Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 738 What can the marshal do?

The forbearance has only come into force now. If this were the case, it would be really scary.

After finishing the political affairs at hand that day, Ackerman spoke to his superiors and went out for a walk.

The reason is that I have never been to the headquarters, so I want to visit more and get to know some friends.

Kizaru didn't care about the reason why his chief of staff was always out these days. He was still thinking of ways to shirk his position as marshal.

Noah came to the square of Marineventor and felt happy looking at the magnificent naval headquarters.

This headquarters fortress is indeed very tight, and no map has been drawn until now.

This also has something to do with the fact that he has been avoiding some people.

For example, Garp, that kind of intuitive monster cannot appear in front of him easily.

It is very likely that the vest will be torn off, and the scene when the revolutionary lights show up at the Navy Headquarters will be too horrible to watch.

Neither can Sengoku and Commander He.

Smart people are hard to fool, but these two people are too cunning and vicious to mess with.

The way he was jumping up and down during this period must have attracted their attention, so he delayed the time as much as possible.

It doesn't matter when the deal is done.

Who are you going to meet today?

Hey, I saw it.

Walking towards him were the leaders of the new generation of navy.

Former Celestial Dragon, adopted son of the former Marshal Sengoku, now Rear Admiral, General Candidate Don Quixote Rocinante.

This young man is well-known within the Navy. Many people think that if he waits another 10 years, Roddy can openly run for Navy Marshal.

As the leader of the new generation, the authentic outstanding graduates of the boot camp can be said to have good roots and are good at uniting the comrades around them.

In every battle, we fight on the front line, but when we retreat, we are the last.

He never gives up on everyone, and he also likes to explain his understanding of justice and the sea to everyone.

Those angles are always so thought-provoking. This is a natural leader.

Ackerman's eyes instantly became kind.

Then he returned to the stranger's attitude and tried to get closer with a reasonable reason.

Hello, first time meeting you at headquarters. My name is Rocinante.

Well, no need to figure it out. The other party came to him directly. He was indeed the gentlest man in the department.

Ackerman. General Kizaru is directly under the chief of staff.

This made Rosinandi excited, he was a member of General Kizaru.

The current relationship between the Revolutionary Army and the Navy has been completely entrusted to Tezog.

His instruction to Rosinandi was to support General Kizaru to ascend to power, so that he could truly merge.

Now the chief of staff who bumped into each other cannot have a good chat.

So we found a hidden corner of the cafeteria and planned to talk to Ackerman in advance.

Persuading Xianyu to take the position was a big project, and he had put in a lot of effort when building momentum.

The two sat opposite each other.

Ackerman, are you still used to coming to the headquarters?


The useless conversation continued after that, with Roddy maintaining his persona of caring for the navy brothers in his branch.

When we talk about justice, we start to work hard, and all kinds of reformed revolutionary army concepts begin to impact.

After testing step by step, Rosinandi found that the other party was not exclusive about these things, and from time to time he had some understanding that seemed to go to the core.

The more we chatted, the more energetic we became. Why did the other party understand the nature of the sea better than we did?

This is the quality of a navy who has been promoted from the grassroots level. Roddy thinks his path is too smooth.

For example, Teacher Noah said before his death that he had a high starting point and did not really understand the thoughts of people at the bottom.

Be educated now.

Little did he know that Noah was also holding back, fearing that it would be embarrassing if the secret was revealed here.

As for whether you need to reveal your identity, you still need to.

but not now.

Knowing that the other person was relatively new to the headquarters, Rosinandi even asked if he could take him for a walk around Marineland.

If the follow-up conversation goes well, Rody even plans to take the other person to find his adoptive father, Warring States.

Let the old father see the concept of the navy rising from the bottom.

However, Noah still rejected the other party's invitation. He couldn't stay out for too long in a day because his parents were waiting.

At the end of the meal, Ackerman asked Rosinandi to have a private fight.

The reason is that he wants to know the strength of the best people in the Navy Headquarters.

Roddy had no problem with this request. It was normal for young people to have a fight to get closer.

It’s understandable that you don’t want to make it public just because you don’t want to lose face.

I'll have to gather some strength then. After all, General Kizaru's staff are hard to offend easily.

He is also a good brother who has such a congenial spirit.

Rody almost regarded the opponent as his recent strategy target, and he was also the most critical person influencing Kizaru.

Then let's do it tomorrow night. I know there is a special island near Marineland. Let's have a good fight, hahahahaha.

The school grounds at the headquarters are surrounded by people whenever there is a fight, so it is not suitable for private battles.

Rosinandi, who was still thinking about using some force, ended the conversation with satisfaction.

Ackerman also slowly walked back to the general's office, with an interesting smile on his lips.

Ackerman, is there any news in the headquarters today?

I met several lieutenant generals who are very optimistic about you. It turns out that General Kizaru, your reputation in this headquarters is so high!

Ackerman spoke in an unexpected tone.

This kind of heartfelt praise from his subordinates was very helpful to Kizaru, but something was wrong with this situation.

Everyone should know about his behavior over the years. How can he have a reputation that surpasses Qing Pheasant?

I don’t understand, I don’t understand.

What reason do you think I should use to return to the G2 branch?

There is no way for now unless the revolutionary army invades again.

How could the revolutionary army just come? The relationship between them has not reached this stage yet.

Then you think if, I mean if you become a marshal.

How should we deal with that chaotic situation?”

Kizaru was also depressed and casually talked about it. At present, his colleagues have no objections, Sengoku is very supportive, and the World Government is also supportive. There is a high probability that he will become the marshal.

Just follow what you want in your heart. Being a marshal is not a soldier.

However, the position that both General Akainu and General Aoji want to obtain also represents the heaviest pressure.

After all, enforcing justice requires determination.


When Kizaru saw the plaque hanging in his office, was he really so determined?

Yes, determination.

Anyone who prevents true justice from coming to the world is a paper tiger.

My subordinates are willing to accompany Mr. Kizaru to clear away the filth in this world.

Ackerman put his hands on the knife and made his own pledge.

Kizaru looked at it and smiled bitterly.

“I’ve been watching you doing clerical work lately and I’ve forgotten that your concept of justice is somewhat similar to Akainu’s.

By the way, what is your justice?

Burning Justice!

As expected of a swordsman who goes forward without hesitation, he is really good.

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