Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 729 Take a step back and the world will be brighter

Marinefando, the headquarters of the most powerful armed force on the sea.

There was a scene of solemnity today, with countless soldiers wearing formal military uniforms appearing on the square.

Click, click, jam.

The honor guard carried a coffin to the center of the square.

The navy decided to hold a grand funeral today in Marineland to pay homage to a naval admiral who had carried out his will.

It can be said that Akainu's wealth is his salary and nothing else.

So I just used one of his navy uniforms to make a tomb.

Most of the top generals came to the scene, including the World Government who sent people down.

The World Medal that was planned to be awarded was rejected by the Warring States Period, and the Navy Cross was re-awarded.

At present, only Garp and Sengoku have obtained it, which can be regarded as a summary of Akainu's life.

Under the auspices of Gang Gukong, everyone appeared in line in front of the coffin with solemn expressions.

All the subordinates directly under Sakaski were present, with suppressed sadness in their eyes.

The general didn't like his subordinates to cry, so Mole and the others suppressed their emotions and saluted.

Afterwards, the officials of the World Government briefly stated Akainu's achievements under the threatening eyes of Sengoku and then withdrew.

The momentum of the navy is terrible.

After the marshal's speech, everyone came forward to express their condolences.

A figure said something with an amazing chill.

Sakaski, the glory of the men of the sea cannot be tarnished by petty men.

So I will definitely find the guy who attacked you and avenge you.

This was what Qing Pheasant said in public, and no one thought there was a problem.

Without knowing the inside story, Kuzan used his true temperament to impress all his naval colleagues.

This is a truly passionate man.

Amid the outrage, other generals spoke out their true thoughts.

Yes, we must kill that despicable guy.

That's right. Even if it's a fair fight, there is such a villain. He must be sent to the execution platform.

My ghost spider must

I'm a mole

The tens of thousands of sailors behind him also said some excited words.

Maybe not everyone has such a good relationship with Akainu, but the grief of the rabbit's death coupled with the infection from the surrounding environment.

Except for the old navy soldiers present, Seng Guo, who knew the truth and remained silent, other soldiers also shouted excitedly.

In an instant, Marine Fando was filled with murderous intent. This was the anger of the navy.

Even Kizaru tried to say something.

But when I reflect on it, I have nothing to say, and the limelight at this time can add points to the position of marshal.

So he closed his mouth tightly.

'Let Kuzan be the marshal is a better choice. ’

Porusalino is a little pessimistic about the future situation of the sea, and there will be an era where even the generals and the four emperors will fall one after another.

If he met Akainu's enemy, he would definitely rush to take revenge, but since he had average abilities, it was better for him to keep a low profile.

And the story between the two statements, as well as the confrontation between the two marshals, seems to have a darker inside story.

Just a general should not get involved.

Who would have thought that if you retreat, you will withdraw from the vast sea and sky.

The five old stars on the Red Earth Continent were watching the ceremony through the relay phone. As a result,

They saw the unity of the navy, the killing intent of a hundred thousand elites, and the leading navy admiral.

Qing Pheasant, you need to hone your shortcomings in daily achievements.

That's right. He only has passion and doesn't understand the reality of the sea. It's completely wrong to let Garp teach people.

It's a pity Akainu, but this is a great sacrifice.

Then there's almost only one chance left.

Although he is usually aloof, he also understands practical matters. He is the only one.

Steel Bone Kong Kong, who was at the scene, had a livid face and didn't know what to say.

The current general trend of the navy has been condensed into an iron plate by the death of Akainu. If you say the wrong thing, you will be counterattacked.

So I could only speed up the process and go through the funeral.

When he returned to the office, he was immediately recalled to the Red Earth Continent.

At the same time, the South China Sea was still quiet, as if there were no statements from the navy and the world government.

The revolutionary lights are still out there somewhere seriously working to overthrow the world government.

Countless people watched for a long time but failed to notice the movements of the revolutionary army. So did Noah fall?


Morgans, who had just returned from Malinfando, was more confident than anyone else.

More confident than anyone in the Revolutionary Army. Oh, and he's also a member of the Revolutionary Army now.

Even though there was countless information showing that Noah was dead, he just didn't believe it.

All statements in the newspaper were directly conveyed to the original text of the World Government and the Navy, and rarely any comments were given.

How could a conspirator who knew how to hide himself at the age of twelve really be killed in a surprise attack as stated in the statement?

Wouldn't it be simple for a smart man who could even be caught and recruited into the revolutionary army to fake his death?

Even if Noah died in front of him, it might be a lie and a temptation.

No one understood the revolutionary lights better than Morgans, a journalist who had been collecting dirt since the days of Adam.

He is proud to say that he was Noah's biggest fan before, and that kind of worship was fanatical.

So is Noah dead?

One night, the Island of Resurrection.

There are no brightly lit scenes here anymore, and there are no more boot camps that gather for emergency training in the middle of the night.

Except for the staff, Tiger's fishmen troops and the department responsible for reception, everyone else has moved away.

Long, who is still here, is currently practicing on the mountain.

The breeze in the sky swirled around him.

It was originally rotating normally, but after a while it twisted at a very weird angle.

Then it twisted until the air flow was out of control, and finally it couldn't be controlled and exploded.

Or not.

During this period of time, his practice had been in trouble, and his fruit abilities were inconsistent with his state of mind.

In the past, dragons were nature's darlings, able to turn violent air currents into gentle breezes flowing through the fingertips.

It can also send a gust of wind from the shore dozens of nautical miles away and turn it into a natural disaster that destroys everything.

The power of nature is so capricious.

But when he found that such power could not achieve the direction he wanted, conflict arose.

fruit ability

Forget it, let's practice physical skills.

For top experts, training in physical skills is almost useless.

No one has seen Big Mom running around the island shouting slogans, and no one has seen Kaido doing push-ups.

This thing is the real talent. The fact that the Mengqi family has a physique that is different from ordinary people is beyond everyone's imagination.

But no matter how hard I train my body, even if I reach the limit, I still don't have the same passion to break through the limit in my heart.

Reason made him stop exercising.

If this continues, it will be ineffective, waste time, and cause damage to the body.

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