The coalition soldiers who had been warned in advance all turned their backs. Even so, they could feel that their backs turned into a sea of ​​light.

What followed was a loud sound that shook his heart. He unconsciously covered his ears and opened his mouth.

Fortunately, the physical fitness of humans in this world is stronger than that in the ordinary world, and the soldiers who can participate in the final battle are the best among the best.

He quickly regained control of his body and prepared to deal with the turbulence that followed.

The energy that the purple rock erupted after detonating was unimaginable. On the one hand, the force of the explosion exploded into the rock wall, and on the other hand, it impacted towards the sea.

Fortunately, the fleet stopped early before approaching the Red Continent, so everyone still had time to respond to the impact of the shock wave.

Everyone pay attention, everyone pay attention, the first impact is coming, the first impact is coming!

The EVA-style impact reminder electronic sound made everyone nervous unconsciously. The ordinary soldiers lowered their bodies according to the pre-war manual, grabbed the strongest hull next to them, and then waited for the impact.

After the strong light and sonic boom produced by the explosion, there will inevitably be a larger shock wave sweeping over.

The strong men on the ship all gathered at the front of the fleet.

The white shock wave swept over like an endless sword storm.

One, two, three, let go!

Only those with strength at the level of lieutenant general or senior cadre of the headquarters are qualified to form a force to deal with the impact.

Everyone attacked together to break the first shock wave. Then he resisted the continuous impact one after another.

Mole and Ghost Spider were also slashing wildly with their sword energy. The anger of being pulled back to their headquarters and cooperating with the revolutionary army was also vented in their sword energy.

They are soldiers and follow orders.

Now there is no difference between the navy and the revolutionary army, there is only the world coalition.

With the unity of the people, we finally got through the shock wave.

Even so, some weak masts were broken by the sudden impact. The people who came simply were not weak, so there were no casualties for the time being.

These lieutenant generals and army commanders all understood why they stopped at such a far place, because such scenes may often occur in early battles.

After dealing with the impact, a huge explosion set off a huge tsunami.

The huge tsunami, which was thousands of meters high, collapsed like a city wall made of ocean currents, rushing towards the coalition fleet.

They still have ways to face the violent shock wave, but how to deal with this shocking tsunami?

The weight of sea water alone is no longer something ordinary people can face. But since the method of shocking explosions is used, there will definitely be a backup plan.

The revolutionary army has rich experience in this area.

Collapse, collapse, collapse.

Continuous explosions occurred in the path of the tsunami.

Many floating power rocks have been placed in advance in the path of the tsunami and carried out scientific secondary explosions.

The small-volume explosion dispersed the tsunami's support points. Continuously reduce the tsunami that is thousands of meters high to a height of 100 meters.

This level was already within the response range of the coalition forces, and the strong men's repeated actions also resolved this crisis.

The Red Earth Continent, which did not have these countermeasures, suffered this round of extreme damage.

This 800-year-old mountain rock trembled again, and this time it was not just shaking.

Even if the Red Earth Continent has gone through decades and hundreds of thousands of years of wind and waves.

But it is a tangible thing after all, and it can be hurt.

There are countless strong men who have left deep traces on this land. And this kind of super-large explosion is naturally possible.

After the core of heat is forged, there are endless impacts that are tearing it apart crazily.

Finally, a huge crack appeared on the red earth continent, spreading from the explosion point to the entire wall.

The mountain that is dozens of kilometers wide seems to have experienced tens of millions of years of blows in a short period of time, extending to the other side like a corroded wooden pile.

Click, click, click.

This dense explosion indicates something beyond the imagination of the world.

Finally, a small stone collapsed from the rock wall, then small stones, then large stones, and finally the entire mountain collapsed.

Huge red rocks several kilometers in size are sliding down from the continent.

The sea beneath our feet stirred up waves of turmoil. Mercilessly welcoming the last symbol of the old era.

This section of the great red earth continent belonging to Mariejoia is disintegrating.

Even with the madness of the doctors, they can't blow up the entire continent, so just break through the core of the world.

Looking at the rocks being peeled off, many strong men had mixed feelings.

The structure of the world has really changed.

These crazy people in the Revolutionary Army are amazing.

As the cracks appear and expand, the power of the ocean begins to formally exert its force for hedging.

It seems that the natural chasm is about to become a clear path.

As a result, this change suddenly stopped under everyone's gaze.

It may have been thinned by dozens of kilometers in thickness, but this layer of continent running across the center of the world still survived tenaciously.

And Im also looked at Noah very calmly.

“Power Rock?

It's just the energy source that powers large war weapons.

It is meaningless to be unable to restrain the explosion and use of energy.

The aloof King Yimu looked down at Noah with disdain.

Maybe it was because he spoke too much from the bottom of his heart before, which made him feel a little resentful of this revolutionary light with a particularly vicious mouth.

Even if he smashes his own god's persona to pieces, he will still mock the barbarians behind this group.

When humans in this world are destroyed and tamed again, this period of history will naturally not appear in the years.

This is the center of the world, how could it be destroyed so easily.

If the King's body can be placed here, there will definitely be means to protect it.

Of course, he wouldn't say it out loud. He wanted to see the confused and annoyed look in the eyes of this group of little bugs when they saw that their plan failed.

But why are these little bugs not disappointed at all, and even look eager to try?

Noah was indeed not lost;

If only the Red Earth Continent were so easily destroyed. It had been given to me long ago.

Morning. It seems impossible.

It seems that no one except them dares to do this so boldly.

The work of destroying the Red Earth Continent was prepared several days in advance and was waiting to be launched.

Three days ago, at a certain launch site in the South China Sea.

With twenty-three one-way aircraft taking off, one of the ultimate weapons was deployed.

After precise calculations, it has now been moved to low-Earth orbit over this sea area.

As we all know, there are monsters within the Revolutionary Army who can capture objects at this distance.

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