Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 800 Three Overlord Colors and Not Being Named

Luffy was relieved now that his friends had been treated.

In addition, after receiving medical treatment, he felt relaxed and full of strength, the kind that could kill 10 Luqi with one punch.

This metaphor is a little rude, but it also shows how good and powerful the current state is.

The true protagonist who improves his combat power after every battle is so good.

After reuniting with his two brothers, he gained n layers of buffs.

At this time, when he looked at the Red Earl opposite, he no longer felt invincible.

Balorik, you see? This is my family and my friends, they will always have my back.

The proud Luffy made another leap in strength after experiencing another defeat and rebirth.

It even feels like he is not far behind in strength from the young version of the Red Earl opposite him.

And Gugao Zhihong also felt very interested at the moment.

Because at this time, Luffy looked more and more like Roger.

The momentum of the two people around him also made Baloric seem to see two newborn suns.

That kind of vitality and hot will really made him feel the dazzling feeling that he hadn't seen for a long time.

After eating the vampire fruit, I felt that the world was cold, and my aloofness became more and more intense.

The opposite side gave him a long-lost burning sensation.

It doesn't mean the burning sensation of burning fruits. That kind of temperature is nothing. There are many masters in the New World who can create similar flames.

The Red Earl refers to the burning passion of the will.

The young man named Ace and the young man named Sabo have harmonious and unified wills, a domineering state that cannot tolerate other thoughts.

Is this why the Revolutionary Army is so powerful?

The more masters are, the more they understand the power of will, which is the step that can break through the limits.

But Luffy can't defeat me just with help like this.

Ace's current combat power is still far from the general level, and so is Sabo. And Luffy is barely above the level of Major General.

It is impossible for such three people to touch the corners of their clothes.

The even more aloof and arrogant Red Earl defined the battle between the three people in front of him in advance.

He has already seen the scene of three people losing. This is the confidence of a strong man.

As for Luffy, he must experience another tragic failure to understand the error of his choice.

One Piece is not something that can be achieved easily.

Determined, Gugao Zhihong held an umbrella and slowly took a step forward. The aura that unfolded in this step was terrifying, and the aura suppressed the three young men opposite.

Dark, bloody, cold and aloof. Baloric proved to the young men on the opposite side that he could match the terrifying power of the pirate group alone.

And as the murderous intent intensified, Luffy and the others could smell the blood in their nostrils, and vaguely saw some unexpected scenes.

This is the illusory effect of the vampire fruit.

With the Red Earl's aloofness, he naturally disdained the initiative to use illusions to deal with these young people.

But he can still catalyze the power that comes with his momentum.

In fact, he had already entered his rhythm when his aura was suppressed, and all three brothers saw a doomsday-like scene.

The blood-red moonlight projected into the ruins, leaving him alone to step on countless corpses.

The bloody smell of broken limbs and rotting corpses permeated the surroundings, it was so real.

The other two brothers had lost their lives forever and fell to the ground. Endless fear remained in the eyes of the cold corpses.

This is the first gift that Gugao Zhihong gave to the three brothers. If you can't bear this, how can you be worthy of being his enemy?

Three people gave three answers.

Golden flames ignited directly in Ace's eyes, spreading in this doomsday and burning out all the dark, bloody and twisted power.

After opening his eyes, he showed a provocative look to Baloric, that's it?

Interestingly, the Red Earl also became interested in this young man named Ace.

And I don’t know why, but I feel like this guy looks a bit like that bastard Roger. Am I dazzled?

But Sabo is simple, he directly explodes with his will.

Purple arrogance rose up from the body, and then wildly fired out countless shock waves, accompanied by laughter, the world was bombarded into pieces.

After waking up, he also gave his opponent a provocative look.

The will of the revolutionary army cannot be shaken by this little illusion.

They had experienced this level of illusion countless times during training on the Island of Resurrection.

As long as a top strong man is willing to induce his own momentum and inject his own thoughts, he can create such a scene for the weak.

Of course, only the Revolutionary Army would have such luxury to do this kind of thing, not even the CP department would do this.

And it's definitely not possible to be as real as Red Earl. In addition to vision, smell, hearing, and touch are all affected really badly.

Sabo, who broke free almost at the same time, also made Baloric look at him with new eyes. The quality of the juniors of the Revolutionary Army is really too high, and the current sea is really amazing.

Sooner or later, I have to go to the South China Sea to see the so-called restricted area for the strong.

Of these people, only Luffy was slightly slower.

Because he had never experienced such an environmental test, he was still somewhat affected when he first saw it.

But the Straw Hat's way of breaking the situation is to not believe it.

He just couldn't believe that Ace and Sabo would die.

His brothers are all extremely powerful people, how could they fall here.

And if the three brothers were really together, he would rather die at the front than let his brothers die first.

So this place is so fake, so fake that Luffy's anger can't be suppressed.

Even in the false world, he didn't want to see such a scene.

His family and friends are Luffy's inverse scale, and there is a kind of strength in his heart that has been accumulated in his heart since Rogge Town.

The power that had been accumulated until now was finally completely ignited, and then he no longer controlled this feeling and allowed it to flow out.

This is anger, the anger of a king!


A free and domineering momentum descended on the ruins of the trial hall.

The air was pushed away, and the small pieces of gravel were crushed into crumbs. An invisible aura swept across the surrounding area, and the ordinary soldiers still lingering at the main entrance fell one after another.

Time stood still, and the officials who had not escaped on the Tower of Justice also fell down. This scene was like harvesting wheat, which made Noah raise his eyebrows.

It seems that Luffy's overlord color awakened for the first time here.

Ace looked at his brother with surprise on his face, never expecting that he had such great potential.

Saab was also happy about it. The potential new stars of the Revolutionary Army all knew the existence of high-end application methods of Overlord color.

Only when you can freely control the overlord color can you turn your talent into strength.

It also means that Luffy has obtained a pass to the Shogun level.

As expected of my brother.

Ace and Sabo said this together, and they were deeply proud of it.

Once upon a time, the two brothers had been worried that the younger brother who was missing a muscle would fall into the sea stupidly, but now it seems that there is no need to worry.

Baloric on the opposite side was also overjoyed. A small gift revealed Luffy's greater potential.

Although Wang's qualifications are close to bad abilities in high-end games, it also depends on who is in the hands of how powerful he can be.

I heard that the lamp owner of the Revolutionary Army was recognized as the strongest overlord in the whole sea, but it was a pity that he died young.

He believed that with Luffy's ability, he could definitely grasp his potential and advance to one of the top few people in this ocean.

But he came today to attack Luffy, not to help him, so...

boom! ! !

The second, more intense overlord color comes to the world.

After a fierce confrontation with Luffy's domination, countless dark black lightning flashed in the void, and the dark clouds in the sky were gathered over the Island of Justice to block the sun.

What is reflected in this domineering spirit is not freedom but the loneliness of being a loner and rejecting all else.

It turns out that the king is destined to be aloof.

It's not surprising that the Red Earl has the overlord color. It would be strange if he can compete with those monsters without this skill.

As for why it was not reflected in the theatrical version, it may be because Baloric in that theatrical version did not fight seriously.

It was more of a pure physical and ideological confrontation with Luffy.

If he used Overlord color, it would be equivalent to a formal decisive battle. At that time, Luffy might not have made him feel that there was a reason to do so, but now he has!

The veteran strongman's Haki was arrogant, overbearing, thick and controllable. After several confrontations, Luffy's Haki was defeated steadily.

After all, Luffy was inspired unintentionally. He didn't even understand what was happening to him, he just felt his consciousness extending outward.

It is precisely because of the confrontation with his opponents that he can continue to be stimulated and strengthened.

Ace was naturally unhappy when he saw his younger brother being bullied. He just had a domineering look~~~ Who doesn't?

boom! ! !

The third overlord color descended on this small trial hall.

This overbearing color embodies passion and temperature, the kind of temperature that burns into people's hearts.

The arrogance that burns everything, this is a world of flames. He is Ace, the Emperor of Flame!

Ace's Haki came to the front line against the Red Earl, and Luffy and the two fought against the strong men from the previous era.

The dark clouds in the sky split into two sides and began to roll. This confrontation of wills was so spectacular that it could be said to be heart-shaking.

Lightning is roaring in the dark clouds. This is the overlord color contrast for who knows how many times this year.

Battles across eras occur frequently, and the world begins to fall into chaos!

The Red Earl laughed loudly in the wind.

Interesting! So interesting! I came to Judiciary Island today at the right time. I can meet so many young people with potential.

Let me, a pirate from the old era, meet the new king!


Red Earl Ace and Luffy looked at Sabo.

it's your turn.


Malice, terrifying malice enveloped the blond boy.

It's like walking naked in a busy city.

Sabo felt that he did not deserve to have a name in the stories of these people. He wished that a meat ball would bounce him into the sea.

Why do you all look like this? This is such a domineering look! Only one in a million people has this qualification.

It’s normal if you don’t have it, okay~~~

Although he didn't say it clearly, the slight disappointment on his face hurt his heart a bit.

I decided to go back after this fight and study hard. I heard that one of Teacher Noah's disciples understood the red domineering spirit by studying the revolutionary spirit.

After he realizes it, he must unleash his domineering power in front of these people every day. It is really humiliating.

Ace and Luffy, who may have felt that this hurt their good brother's heart, tacitly withdrew their eyes, and the Red Earl no longer looked at Sabo.

As a result, this kind of disregard was the second knife that struck Sabo's heart, causing it to bleed.

It hurts~~~

Noah, who was hiding in the Tower of Justice and watching, almost laughed out loud.

You guys, you pity Saab too.

He was obviously high-spirited when he came here, but he was suppressed several times at the beginning, and now he is full of pent-up fighting spirit.

It is estimated that the prince's tactics will come back to the world soon, and it is the first choice to vent his fighting spirit and anger.

The Red Earl took back his domineering power after discovering that the two overlord-colored teenagers across from him didn't know how to use it at a high level.

After checking their qualifications, let’s see if their force is as strong as they say.

The big chapter has begun and I must control myself.

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