Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 763 Why are there so many strong men in the pirate world?

How could the navy be defeated so easily?

You must know that there are countless civilians standing behind us.

Come to me again after you recover, and I will guide you to your true path and will.

Teacher Noah comes out again and plans to create a naval system that suits his own needs.

Old men and women are too smart, but young people are more naive.

Smoker, who was already on the verge of collapse, fell down after hearing these last words. His body and will were beaten one after another, and he could hardly bear it.

As he fell down, an inexplicable sense of peace dispelled his worries.

'It turns out that this is the will of the navy. I am too lazy.'

Dasqi saw this scene in a panic from the sidelines. Naturally, with her eyesight, she did not understand the mystery of this sword.

I just felt that with one slash of the sword, it cut through the commander's weapon very sharply, and everything was over.

Today's strike was not as scary as the Red Earl's sword strike that day.

Maybe it was because my parents were too weak that they fainted.

So he carried Smoker back to the naval base, followed by Noah and others.

Jiaji, the tea dolphin walking behind, whispered to Qu Yuan.

Hey, hey, is the strength of the chief of staff of the Navy Marshal so terrifying now?

Why do I feel like I can't take this sword?

As candidates for general, it is impossible to say that they are not arrogant.

At first, I thought Smog had fallen, which was why he was so shocked.

But when I saw Ackerman's sword, I felt inexplicably as if I might not be able to take it.

Then there is something wrong with his reputation as a general candidate, or is it the chief of staff who has always been mediocre?

Zhu Yuan replied very plainly.

It's normal for him to have such strength. Sister He told me that Chief of Staff Ackerman killed the San Juan Wolf by himself some time ago.

And it was an easy kill, with no injuries at all.

In fact, the information that Staff Officer Nakakura received from Sengoku was that he was extremely powerful in swordsmanship and had unlimited killing potential in his magnificence.

And this is just a lower limit. It seems that the upper limit is still hidden. It does not rule out the grace of a great swordsman.

Just the current record is already scary.

San Juan. Wolf! Huge battleship, that legendary giant?

Yes, this source of information is very reliable, so in terms of strength, the two of us are definitely not as good as each other.

This breaking news shocked Jiaji's mind.

It turns out that this guy who is very good at handling government affairs is actually so desperate in terms of force. The current navy is really terrifying.

He is a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters and a candidate for general.

In terms of combat power, he has surpassed the ordinary lieutenant general of the headquarters. Even this level feels terrifying. Is this chief of staff very abnormal?

Or is Marshal Kizaru's personal charm too great to attract such a strong man to join him? I don’t understand~~~

Qu Yuan followed behind silently and looked at Ackerman's back in front of him, his eyes filled with excitement.

She could see the reason for the sword strike just now. After all, she was also a swordsman.

The more you see it, the more incredible it becomes.

How could someone restrain that terrifying power so perfectly, the world's greatest swordsman?

Alas~~You can’t see the higher scenery until you reach that level.

If you look at it from Smoker's point of view, you can't stop him, and the farther you go on the sword path, the more unstoppable you are.

We are both in the swordsmanship, but the difference between them is a huge difference in combat power.

Then in the future, can I ask him for advice on swordsmanship while studying?

As for Sister He asking her to find out the details of Ackerman, we can put it in the back row. Such good teachers are rare.

After all, the swordsman's heart suppressed other things.

Ackerman, who returned to the base, took over everything in Rogge Town as the supreme commander.

Started the task of issuing familiar roads, adjusting patrol routes, and post-disaster reconstruction work.

So in just half a day, the chaotic situation in Rogge Town was suppressed.

Dasqi looked at this straightforward way of handling government affairs and was stunned. Is this the elite of this department?

It's so comprehensive. No wonder Chief Smoker was placed in Rogue Town. This is the gap.

After handling the most urgent matters at hand, he began to check Donghai's information.

I took a look at how many pirates have been heading to the Grand Line recently.

Judging from the intelligence, there have been a lot fewer pirates heading to the Grand Route in the East China Sea in recent years, but there have been slightly more in the past six months.

It seems that a major event of the level of Techila Wolf can only hinder the emergence of pirates for a period of time.

After all, the economy and various aspects of development in the East China Sea are not comprehensive enough, which makes people still have such low-minded ideas of becoming pirates.

Luffy's kind of pursuing dreams doesn't count, this kind of thing just doesn't have the recognized profession of adventurer.

Moreover, Noah will remember the losses caused by this big fuss, and will send a copy of the bill to Garp when the time comes.

Look how much wealth this naval hero has for his grandson.

Finally, I started writing and drawing on the map. This was the route for patrolling the East China Sea.

From Rogge Town to Branch 177, I took this opportunity to visit all the branches.

He did not come here just to show off. The essence of revolutionary lights must not be forgotten and he must be close to the masses.

This was the first time that the navy angle was used, and Noah himself was curious about what the result would be.

Then he found a reason to come to the town alone, and got the list prepared by Long from a contact point of the revolutionary army.

Here is a list of outstanding undercover agents placed in the Donghai branch.

It can be said that with just such a list, 30 episodes of lurking can be filmed.

Patrolling the East China Sea~~~Don’t you think it’s a bit similar to something that happened in the year 1512 of the Haiyuan calendar?

This time we are going to exercise our rights honestly and help the revolutionary army liberate the East China Sea.

Smoker also woke up on the second day.

I found Ackerman with a head full of questions.

I would like to ask if there are many people with this kind of strength on the sea?

Several other general candidates and Luo Nandi also gathered around. Everyone who passed by Qu Yuan understood that the chief of staff was a hidden master.

You may have your own understanding of the top level.

There are currently less than 20 masters like Gugao Zhihong in this sea.

Noah still gave a rough figure after excluding those hidden masters.

The three major forces, the Revolutionary Army, Navy and Pirates, are all easy to count.

But I don’t know how many inexplicable things the World Government has done in the past 800 years.

Those guys in the CP department are like weeds, one after another popping up all the time.

In the future, there will be Rob Lucci, a new generation who can compete with Nika Luffy, and he must not be underestimated.

There are also those Seraphs from Egg Head Island that have not appeared on the sea yet, and these technological creations at the lower level of the General Emperor cannot be counted.

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