Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 741 Selection of Navy Admiral

Now, let's fight, only those who can survive to the end are qualified to join the World Government.

The victors will have a license to loot and kill legally, and not even the navy will stop you.

Some of those who were selected into CP0 are a bit perverted. It is simply the greatest enjoyment to see this group of strong men who are stronger than themselves fighting each other like wild dogs.

The hearts of the prisoners are also slowly changing.

The oppression of death, huge interests and the desire for freedom gradually suppressed such things as dignity.

Besides, when we really go out, who will pay attention to idiots like the World Government?

He is a pirate if he goes back on his word!

The atmosphere on the sixth floor suddenly became weird. He was not a person with a high moral bottom line, so

CP0 also left here with Director Magellan, and the fighting didn't know when it would end.

Just go to the monitoring room and watch the broadcast.

Magellan, who came to the monitoring room, found an excuse to leave and went outside the first-floor gate.

He took out a phone and planned to contact the Navy headquarters. This matter must be passed on immediately.

Although he belongs to a department directly under the World Government, due to his duties as warden, he cannot just sit back and watch this happen.

Hey, I'm looking for the Warring States Marshal! What! Okay, I understand!

This is alas~~~

Back in time before this team came to the G1 branch, another team came down from the front and went straight to Malinfando.

The person who came was the newest chief of the CP department, wearing the same white suit and mask.

Half an hour after entering the marshal's office for a secret discussion, Cyborg Kong issued an assembly order for the headquarters to be major general or above.

All high-ranking generals within the Gate of Justice triangle immediately returned to their headquarters for a meeting to announce important matters.

The last time such a summons was issued was in 1516 during the expedition to the South China Sea.

The personnel who received the information did not dare to neglect and immediately handed over the matters at hand and rushed to the headquarters.

As soon as G1's Aokiji saw off the World Government's fleet, he followed the summons and rushed to the headquarters' large conference room.

When he opened the door, he saw a bored Kizaru sitting on a chair fishing, while his deputy or chief of staff was admonishing him for this behavior.

Is this already here? That's right, Porusalino is currently in the headquarters and has not returned.

This guy will definitely be bored if he stays here. There are too many people in Malinfando to control him.

Yo, Porusalino.

Kuzan, you came quickly. Do you know anything?

Kizaru was called here confused, thinking that Aokiji, who aspired to be the marshal, knew some inside information.

It would be better if it was a mandate from the World Government, so that he could happily return to G2 and seriously attack the revolutionary army.

I don't know. I thought you at the headquarters knew something.

The meeting was indeed a bit abrupt and allowed to bring deputies to sit in on it.

The description is extremely important, but it doesn't need to be kept secret.

Ha~~Me, you know, haha.

Still a lazy style.

Aokiji was not unaware of some rumors in the headquarters, but he bluntly said that he never thought that Kizaru would threaten him.

How can it be that the style of criticism over so many years is so easy to surpass?

He never considered this comrade when he was competing with Akainu.

After half a day, everyone arrived.

Everyone was sitting upright, waiting for Cyborg Kong to arrive and preside over the meeting.

I haven't been here for a long time. Is this here?

That's right. There have been so many meetings here. Why haven't you remembered it?

Haha, maybe I asked for leave.

The door was pushed open again, but it was not the lieutenant general who came in.

Former Marshal Warring States, former Lieutenant General Garp.

It was beyond everyone's imagination that the two mainstays of the Navy would come to attend the meeting.

The reason given by the World Government at the beginning was very good, but the fact was that they were not invited to any official meeting.

Especially during the Warring States Period, although he often did some outrageous things, he had no right to make suggestions or make decisions.

Now even Sengoku and Garp, who have been retired, have come here and immediately heightened the importance of the meeting.

After these two people arrived, Gang Gukong arrived belatedly, followed by the new CP chief.

After saluting, the CP Director also took out the live phone bug and said that the meeting would be held under the watchful eye of Lord Wulaoxing.

Today there are two things that need to be discussed by all colleagues in the Navy.

The first is that I have been acting as marshal for 6 years, but to this day the new marshal is still undecided.

Akainu died unexpectedly in battle, and there is a shortage of candidates for marshal. This is not a good thing for the development of the navy.

So select your new Navy Marshal today!

Everyone who hears this understands that only content like this deserves a conference lineup like this.

And everyone's eyes are focused on Kizaru and Aokiji. Currently, these are the only two qualified people in the navy.

In terms of reputation, he is one of the naval monsters who suppress the sea, and is a representative of the navy known to the whole world.

General Aokiji, who has a clear path to justice, has gained many followers by leading by example along the way.

One is General Kizaru who has a lazy appearance but a sincere heart. If it weren't for some recent inside information, no one would know that there is much more to this general than what appears on the outside.

This is really not a good choice.

The work done by Noah, the Warring States Period, and the World Government during this period was still very effective, at least it made up for the popularity in the initial stage.

Porusalino, who was able to unite three forces that were absolutely impossible to cooperate, was considered a chosen one to another degree.

Then comes the discussion of merit.

In terms of achievements, there is no shortage of achievements. Although Kizaru has been slightly less popular in recent years, he also repelled the attack of the revolutionary army some time ago, which is considered a great achievement.

This is much more difficult than an ordinary crusade against pirates. After all, the Revolutionary Army is an eternal pain for the navy.

It was one of the rare achievements that made the navy feel proud, so the two were unexpectedly evenly matched on the scale.

Qing Pheasant's eyes suddenly shone brightly at this moment, and his aura rose up unconsciously.

This is the practice of one's own justice. In order to change the sea according to one's own wishes, one will not retreat.

Lazy justice is just an appearance. When he was young, he was a burning justice.

It was only after O'Hara's demon-slaying order that he lost himself.

Now is the time to be yourself again.

Being stimulated by the aura, Kizaru also passively raised his aura.

A strong person is aloof at heart, and even a good friend will not push him down.

Even if he doesn’t really want to be a marshal.

Extreme frost and endless light descended on the conference room. After reaching the general level, an individual's will can easily affect everyone's five senses.

This fierce confrontation even made some lieutenants of the lieutenant general unable to bear it and retreated unconsciously.

In the end, Kizaru's chief of staff stood in front of them before they calmed down.

The momentum of the fight is evenly matched, now it’s up to the team.

A marshal must have the ability to unite most people, such as the Warring States Marshal.

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