Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 790 The Charm of Straw Hat

Sand Crocodile. Robin had some ideas when he thought of Lao Sha, but he still needed to find someone to discuss the details.

She was also a little confused about how to solve this situation. When handing over to Dao Yiwen, she asked Noah by the way. He would definitely be able to solve all the problems.

Robin embarked on the return journey with Noah's long-awaited Wado Yimonji.

At this moment, Noah and his party have arrived at the West Sea.

As soon as they arrived in Xihai, Noah asked them to stay where they were and start assigning tasks.

Let these people be divided into two groups to patrol the interior of the West China Sea and make rectifications based on the model of the East China Sea.

A qualified tool person must know how to complete tasks by himself. As an NPC, he only needs to know how to guide and release.

Anyway, the lists and information have been sorted out. At best, you can still find things based on the pictures.

Of course, you can't say that. It must be released formally and grandly.

Ahem, the rest of the trip is up to you.

Dear pillars of the navy.

Zhu Yuan was a little confused. Will it no longer be a collective action in the future?

Of course not, what Donghai said is just that I will take you through a process to let you know how to handle things.

There is no need to do this in the remaining two sea areas. It is really a waste to add so much of our combat power.

The headquarters is also very stressed.

This is true, since their combat prowess is comparable to that of the Demon Slayer Order, it would be a bit wasteful to gather together to act.

Here are the names of the worms and some outstanding naval soldiers who appeared in the previous internal thorough investigation.

You need to identify and investigate for yourself, and if there is any problem, replace it.

It can be regarded as a test. As a navy, besides force value, IQ is also very important, including management ability.

They are the backbone of the navy and need to perform many types of tasks.

Moreover, in the future, the navy will not continue to only engage in the task of fighting pirates. It hopes to improve its capabilities again.

Before Garp's extraordinary combat power, everyone was the same.

A stack of files was distributed to everyone.

All the information inside is very detailed if you simply browse through it.

Unexpectedly, the Navy is quite concerned about the officers and soldiers in the branch bases, and the files are very detailed.

Jiaji wasn't angry when he saw some illegal facts mixed in. After all, they were not young at all and had seen a lot of darkness in the world.

I'm just a little surprised that the Navy can produce such detailed information.

And what do you mean by not continuing to only do the task of fighting pirates? Isn't this a duty divided by the world government?

The content of this sentence moved him far more than this information.

Zhu Yuan did not believe that all the information here was collected by the navy itself.

Ackerman, the chief of staff, could always come up with something magical. She had never seen such a detailed list from Sister He.

Therefore, when patrolling the West China Sea, you must carefully investigate and do not completely trust this information. If there is no problem, then follow this.

The two general candidates still have very strong self-awareness. They will not listen to or believe the opponent just because they are super strong and intelligent. They trust their own eyes and feelings more.

Rosinandi did not have any doubts or doubts, and he also understood what he was going to do during this trip to the West Sea.

The revolutionary army relies on itself to conquer the four seas, come on!

Rody, whose blood was burning with passion, made others look at him sideways. This warm-haired man was becoming more and more abnormal.

Smoker was very angry. When he saw those base officials who violated laws and disciplines, he wanted to kill them all with his knife.

Not to mention anything else, there were really no such job-related crimes in the base at the time.

I hope that my jealous and hateful temper can continue.

Four people and four attitudes can tell the future direction of the navy.

Perhaps Zhu Yuan and Rosinandi will be strong contenders for the position of future marshal of the Navy.

Zhu Yuan has his own persistence, wisdom, judgment, and calmness.

Rocinante had the background and pure heart of justice as well as talent.

Jiajie would be a good general to assist the marshal, and Smoker is more suitable for intimidating the navy.

Chief of Staff, the headquarters just sent a message, hoping to send someone to Judiciary Island to deal with the Straw Hats. Who can do this?

Jiaji's question made Noah feel helpless.

In fact, the time they left Alabasta was really short, only a week or two.

Straw Hat has already played two more small plots.

In the original work, Straw Hat's method of fighting every few days and finishing the plot the next day is really exaggerated.

Noah thought this was an exaggeration by Oda. Anyway, the anime only needs to follow the plot and does not need to follow a specific timeline.

Continuous passion and comedy are the main course, and he turns out to be quite realistic.

After all, Noah underestimated these unconventional pirates.

They simply didn't have the solitude of a ship sailing for weeks without meeting anyone.

Instead, if an incident occurs as soon as the ship is sailing, take action immediately.

After the fight ends, the ship sails and an incident occurs, then the fight ends.

This terrifying high-frequency back-and-forth cycle is completely unreasonable.

No wonder he could pull out such a huge mass of injuries and exhaustion from Luffy's body when he met the big bear.

Even candidates with average fighting intensity may not be able to bear it.

The nerves of Luffy and his original group of friends are terrifyingly tough.

According to the intelligence, they first appeared inexplicably in the waters near Gaya Island and then disappeared for a few days.

When he reappeared, there was one more person, and the Melly had many more injuries.

Then he rushed to the Capital of Seven Waters to repair the ship.

Then maybe this group of people still went to the sky island.

It's a pity that the gods on the empty island were solved by Noah early, and even the gold was evacuated, leaving a San Francisco there.

Even the historical text was moved away and used as raw materials, and the Sandians and Sky Islanders also reconciled.

Luffy and his friends probably won't get much help either.

But looking at the photo of all members of the Straw Hats in his hand, Noah felt a little complicated.

Musician Cornis is in place.

A blond girl with wings on her back, holding a harp, appeared on the intelligence, suspected to be a Sky Island resident.

It doesn’t matter if you have the ability to awaken your heart network on your own and you can play the harp.

Noah knew all this, but it was a bit magical that he could use various shellfish to assist in combat.

What has happened to Kongdao these years?

The friends on board the Merry are gathering substitutes in various ways. Sure enough, Luffy's personal charm is still something.

Without Zoro and Nami, there is still Vivi and Cornis.

As for Judiciary Island, it still comes from its pre-film plot The City of Seven Waters.

The Capital of Seven Waters is Noah’s place of dragon prosperity.

It was here that he first became famous. The book signing let everyone know what a great writer is.

It was also here that he met Long, and the two hit it off and completed the transformation of the revolutionary army, eventually becoming a serious problem for the world government.

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