Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 695 Ambition of the Warring States Period

Teacher Noah, you really gave me a difficult problem this time.

But I have to finish it even if I risk my life.

Now that the pressure in the South China Sea is so great, it’s time to help share this part of the pressure.

Rosinandina, who returned to the Navy Headquarters, must first send a message to the Warring States Period.

I came to the study of the Warring States Period, chatted for a few words in a pretentious manner, put down the letter, and left. Now I don't even pretend.

Warring States also helplessly watched his adopted son go away. He was raising a rebellious son.

I thought to myself that only Garp was not here, otherwise I really hope that old guy would give you a hard time.

Seeing Rosinandi's arrogant look, he seemed to see the man with broken black hair standing behind him.

At the same time, the feeling of sympathy for Karp came to mind.

The consequences of being unkind are too tragic.

The helpless old marshal opened the letter to see what else the kid could say to him.

Perhaps the commotion in the South China Sea these days has something to do with the content of this letter.

Until now, the Navy's intelligence department still doesn't understand why there are such big moves in the South China Sea.

It seems that there are some problems at the Revolutionary Army headquarters, and a large number of departments are scattered around the South China Sea.

This sudden operation shocked many spies, and Warring States did not figure out the reason for doing so at first.

After seeing the dispersion of several departments, I had a vague feeling of enlightenment.

In fact, doing so is a good thing for the revolutionary army.

Decentralization plays a more beneficial role in the promotion of some government affairs content, and it also promotes the migration and replication of economic and political core.

I just didn't expect that the revolutionary army would have such strong determination and courage to take the initiative to change its structure despite the inertial development.

Any error in any link here may cause cracks in their solid interior.

After leaving the Island of Resurrection, if they can unite like this again, they will have to rely on the strong link power of space and time.

Warring States just sighed, but did not know the inside story behind it.

Im is one of the main reasons for this change.

Open the letter in your hand.

I feel like the paper is a little lighter this time, unlike in the past when I wrote on a thick pile of paper.

The beginning is still the familiar Noah style.

The writing is brilliant and gorgeous, and it also makes some commonplace points.

Looking further down made Zeng Guo's expression calm down, even becoming very solemn.

Does the Revolutionary Army have the power to overthrow the world government?

Comparison of Strength between the Revolutionary Army and the Navy.

Can the navy have the ability to overthrow the world government and establish a new order?

as well as

Can the revolutionary army and navy defeat the world government?

The boldness and boldness of several topics here surprised the Warring States Period.

Until now, the Warring States Period did not believe that the Revolutionary Army had the ability to challenge the World Government.

Give them another 50 years to make it possible.

How can the gap of 800 years be caught up so quickly?

The South China Sea was accomplished by Noah through years of planning and trickery.

Although they achieved a staged victory, they were trapped in the South China Sea and could not move for these years.

In the future, there will be fewer and fewer ideological disseminations and armed riots, and checks and balances in all aspects are slowly tightening.

This is just the world government completing this step without investing too much resources.

If they really try to overthrow, the oppression the revolutionary army will face is from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside.

Even with the help of humans, the 800-year rule of the World Government can kill the revolutionary army.

So the option of overturning was never in Sengoku's mind.

Even if Marjorie is defeated by taking ten thousand steps back, the world will fall into the greatest darkness in a short period of time.

Disorderly chaos will kill countless people, and the revolutionary army simply does not have the power to suppress the entire sea.

This is why the Warring States Period was still undecided even though they knew how advanced and excellent the Revolutionary Army's system was and how suitable their development philosophy was for the sea.

The world government is too powerful.

As a naval marshal, you can always see the tip of the iceberg in the intelligence within the navy.

The second question is the strength comparison between the revolutionary army and the navy.

Sengoku, who knew the navy extremely well, quickly came to a conclusion.

The navy has an overwhelming advantage in the comparison of underlying combat power and military strength. With its size, it can overwhelm ordinary soldiers of the revolutionary army.

The intermediate forces are also overwhelmingly defeated, but the Revolutionary Army has developed very rapidly in recent years and has a certain ability to maintain a stalemate.

As for the most advanced strength, the opponent is already on par with the navy, and even has a certain advantage.

At this point, the revolutionary army would also like to thank the navy for its efforts.

Without Garp’s day-to-day special training and the resources of the Navy, Monkey D. Dragon would not have achieved such high achievements, possessing today’s strength and broad horizons.

The eventual establishment of the Revolutionary Army can also be said to be due to the excellent education within the navy.

The concept of justice proposed by the Warring States Period played the most important role, which made him understand one thing.

Don't do anything you can't do, and speak righteously every day, sooner or later there will be disputes.

What's more, the chief instructor of the navy, Zifa, was poached and became the chief instructor of the revolutionary army.

With decades of training experience and research results from the navy, he took the initiative to provide core support for the revolutionary army in the mid-to-late period. It can be called a blood-generating artifact.

The two most critical figures were both bred from the navy. This has led to the fact that the revolutionary army has gained a certain advantage in terms of top combat power.

So the answer to this question is very simple. In terms of overall capabilities, the navy is still stronger than the revolutionary army.

When he was still a human being, even if a top expert could fight for 10 days and 10 nights, there was a limit.

Except for those who can escape like the Menmen Fruit, other strong people cannot escape the trap of encirclement and killing.

As for the navy itself overthrowing the world government and replacing it with another

This dangerous idea was also within the planning scope of the Warring States Period.

He took the route of internal reform and tried to artificially adjust the direction of the sea by enhancing the autonomy of the navy.

In the end, the world government had to change its previous course to obtain some peace and justice for the people on the sea.

But I never thought about overthrowing it directly by force. I mostly wanted to achieve this goal through peaceful evolution.

How could the Navy Admiral not understand the World Government's trump card at all?

It can be seen from the endless stream of CP0s who die and live again, live and die again.

Except for the top experts who cannot mass-produce, there are many means below the top.

If you are willing to devote 800 years of knowledge, you can explode a bunch of first-rate masters at any time.

And what does the Navy have?

The navy's annual allocation is specially approved by the world government, and most of the money is subject to supervision, making it impossible for them to develop uncontrolled armed forces.

The navy, which controls the economic lifeline, is inherently unsound.

Dependent on the World Government in many, many ways, that's how that group of people control the navy.

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