If there is a top master of the sea who is about to cause chaos in Alabasta, he is really likely to make the civilians in the city return to their homes and hide.

Completely disrupting the deployment of the navy will instead cause greater panic, turmoil and danger.

If you don't have the organizational capabilities of the revolutionary army, don't try this kind of mass mobilization easily.

This is no longer a matter of striking grass to scare the snake, but plowing away the grass so that the snake cannot get up and hurt anyone.

Ackerman ran up to the little girl and started his magic trick of deception, explaining the truth and examples clearly.

I hope the princess of Alabasta can recognize the truth.

I won’t go into details about the little tricks here. Anyway, the words are almost the opposite of what I just told Crocodile.

It was emphasized that Barrett might also covet this country in a different way.

It also emphasized that Alabasta, as a superpower on the great route, must have the courage of a great power.

This is a crisis and an opportunity.

This huge crisis can be resolved only with the joint efforts of both parties.

After another round of deception by the chief of staff.

She understood that the saviors who could save the country now were this group of navy and the sand crocodiles who had previously been hostile.

Therefore, she also showed her courage as a princess and was determined to promote this cooperation.

Having never seen a top master take action in reality, she still believed that her Uncle Bell could escape from Albana with her father at the critical moment.

Finally, the captain whom she recognized before is now in the custody of the navy, and she has to find a way to rescue her good partner.

I saw that the most troublesome parties were solved by three strokes, five divisions and two divisions.

Zhu Yuan finally understood why there were so many doubts about Ackerman's background, behavior and strength.

You can still thrive within the navy.

The ability is too strong. Who can give up such an excellent subordinate?

A group of people were waiting for support from the Navy headquarters in a luxury hotel in Yudi.

Without Garp as a backbone, we still don’t have the confidence to surround and kill the legendary pirates.

That's not called courage, that's called recklessness and irresponsibility.

The lives and surnames of hundreds of thousands of people in the royal capital are tied together, and no one dares to be careless.

While everyone was nervously preparing for battle, Ackerman ran out alone.

I found a contact point agreed with Long to see if there was any information from the revolutionary army.

He was also curious as to why Barrett came to this country.

Don't let him fool others, look for sand crocodile or historical text, none of these are true.

Noah was a little confused after getting the information left by the dragon.

The other party seems to be looking for someone or waiting for someone.

Isn't he a strong man who believes in one person? It is impossible to join forces with others.


What was the name of the little Karami who worked with him at the One Piece Expo?

Buena Festa!

Little Karami who has been hanging around during Roger's time until now.

It seems that he and Ralph Drew's permanent pointer were swallowed into the belly of the Neptune class together, which led to the stunt of Roger's treasure.

So we make a bold assumption.

After Barrett was released from prison, he accidentally met this little Karami. The other party had a very evil plan that needed the help of this devil's descendant to complete.

And Barrett's intention to make trouble was also instantaneous, and then the two parties hit it off and decided to face each other.

As for why we chose a desert country, it may be because there are few people here, or there may be some reason not mentioned in the anime.

The surprise was that this guy's disguise was not very good and he was caught by the navy as soon as he entered the country. So many stories happened.

Noah, the big butterfly, stirred up too many things, and emergencies like this happened from time to time.

So from this point of view, this is a battle between unlucky people.

Cobra tried his best to be his wise king, but he was invaded by a top pirate. Now he has to face a huge battle, which is unlucky.

The sand crocodile was stimulated by the other party and Noah's messing around and now got involved. This is also a bad luck.

Luffy, on the other hand, got into a fight with the Sand Crocodile over Princess Vivi's matter and was beaten to death for no apparent reason, so he was obviously very unlucky.

The protagonist group may also be involved in the top battlefield, which is really aura.

Only he, the chief of staff, was lucky enough to be able to use the power of the Navy's Shichibukai to resolve a dispute on the sea.

In order to confirm whether his suspicion was true, he left the name of the little Karami at the contact point.

I hope Long can mobilize the revolutionary army's informants to find this person's information in advance as soon as possible, and then control him.

This is a key figure, and we must dig out where those things are hidden.

The plan for the pirate expo seemed grand but was actually stupid and made no sense at all.

Something as interesting as Roger's treasure must be put into the hands of the Revolutionary Light in order to have its greatest effect.

And Raff Drew’s permanent pointer. Haha.

No one in the entire revolutionary army is interested in the big secret treasure.

Even Bucky doesn't like one piece that much.

Noah just likes to use the name of this thing to achieve something.

After completing his little move, Ackerman returned to the hotel in Rainland.

As soon as he came back, he saw Luffy jumping around and planning to escape from prison.

The protagonists who were imprisoned in the cage specially built by Sand Crocodile were very energetic, and even though they were weakened by Hailou Stone, they were still busy.

Still yelling at Weiwei to rescue them quickly, he wanted to continue fighting with Scarface.

The navy guarding Luffy was also helpless. It is really rare for a pirate to be so energetic and not afraid of the navy.

Do you know that Impel Down City is short of people recently? You, the guy wearing a straw hat, can be filled in at any time.

Because the straw hat boy has a special status, the person who came to guard him was Rocinante.

This warm man has a pretty good temper, and he has a good impression of young boys like Luffy who have no evil deeds.

In addition, Garp's identity halo intervened, so he didn't scold him much, and just watched with a smile.

Until I was nicknamed a golden retriever, I became depressed.

Fortunately, the guard was not Smoker, otherwise he might not be able to suppress his hot temper and come to the scene of a tragedy.

Seeing Ackerman back, Rosinandi immediately gave a serious salute.

Luffy, a guy with amazing intuition, felt that Ackerman looked very similar to someone he had seen when he was a child at the first sight, and he fell into deep thought.

This brain sometimes has a very poor memory, and forgets when it turns around. Sometimes I can think of things from long ago.

Sanji, who has some knowledge, knows that this is the chief of staff of the new navy marshal. When it comes to status in the entire sea, this is a big shot among big shots.

My smoking hands are a bit awkward.

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