Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 76 Reinforcements from Fish-Man Island

On the Rebirth Island at night, Noah and Long stood quietly on the beach waiting.

There were two white lines rushing from the offshore, and a small black shadow below came to the shore, broke through the water, and jumped out.

A crimson figure appeared in the moonlight, Fisher Tiger.

The blue whale shark tribe member, Jinbei.

Well, he is still the same simple fish-man, without all those fancy ways of appearing.

Yo! Noah, dragon, meet again! Hahahaha.

The hearty laughter echoed on the sea, no longer as repressed as before. The shadows of the past are burned away by Mary Joa's fire.

Jinbei greeted the two bosses honestly, and then stood behind Tiger.

Why are you alone? Where is your team?

Noah was puzzled.

Tiger heard this and hit a fish-man karate blow backwards, which gave Noah a bad feeling.


A group of white lines rushed over from a distance. The sea surface was like a hole. A group of fishmen jumped out of the sea and landed in the air with a difficult turn.

Hello, chief!

It’s all about nothing, it’s so neat and uniform, you wouldn’t believe it if you said Noah hadn’t rehearsed it.

You tiger with thick eyebrows and big eyes, you are amazing, you are aloof, and you are still in formation.

We are once again soliciting appearances, and they must be cool and domineering. Nantianmen is certainly handsome, but in the future of the pirate world, there will be no immortal emperors, only the people.

What followed was a flurry of meaningless pleasantries.

Unexpectedly, Tiger actually came with his entire team this time, including the brothers from Fishman Street, and several mermaids among them. It seems that Tiger’s position as the leader of Fishman Island is quite secure. I don’t know. What is King Puton thinking in his heart now?

Welcome, my friends!

We came to the barracks together, held a simple welcome ceremony, and then held a banquet. Because this time it’s not just humans, but also fish and mermaids, so I try to take care of everyone in terms of eating habits.

There is no barrier. Some of the people brought by Tiger are also from Mariejoia. They have all experienced darkness together and are considered natural comrades.

I just didn't expect that those mermaids were also drinking together. Is this the opposite of everything? These mermaids really have a lot of drinking capacity, and they won't refuse anyone who comes.

The most effective way to build relationships in the sea is interests, followed by banquets.

Since this custom is practiced throughout the sea, Noah must also participate. You must know that there are many fishmen here who participated in the thank you banquet in Fishman Street.

At that time, Noah was in the limelight. First, he knocked down Jinbei with eighteen bowls in a row, and then he single-handedly defeated the heroes in half the street.

This time, these guys are holding back their energy to take revenge. No matter what, it would be considered a victory if only a third of them were knocked over, which was quite pragmatic.

Jinbei is still taking the lead, and the whale shark man wants to show an example to his younger brothers this time. After a while, the sample was finished and Jinbei was carried away. OUT~~

Tiger, it's your turn~

Tiger's face was serious. He was put in front of all the boys in Fishman Street last time, which was really embarrassing. However, he was seriously injured that time, and it was not a crime of war. This time. Heh heh heh.

Brother, brother, what's wrong with you, brother~~

Brother Tiger lost again, OUT~~

Damn it, brothers, I will go first to avenge my eldest brother!

What Noah didn't expect was that Aaron was the next one. He hadn't arranged for this guy to have an accident, so he ran over by himself? brave!

Aaron raised the wine bowl.

I'm sorry! I was wrong!

After saying that, he drank a bowl of wine and drank another night.

Um? Admit your mistake in front of so many people? Will this racist still admit his mistake?

Boss Tiger told me about humans and fishmen, and showed me the mark. Although I still don't understand some of the truth, I know that you are different from the humans I have seen.

Drink another bowl.

I don't quite understand what Boss Tiger said about what it's like to live freely in the sun. But my sister also told me that you are a terrible person and asked me not to mess with you.

Have another bowl.

Finally, when I can beat you, I will definitely beat you back, hum!

After that, he left.

Noah didn't know what was wrong with this guy, but it was good if he didn't seek death. Tiger is an ally now, and it's really hard to deal with the ally's younger brother unless he commits some crime.

In fact, the reason behind it is that when Tiger was living in seclusion on Fish-Man Island, Jinbe would beat Aaron every day, and then Tiger would reason with Aaron, and Charlie would threaten him again.

A few months later, the guy changed his stance.

The banquet continues.

Although the people of the Rebirth Corps are very happy to see Noah so brave, but are you not taking us seriously in such a round-the-clock battle? Brothers, let's go too!

A big melee began. Except for Long and some security personnel who did not participate, everyone else basically fell down.

Noah collapsed in the middle of the banquet and was carried away by Robin with flowers and fruits.

Noah woke up before dawn the next day, used sword energy to get rid of the remaining alcohol in his body, washed himself and went out to exercise.

This is not the time to relax yet.

Come to the seaside, swing your sword and feel your thoughts at the same time. Ever since the Marie Joa incident, Noah felt that his overlord color and domineering energy had become stronger, and the power within seemed to have more will in it.

It stands to reason that the purer the domineering power, the stronger it is, but Noah's domineering color has added a lot of new things unknowingly. After it was released, you could see some shadows around you, and you could also hear a faint cry.

After wrapping the new Overlord color around the sword, its power is obviously stronger than before.

Is it because Noah’s own overlord color has different origins? It becomes stronger with the practice of the concept, and now there are still strange phenomena. Is this a torrent of humanity or a red flood sweeping the world?

It’s a good thing after all, so keep practicing.

Noah was carrying too many things, and time was like a whip. If he walked slowly, he would be whipped.

After everyone got up in the afternoon, several senior leaders came to the conference room and began to discuss the South China Sea missionary matter.

Mr. Noah, what should we do in the South China Sea?

Tiger can't wait to start a career.

Continue to spread our thoughts and ideas. Wherever there is oppression, we are there. Don't talk about freedom or democracy with everyone. Don't ask everyone to believe in our ideals. We must talk to them about fairness and full stomachs. .

Wait until you are full first, then talk about how not to starve, and then talk about fists. People who don't want to lose everything will clench their fists and burst out with power that changes the color of the world.

This is the first thing that needs to be done in the South China Sea this time.

Everyone present was trembling, as if an electric current was passing through their bodies. Such a simple truth points out the specific path at once.

“When it comes to spreading ideas, humans should select some people, and fish people should also select some people, those who are better at eloquence and have good military value, to work together.

Tiger and Jinbe should stop showing up. You are both on the wanted list of the World Government. Your presence will bring even greater trouble to the villagers.


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