There was confusion in his eyes, how could he perform meritorious service without leaving the branch?

I can't understand the old marshal of the Warring States Period more and more. I always feel that he has become more unpredictable after he left office.

After reading them, I froze both letters into powder and scattered them in the air.

I don’t know if Porusalino received the letter.

The relationship between this bastard and Noah is unclear, and the conversation may be more lively than his.

The sea is becoming more and more unfamiliar.

Kizaru did receive the letter.

The task of sending letters to the G2 branch is much easier than that of G1.

Just send any expert to deliver it.

Kizaru are accustomed to this kind of letters, and they even have a dedicated mailbox.

Every time there is a new newspaper or magazine in Nanhai, a copy will be sent over. With the ability of the shining fruit, ordinary people can't keep track of it.

You can easily bypass the surveillance of the world government, and you have a clear conscience anyway.

Where are you going to hang out with?

I simply read Noah's letter and then destroyed it.

Nothing special, just the usual greetings.

By the way, he also advised him to become a naval marshal and build a brave new world together.

Still unmoved, Noah, a naughty guy, must have some conspiracy.

I, Mr. Kizaru, will not take the bait unless the World Government and the Naval Revolutionary Army lift him up together.

Ah ha, it makes me happy just thinking about it. How is it possible~~

But after the new marshal takes office, he must cut off contact with the revolutionary army.

After all, why is it that a leader of the revolutionary army keeps writing letters to him, a naval admiral?

The new boss will be unhappy. We workers must be conscious.

Kizaru was in a good mood and had no intention of fighting for anything, but it was different for some people.

Akainu, who had just returned from hunting pirates outside the New World, was in a very unhappy mood.

The biggest gain from this trip was just a pirate worth 500 million berries.

Such achievements are really beyond the reach of a general.

And the big pirates with more than 1 billion are basically in the depths of the New World.

Either it was an older generation captain like Yin Ax or Wang Zhi. The more powerful ones are among the only two remaining imperial groups.

No matter who is involved, it will affect the current chaotic situation of the new world. It would be difficult for Akainu to go in and hunt without orders from the headquarters.

I can only feel anxious secretly in the G1 branch.

Now he and Aokiji have never stopped shouting, and even Kizaru is not far behind them.

That bastard received a lot of praise even though he did nothing, which made him very angry.

He believed that he had devoted a lot of effort to the navy and would never agree with such a bastard.

If he becomes a marshal, he must bring Kizaru to the new world and order him to attack the Cross Guild.

Being able to fight and run, this constantly weakening combat method is more suitable for the current situation where large troops cannot be dispatched.

The Shining Fruit is no worse than the Door Fruit in terms of maneuverability.

If this guy can get serious, Akainu is not sure who will win between them.

No one has ever seen Kizaru truly explode.

There is also Aokiji, who is too indecisive on many things.

If he becomes marshal, he will directly issue orders to actively create friction on the periphery of the South China Sea.

Kill a few more revolutionary troops to form a blood feud, so that his comrades will not hesitate.

Hatred is also a driving force, so that the navy and the revolutionary army will not have any collusion.

Akainu will also trust his comrades more.

The navy must look like a navy.

In short, I am very dissatisfied with the current Navy Akainu.

Only his lieutenant generals and part of the navy were still firm.

This time, Chisakaski, who was dissatisfied with the harvest, still walked to his office with a stinky face after getting off the warship.

I just nodded to the high-status generals I met on the road.

Others also walked around the general. Anyone could tell that the other person was in a bad mood.

After entering the office and sitting in front of the desk, I was thinking about how to get a big credit when I suddenly felt shocked.

There is a little dissonance in the strong man's induction.

Although there was not even the slightest flaw in his aura, Akainu, who believed more in his own instincts, immediately identified the incongruity.

As expected, there were something like letters in my desk.

Wrap the armed color around the arm and open the drawer.

If the other party wanted to use assassination, it would be too low-level.

Ever since he was attacked by Noah, he had been following that enemy in terms of caution.

It's really a letter, with the cover facing up.

There's also some font on it, a very familiar font.

Akainu personally sealed it and signed it as Noah.

There are no sudden eruptions of magma volcanoes. He didn't smash the table in anger. Even the corners of his clothes didn't flutter very much.

But the air in the office seemed to be stagnant, and there seemed to be two balls of fire in his eyes.


It’s really been a long time since I’ve been exposed to it.

This letter may be a conspiracy, haha.

The corner of his mouth showed a cold light like a vicious dog, and he seemed to see the man he would never forget through the letter.

He didn't notify the World Government or call his subordinates to ask if anyone had entered his office.

He studied his old enemy Akainu very deeply.

There is a file cabinet full of collected information on various opponents.

Every day when I have a break, I look at this information and try to find the opponent's weaknesses.

The more I look at it, the more I understand what a cautious and evil monster this is.

Noah will not leave any clues by himself, so there is no need to do any useless work.

Out of some personal vendetta, he would not hand over the letter to the CP department for them to test.

Sakaski believes more in his abilities.

And I don’t want more people to know the content of the letter.

A kind of ambition kindled in his heart. This bastard is definitely not here to reminisce.

I tore the letter open and a few thin pieces of paper fell out.

Akainu old dog!

After reading it, Akainu closed his eyes, and then a smile appeared on his lips.

Use yourself as bait to give me a great gift to be promoted to the position of marshal.

So brave!

Sakaski did not expect that his old enemy would risk everything to fight him when the position of marshal was still unclear.

Make a fight!

The kind that fights to the death and is not allowed to inform the Navy and the World Government.

The ghost of O'Hara faces off against the executioner Admiral.

Noah won, and it was a chance to relieve the Navy's most staunch opposition.

The pattern behind the sea can be altered by him.

The navy's current hesitant attitude may change its relationship with the revolutionary army.

Akainu won. He extinguished the revolutionary lights on the spot and ascended to the position of marshal of the navy, completely destroying the most important source of unrest on the sea.

Noah no longer exists. The revolutionary army in the South China Sea will lose its core pillar.

A war of extermination could have been launched before and the group of rebels in the South China Sea could be completely wiped out.

The time was chosen well.

The allure of this suggestion is unparalleled at this juncture.

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