The leading guard captain saw that there was no one else in the cemetery. He didn't know what to do for a while, so he lowered his head and waited for instructions respectfully.

It's okay, it was my perception that was wrong. I'm sorry, everyone, please step aside.

The defense patrol members who didn't know what was going on retreated again.

Long squeezed the wooden sign in his arms tightly, and his heart was filled with emotions.

The airflow around him flew around randomly and lifted up his robe and messy hair.

Surprised and a little scared at the same time?

Is it true or false? You'll know as soon as you go.


The figure carrying the strong wind soared into the sky. After sensing its direction in mid-air, it calmed down and hid in the clouds.

Flying faster and faster, he was not worried that it was a trap at this time.

This location is the second core in the South China Sea and will not give the enemy a chance to set traps.

Even if there is, you can break it by yourself.

As long as he cannot be killed immediately, a steady stream of masters will come to support him.

This is Nanhai’s confidence.

Arrive at the capital of the South China Sea Federation. Long hid his figure outside and put on a cloak to cover his face and entered the city.

As the first country in the South China Sea to be ruled by the revolutionary army besides the Sobel Kingdom.

The prosperity here has surpassed most capitals on this sea.

Maybe only the first few ports of the Shampoo Islands can be combined together to be able to make a fight.

This place is at the forefront of the world in terms of politics, culture, economy, and all aspects.

It was already evening when the dragon arrived. But the lights are still bright here. Everyone has endless energy to walk on the road.

I am not in the mood to inspect the specific situation of this Pearl of the South China Sea at the moment. Instead, he followed the address on the wooden sign and came to a tavern.

Seventh Heaven is a bar operating on Midgar Street 7

This was not the stronghold of the revolutionary army that he knew.

In fact, after the revolutionary army came to the stage, the strongholds in the South China Sea have turned from darkness to light.

So when he came to such a tavern, he was still a little cautious.

There was still some contempt for the World Government's methods before, but after the O'Hara incident, there was no slightest disdain anymore.

Even with all the exposure, this place is still an ordinary bar.

After there was no dangerous reaction, he opened the door and walked in.

It's quite lively inside, with all kinds of people staying up late at night drinking here.

Sure enough, as the capital of the South China Sea Federation, the lives of people here are more colorful in the second half of the night.

However, as long as they do not violate the laws and regulations established by the revolutionary army, they will do whatever they want.

Of course, the large number of people may also have something to do with the female bar owner. The long straight black hair and heroic eyes are really good-looking.

The dragon pushing through the door also attracted the attention of the tavern guests.

Anyone who covers their face so tightly at night is either a criminal or someone who is not a very legitimate professional.

Although various management regulations have been promulgated in the South China Sea, people wearing masks still cannot be controlled.

Long also wanted to keep a low profile. His face was quite famous in the South China Sea, and he was afraid of attracting everyone's attention when he appeared here.

Did you choose this pub to hide something with its popularity?

As soon as I entered the door, I felt the fleeting breath. So he naturally walked to the back door of the bar.

When he walked from the back door into the alley, a silver-white halo appeared in front of his eyes.

Ha! You bastard.

At this moment, Long didn't know what to say about his mood. Angry and shocked. There was emotion and a subtle sense of relief.

After saying that, Long confidently walked in.

Then the aperture disappeared, and it was quiet here as if nothing had happened. No one knew that the supreme leader of the revolutionary army had disappeared from this world for such a short time.

Did you almost cry just now?

I thought she was an old woman selling oden by the way she was chattering away.

He was met with a mocking smile.

Fart, I want to beat you up right now.

It was rare for Brother Gao Leng to use foul language. Long looked at the figure opposite him unkindly, and after speaking, he pounced towards him.


He hugged the other person and said something.

Welcome back, Comrade Noah.


In this confined space, the dragon slapped Noah on the back crazily and laughed wildly.

At the same time, he wiped the tears from his eyes. This was the touch of regaining something, not the tears of weakness.

Long, who wanted to be strong in his life, would never admit that he shed tears.

Noah's face turned pale and he coughed after being photographed.

Long frowned and let out his sense of perception.

The injury hasn't healed yet?

Do you want to go to Cinggu Island to have a look? Now Luo went to find Kuleha. With their medical strength, treatment would definitely be no problem.

Noah still shook his head.

“I understand my own situation, and I’ll be fine with just half a year of rest.

Since you have chosen to remain anonymous, you have to do the whole thing. The more people who know, the more dangerous it is.

Well, it’s still the revolutionary light that is so cautious that no flaws are revealed.

So, was it because you hid from Im's sight that day until now?

At this point, Long's tone already contained an evil tone.

You know how many people are sad and in pain because of his death.

The current difficult situation is also due to this.

As a result, this guy hid quietly without telling anyone else. It was too much.

etc! What Robin said at the funeral in the cemetery was hard to come by.

After finally surviving, I contacted Robin alone, just to keep it a secret.


The use of this word is a little scary.

Yeah, come to life.

I recalled what happened that day again.

Noah did make a plan for Yim's arrival, and Akainu and Yim were even the protagonists in this scene.

He knew that even if he killed Akainu out of personal vendetta in a one-on-one duel, there would still be many people in the navy who would hate him.

And will do everything possible to avenge Akainu.

Dying in a duel only slightly reduces the hatred of the neutral faction.

The hard-line hawks will at least hinder the cooperation between the navy and the revolutionary army.

Just attack and kill revolutionary warriors from time to time and create some disputes to make people miserable.

The generals and marshals who have the best relationship with Akainu will definitely have opinions about him in their hearts.

The fact that Sengoku almost took action that day is proof of this.

They may succumb to the overall situation rationally, but if they care just a little bit, some key points may become the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Then Im's appearance is just right.

He couldn't wait to duel with Akainu, and he only became anxious after being watched by Im for the first time.

Robin once asked him why now and did he sense any opportunity?

This is the opportunity. He used himself as bait to let Im help him solve this biggest difficulty.

But at that time, it was designed based on the Menmen Fruit.

Since for the first time, you can escape from the opponent's gaze through the Gate Fruit. Then there should be nothing wrong with using it the second time.

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