Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 768 Prepare to surround and kill Barrett

What is this? Is Weiwei destined to join the Straw Hats?

With her qualities as a princess, she can really complement the Straw Hats' current shortcomings.

And Kobra is also a very open-minded king, and he currently has no prejudice against pirates.

After all, this kingdom is where a Shichibukai is stationed, and this Shichibukai has an excellent reputation.

So this time it is really possible for Weiwei to go to sea with him.

Just treat it as a trip. As Weiwei, she is not afraid of being arrested by the navy.

The children will naturally go home when they are tired from playing.

But this wave of conflicts was very embarrassing.

I really feel sorry for Lao Sha. He was practicing hard in the desert, but as a result, there were too many people under his command, so it was inevitable that the good and bad would be mixed, so he provoked a group of evil stars.

This plot is so familiar. It must be that after the rainstorm, the boss behind it is introduced, which is Crocodile.

As a well-known strong man on the sea, no matter whether his younger brother has done something wrong, he has to stand up, otherwise he will still be around.

At most, Weiwei was spared, and the others were hung up to dry.

Eradicating pirates is what a national hero should do.

The story of a group of people fighting a boss is interesting. The current Lao Sha is not the sand crocodile in the original work who is so weak that he will be defeated by blood and water.

That was Lao Sha, who had been training his body and practicing domineering seriously.

Previously, he even defeated a ruthless character of the Yonko's ship's mate by himself.

His current physical fitness, domineering power, and fruit abilities are a dimensionality-reducing blow to everyone in the Straw Hats.

Even if the Red Earl helped them polish it in advance, the gap with Crocodile at this time was too huge.

Unless a powerful third party intervenes, the man who wants to become the Pirate King is likely to die miserably in the desert.

Lao Sha has no habit of holding back against pirates who come to provoke him.

The development of this plot is a bit out of Noah's imagination.

Although nothing can stop a man on the sea from setting sail, he still has to do something.

If he had a dark heart and allowed the sand crocodile to act freely, then the sand crocodile would become a dead crocodile.

The revolutionary army can take advantage of the opportunity to swallow up all the business of Baroque Works.

But no, Lao Sha was reluctant to contribute to the South China Sea in the early stage.

I have worked diligently and diligently over the years, and I must be a conscientious person.

So let's go and rescue him.

The information about Barrett is even more interesting.

Arriving at Rapeseed Port with the Straw Hats, they put on a cloak to cover themselves up.

His destination turned out to be Albana, the capital of Alabasta.

There should be only two things that attract him to that place. One is King Kobra of the Safinariru clan.

Another thing is the historical text that exists in the burial hall.

As for the Sand Crocodile, Crocodile should not be in the eyes of this aloof and domineering person.

Besides, Noah really couldn't figure out what Barrett was doing in this desert place.

Is it possible that he hasn't found the partner or Roger's treasure yet, so he wants to give it a try here?

That was really difficult for him. It can be said that I am making preparations very seriously in order to make things happen.

The two parties have not yet met. According to Noah's estimation, if they do, a big battle will be inevitable.

The Straw Hats can't even accept a concept like Lonely Red, let alone a ruthless person like Barrett who emerges from the killings, so there is no common language.

For Barrett, Roger's straw hat is a natural target plus the buff of maximum anger.

It seems that Luffy's trip to Alabasta was a narrow escape.

No matter whether he encounters the Sand Crocodile or Barrett first, he is destined to die.

At such an age and with such strength, being involved in such a battle, Luffy's ability to cause trouble is much stronger than Noah's own back then.

Looking at the information in his hand, Noah had a headache.

Barrett must kill him this time.

If there is another pirate conference later, it will be really troublesome for the revolutionary army.

And Luffy's life still needs to be saved, so the Navy will be the third party to intervene.

Long's son has not cared much about him in these years. If something unexpected happens, it will be the biggest blow to a middle-aged man.

Moreover, they were here but failed to save the life of old man Garp's grandson. The old man didn't know what he was thinking.

In the original work, he was a fierce old man who even wanted to beat Akainu to death.

It seems that the bloodline of this strongest family still has something to it. Anyone who knew would not dare to let him die easily.

Alabasta now looks like a powder keg to Noah. There are three parties dancing on it. If any party encounters it, it will be a big war.

So I decided to do both.

On the one hand, they immediately went to the rainy land to temporarily capture the Straw Hats. They only needed to throw them all into the navy's prison to prevent them from contacting the powerful people from the outside world.

This can fundamentally eliminate the possibility of the most tragic consequences.

Unless the other party is incredibly lucky to escape capture by the navy. It can even be worn to the capital of Alabasta and Barrett.

Then Noah could only say that he would try his best to save his life.

The other side informed Garp to come to Alabasta and prepare to hunt Barrett.

With the strength of the old man Garp, his chief of staff, and the combat power of the four major naval future stars, he must be able to take advantage of the opportunity to deal with this devil heir, Barrett.

You can even summon the Shichibukai Sand Crocodile Crocodile in the name of the World Government to help out.

The desert king's combat power doubled in the desert can also play a key role.

As for whether the other party is willing to cooperate, Noah feels that he can still persuade him in his current status.

It's nothing more than moving it with emotion and understanding it with reason.

After analyzing the intelligence, deployment began.

First, he urgently contacted Marshal Kizaru to explain the situation here.

I heard that they were going to hunt Barrett, and Alabasta was a vast and sparsely populated area with deserts in many places, making it perfect for a battlefield.

Kizaru also understood how rare this opportunity was, so he immediately went to Marigioa.

After all, whether it is sending Garp to take action or mobilizing the Shichibukai to assist, the World Government needs to issue instructions.

The last time Garp was registered with the World Government due to the Techila Wolf incident, he could not easily go to sea alone.

The Shichibukai is a plan led by the World Government to check and balance the Four Emperors.

Although it has gone bankrupt and Shichibukai exists in name only, it has not yet been officially delisted and still needs to go through the process.

Kizaru is indeed the strongest marshal in history. The shining fruit is extremely fast and he flew to the Red Earth Continent in just a few clicks.

The marshal who came to see him urgently shocked Wulaoxing. He thought that the marshal had done something wrong again. Was he planning to become the fastest marshal in history?

When they heard that Barrett was being surrounded and killed, the five old men nodded happily.

This marshal can still do things and is better than Warring States.

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