyjal appeared, he understood that the half-human, half-machine body was the embodiment of his twisted heart.

This is the mental journey of a villain, his desire for humanity, his need for machines, his jealousy of normal people, and his nostalgia and hatred for his past relationships.

This is what happened to an ordinary person who went crazy in that era and became a god.

The so-called God refers to the power that transcends everything. There are only various human emotions entangled in a twisted way.

Over the years, there may have been many, many strong men in the great wars who became Im's clones.

It’s a kind of twisted love from Him.

And the mechanical body seemed to sense Noah's eyes, and the two looked at each other.

A powerful aura emanates from the other party.

Strong, but not over the line.

Unlike the previous giant clone that could fight 1 against 10, this clone's strength is only that of a senior general.

Facing the World Alliance's army, they basically can't make much of a splash.

but. As the King of Heaven, Im has super computing power, and his control over combat power may be even more precise than Bika's.

How could a life form of this type make such a mistake?


One after another, strange footsteps, heavy and light, sounded on Mariejoia.

One, two, three, four, five, six, a total of 12 half-human and half-mechanical bodies of the same size appeared on the edge of the Red Earth Continent.

His eyes were shining with blood-red light as he looked at the creatures in the world, with a look of contempt on his face.

There are many people here who have appeared in the memories Noah saw, and they were all Im's comrades-in-arms or enemies.

This pervert actually collected everything he had ever experienced and made it look like this.

The 12 people simultaneously made strange sounds that mixed together and spread to every corner of the battlefield.

Human beings are always making mistakes again and again.

Always trying to escape from the control of gods.

This time, let me completely wipe out you inferior races.

Noah? A boat of hope?

It is really a ridiculous fantasy of human beings. There is no boat of hope in this world that can carry people across the sea of ​​suffering.

Either perish or become a god.

This is Im's true inner thought, and it is also his past when he was still him.

The boy who was not redeemed more than 800 years ago finally embarked on the path of becoming a mechanical god.

And the straw hat boy who once said he would save him was thrown into a sea of ​​misery by the hands of the gods.

This is destiny, and He is about to transcend it.

As long as all humanity in this world is cut off, He will become a true god.

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