Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 758 The Strongest Marshal in History

The vigorous naval marshal succession ceremony officially came to an end.

The impact this event has had on the world is just beginning to unfold.

The ambition of the new marshal, the navy's big move! 》

Kizaru, the strongest marshal in history! 》

The marshal who has never failed in his life vows to suppress the entire sea. 》

This time there was no need for the Navy's propaganda department to communicate with Morgan. The title given by the World Economic News Agency was already very deceptive.

I don’t know who gave the instruction, but Morgans went into battle in person and gave Kizaru a slap in the face.

Why did he join the navy as a teenager and get the name of a monster? His legend has been sailing for decades, and he has almost sailed across the sea undefeated.

From his character to his record to his achievements over the years, he was praised from head to toe.

Some people who know the deeds of Marshal Porusalino will be curious, this person who has always been lazy and just wants to be lazy can be so powerful?

The newspaper also gave a very professional reply.

A person who is so lazy can be as famous as Akainu, the blue pheasant. If he takes it seriously, is there any need to say which one is stronger and which one is weaker?

It actually makes sense and cannot be refuted.

As for the controversial point of being the strongest marshal in history, there is also a reasonable explanation.

It's just a comparison among marshals, not like Garp.

Marshal Sengoku's record has always been to defeat his opponents or join forces with others.

But do you know Marshal Kizaru's single kill record?

World Economic News directly dug out the legend of Cobb Island to decrypt it.

According to secret intelligence, it was the second half of the year 1516 in the Haiyuan calendar.

A mysterious sun-fall event once occurred over the Grand Line.

After careful investigation by this newspaper, we found that this incident was probably the result of the current Navy Marshal Kizaru killing the Golden Lion on Miracle Island, 10,000 meters above the ground.

Then there is a dazzling description of battle scenes by Barabara.

That kind of freehand fighting style is obviously made up at first glance, but I can't stand the fact that people on the sea like to see it.

It turns out that this is how the legend of the sea ended, and the secret behind it is shocking.

The most terrifying thing is that Kizaru, who was still a general at the time, did not let the public know at all after the incident.

Even when the competition for the position of Admiral was at its fiercest, there was no movement at all.

Moreover, there were quite a few big pirates and troublemakers who died silently on the sea in those years.

Is there a person who is secretly maintaining the peace of the sea?

Such a mind is so terrifying!

Anyway, many of the revolutionary army's actions to clean up the sea over the years have been blamed on the unsuspecting Kizaru.

For a time, the reputation of the most powerful marshal was very popular. Ordinary people especially accepted this trick and felt full of security.

And the world government doesn't know what to say at this moment. ,

The intelligence agency had already made a conclusion about Cobb Island.

It was Fujitora of the Revolutionary Army who fought with the enemy in that sea area and caused the spectacle of the sun falling.

Because there are traces of meteorites falling from the sky, just imagine that people who have seen the battle on Pioneer Island will think so at the first time, right?

Who would think of the golden lion Shi Ji who has disappeared in the sea for more than ten years.

Now that I think about it, the huge meteorite falling from the sky is one of the fighting methods of the Piao Piao Fruit, and the second sun is the explosion of the Shining Fruit.

This is so reasonable, far more reasonable than what they were fooling around with in the first place.

The case was also hastily closed back then, but now the real owner has been revealed.

Mainly, Kizaru was indeed on vacation that year, and investigators from the World Government also asked about it.

At that time, the general did not take the initiative or refuse, nor did he jump over it saying that he did not do it.

I didn't expect that it could be turned out now and add a glorious resume to the marshal's record.

Killing a legend of the sea alone was the best proof of the naval marshal's record.

They can't just question the Navy Marshal about this matter, saying why you didn't say this to us when you killed the Golden Lion, right?

Later, World Economic News also highlighted that Marshal Kizaru cared about his subordinates and was good at promoting capable people.

This is what Ackerman, the current Chief of Staff to the Marshal, has said personally.

He was originally an ordinary soldier commander in Donghai, but later he was transferred to the G2 branch after suffering some injustice.

He was recommended to the base commander because of his outstanding performance in combat operations, and he also used his expertise in internal civilian affairs and was eventually reused.

From the commander of a small survey corps to the marshal's chief of staff, this kind of workplace miracle has inspired many naval soldiers who are still working at the grassroots level.

But the newspapers here won't say that they killed revolutionary army cadres during the period of military commander, and in the later period, they single-handedly killed legendary pirates like San Juan Wolf.

We still have to give people hope.

The newspaper also interviewed many grassroots naval forces at the same time.

Everyone was full of praise for Marshal Kizaru.

It gives people the feeling that if Kizaru had been in power a few years earlier, the Revolutionary Army would have been nothing to do.

This shows that the morale of ordinary soldiers in the navy has indeed improved rapidly.

And the benefits promised at the takeover ceremony also made them look forward to it.

Now the navy has completely entered the Kizaru era.

The sales volume of World Economic News has once again reached a new high, and it no longer relies on exclusive channels to operate.

Instead, I learned to report on everything from legend to popular.

These reports from various angles are learned from Nanhai.

Morgans learned many advanced reporting experiences after becoming a member of the Revolutionary Army.

Understand what kind of news people want to see. It is difficult to penetrate into the hearts of the people by always using the perspective of big news.

Don't forget that he still has a mission for Noah, and it must be completed perfectly.

The main content of the task is to weld Kizaru to the position of marshal in public opinion. No matter what he does in the future, there will be a certain reason.

At least there won't be any misunderstanding in the first place.

After all, in Noah's vision, linking and merging with the revolutionary army must only be possible by the legendary and strongest Marshal Kizaru.

Kizaru has a great responsibility~~~~

A certain marshal who was drinking tea felt a chill in the back of his head.

After this newspaper was sent out, it did not cause any waves in the revolutionary army.

Long, Taizog and others knew part of the inside story. They understood that Kizaru's ascension to the throne was one of the plans that the Revolutionary Army had been promoting, and now they had only completed the first half.

They may know all the details here better than the marshal himself.

The follow-up is to strengthen the connection with the navy and complete the epic merger.

This was one of Noah's last wishes.

As a relative of Revolutionary Light, Robin could always come up with some plans left by Noah during his lifetime, no one doubted this.

The current resources of the Revolutionary Army are based on these last wishes.

What Tezog, who is in charge of this area, does not know is that the connection between the revolutionary army and the navy has been unprecedentedly improved.

There is already a person sitting silently in a very magical position.

I always feel like my recent plans are going very smoothly.

Both the connection with the naval branch base and the communication with Marinevando have become smoother.

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